What happens when the vast majority of non-creating (design, development, etc) jobs are eliminated? What happens when most retail becomes like grocery stores with self-checkout because that drastically reduces labor costs? Assuming Amazon, et al don’t replace most retail stores. Burger flipping ain’t that hard to automate, either. Full-time leisure time for all or grinding poverty on the government tit?

Big changes are coming to the labor market that people and governments aren’t prepared for, Bill Gates believes.

Speaking at Washington, D.C., economic think tank The American Enterprise Institute on Thursday, Gates said that within 20 years, a lot of jobs will go away, replaced by software automation (“bots” in tech slang, though Gates used the term “software substitution”).

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    That is one of the TOP 5 questions for our day and age.

    I would quibble a bit and say the issue is not in our future, but is already before us.

    In the abstract, I would think societies inherently have a need for a certain number of jobs to get what society needs to get done. Then there are either more than, equal to, or less than the number of people necessary to do those jobs. “Equal” is rough–lets give it plus or minus 6% just not to quibble constantly??

    Idea just occurring: seems to me in most of History there were wars to fight, diseases to survive, SPACE TO FILL UP, and the condition of humanity was equal to or fewer hoomans needed to get all the jobs done ((99% of which were to grow food until 100 years ago)).

    Government tit….interesting phrasing for the fact of the matter I think we are in: not enough jobs for the number of people that already exist, with more to arrive? Yes…what to do??? What kind of tit?

    There is a scifi story about a society with jobs less than the number of people, so people became “furniture” for the rich. Babes were “couches” as I recall….although of course, rich guys made babies with them. Poor guys wanted pillows too though. Jenniffer Rachel Ray (total sic) was the couch as best as I recall.

    Yes, what to do. Our societal memes we have right now regarding the lazy poor and the deserving rich are going to have to change……………………………………..WHEEEEEEEEeeeeeee — New Ideas for everyone.

    The mind…….spins off balance.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      Hey—this morning my browser (Firefox 27.0.1) started highlighting in RED certain words on this forum. Above the word “spins” is highlighted with a link to a game of Vegas Slot Machines.

      If this is your website doing this==please turn it off?

      If it is my Browser that right now has been infected with the Media Player Enhancer and other BS that I have been trying to get rid of the past 2 days…………then……….nevermind!

      • Tim says:

        fucking mediaplayer?? really??

        go luddite — fall back to ff 4.0 – 9.x



      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Well…..I don’t know what happened but I downloaded and installed the Free Version of BitDefender. As part of that process it uninstalled Avast Anti-Virus.

        On reboot, ALL my hijacking events ARE GONE!! Almost like the last update I had from ((supposedly)) Avast was actually the source of all those hijacks.

        Whats a dumbshit to do? Vote independent? Wait for complicated social policies that impact jobs and safety net services to just work themselves out magically?

        Its a puzzle.

        • Tim says:

          “”I downloaded and installed the Free Version of BitDefender. As part of that process it uninstalled Avast Anti-Virus.

          Well, you say you don’t know what happened and then go right on to describe what happened; Don’t feel sheeple, I’ve been there to.

          Those *utilities* make the system so sluggish and disk-crunchy all the time that one can not tell by ear or ethernet monitor that there is a problem {usually, with digital, something radically changed…} what warrants looking in to. Noisy fuckers, Hoomans.

          “”Dave, I suggest putting the AE35 unit back in and lettng it fail as I am incapable of being incorrect…

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            Fair call. I know the sequence of events that I performed but I don’t know what made the multiple browser hijackings go away.

            IE–what I suspect==that most likely I downloaded a bogus update to my Avira Anti Virus Program that was actually the source of the infection =OR= was it an initial scan by Bit Defender that removed the browser hijacks? I doubt that as there was no suggestion of removing threats.

