1. Thadco says:

    Magic Bucket never goes empty. lol

    • Hugo Smedlap says:

      I think you are right. They take out at least 4 and the bucket doesn’t change.

      I’ve never tried this, I’d like to go get a bucket and see it looks anything like the commercials. Do they have lids?

  2. Tim says:

    The little girl is repeating hand jestures where she was coached. Nobody seems to actually be eating the chicken. This is probably a good thing but I’d suspect the reason they are not eating it is not so much that it’s extremely nasty (except for the fake mashed potatoes ‘n’ gravy) but because someone might be more likely to recognize them as nappy-headed, stereotypical ‘black’ and they want to be able to still go to the white-folk school and get the white-folk medicine. — Also, where’s the watermelon?

    It’s either that, or they’re just not endowed with much of an appetite after going off the crackrock for the $35 they got for this lame ’70s commercial.

  3. Tim says:

    Also, that setting is either a mortuary or a chemistry lab… who has that many sinks?? The floral piece in the back lends me to mortuary being more likely.

    Any brethren out there recently recieved a donated kidney that smelled like shit and secret spices??

    • Greg Allen says:

      I noticed the faucets — they did seem more like what you see in a high school science classroom.

      But, who knows if that was a mistake. I see weird faucets in kitchens.

  4. Bullshit Artist says:

    You don’t even have to start playing the video. Just look at how excited they are!

    The little girl is clearly looking for direction off camera. The little boy is looking at the little girl as if she just kneed him or something. The father is looking as if to say, “what can I do about it? I’m just here since I’m supposed to be here.” And the mother? Could she look any more disinterested, tired and strung out?!

    Ya! great images KFC. That’s your typical customer. Dumb ass people who chose KFC as the last place they wanted to be.

    Now play the video. Watch as the father uses the chicken leg instead of the usual 2-finger vomit gesture.

    • Tim says:

      I know. It’s like *you expect us to eat this slave crap?? We’d rather be at walmart; Get on with it, then…

      • Greg Allen says:

        I know! A grease-dripping slice of pizza the size of elephant ear with a bucket of sugar water is so much more healthy. Walmart is the place for fine dining.

  5. spsffan says:

    Besides the .3 second cuts that make it hard to even look at without having a seizure ?

  6. Mr. Cool says:


    I just realized that there are EIGHT comments already and not one of them from that long-winded self-indulged piece of crap calling itself Bobbo!

    • Tim says:

      Well, then; You haven’t been around long as it’s pronounced and spelled *bobbo* without the yelling, first-letter-of-my-name caps.

      Anyways… It’s probably his commercial, anyways:: Global Warming. **It tastes just like chicken so you can only recognize it when we tell you after the fact-of-the-matter of which you just ate…

      {fuck it, tollybong…. I’m going back to not being self-conscious about abusing hyphens… you really fucked me up!!}

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Thank you Timmmmay. I wanted to go with “bbbbbbobbo” but I didn’t think enough folks would get it.

        You got potential!

  7. Ukrainian refugee says:

    Hmm. Looks pretty good, but I’m confused about ethnicity and immigration/asylum — Do they sell ‘souce’??

  8. webstershamm says:

    If your family will not eat your food, your a shity cook.
    so bad in fact they would rather eat the worst possible take out food there is.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    all of you missed it…. the pieces they are “eating” never get smaller from the “bites” taken out of them..

    the ‘ketchup’ in the bbq sauce dip counts as a veggie…

  10. sargasso_c says:

    Makes me want to eat chicken.

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Free Chicken Strips here:


  12. usagi says:

    At the :10 mark, the little boy is feeding his meat to his mother!

  13. D says:

    Why is the camera shaking so much?

  14. bobbo, home chef and gourmet gourmand says:

    How do I KFC?

    I buy whole chickens (Smart and Final this week: 79 cents a pound) and make my own strips from the breast meat. I like a panko almond nut coating right now but I change it constantly. Drums and Thighs deep fried or oven baked (depends on what else I’m doing) for use later as snack, side, or main course. Pick the remains for tidbits to make ground chicken for salads and spreads, and used the bones to make a nice thick soup base.

    Good Eats.

    • Greg Allen says:

      We do a whole chicken a couple times a month as well. It’s one of the best protein deals around (although I hate to think about industrial chicken raising.)

      We can get about three meals out of one chicken but I don’t have the patience to make my own ground meat or tenders.

      It’s usually — 1) sliced from the whole chicken; 2) shredded for Asian noodles or in burritos; 3) Soup.

      And then, dog treats. Very little goes in the garbage.

  15. noname says:

    WHAT A BUNCH of SUCKERS!!!!!!!!!





  16. Jimmy says:

    Besides the obvious food styling, ensuring the bucket is never not full, I find it disturbing that they never say the word “chicken”. It’s always “tenders”.

    Tenders of WHAT??

