Extremely Informative with lots of good graphics and statistics. Not a gloom and doom piece.
By Marc Perkel Monday March 31, 2014
Extremely Informative with lots of good graphics and statistics. Not a gloom and doom piece.
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This will be an EXCELLENT CHALLENGE to my nom de flame: can a piece regarding human population be “Extremely Informative” and NOT BE “doom and gloom?”
It will take a day or two to get through it…. time restraints what they are.
…..to not be doom and gloom….it must….what ….. skip over any predictions about the future? Or make some hopeful statement that science will provide an answer?
WHAT…… I wonder?
Note: easy to respond to a blog…takes 2-3 minutes. Reviewing a one hour video===takes one hour and best if continuous. Different task totally.
No one has tasked you with responding. Or are you o the payroll of George Soros?
To a point of salutation exchanged with jp on some recent thread:
Around here (MO) many natives use their own colloquial contraction. I believe this extends to parts of Appalachia also.
hmm..I guess we cannot embed images or one would be posted in my entry above
Excellent additions. I couldn’t think of another one… but you are exactly correct.
Can I think of, make up, another one? ………….
While I’m thinking, I am in mind of the joke regarding the difference between Northern Women and Southern Women. The Northern Woman says: “You can.” and the Southern Woman says: “You’all can.” What the joke is exactly, I don’t know…. being sexually inexperienced as I am.
The only expression that comes to mind is: “All you’all can…” but again I don’t know what that means…..or even if I “used to?”
Does seem to me that BOSTON should have some unique expression as they so often do… Maine too?… Close to Canada: “You can…eh?”
Gawwwd Dammmmn….. sucker drags. totally bored out by the fertility decline of Bangladesh and rest of the world, so I skipped up to rising incomes in the Third World..same deal.
He never actually deals with the effects of Mother Earth topping out at 11 Billion people (21:30)
52:00==what does it take for a good life?==ie Energy, Climate Change, Consumption of resources.
At 55:30 he stubs his toe, ignores it, but his presentation is a total piece of trash: His “solution” is that the top 2 Billion richest folks in the world need to “find” a way to reduce their consuumption so that the middle 5 Billion can grow to their desired consumption level.
RAISE YOUR HAND: who wants to give up all their cars, all their plane rides and start using mopeds????????
Whats that?????====None of You?????
And thereby hangs the tale. We’re all Fucked.
New IPCC report came out today. Yes…increasing co2 makes crops grow more……………….IF THEY HAVE THE FREAKING WATER to do so====and they won’t.
I said it once, I’ll say it again: the one sided discussions here at DU have made me come to recognize what going over the tipping point of 350ppm means: our civilization is going to self destruct. Decreased food if not a crash of the ocean/eco system, raising water causing displacement of 50% of society population and infrastructure.
Its……….unavoidable and the trends are only getting worse. We will all be dead….but not before the worlds population generally accepts the derailed train WE have set our kiddies on. There have already been shows on what we might do in extremity…like have ships in the ocean that put reflective vapor into the air…or cover GREEN greenland in white sheets…or my favorite==pick a weak country and set off 5-6 nuke bombs at ground level to blow dust up in the air.
Its goodbye civilization…. already poisoned ourselves….. just need time for it to take full effect.
Silly sad hoomans. Still arguing about HARD SCIENCE!!!
Nothing can be done. So it looks like you no should no longer support cap and trade, carbon taxes, and will support the Keystone Pipeline.
The earth needs a good old fashioned Near Extinction Level Event, and some “humans” are well on the way of pushing that into reality.
The problem is not the majority of the people, it’s the 1%’ers and upper class and corporate and government. It always has been.
Most people give opposition to any claims of OP or AGW etc., because they know that the government will use it as an excuse to add more taxes on the middle/lower classes, claiming that it will be used to help the cause, but only end up in the government coffers.
Personally I welcome a NELE. Someone push that red button…
World population has an excellent chance of dropping significantly over the course of the next 200 years. Which of course will bring it’s own problems with it. Don’t worry Bobbo, there’s a cloud with every silver lining. But please keep your contributions to a minimum; the idea is to get people INTO the tent….
Whats the silver lining? I agree: like very other species on earth that OVER POPULATES==>there will be a great die off. The silver lining?===Hmmm….do you mean that it will by only/mostly the hoomans that die off? Leaving most of the rest of the ecology strong enough to continue?
That is hopeful. I haven’t seen or read anything bout that tipping point >>> the temps rising enough to release methane stored in the hydrates which causes anaerobic bacteria to produce Hydrogen Sulfides that kill off 90% of the species on Earth. I think we will come close to that SCIENTIFIC cause and effect.