            But I DON’T RELY on my faulty human perceptions to define what just happened, unless its a quick kick to my jewels. Its all risk assessment, ego, and hubris. Why settle on a given answer when ambiguity allows for further appreciation?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            …or even… was it the 3-4 other programs and fixes I applied that didn’t work until I did a hard reboot?

            ….or did one or more of the above interact with one another?

            ….or did the hijackings terminate after a given length of time (do any do that?)

            These scumware asshats really are stupid. They make their programs SO INVASIVE they draw attention to themselves. If they were slightly less intrusive, more selective, they might be ignored for removal purposes actually achieving their desired goals??

            Why can’t the businesses using this foistware be penalized by the Gubment?

            WHERE IS MY NANNY!!!!!

          • Tim says:

            “”but I don’t know what made the multiple browser hijackings go away

            If I had to make a conspiratician, and uneducated guess; Then I might suggest that it scanned for known bogus entries in the /etc/hosts file or otherwise directly dicked with your DNS lookup service… Try setting it manual to for google dns or 4.4.4.x for one of the ‘trunks’ even if it makes you feel dirty…

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            Thanks Tim…but I’m not comfortable working with those port settings. I’ve done that from time to time setting up various routers, but in the main…I don’t know what I’m doing. Too much like making manual entries and deletions in the Registry which I have also done. So far all without negative consequences…but the puter is working just fine now, nice and “snappy” so why dick with it absent some nascent curiosity?

          • Tim says:

            Ha! Understood. Well, sounds like you’re good to go —->

          • Tim says:


            That kind of flackware usually will set a ‘sticky cookie’ as an LSO. That is my understanding. You may want to look into FF addon Mozilla BetterPrivacy extention and spend a little bit of time with how to use it.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            Thats a good tip. I don’t think I mind these long term cookies that track me BECAUSE I DON’T CARE….but they could be used in the future to disrupt my normal idyllic life.

            Be fun to see who disturbs me so:


            btw–re Cube==I thought of that movie once trying to exit Dublin. Something about that city kept me from finding a way out. Totally Weird. Overcast day–my solar dead reckoning could not be used. Geo magnetic lines were disabled, and local long sound waves are too difficult.

            Life can be like that. Still got drunk though.

    • Tim says:

      Hmm. The Tribble With Quibbles …

      I’d say to keep your ass off my couch but, heck, that’s what the plastic is for.

    • Wisefutureman says:

      Basically it comes down to this:

      Do we want a future like the one depicted in Ellysium or Star Treck…

  2. Captain Obvious says:

    Well duh?

    As for the government tit, the US system is designed to be inefficient. Which may have kept repressive 18th century colonial regimes at arm’s length but is a boat anchor in a global technologically competitive world.

    • dusanmal says:

      Oh, are you wrong. It is not intent on inefficiency for the sake of keeping 18th Century regimes away. It is proper realization that efficient and powerful Government is inherently and inevitably dangerous no matter the age. No one with power of legislation and imprisonment must be allowed efficiency or inevitably the result is a form of efficient unstoppable tyranny. Nazis are 20th Century – extremely efficient and functional Government… guess what inevitably happened.
      Weak, divided, limited Government is what is needed in any Century.
      As for technologically competitive World – apply pure and unregulated free market (NO Government meddling, minimal if any Govt’ regulation, minimal taxation,…) and see any technology, invention, economy burst in fast growth. Growth with real winners and real losers. With top 10% getting even more and bottom 50% even less “of the pie” but “pie” itself growing exponentially. Again, inevitable result. Just not giving power to anyone to control and those in power do not like it.

      • Captain Obvious says:

        Nice. Zero to Nazis in 10 seconds. Conway’s law never dies.

        Come back at me with something that you personally have actually thought about and I’ll listen carefully. This is just fear mongering by usual suspects. You can do better.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    In a relevant tangent, the Twitter Sidebar to the right has JCD recommending the blogspot: http://portangelesunearthed.blogspot.com/

    as making a more sense than most. I agree: “The Past, is NOT a good model to look for answers as to what to do regarding unemployment.”

