Oh yeah, that’s going to work. Brilliant!

  1. The Seinfeld Soup Nazi was more inviting…

  2. LibertyLover says:

    She looks like the love-child of Robert Wagoner and Sigourney Weaver.

  3. MikeN says:

    But the reality is the opposite. They have quietly postponed the individual mandate, not even announcing it in a press release but hiding it in part of another memo.

    • dusanmal says:

      No, there are two realities for Democratic Administration:
      1) Propaganda to accept their healthcare system
      2) Propaganda to re-elect enough of their Senators
      Unfortunately, these two create schizophrenic end result.

  4. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

    I don’t get it. Its targeted to the Young Invincibles, but any Mother concerned enough to kvetch would certainly keep her kiddies on her own insurance policy? So…they should “have” insurance and she should be only wanting them to pay for it?

    Interesting on msnbc–they are saying that EVERY personal story/annecdote on Faux Spews is demonstrably a lie. AND they have shown very many examples of it…so as to be virtually correct.

    Imagine people getting a CASH OUT OF HAND reduction of $400/month and then complaining the ObamaCare is too expensive and they lost coverage?

    Thats global warming denying CRAZY!!! aka..the Faux/TeaParty/Republican base.

    Religious too. I wonder if its all connected somehow? Praying for an eternity that is against your own self interest?

    Silly Hoomans.

    • dusanmal says:

      Your example fails to underline that though base insurance rate got 400$/month lower, money individual in question needed to pay in full, in front, before getting ANY coverage was 10+ fold greater, greater than 12×400$ and beyond the means of those people. Which means that Obamacare effectively ended their coverage. They do not have that money in front and can’t get any coverage. Reality vs. playing with abstract numbers.

    • MikeN says:

      Yea that’s the ticket. Just tell people who are hurt that they are lying.

      And you throw in ‘denying’ into the same post!

      Maybe you should go back to having the majority of the posts in the global warming thread.
      Or perhaps you should consider that worrying about global warming is a certified medical disorder, and sign up for some ObamaCare to get treatment?

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        MikeN says:
        3/13/2014 at 3:05 pm

        Yea that’s the ticket. Just tell people who are hurt that they are lying. /// It might be too subtle, but it was Faux News that is lying. The woman was simply in error and got “used” by Faux.

        And you throw in ‘denying’ into the same post! /// Yes indeed. When you complain that your insurance costs more and you lost your doctor of choice BUT THEN you are shown that you actually can save $400 a month AND have the same Doctor (don’t know if both align that way) and your response is “I still don’t believ it” what would YOU call it? Good with numbers?

        Maybe you should go back to having the majority of the posts in the global warming thread.//// Yeah, its been awhile. and as I did document, the issue of AGW is a “prime” one for me. It does show well how people think, and don’t think. Course, a lot of issued do that?

        Or perhaps you should consider that worrying about global warming is a certified medical disorder, and sign up for some ObamaCare to get treatment? /// But its not. I’ll go to your link and answer on the relevant thread if there is anything there…. or anyway…if that thread is going dormant.

        • MikeN says:

          Yup, just keep on saying that the stories are all lies. No one’s premiums have gone up. No one’s lost their doctors.

          The worst is not yet to come.

          You would think you would be a little less trusting of Democratic talking points and give more credibility to critics after you were shown how totally wrong you were with regards to full-time workers and the employer mandate. But I guess that epiphany will have to wait.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        Or perhaps you should consider that worrying about global warming is a certified medical disorder, and sign up for some ObamaCare to get treatment? /// Oh Mickey—at face value the stat is that 28% of those presenting with an OCD diagnosis were obsessing over AGW issues.

        Sounds low to me and is quite different from “worrying” about AGW, much less accepting the Science of AGW and thinking we should be doing something about it.

        How stupid are you?

    • Mextli says:

      “Young Invincibles”

      Someone referred to them as adult children. I thought that was a nice spin.

  5. McCullough says:

    Yeah MSNBC is a credible source..uh-huh. I don’t give a fig what MSNBC says, but my personal experience with this health care turkey says different.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      I don’t think you understand what a “source” is. Show the multiple layers of FUD.