I agree. Happy in my silver lining of ignorance, I am.
Sounds like someone had their mind made up before watching.
Used to be one person had two kids and four grandchildren. Now it is two people have one child and four people have one grandchild, an inverted family tree. This is balanced by Islamic populations that have a high birth rate, so you end up under sharia law.
This guy also has another video about billions of people living without a washing machine. When you talk of policy combating global warming, you are saying these billions should be denied a washing machine.
fucking thing sux.
Excellent video. Interesting how he has such a “positive” presentation STYLE but if you PAY ATTENTION to the substance of what he says: doom and gloom.
But given his presentation skills and facts at hand, I’d love to see an hour presentation on: “Sustainability Levels.”
While NOT a zero sum game, the wealth of humans is limited by the resources that are at any given time actually available for distribution LESS the social structures that enable the RICH to keep their disproportionate share.
So….as the population goes up to 11 Billion, I agree there will be billions more who do get washing machines BUT THEY WILL WANT===>C A R S ….. AND even more billions will still be wanting the washing machine–and the light bulb.
Well, screw them. Everyone can’t be American or Swedish. Let’s just all enjoy the good life while the waters remain calm. You don’t think it will last forever do you…. froggy?
If they can skip ‘school’ enough, then maybe they will learn how to make cars and spaceships out of the washing machines.
Another redistribution pushing idiot, using numbers and (more importantly) presumptions about the only viable options.
I would base my response on fundamentals of biology: our species have biological, evolutionary dictate to multiply, spread, find and fight for new resources, win and use resources to further spreading. Life is by definition vicious, brutal, unforgiving. If we attempt to fight these natural imperatives (same as we try to fight similarly based vicious laws of free market) the one and only result is extinction.
What to do? – Exactly the same our ancestors did. Use resources maximally and explore yet unreached places. On Earth that means that we must forget “pristine nature” in its modern veneration and understand that it appears so beautiful to us because of one fact – our brains innately understand that there are resources that are not yet used, ready to be used. Same type of beautiful as an ripe apple on a tree. We must spread to every nook and use to the maximum whatever we find there. Once we are doing so, enough of resources will be on hand to continue evolutionary inevitability if we are to survive: go to space and inhabit and use whatever we can. Adapt to it. Spread. We must stop with stupidity of sending sterilized probes to other worlds. We should already have had program regularly dumping on Mars whatever algae or other things that could thrive there and change environment … FOR us. Again, it is our evolutionary fight. Other species, here or potentially out there are enemy and resource by biological definition. If we do so, large population is an asset. No need for redistribution. Need for opportunity for daring.
Mars? Been reading too much scifi have we? Drinking too much of that NASA Koolaid? đ
Mars is a totally lost cause and a major waste of money. There is no stable magnetosphere, hence no protection from solar and cosmic radiation, hence any living organism must be at least 5 meters underground for protection (except perhaps certain extremophiles). Surface algae is useless as it would be dead in short order. Low gravity and a number of other issues cause a very thin atmosphere and very little water = no life as we know it can be sustained there, especially human. Mars is also too far from the Sun (Earth ~150M km, Mars ~230M km) so even if it were terraformed the temperature would be too cold for most Earth-like biomes.
Humankind will be looking at centuries-to-millenia-if-ever before we possess the technology to create a functional molten core and magnetosphere on another planet.
Venus is also out. Although it is closer to the Sun and closer to Earth’s size, it has no intrinsic magnetosphere.
All of that planetary nonsense aside…
71% of the Earth’s surface is ocean, why are we not utilizing that for undersea cities, agriculture, fish farming, etc.
It would cost significantly less money to exploit the ocean’s for human living than it would cost to terraform on a planetary scale (not to mention the decades to centuries for the terraforming to complete) and to send people there across the expanse of space.
Instead of it being #dontpanic, it should be #nomiddleclass. Because I’m sure the richest 1% aren’t going to do with less. So that just leaves the 2nd largest income bracket to do most of the sacrificing. Which means live like their poor brothers, either by choice or by edict. So that trailing poorer class can squeeze passed the “poverty line”. But the middle class will end up sliding back towards it, in the process. While the richest class just stands on their money piles, watching the middle class slipping away. Making what the earn and horde, all that much more valuable. In other words. This is all a guilt-trip argument for the return to the Middle Ages, of very few Kings, Noblemen, and largely a peasant population. And all the taxes go to keep the Kings and Nobleman, well fed, clothed, sheltered, and dominant (protected by their armies).
