I’m sorry for his dementia. Time to retire.
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Harry Reid – A demented old circus monkey.
Not trying to make excuses for Harry but I know I have done that more than once. I really did not remember saying my original statement for about 4 years then somehow it I just recalled it “Yeah I did tell that guy that. Holy Shit, no wonder why he was so pissed off.”
Well having people post video of both statements to be viewed by the entire world should clue him in but this disgrace to vertebrates everywhere also said the reason people needed more time to use the Obamacare web site was they don’t know how to use the internet.
Personally I think the web site being unusable to start with and still not having a back end might have something to do with it.
You’re too kind by attributing this to dementia. It hasn’t mattered for a long time if a politician lies since they know the sheeple will rehire them anyway.
The problem isn’t he is forgetful. He just doesn’t understand computers.
The internet never forgets.
It wasn’t like that 20 years ago. You could get away with saying just about anything.
Not anymore, Scooter!
Occular Penetration Restricion Act of 2007 —
I think these two need to get together — “”nobody is born a skull fucker, I can only hope for the days that nobody becomes a skull fucker; In closing, if we do not open our eyes, they will get fucked right out of our heads.
Harry Reid is worthless piece of shit.
+1 !
we didnt elect SMART people to the job..
WE elected LAWYERS..
Can you describe a lawyers job?
Can you tell me the CLASSES you have to pass to become a LAWYER?
It’s called a BAR!
… Funny how most people go to a night club and pretty much do the same thing — they look for someone to fuck!
Yeah, I think there is a “Rule” that you aren’t allowed to call your fellow congresscreeps any term of disrespect. Its for the good of the House…but prevents the truth being told.
Republicans have lied about Obamacare, and everything else.
What he should have done was stop at calling the Koch Brothers funded ad campaign a bunch of lies and caution “My Good Friends on the Other Side of the Aisle” not to get sucked into repeating those lies. Or maybe even that would have been too close.
Its not Harry Ried as much as it is Congress as an entity that is showing us its warts.
Its an off year…………………………………but…………………………..==>
What an IDIOT!
If we voted all the incumbents out of office then the REPUBLICAN’S would have all the power. That’s some pretty fucked up logic coming from a died-in-the-wool ASS hole.
Stupid fool. Don’t you know when to STOP and let your rape victim (the public) catch their breath?!
Interesting concept….I can name and connect a few dots to make that argument, but I’m curious as to which ones you use.
Please detail as you will, and I will do the same.
Course, the ultimate question is: what would you do otherwise?
Order. Order! OR…….“My Good Friends on the Other Side of the Aisle” , shut the fuck up!! Thank you. Now, is that a giant wooden badger you’re deliberating here? Where did it come from? What does it do……… {cough} is it supposed to be doing thattt………………………………………………………..
He’s not lying.
He’s doing whatever it takes to get reelected. It just happened that he couldn’t reconcile the previous ass-kissing with the current ass-kissing, hence the “I’ve never said that”
Reid, McConnell, Pelosi, and the orange guy from Ohio. Put them in a clown car and send them home.
Maryland is scrapping its exchange after 100 million spent. No doubt its the work of the Koch Bros. Or perhaps Harry Reid will tell us it’s not true.
It’s not true.
hate to hijack a thread here {not really};
15:19 “”probably, it won’t happen and if it does then all those other locations would not have gotten it…
15:40 “” ok. Advice for tonight; Probably, this is it. There is enough chance that…
Yea? Really? Is this even real spam anymore? Are people’s computers so fucked up they can’t be bothered to set a pointer for what %BLOG_TITLE% fucking is? And FUCK YAHOO. Fuck them up their fucking asses. Fuck them with AoL dicks and Meyers’ ass pushing.
They fucked up email (the one thing that was good) then locked me out of mine for my *safety* — Seriously, who remembers the answers to those stupid security questions one answered facetiously back in 2001? fuck. now my fingers huret.