    More than on many other issues: the government is US. If that doesn’t freeze your urine, nothing will.

    “….♫….Ice, ice…Baby!”

    • Tim says:

      There is a Twitter sidebar {bless you, noscript}??

      The blog is interesting, at least. After seeing the Anonymous\Faulks mask, I have this urge to run it through the text-to-speech with full-on att aussie-babe.

      Did you stop shitting on the sun yet??

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Months if not a year ago when I ran No Script the varied and sundry sidebars on DU still showed up as they do now with my Bigger and Better Firefox upgrade that removed them.

        MediaPlayerEnhanced keeps redirecting my browser to Health Insurance and Vacation websites. I feel like contacting each one and going thru the motions to sign up and then at the end change my mind because they shopped their services to me with this unwanted hijacking.

        If enough of us did that, the industry practice might stop?….yeah…I won’t take the time to do it either.

        I have 10 days worth of “go back” positions that would/should revert to a prior state … but I’m actually kinda afraid to use the Win 7 Restore Function. I’ve used it twice. Once it worked. The second time I had to reinstall the OS. Turned a medium irritation into a major bullocks.

        Technology. Pros and Cons.

  4. LibertyLover says:

    This is exclusively what my company does. We automate. It’s mostly manufacturing processes, but we do help companies get rid of the low skill jobs.

    But it’s a natural law of the universe that when something becomes more efficient, there is higher demand for it. I’m not overly concerned about a loss of jobs. I’m more worried about the lazy luddites who refuse to change their own lifestyle to keep up with things.

    Even our ancestors moved to better hunting grounds when the game got scarce. If a big government dropped mana from the sky for them, they would still be in Russia instead of crossing the Bering Straight.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      But it’s a natural law of the universe that when something becomes more efficient, there is higher demand for it. /// Hows that again? You mean that automation makes the product CHEAPER and therefore there is higher demand for it? Price is only a part of the demand formula. Once upon a time, you could no longer even give buggy whips away. No body cares how efficiently a product is produced.

      “……♫….Price, price, Baby………”

      Kinda basic.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Must be spring time with all this sun worship.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

          Ha, ha. ….. did you read Timmy’s question above?

          How come you and Pedro rarely comment on the same thread? Hmmmm????

          • LibertyLover says:

            Bask in My Glory, minion, bask in My Glory.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            I bask in your Glory Hole.


          • LibertyLover says:

            Thank you for the worship!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            Do you clean up with a tissue or a towel?

          • LibertyLover says:

            It’s good to know there are still people out there who believe in God!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Why is that,


            who is that?

            But…. much like “god” you do have an active fantasy life…on a number of issues.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Don’t forget to tithe, minion!

        • Tim says:

          It’s just that I’m really, really worried about the sun because of all the Antropogenic Solar Helium Overload {ASHOL}.

          Say ‘no’ to ASHOL; Stop shitting on the sun, people! It’s fixin’ to reach a tipping point of no return — Besides, who wants to be shined upon by a spotty, smudged, poo-flung sun?

          We must stop now before it causes global financial collapse. Over time, the tint mix of meticulously crafted paints will slowly, but more and more, *just not look right*; This is a huge haggle-point for realtors. Also, retailers and craftsmen are left holding the bag without a clue for re-dos and warranty squirming because “WTF?? I don’t recall paint ever turning brown over time in the good old days…”

          This is just too important. Humanity needs to pull together NOW to do an emergency moonshot effort to mandate inspection and compliance scheduling of approved shitting vessels in which the cost to corporations is ‘credited out’ by promising that the containers will *never, ever be shot into the sun* and passed on to the slaves.

          • noasholngo says:

            The burden is on the shoulders of those who can least spare the extra energy to carry the weight —

            Lets get Wallstreet interested in speculating about shit. If shit were worth something then poor people would have a normal hard-scratched existance but without the extra burden of having an ASHOL.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:


            Neither you nor I know shit about climate science. The default position for a Man of Science is to accept the general consensus of science==not the minority views. Especially NOT the minority views of scientists who are ONLY pot shotting the theory without presenting a contesting theory that makes better predictions.

