1. Infination says:

    This is awesome.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Bullcrap sells.

    Always has.

  3. greygolem says:

    Bullcrap that makes us all feel better about doing the same crappy stuff we always did anyway. When if you want to really make a difference, you’d just chek the “made in” label. And buy less ***t in the first place and look after the better quality stuff you bought and own.

  4. P.T. Barnum says:

    “Advertising” and “Bullshit” are synonyms.

    That’s why they invented the “Infomercial” as a source of truth.


  5. P.T. Barnum says:

    Advertising and bullshit are practically synonyms.

    Infomercials on the other hand are a real source of truth.


  6. The Beaner says:

    Speaking of babies….instead of mousetraps, I think there should be baby traps. Not to hurt the baby, but just to hold it down until it can be removed.

  7. Captain Obvious says:

    Brilliant. Originally from McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. Some of the best stuff out there.

  8. jpfitz says:

    Why? JCD, Why? Useless video. You should have saved for April fools.

  9. Peppeddu says:

    Amazing, it made me feel like buying whatever product they may save shown in the video.

    I see a close resemblance to the Apple ads though.

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Damn, I gotta buy me some….. What the hell were they selling? Who cares, I gotta get me some.

  11. Bullshit Artist says:

    … And now back to your regularly scheduled program. But first, the news.


    (Warning: language NSFW)

  12. Greg Allen says:

    I took a whole course in this at university. I should have just watched the video!

    He forgot to mention his own voice. I know, from experience, ad companies spend A LOT of time on the voice.

    While a “beloved white grandpa” voice can be good for conserative values products — it probably wasn’t the best for this video.

    It would have been better if it was an “older college educated black guy” — like Morgan Freeman. Diverse but not scary.

    Alternatively, it could be that “Carbon Rose” women who does those ads promoting the killing of our planet. Bringing in the trusted female angle to sell a big corporation.

    • Greg Allen says:

      I forgot to mention “vaguely southern” part of the old guy’s voice.

      That voice is key for convincing sotherners to do anything.

      The more I think about it… that voice is actually wrong for this video.

      Either the “smart but approachable woman” or “college educated black guy” would be better.

  13. Tim says:

    “”George Orwell called advertising *the rattling of a stick inside a swill-bucket*…

    Charlie Brooker Confessions of an Advertising Insider


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