1. Captain Obvious says:

    Getting popcorn…

  2. Dummy says:

    I think the famous saying, “the early bird gets the worm” was misquoted.

    If this cartoon is any indication of what was probably the true quote, it probably was, “the early turd IS a worm“.

    (hint: don’t take a crap – give one!)


  3. Tim says:

    Are they dressed in pine cones because they are black??

  4. dusanmal says:

    Proverbs vary with culture and languages. Popular variation on bird/worm version from my culture: “One who gets up early is physical laborer” (Ko rano rani, fizicki je radnik).

  5. noname says:

    The trees around me seem to “know ” true spring hasn’t arrived; still dormant and no buds opening.

    Once the warm rains with spring-like breezes come and temperatures above freezing for days, the trees will respond by breaking buds.

    It will be interesting how accurate 2014 Farmers Almanac Long-Range Weather Forecast will be.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    Spring haz sprung,
    the grass has rizz,
    i wonder where the birdyz iz?
    they’re in the treezz you silly nut!
    and if you don’t like my poem,
    you can kiss my butt!!

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    You can tell the cartoon is for North American readers. The guy visiting from Alaska has confirmed its a joke up there now that the Snow Birds are staying put as its too cold in Florida.

    AGW==>weather systems have more ENERGY causing more extremes of both hot and cold with only the average going up–just as it is.

    My poor America: all F*cked Up. Moyers and Co had an excellent show on Charter Schools. Its all F*cked Up. The countries with the best performing schools are all PUBLIC schools. Charter and voucher schools are a product like everything else the Religious Coocoo and Business Right want to do: KILL THE MIDDLE CLASS.

    Tangent Hits the Circle: and what do charter schools encourage? Thats right, throwing science out and teaching creation. You know the bullcrap: Earth is here for our use as we wish….so pump it full of co2 as part of your dogma.

    Silly Self Destructive Hoomans.

    I’d cry for you, if you weren’t turds. (Thats TWO tangents for those keeping score.)

    • MikeN says:

      Stop quoting talking points for the easily fooled. Except the average isn’t going up. Hyper warmer Joe Romm is on pace to lose his bet with Thomas Fuller, and it was a weak bet for his side too, just .15C of warming fro ten years, and he;s losing easily.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:



        Meanwhile–only a fool will state that pumping co2 into the atmosphere will have a cooling effect. And yet, it is a mindblowing guffaw that these same idiots will recite that co2 is a greenhouse gas.

        Q==How do you load up the atmosphere with greenhouse gas and proclaim the Earth to be Cooling???????

        A==The Sun is cooler than normal. …… OK==and what happens when the Sun goes back to being warmer?????

        A==Its a stronger than average El Nino…… OK===and what happens when the EL Nino does not form next time??????

        And meanwhile, the ocean keeps rising:


        • MikeN says:

          You’re the one who is claiming colder weather because of CO2. And better yet colder weather around a mean that hasn’t increased.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            CONTEXT and the link above: the mean continues to warm up depending on what blocks of years you include in the representation/trend lines.

            YES–In the zig zag line that has been going up for the last 50 years, there is right now a “tic” down. But trend lines are meant to run.

            The factors allowing for a down tic were identified and when they pass, the warming trend will return===WITH A VENGEANCE.

            I read a few years ago that all the natural inputs would have us cooling a bit right now but those trends are overcome by……………..co2.

            So Mickey, Marc, the Luddites and Fools that be: You are either a MAN OF SCIENCE, or DEVOlving into a superstitous easily misled and befuggled sheep eating grass where you are driven to and penned up.

            co2 is a green house gas. You pump trillions of tons of it into the atmosphere, and the atmosphere heats up. Not every day, not every where–just slowly over time.

            HEY!!!!!!! As a man of science, if the model has missed something, if something else intervenes ((YOU KNOW–like Magic)) and the scientific consensus changes==THEN SO WILL I.

            YOU KNOW—where science has NO CONSENSUS?????????……..Just what to do about it. THAT is where your intelligence and insight should be placed.

            Beyond silly—–head up your ass HOOMANS.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Ha, ha……I can’t help myself:

    Worms come out of the ground early in the morning when the ground is covered with protective dew and they can survive with no bright hot sun===so if you want worms, you got to get up early.


    If you want smelt, you got to get up with a high tide and a full moon.

    And if you want access to the main frame, you got to get into the computer lab late at night when the flakes have gone home.

    ….and if you want……etc.

    I’m a night owl. It KILLS ME to have to be in at work at 700AM to have a one hour goal setting meeting before the regular work day starts so that our productivity won’t be affected. I haven’t yet voiced any negative attitude towards this because you know why?…………………………. The early turd gets the shaft.

    Thats why.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Proof No 5934927: Republicans are stoopid:

    On Rachel Maddow RIGHT NOW (just over)==Congress creep from Oklahoma introduced a bill to ask Pres Obama to apologize for Gubment Scientists for studying global warming because: its all caused by the Sun and Ocean currents.

    Just when you think the Pukes can’t get any head up their asses dumber, they prove us wrong. Evidently, stupid does go all the way down.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Grouch Marx once said, “You have to get up early, if you want to get out of bed.” It’s all in the way he says it. Reading it, isn’t nearly as funny.


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