            Can you get that?

            If not, I would go with Anthropogenic Systematic Solar Helium Overload Layered Endlessly.

            PS,,,,believe in the consensus….even when it changes.

          • Tim says:

            Really, bobbo. Really, really.

            “”I would go with Anthropogenic Systematic Solar Helium Overload Layered Endlessly

            Hmm. Well, you gotta admire any shillifornication futurist that lays out the major driving control scheme that presents itself two* million years hence.

            * I was going to say two billion, but given the recent acceleration have revised that down to 1000 times less but now I’d just like to revise it down again to 5,000 years… 1000 years…. Fuck it. See how wide a guess can be when the government\nasa\pentatgon doesn’t disclose *non-terrestrial officers* until it got did?? How long they been up there shitting on the sun??

            So. You have made a concious decision based on {x} thats convinced you that no harm is done by droping a great big ol’ duce on the sun. You decided not to decide to stop shitting on the sun by *faith*.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            Yes Indeed, sunny side up (which way would that be actually?) or scrambled.

            YouTube had an excellent segment by Dawkins confirming why its OK to rely on Science even though we as lay people don’t understand the issue at hand: over time, Science has over and over proven to have the answer while nay sayers have time and again been shown to be wrong.

            Its this simple: its pragmatic. All else is folly, like frying shit on the sun and expecting to get a nice cheese soufle.

            co2 is a greenhouse gas…so..if we are adding it to our atmosphere WHAT ELSE could possibly happen except global warming? Thats my common sense….then…the scientific community confirms exactly that. DONE AND SETTLED. Until/unless some other theory explains how adding green house gas will NOT increase the temps and makes other predictions.

            OR–like dusanmal, maybe we all can hold hands forming an idiot circle and we can imagine its plausible that Aliens stealing our Glaciers for their mixed drinks?

            Cooler Libres for everyone.

            To restate: ITS NOT ENOUGH to criticize and poke holes in a theory==ANY THEORY==the hallmark of a scientific disagreement is a CONTESTING THEORY.


          • Tim says:

            “”the hallmark of a scientific disagreement is a CONTESTING THEORY.

            I was going to say “No, it isn’t”; But upon closer examination, I see that your word is *disagreement* and not… I’ll just state it like this: “”It does not seem natural to me that a physical effect that has a novel explanation as yet unexplained should necessarily be refuted on the grounds on ‘not having a better theory’ — all I must do is show yours to have holes in it.

            Are you still arguing the form of a question for not answering why you didn’t stop beating your wife?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            There is NO NOVEL EFFECT in a greenhouse gas heating the atmosphere. Just the opposite.

            Again–your logical/argumentative fallacy is arguing from ignorance. Just because YOU don’t understand the issue/fact/mechanism/model doesn’t make it invalid. So ego centric you are.

            Likewise, I only beat wifey when she deserves it!

            You (like so many here even those with a strong connection to science) don’t really understand its everyday application.


          • Tim says:

            bobbo, I’m not saying devil-cule CO2 is not a greenhouse gas; I’m just saying that at this time, on this planet, and at this recent variation in concentration has not seemed to be a ‘driver’ of temperature; Of course, there are ‘feedbacks’, as you say.

            You probably shit all over venus to. Now, I’ve got to pay a tax for that to help you cover it over because I burned WOOD??

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            Timmmmay===who should anyone believe…..including yourself: qualified scientists who have spent their professional careers studying and testing this issue who have concluded we are already past the tipping point of 350ppm or anyone who says that something predicted to have the results you are looking for won’t happen for 50-75 years from now aren’t happening now?

            ….and that means catastrophic ocean rise or weather shifts due to the Atlantic converyor belt collapsing…NOT the disappearing glaciers, methane release from the perma frost, increased intensity of storms, increases in temp extremes, shifts of majory agricultural growing areas, etc that we are experiencing NOW with of course, the sea level constantly going up:


            I’ll put you down for: Devo.