      YES–msnbc IS a credible source. NOT, as you appear to be want to do, to take whatever they say at first value…BUT RATHER to take what they say and follow up to see if it is true. And more often than not, in fact, MOST OF THE TIME, what msnbc reports IS TRUE. ….. and the corollary===what FAUX SPEWS reports is mostly false.

      Pulease don’t confuse “facts” with opinion……okay?

      Anyone can have the “personal experience” of ObamaCare costing them more. THATS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO THE RELEVANT ISSUE. Your healthcare was going up at x3 inflation when ObamaCare was passed. the Status Quo Ante WAS BANKRUPTING AMERICA. Something had to be done. Single payer is and will be the answer, but Faux Kool Aid drinkers only allowed for this Republican Idea of ObamaCare that keeps the Insurance Industry in business.

      Add it all up. There are winners and loser by whatever metric in EVERY idea there is.

      Stop being foolish.

      • McCullough says:

        MSNBC is NOT a credible source, Fox either.

        Perfect example…Al Sharpton. They are both just propaganda arms of the left and right.

        • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

          I watched the Good Rev 2-3 times and stopped. Too partisan for my tastes….but I might be a racists.

          What I saw him do was highlight all the Republican moves to restrict voting in order to win elections under the notion that higher turn out brings more Dumbo Voters, as does absentee voting, voting by mail, Sunday Voting, Extended Hours voting…and of course the big one: Voter ID.

          What do you think McC: was/is Sharpton and all other Not Lying Asshats wrong on this main point of politics today?

          Rachel Madow really does present many controverted issues IN DEPTH (given the format) and its all factual. Its all anti-Puke too. So many lies. I agree she doesn’t do the same disinfecting against the Dems….but that shows a conscious decision for a variety of reasons….NOT bias, and certainly not lying.

          Hard to “prove” one way or the other… allowing us all our fantasies.

          ……….watch Rachel….even if you disagree with her, you can list what you have factually learned. Can’t do that with too much of Faux==its mostly Spew.

          A family friend keeps sending my Puke Talking Points. I consistently give him the link to Snopes asking him when he is going to wake up. The msnbc stuff I send him simply comes back with “Thats not what I believe.”

          See the difference?

          • McCullough says:

            I pulled the plug on Network TV a long time ago, its proven to be LIBERATING!!!!

            No Maddow, Sharptons, Morgans, or Matthews, O’Reillys, Becks, etc., for me.

            You should try that.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            Thats a fair and reasonable thing to do and I enjoy every time I go off grid and only have books to read. Surprises me each time that there is no withdrawal.

            So……….if you don’t watch any of these shows, how do you form your opinions about them?

          • McCullough says:

            Sometime during the last Presidential election it became apparent that all of these news corporations were at best politically biased, at worst being controlled (witness the way Ron Paul was treated during the campaign, whether you liked him or not, you have to admit he was completely dismissed.) Well it’s not their job to decide for us. It’s their job to report, and they didn’t do their job. So fuck ’em I pulled the plug. If more people did this, Like wouldn’t be so easily influenced.



            Bottom line, network media is controlled and you are being fed a daily diet of bullshit. Its no longer a conspiracy theory. Trust them at your own peril.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            Like I said….you don’t understand what the term “source” is. EG==first impression of an issue that has to be confirmed.

            Do you think there is no Malyasian Jet missing over the Ocean right now?

            Do you think nobody named Snowden stole secrets from the CIA?

            Do you think ObamaCare has not been passed or has been repealed??

            Where do you get your basic “facts.”

            Can you PLEASE focus on the difference between facts and opinion??

            Can you PLEASE focus on the difference between a decison to cover liberal or conservative issues and Bias? Those are two different things.

            Sadly, like too many, you just dump a bunch of different things together and fail to make appropriate distinctions.

            That lazy….. and stupid.

          • McCullough says:

            Uh, I cant answer your questions, because I’m just too stoopid..

            Whatever, go fuck yourself.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

            Yeah, I was thinking I was being “short tempered” and I wondered why.

            I think it is because when you ask people to pay attention to distinctions that are present and relevant and pointed out repeatedly, the subsequent failure to do so is pretty much a Fuck You statement to begin with. That refusal to participate in any meaningful discussion is…..lazy and stupid.

            Everyone posting here is not stupid but too many post without much regard to what is actually being said. They love the dogma/talking points/utterances becoming a chant.

