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  1. dusanmal says:

    On the topic: “How ancient Greek plays allow us to reconstruct Europe’s climate?” – we have objective scientific methods to say the same. Here is a link to one of many studies of 10000 years long Earth climate record from Greenland ice. Tested and retested, errors in single digit percents,… published and peer reviewed. Yes, ignored by AGW Greennazis.

    And you can see why it is ignored by Greennazis: there is currently warming going on, but a) from the deepest colds in 10000 years and, even more importantly b) It is still DAMN COLD despite this short term warming, we are still below average and in 10% coldest years in whole human history and pre-history.

    We should be happy that we are warming toward normal Earth temperatures, for whatever reason it is (and if we can, we should help along).

    • ± says:

      Stop with the nazi stuff when you post something which is true. You automatically lose credibility. I almost stopped reading when I saw the word nazi since it so much a tactic of anyone who has NOTHING.

    • jpfitz says:

      I guess you don’t live near the equator.

      I also guess you don’t live near any glaciers.

      Anyway your whole post is garbage, Godwin’s law.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Putting the Douche into Douche Anal, dusanmal says:
    3/6/2014 at 6:47 pm

    On the topic: “How ancient Greek plays allow us to reconstruct Europe’s climate?” – we have objective scientific methods to say the same. Here is a link to one of many studies of 10000 years long Earth climate record from Greenland ice. Tested and retested, errors in single digit percents,… published and peer reviewed. Yes, ignored by AGW Greennazis. /// How is it ignored? /// Can’t find the source study, just the chart. However, if one cuts back the url to hot topic and enter “Easterbrook” as a search term, one can clearly see the website overall treats Easterbrook as if he were a Douche for Anuses. THAT alone doesn’t mean you dont know what you are mumbling about. Did you just MINDLESSLY copy some garblefarb from Forbes magazine or some other high water mark of science review?

    And you can see why it is ignored by Greennazis: there is currently warming going on, /// Yes, with the chart stopping short of the hockey stick.

    but a) from the deepest colds in 10000 years and, even more importantly b) It is still DAMN COLD despite this short term warming, we are still below average and in 10% coldest years in whole human history and pre-history. /// On what basis to you shout it is still damn cold? Compared to what…and how is that what RELEVANT to any current issue?

    We should be happy that we are warming toward normal Earth temperatures, for whatever reason it is (and if we can, we should help along). /// Why is THAT? What “value” do you mindlessly push to make such a statement?

    What a complete moronic insufferable anti-science talking point blubbering BUFFOON.

    Sooooooo BAD, it is actually comical….. except it votes…… and is reflective of the whole mob.

    Silly hoomans.

    (((Has it been colder?===Yes.
    Has it been warmer?===Yes.

    The issue is natural variation vs drowning in our own excrement. Being a Douche, I’d think you be more self aware, but on second thought, that is a limitation for all Douches. Ha, ha.)))

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    HEY DOUCHE!!!!

    How do you feel about vaccinations? Or has the memo not arrived yet?

    Ha, ha. Study: You Can’t Change an Anti-Vaxxer’s Mind.

    ……………seems they have an IRON CLAD, peer reviewed chart showing that there have always been diseases. Holy Shit: case closed.


  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    No, no, no! John you can’t let Adam roam off to Mexico. He’ll end up finding Ventura and disappear off the grid. And when he attempts to re-enter the U.S., customs will hold him for 10 cavity searches per day for a week. If he looks around I’m sure he’ll find a suitable donkey show in Texas.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    This roadmap shows how all 50 US states can transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050

    Who can say why we should NOT pursue this end goal with all deliberate speed? More to the point: why not?

    My favorite hypo: we find a magic spigot with all the free oil anyone wants. How would this affect the initial question????


    • jpfitz says:

      We don’t need no stinkin renewables. That will be the answer, because all the infrastructure for petrochemicals is in place. Deniers will always deny unless it affects their pocketbook. I’m not a scientist so no expert here. I go by the science communities decision. Plus I haven’t seen a frog in my yard for many years. We live not too far from a creek.

      we find a magic spigot with all the free oil anyone wants.///Good question to to start a ruckus at a party or gathering.

      The reviews on the book are interesting. Check out the comments deemed not important.
      [Customers don’t think this post adds to the discussion. Show post anyway.]

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Thats quite a collection of seeming nay sayers documented there. Lots of FUD all over the place. Good thing science ultimately figures it all out?

        Eh What????

  6. SPOCK says:

    the best podcast in the universe…
    best podcast in the universe…
    podcast in the universe…
    in the universe…
    the universe…

  7. jpfitz says:


  8. ivan says:



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