          • Tim says:

            “”….and that means catastrophic ocean rise or weather shifts due to the Atlantic converyor belt collapsing…NOT the disappearing glaciers, methane release from the perma frost, increased intensity of storms, increases in temp extremes, shifts of majory agricultural growing areas, etc that we are experiencing NOW with of course, the sea level constantly going up:

            So, same as it ever was??

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            No–everything listed is a direct result of hoomans burning sequestered carbon.

            Basic Science stuff.

  5. Simple Man says:

    Hey Big Business,

    If you automate everything I might be able to do, I won’t have a job and won’t be able to buy the stuff you want to sell me without government assistance.

    Funny though, the government will get the money for my assistance from you, through higher taxes and fees because they need my vote.

    You need me as a consumer. But I’m not a rocket scientist and being a code monkey doesn’t sound exciting. And college tuition is an expensive ripoff.

    Can’t we work something out? Please don’t make me vote for whoever promises give me the most free stuff.

    We can do better, right?

    • ± says:

      Hey ‘Simple Man’, I have an idea for you: vote to hire R/Ds next election like most of the sheeple on this board will do, and keep everything the same as it is. Be complicit. Have lots of company. It feels good.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Hows that again? You think DeRp’s and Indo’s greatly affects individual employment opportunities/careers across this great nation of ours?

        Challenge: connect the dots. What non DeRp candidate offers the solutions you carelessly but totally nonspecifically refer to?

        Bet you can’t do it.

    • LibertyLover says:

      People are always going to need lap dances 🙂

      Seriously, that is why I’m not overly concerned. It’s a feedback loop that will find steady state eventually — assuming the government doesn’t stick its nose in and cause wild swings.

  6. AdmFubar says:

    dear god after the snowden leaks what morons use proprietary operating systems anymore?

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Interesting that you think most vulnerabilities are OS related.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Excellent highlight of the very issue that I presented. Good catch.

  7. MikeN says:

    And liberals would like to make hiring people more expensive.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      And conservatives want to turn the middle class into wage slaves.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Is there any actual data about the impact of raising minimum wage? There are jurisdictions in the US where the base is above $10.

      Sorry to ask about, you know, facts and crap like that.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        7 Million Hits:


        What is your pleasure?

        • Tim says:

          “What’s your pleasure, sir?”

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            Rare, but I think the movies are better than that promo at least.

            I always like it when the kiddies get killed for having sex…protected or otherwise.

            Also probably the reason I have never figured out Rubix’s Cube. Who knows what tortures are hidden within that box?

          • Tim says:

            What is this ‘box’ of which you speak? Have you seen this box? Touched this box? Explored this box? Is it time to play?

            I wonder what else we think we know based on being in a little box with bullshit-splattered illuminators on all sides reflecting 3’rd party boxes in the first place; Compartmentalize much, do we??

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

            The Horrrror:


          • Tim says:

            Ugg. I remember The Cube; That twist up wire trap kind of freaked me out. If I had to describe a so-called anxiety dream then it might be much like this movie with the frustration of not being able to find a path — a self-similar dream in which a path cannot be recovered whether a mall, cave, campus setting, old neighborhood, traffic route…Can’t find car; that kind of dream. It’s because you, and people like you, shit on the sun.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:


            No Timmmmyy===”its” because YOU think (DREAM!) that people shit on the Sun.

            No one does===EXCEPT IN YOUR WAKING DREAMS!!!!!!!

            ………and THAT is the Horrrror!

            does go away if you are a Man of Science!