            When I miss a chance to learn something, I criticize myself for being stupid and lazy. Close enough to whatever you might call it?

            Yea verily.

      • AAAyyy says:

        …Talk about being a hypocritical cool-aide drinking “hooman“! (Which is spelled H-U-M-A-N, btw.)

        There’s a thing called INCOMPLETE TRUTHS which might also be called WHITE LIES! Want an example? Try remembering this one: If you like your health coverage (plan), you can keep it. –BHO

        And the lie that PRIVATE INSURANCE was somehow bankrupting the government — and the taxpayers — is another classic pile of shit! Try wrapping your feable little brain around this other little FACT: insurance costs went up, and continue to go up BECAUSE of the government!!!

        But I’m sure you’ll find some more lame-ass lame-brain liberal half-truths or outright LIES to try and explain why we should all do whatever your side of politico’s tell us to do. (Just like your hero’s the NAZI’s did.)

        Fact is, you are a partisan fool and a jealous power hungry prick. Plain and simple. Personally, I would expect you to use nothihng less than half truths and outright lies whenever you speak.

        • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

          AAAyyy says:
          3/13/2014 at 2:37 pm

          …Talk about being a hypocritical cool-aide drinking “hooman“! (Which is spelled H-U-M-A-N, btw.) /// No. Hooman is spelled hooman while human is spelled human. Two different things entirely. The first is a phonemic orthography referencing the Looney Tunes Martian and more commonly later appearing androids and alien creatures. The second is rarely used for specific people.

          There’s a thing called INCOMPLETE TRUTHS which might also be called WHITE LIES! /// Again, two different words for two different ideas. Incomplete truths are not lies of any kind, white lies are but usually made as an act of kindness. Misleading someone can be done by incomplete truths but that does not make such statements a lie. Can you see the difference?

          Want an example? Try remembering this one: “If you like your health coverage (plan), you can keep it.“ –BHO /// I think that was a lie. That was not an incomplete truth nor a white lie. Whats your point?

          And the lie that PRIVATE INSURANCE was somehow bankrupting the government — and the taxpayers — is another classic pile of shit! Try wrapping your feable little brain around this other little FACT: insurance costs went up, and continue to go up BECAUSE of the government!!! /// More idiot mixing and matching. Sad. Fact: the majority of private bankruptcy filings are because of medical healthcare expenses. Fact: many USA products aren’t competitive in world markets because of the cost of healthcare inherent in the costs of manufacturing–more than the steel that is in the car as one example. Logic: if the government is bankrupting the USA because of healthcare costs, it is still healthcare costs that are bankrupting the USA and that need to be reformed. Can you understand your argument defeated your own position? (When YOU are that stupid, that is a stupid human act. When the whole Republican Party does the same thing, thats a stoopid Hooman move! See the difference?))

          But I’m sure you’ll find some more lame-ass lame-brain liberal half-truths or outright LIES to try and explain why we should all do whatever your side of politico’s tell us to do. /// Bald assertion? Ha, ha.

          (Just like your hero’s the NAZI’s did.) /// Hey–you dug Hitler up, not me.

          Fact is, you are a partisan fool and a jealous power hungry prick. /// Power? How so??

          Plain and simple. Personally, I would expect you to use nothihng less than half truths and outright lies whenever you speak. /// Facts. Logic. Able to juggle more than one ball at a time.


  6. dusanmal says:

    Fundamental problem is that Democrats/Progressives think that they can solve anything with propaganda. Coming from a place where that have been tried, I’ll repeat message from Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe : it will all end in tears.
    Why would any sane person get coverage under Obamacare system if they are not already sick? System guarantees ability to get insured and covered at the same rate AFTER you get sick, no matter how seriously. “Punishment” of less than 100$ per year makes it rational decision to pay for yearly checkups in full, pay the fine and wait until you really need it to insure yourself. Young and old people who know how to count and are not currently sick would be idiots to buy the propaganda and spend money needlessly.
    The only real solution is real, unprotected free market: get an insurance rate of which is calculated only by real costs (yes, that will cost less for young, more for women, more for elderly,…) ; allow any level of coverage individual wants at their own risk (you don’t need to by birth control coverage if you are 25 or 75 – your choice, never mandate); strictly do not cover pre-existing conditions and leave coverage of such to charities; allow people to purchase coverage across state lines as they see fit.