The thing the piece doesn’t explain is how the total population will top out at 10-11 billion. Either the number of children per couple will have to fall to about one, on average. And/or the life expectancy of those living past childhood, will have to drop off. Which doesn’t sound to good, anyway you cut it. And again, a short life expectancy was the norm, of the Middle Ages. And it’s not caused by famine and/or disease. Then it would have to be from some form of government imposed life limitation. Aka, the “Logan’s Run” scenario. Where the people can’t be allowed to live past 30, or 40, or 50 years of age. In order for the rest of the people to live in relatively adequate prosperity.
Otherwise the world population would continue to grow well past 11 billion. Until nature steps in and unleashes a massive plague or something. To bring the world population back down (rather quickly) to some manageable level. Not a good future, if things continue as is.
Climate Change has got nothing to do with it. If mankind could tame the world’s weather. We’d just take advantage of calmer, less deadly weather, to just populate the world even more. Until something else steps in to curb our procreation. Most likely, famine.
I’ve always heard “replacement fertility” was 2.1 kiddies PER FEMALE. A number/concept that is no doubt totally accurate….and totally useless. I suspect if the social norm were to have 2 or 3 kiddies “IF you want any kiddies at all” that the population would decrease?
That aside, as its boring irrelevant math, I am further struck by the notion that human society is a ponzi scheme. We need MORE investors to pay for the fraudulently funded programs we have now.
No doom and gloom?====>NO BRAINS to see what has been put right before our eyes. BILLIONS of people living in GRINDING poverty. BILLIONS OF PEOPLE educated, living long, and wanting a middle class life that is not possible.
I weep for humanity.
The world population is heading towards declining or at least a decrease in the growth rate…
As the divide between the rich and the rest of us grows larger, more people will not be able to afford any health care, or any of the other “rights” that we have had for the past decades. Mortality rates, especially in the areas of births and seniors, will increase.
Global travel is already carrying viruses and bacteria to locations where it has never been before, where the populations are not equipped to handle the outbreaks.
The damage caused to the Earth’s water and weather will decrease crops and food production.
An increase in “natural” disasters will claim more lives.
As resources become more scarce and expensive, crime will increase and people in various regions will go to war.
Has anyone been watching the news lately?
Anyone who doesn’t believe these things are coming and getting worse is living in a fantasy world.
The above facts are my opinion.
Facts aren’t opinions, and opinions aren’t facts. Its good to know and apply the difference even if just for yourself.
That line was meant as a joke. :-p
Sorry that it flew over some heads.
“”The damage caused to the Earthâs water and weather will decrease crops and food production.
That’s already been done with the corporate farms and the sprayings of poisons everywhere — Roundup, 2-4-d, all that other crap… And every homeowner who doesn’t like living things intruding upon their new saffron-painted christmas decored, cookie-cutter houses.
Or aluminum, barium, and strontium blotting out the sky because ‘it’s a new jet fuel additave’…
Or asshats get millions of dollars to dump waste into the oceans and call it fertilizer for plankton.
The ‘warming’ cult is devestating the environment along with individual liberty. — Bobbo? you pointed out that it should be mandated for having a decentralized infrastructure. You do not get it. That will not be allowed to happen. Monkey-see-monkey-do will not be allowed to happen when people actually motivate and achieve ‘off the grid’ sustainability. You don’t have solar power or cisterns because you don’t want to live in jail… Whatever makes you feel empowered.
“”An increase in ânaturalâ disasters will claim more lives.
More duckspeak — to quack like a duck the refrain of The States’ blather.
It is simply not true. I’ve been through a few ‘extreme weather events’ in my lifetime. Indeed, it gave me a passion for meterology in anticipation of the next one to witness — but, for the most part, it’s been pretty fucking lame around here lately {there was 1974 and 2011 for tornadoes; 1989 for hurricane Gilbert, and 1938 for one that drowned lots of bankers, anyways}. Well, there is always Pompeii; I heard about it in 3’rd grade, I wanted to see volcanoes melt the school… I’m still waiting.
It drop below 11 billion, because for the women of Sex and The City, for the population to stay stable, another woman would have to have 9 kids. And that is just to keep things stable.
MikeN joining Marc in demonstrating you can be presented the facts and not understand a thing says:
4/1/2014 at 9:25 am
Sounds like someone had their mind made up before watching. /// No, as I stated, I was curious as to how he would deal with the known knowns.
Used to be one person had two kids and four grandchildren. /// Well, didn’t the video say NOT that? Unless by “used to be” you mean the USA & Europe starting 20 years ago? Check the video, the graphics on that point are easy to understand.