          • Tim says:

            “”Whew; What a terrible dream. Mommm!! Where’s the sunscreen? I’ve got a real turtle-head poking out…

      • dusanmal says:

        Fundamental problem with minimum wage is not the size itself. It is the political process around it. Adjust minimum wage for inflation (it would bring it to about 10$) and set the law once and for all times that it goes up exactly with Government reported inflation every year. Two things happen: 1) Most important part: businesses can predict on long term their labor cost (I see this as the main reason for potential job losses with now-and-than raising of minimum wage – business plans one cost, Government suddenly kicks it significantly up – the only possible reaction on short term is firing, than testing increase in prices, than, maybe re-hiring). 2) Politics goes out of the minimum wage and politicians lose power (good, but just try to make them lose some power…).

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

          Not a “bad” statement which is quite good for you dusanmal.

          but I will quibble and say its total BS that business wants long term stability re minimum wage so that it can make business decisions.

          Minimum wage does NOT determine how many Maids and dish washers and grounds keepers Best Western hires.

          Do you disagree?

  8. Tim says:

    Well, it seems to me the revolutions in manufacturing is moving both ways. 3-d printers are affordable to most, now. I’m sure they will become heavily restricted, also. But, for now, if one wants a $50 plastic push-heme for some shit then they can just print it out using a couple cents in plastic extrudate and the correct .cad to have it RIGHT NOW and not in 6 weeks to find out it was broke in anthrax scanning.

    The Poor will always be here but at least we can now have manufacturing at our fingertips — Alas, thats what the fema camps are for — to reteach slaves not to make but to do.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      Yep, “if” I had just a tad bit more disposable net worth I would pop for a printer. I have 3 small plastic type bushings and what not that I refuse to pay more for shipping on than the $3 item itself. Perfect for the 3D printing format. Course…. the part being made of plastic is why it broke in the first place. Stupid Design. All metal except for a plastic bushing…. and guess what breaks?

      The metal extruding printers are still too expensive.

      Right now, still not enough practical things to be printed out. Don’t need toys, trinkets, and jewelry.

      But it will come supposedly.

  9. MikeN says:

    More job losses will come for software programmers. I saw many years ago a person suggest the development of a programming engine, where you describe what you want and it makes it. Kind of like a robotic Visual Basic.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      It’s quite adorable that you think software development works like that.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        Well, to be fair, I assume Mickey just went spastic in time and lept ahead 50 years or more (if Kurweil is correct that progress proceeds logarithmically) and is assuming AI self aware Skynet. But when that is the case, such creative software entities will already be utilizing all such “new” algorithms way before hoomans even think to ask for them…. if Skynet is still serving (sic) man at that time. It could. Nothing prevents a self aware entity for worshiping mankind as Number 42.

        • MikeN says:

          I suppose you think Visual Basic is revolutionary too then.

        • Tim says:

          *42*… Hmm. No. I’ve listened to alot of consensus that assures me that #9 is just ‘The Answer’ and all the *life, the universe, and everything* is just so much Adams blather.

  10. jpfitz says:

    Logans Run. Unless somebody has a better idea.

  11. Ding Dong says:

    Talk about “bots” taking over a “job”! Check it out:


    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Ha, ha! EXcellent. I shuddered on viewing the bot on the far left. Now….don’t get me wrong…. I do love the sleaze factor…but c’mon…a woman with a Megaphone for talking???

      ….Its just … too much!

  12. The issue we are facing is that more and more jobs can be performed remotely (from home) therefore we are competing on the worldwide labor market as location no longer matters. The price of American labor has become too expensive and that is why jobs leave the country and will continue to do so at a faster and faster rate as technology develops and more jobs are able to be completed remotely. We need to impose financial disincentives on firms that outsource American jobs to countries that do not have a minimum wage, can pollute with impunity, ignore human rights and don’t have a huge Obamacare tax, in order to equalize the cost of labor between American and foreign labor markets. I am running against Boehner because my Jobs Plan solves that problem and creates thousands of jobs. / Matthew Ashworth – Congressional Candidate Challenging Speaker Boehner in the May 6th primary.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:


      Jobs Plan

      The reason I have entered the race to be the next congressman to represent Ohio’s 8th district is because I believe I have some solutions to improve the economy and create jobs.