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      Real Market fantasy huh?

      A knowning and informed seller with a knowing and informed buyer each having alternatives available to them.

      You think that describes healthcare DouchAnal?

      Do you think…… at all?

      Idiot Human.

  7. AAAyyy says:

    Really? They couldn’t get her into a BROWN SHIRT?!

    (For you youngsters and other know-nothings, that’s a euphemism that people once used when refering to NAZI’S!)

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      For you youngsters and other know-nothings, the Nazi’s were infamous for forcing Healthcare onto the poor and disadvantaged.

      • AAAyyy says:

        Ya. They called it their “final solution“! And they had dozzens of “camps” all over Germany which administered this health “care” too!

        Seriously. Try not being such a loud mouthed idiot.

        • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

          What is your basis for calling the captioned woman a Nazi?

  8. Enemy_of_the_State says:

    I just check for my kids. We can not pay the tax (fine) in advance. F`n gubbermint

    • MikeN says:

      No need to pay the fine at all.

      • Enemy_of_the_State says:

        We would rather pay $97 today than $3000 after they “discover” the real cost to my your to pay for MY congestive heart and kidney failure.

        • MikeN says:

          You don’t need to pay the $95, which is actually 1% of income. You can just carefully underpay by that amount, and then they can’t collect the remainder by law. They are only allowed to deduct from refunds. In addition, you can now claim a hardship, and you are exempt.

  9. MikeN says:

    Has anyone explained what happens after Mar 31?

    Are insurance companies allowed to reject people for preexisting conditions then?

    • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

      I’d have to google to be sure, but I’ve heard it reported for the last two years that Ins Co’s could not use pre-existing conditions in their policies. Its one of the main sellling points for not overturning Obamacare.

      But….I don’t know for sure.

  10. Captain Obvious says:

    She could be the stern neighbor’s mom and I could be the naughty high school senior.

    • LibertyLover says:

      She is giving you that sexy look with her shirt all unbuttoned.

  11. Dallas says:

    A bossy mother is an attempt to get the message out to conservatives. While women in those households play the ‘public role’ of being submissive, the everyone know she’s the one with the brains.

    • Sammy says:

      Actually Obama knows his supporters all have “mommy issues” and need to be told what to do. Either by their gov’t masters, or mommy herself.

  12. MikeN says:

    >Well, here’s the most recent one:

    That doesn’t look like a very thorough analysis, not getting all the details. They haven’t confirmed what her co-pays are, just assumed she has them. More importantly, for cancer patients the coverages provided can have a huge impact on the details. Dropping from $1100 to $571 a month suggests they are dropping lots of coverage, but they don’t go into the details. The out of pocket cap that they add to the premium does not apply for out of network coverage, which is common. Did they look to see what the $1100 was covering?
    Looks more like a press release by people who wanted to attack the messenger.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      Hey Mickey—fair enough. Deeper Analysis. …. Fine.

      Do you think any analysis deep or shallow has been made by the policy holder or by Faux Spews?

      As stated….afaik…EVERY such example presented on Faux has been shown to be false…at least by the first impression such as present in the instant case.

      Or…in your mind, has Faux built up that strong a reputation for fair and accurate reporting? I thought “we” were supposed to decide?

      I call BS. WHAT HAS BEEN PRESENTED shows the woman and Faux is wrong. You can imagine what has not been presented all you want.

  13. MikeN says:

    COMMODUS: My father’s war against the barbarians, he said himself it achieved nothing. But people still loved him.

    LUCILLA: People always love victories.

    COMMODUS: But why? They don’t see the battles. What do they care about Germania?

    LUCILLA: They care about the greatness of Rome.

    COMMODUS: Greatness of Rome? But what is that?

    LUCILLA: It’s an idea, greatness. Greatness is a vision.

    COMMODUS: Exactly. A vision. I will give the people a vision and they will love me for it. They will soon forget the tedious sermonizing of a few dry old men. I will give them the greatest vision of their lives.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      An appeal to Patriotism, Our Side is Better than Their Side.

      Same old BS.

      Still Works.

      …………………American Exceptionalism.


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