Now it is two people have one child and four people have one grandchild, an inverted family tree. /// Again, its not that at all. Can’t do math. Can’t look at colored balls float across a graph. …… Heh, heh….Just have to wait until the talking points memo on subject is distributed eh Mikey?
This is balanced by Islamic populations that have a high birth rate, so you end up under sharia law. /// That is a real risk in my Islamaphobic mind. Mormons are still burning up the bed sheets too. Then there’s my Southern Baptist You’all Can GF: “I want a small family, only 4 or 5 kiddies.” BUT statistics say it does all average out. DAMN===MATH!!!!! Averages with variable populations groups. This is too much like Global Warming….no simple minded single rule for all times and all places.
This guy also has another video about billions of people living without a washing machine. When you talk of policy combating global warming, you are saying these billions should be denied a washing machine. /// That right, and then we are supposed to understand the “facts” behind the presentation hopeful. Its G_D DEPRESSING…if you can think it thru.
>demonstrating you can be presented the facts and not understand a thing says:
Oh my.
Hey Marc:
What did you take away from your post on Global Warming and the Permian Extinction? Have you yet come up with any examples of outrageous claims you’d like to share?
Whatever…here’s an update saying it could well have been MICROBES.
POINT BEING: when the experts in the field still don’t know what caused it and are still establishing what the many variables were—who is so cock sure in their ignorance to firmly state the Permian Extinction was or wasn’t whatever is claimed?
You know?
“”POINT BEING: when the experts in the field still donât know what caused it and are still establishing what the many variables wereâwho is so cock sure in their ignorance to firmly state the Permian Extinction was or wasnât whatever is claimed?
I’d strongly suggest that it is those very individuals who desire global governance, world hegemony, a new serfdom caste system, or just some fat fucks made some bad buisiness decisions through abject ignorance and then decided he’d milk it for trillions anyways …
Al Gore, Gunther Schwab — Dance With the Devil:
Look at my time! from zero to nazis in just 3 days!
Think of AGW more like CANCER. Lots of fradulents snake oil salesmen out there wanting to sell you a cure.
The Cure is a fraud.
The Cancer is real.
See the difference?
No, bobbo; I don’t see the difference. That is because my *eyes* have been burned out by others’ trinkets-of-cure which have forbade me from growing what I want, collecting and watering how I want, showing people how it works, or saying anything about what my observations mean when Monsanto says *scorched earth* is not really their policy anymore because they spray slash-n-burn out of jets.
Can’t see huh?……
….. Well then…..
…………………….Close your eyes…. and think it thru.
ITS SCIENCE! Revealing how you form opinions on issues that you don’t have a clue about. NONE OF US understand the intracacies of GW….so how can any of us form/have much less advocate one position over another?
You are either a Man of Science==or Devo!
You are aware of the various predictions about the effect of putting more energy/pollution into our atmosphere? How many such eventualities would you have to personally observe in order to think the CONSENSUS OF QUALIFIED SCIENTISTS who have studied this issue their entire professional career are right, whereas YOU who have studied nothing on point are wrong?
So PATHETICALLY obvious. Kinda like politics. Or computer trading on the Stock Exchange or the inherent and not to latent racism of the Republican party?
All you gotta do is………….. look!
Silly Hoomans.
i miss angel đ
How do you think there are 7 Billion hoomans in the world?
Angel be bizzy.
Humans appear to be the only species that is smart enough to develop their means of self destruction.
Perhaps intelligent life will evolve someday and they will study the fossils of extinct humans and determine what contributed to their demise and write a book about it.
deegee said, in part:
“Venus is also out. Although it is closer to the Sun and closer to Earthâs size, it has no intrinsic magnetosphere.”
That may be only because it spins so slowly — less than one rotation per orbit, so its spin is considered retrograde. If we can spin it up while we move it away from the sun, it may develop a magnetosphere. How to do this and how long it would take I don’t know. Being able to do it before disaster strikes seems against the odds.
I don’t believe that we could design a method “to spin it up” that we can actually accomplish.
We would be much better off, and the money better spent, on fixing our own planet and using our oceans for living areas.
I don’t know why any earth lovers are all that worried. To quote a rally smart guy (see if you can remember who):
The planet is fine. The PEOPLE are f*cked!
(Check it out at 2:23 and AT 3:51…)
Looks like you have gone done bullshitted YOURSELF there artist. Earth Lovers understand that HOOMANS need a balanced, complex, nuturing Earth in which to live. While we live in a meaningless Universe, if one is to posit any meaning at all then keeping the Earth capable of supporting hooman life must surely be number one on our list of activities?
Assuming it was Carlin, that is one joke he got wrong. Still funny. But wrong.