      My proposal is that we require all federal contracts be awarded to American firms employing American workers only. /// Agreed depending on what you mean by “only.” You know…office cleaning staff on H-1 Visas or illegals are quite common.

      It’s an affront to the American worker that the Obamacare website contract was awarded to a foreign firm over an American firm…twice, by this administration. /// Really? That is so outrageous…. its hard to believe. I’ll save that for later.

      My second proposal is that we should impose financial disincentives on firms that outsource American jobs overseas, /// excellent!

      in order to equalize the price of labor between American and foreign labor markets. /// THAT will never happen. The difference is too wide. Don’t OVERSTATE your case.

      I have watched the American mortgage labor market be virtually destroyed /// there is no such thing as a “mortgage labor market”==what are you actually thinking of? Could it be roll your own consumer/computer programs? Real Estate Agents have been impacted by the interent…close enough or the same process?

      and I am trying to bring the message to the American people that if we don’t enact these proposals, soon there will be virtually no reason for a company to use American workers when they can get the same service for a quarter of the price overseas. /// Yeah, you are about 20 years too late.

      Overseas firms do not have to pay a minimum wage, they ignore human rights and are not forced to pay exorbitant Obamacare expenses. //// Oh you done drank the Kool Aid. Obamacare is meant to cut healthcare costs. Don’t be stupidly partisan.

      Our government has made the American worker an unaffordable commodity. /// Stop the Gubment Hating. The world labor market leveling because of internet, oversees labor, and large container ships is not “caused by” our Gubment.

      American workers can no longer compete with their overseas counterpart because of the additional tax on their labor by the government. /// Tax? Thats utter BS.

      Unless we equalize those labor costs American jobs will continue to leave the country. /// It will take MORE THAN labor costs, but an appropriate factor to always keep in mind.

      Enacting these proposals along with going forward with the Keystone pipeline /// Dirty Oil is OLD TECHNOLOGY…and NOT THE FUTURE. Get with it and Green Energy. “There’s no dispute building the pipeline would create temporary jobs, but the article cites a State Department forecast it would create just 35 permanent staff jobs once complete. http://blogs.marketwatch.com/capitolreport/2014/03/14/keystone-pipeline-wouldnt-create-many-permanent-jobs-and-more-must-reads/

      and starting to convert our country to natural gas would create a modern American economic renaissance. // Oil and carbon burning economies are 19th and 20th Century tech. Definitely NOT MODERN.

      If we do not rise up and make some changes we are looking at decades of job loss and economic insecurity for the American people. /// Empty Rhetoric.

      It’s time to start doing what we need to do to bring American jobs back to this country and protect American workers. /// I agree.

      Best of Luck.

  13. MikeN says:

    So I guess there is no need for immigration amnesty to have workers who do the jobs Americans won’t do, if bots wll be doing the work.

  14. Kent says:

    Just assumed everything he said here was common knowledge.

  15. LibertyLover says:

    Will someone please disinfect and kill the Bobbo virus bot? I spent more time scrolling past its infections than I do reading the rest of the posts.

    • bobbo, expert pilot and space cadet says:

      Basking in your glory hole needed more customers eh?

      I remain …… uninterested…. in your personal problems.

      Got any facts or ideas to present? That aren’t wrong???

      Poor old loser.

      I do feel your pain…..So much like a small bidnez owner to want everything his own way.

      How does that happen?

  16. LibertyLover says:

    See? Another one! I can only take so much worship!

  17. Phydeau says:

    The problem is, there are no more jobs for blue collar, 100 IQ, salt-of-the-earth people. Those jobs have been taken over by robots and computers. So what are we going to do with all the 100 IQ people who are no longer useful? They can’t do jobs that require intelligence, they don’t have the capacity. They can’t be systems analysts or programmers (and even those jobs will be taken over by computers too eventually).

    What happens when people are no longer useful?


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