    • Greg Allen says:

      I would guess “tenders = pink slime” but KFC claims they don’t do that.

      So, I guess breast and maybe thigh.

  17. WmDE says:

    The biggest problem is that KFC has fielded an ad with the letters EMS displayed in the center of the screen. Time for a new ad agency.

  18. Jules Reid says:

    #how do yo ukfc?

  19. mainecat says:

    They are all sucking white meat….

  20. Peppeddu says:

    The fact that they are eating crap and the mother is telling the daughter “you’re happy”.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    Is the problem that the mother thinks eating KFC is some sort of parenting victory?

  22. Greg Allen says:

    Despite my snipe above, I don’t see anything wrong in this ad. Is it a technical issues? I don’t see it.

    As for a specific health issue with KFC — I don’t have one aside from the fact that Americans eat too much fattening fast food.

    I live in the inner city and I see how some poorer kids eat _a lot_ of the “value menu” type food. But, I go to the suburbs and it seems just as bad… they just order the food with the bigger fonts on the menu board.

    Only the top 1% can avoid fast food as a class of people.

    • bobbo, home chef and gourmet gourmand says:

      Not true Greg…. and you KNOW I luv to rail against the 1%….but I make zero per year and cook as much as I can from scratch. Sadly, besides money, what a lot of poor people lack is ….. an interest in cooking as a hobby/life experience. But when you’ve done most other hobbies and you do have to eat everyday…cooking is kinda a natural.

      Page one of this thread has 3-4 good listings of whats wrong…. with a Bingo. Didn’t you respond there? Musta been some other thread??

    • Hmeyers says:

      Greg deserves a medal.

      First, KFC isn’t actual chicken.

      In fact, KFC isn’t even made from actual food. Notice that even Vegan don’t complain about KFC since there is no meat involved in the product and has an infinite lifespan because no bacteria are interested in it either.

  23. x says:

    I know what the problem is. The food appears to be edible.

    • Tim says:

      I think we’ve found a critic… ^^

      And Bullshit Artist says “”Watch as the father uses the chicken leg instead of the usual 2-finger vomit gesture.


      Today, on the drive, I thought about how KFC and my attitudes toward them have changed over the years..

      little kid:: Loved it. Every sunday, couldn’t wait. I only have ever since eaten a leg with mashed potato mimic and ‘gravy’.

      colledge:: Loved it. Would get a leg and extra potatoes/hold slaw and small drink for like $2.69 — or was that captain d’s price for the 2-piece fish’n’fry/hold slaw.

      now:: I still try to like it from time to time but do not and I seem to be slightly allergic to something in most of that crap today anyways — always makes me cough for some reason. Price has gone up a buck or so but no drink, no extra potatoes, and i hate sporks.

      Wendys:: used to be the best (even if it was worms). Nasty now.

      cap’n D’s:: it’s not always nasty now, just overpriced. I hear tell that it used to be mako shark is why the fish was good, clean, non-slimy but sometime ago it went to cod.

      Sonic:: So sad that little squashed thing they call a sonic burger now. Even the tater tots never sit right with me anymore.

      Subway’s:: Hmm. I never ate *right* there anyways — always just ham’n’swiss on wheat/heat it up/mayonnaise — place always smelled like fruit flies and white people even back when the bread was not like chewing on cardbord.

      I hated mcdonalds, except for those nuggets… yuck. Somehow, we were always there scratching silver latex crap for some kind of lottery/game, collecting and assorting those, and going on to get the silver crap all over the fries — Which I do like, still. Something nasty in there, I’m sure, though. Bevis, Butthead, frenchflies. Heherheheeee.

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    It’s an endless bucket of chicken. No matter how much they eat or dip it never goes down.
    Now that’s value!

  25. Benjamin says:

    I didn’t see anything really wrong with the commercial. Is it just me? I saw a typical family eating the advertise fast food. Nothing about the family stood out. They look almost like a family from my church.

    The only thing I really saw wrong is that the children can’t sit still to eat dinner. However, since parents can’t discipline their children anymore, what do you expect?

    Of course, it is an advertisement, so keep your BS filter up, but it is just a commercial. Not all shows can be paid for by viewer/producers, so need to be paid for via the advertisement model. If you don’t like advertisements, then watch something with a value for value model like The No Agenda Show. Or the subscription model like Netflix.

  26. Bob Harris says:

    Nothing wrong there (besides a mother cheerfully poisoning her children).

  27. Marc Perkel says:

    I blame global warming.

  28. Joey says:

    All the chicken fingers they eat look like a penis with testicles, and the way they eat them is highly suggestive. I can’t believe I’m the only one who noticed this. Either I’m a very observant or I’m a pervert.

  29. MikeN says:

    Right there in the title. It’s impossible to sit like that.

  30. David says:

    They are double dipping the chicken, if one is sick they all will be sick


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