Next Sunday I’m doing a presentation at the Humanists Community in Palo Alto on the NSA spying issue. BTW – NSA spies are welcome to attend. Date: March 2. Time: 11:00 Place Palo Alto High School.

The issues is so huge that I need to narrow the focus to one single aspect in order to make it into a one hour time slot. So the focus will be – who’s telling the truth and how can you tell objectively which side is right?

I’m also going to talk about the Constitution as a moral contract that binds us together as a nation. How the checks and balance system works. Why the Constitution requires us to distrust government. (hint – the political equivalent of the scientific principle – Truth is purified through scrutiny.)

I’m going to talk about how the constitutional safeguards we hacked by using secret courts and secret law through the FISA court.

I’m going to talk about NSA effectiveness – or lack of. 70 million people get their information stolen through Target and the NSA didn’t catch that. How can you find a needle in a haystack when you can’t find an elephant in a haystack?

I’m going to talk about how we are required by law to lie and prohibited by law from telling the truth. How being dishonest by law reflects upon us as a country. How we have sacrificed the moral high ground and have become a threat to the world.

I will talk about cast systems where America’s position is that there are 2 kinds of people, American’s and foreigners. And that foreigners have no rights, nor do Americans who associate with them by email. So if you even got a spam from Nigeria then you are a terrorist collaborator suspect.

I will talk about another cast system of the watchers and the watched. Should government be watching us – or should we be watching the government. What does “We the People” really mean.

I’m going to talk about how the NSA has broken security for the good guys creating new opportunities for the bad guys to hurt us. If you hack the NSA you hack the world. How someone could push code like the Stuxnet virus into the operating systems of Apple, Microsoft, and Google and take out the Internet. What does it take to hack the NSA? Will it be some 14 year old kid bullied at school who takes out the power grid to get even? or will it be any one of the thousands of NSA workers who could be bribed or blackmailed into working for foreign spy agencies from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, or Israel.

I’m going to talk about how politicians or political dissidents or the press can be blackmailed. That Obama was spied upon by the NSA before he was elected and it raises the question about why he might have changed his mind. He is a constitutional lawyer so he does know how wrong it is. Yet he does it anyway.

I’m going to talk about the fact that the NSA has created the infrastructure for an Orwellian society and imagine if Hitler had the technology of the NSA there would be no Jews hiding in the attic.

I’m thinking of starting out with 2 videos – both Obama. One is from 2007 and the other is now. Which Obama do you believe?

Quite frankly – I don’t know how I can do this in an hour when I need to leave 20 minutes for questions. But I hope to have a state of the art Youtube presentation that will become a major reference point in the war to take back the Constitution.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Excellent! Nothing like giving a speech to focus one’s attention, identify shit from shinola.

    Next Sunday I’m doing a presentation at the Humanists Community in Palo Alto on the NSA spying issue. BTW – NSA spies are welcome to attend. Date: March 2. Time: 11:00 Place Palo Alto High School. /// I’m not a spy….but …I recognize I’m too lazy to drive that distance. Does sound like fun though. You and the humanists. Are you an outside speaker, or part of the group? (smile!)

    The issues is so huge that I need to narrow the focus to one single aspect in order to make it into a one hour time slot. /// I agree….. but then you outline JUST THE OPPOSITE!!!! “Focus!” If you are going to have film included, one is your limit, maybe two? Or are you just going to call out the punch lines to the knowing devoted?

    So the focus will be – who’s telling the truth and how can you tell objectively which side is right? //// Seriously Marc–this is one of the most important subjects anyone can spend time thinking about. I’d love to read/see your notes/slides on this subject. “How do you make up your mind, and how do you change it?” I’ve never even pushed it as far as being “objectively right.” … and I’ve never finished a tuna fish sandwich, must less the whole whale.

    I’m also going to talk about the Constitution as a moral contract that binds us together as a nation. /// Thats a bad move. Its a legal/governing contract. COYOTE.

    How the checks and balance system works. /// Why go into that when the issue is that its NOT working?

    Why the Constitution requires us to distrust government. (hint – the political equivalent of the scientific principle – Truth is purified through scrutiny.) /// It requires trust but verification from an INFORMED electorate. I think the more often heard expression is “Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant” by Justice Louis D. Brandeis.

    I’m going to talk about how the constitutional safeguards we hacked by using secret courts and secret law through the FISA court. //// Yes Indeed. No Sunlight there, and we prosecute the heros who crack open the shades (Snowden).

    I’m going to talk about NSA effectiveness – or lack of. 70 million people get their information stolen through Target and the NSA didn’t catch that. //// Bad example. NSA is to prevent terrorists ATTACKS on the USA–not internet security.

    How can you find a needle in a haystack when you can’t find an elephant in a haystack? /// Because the system is designed to use magnets?

    I’m going to talk about how we are required by law to lie and prohibited by law from telling the truth. /// You mean keeping silent is now a lie? You take the concern too far.

    How being dishonest by law reflects upon us as a country. /// All countries are. Seems like this should be in your 3rd or 45h lecture?

    How we have sacrificed the moral high ground and have become a threat to the world. /// USA has never been on high moral ground. A lie that you believe? Like all other countries, we act in our own self interest. Usually business oriented. Does not being Hitler make us “moral?”

    I will talk about cast systems where America’s position is that there are 2 kinds of people, American’s and foreigners. And that foreigners have no rights, nor do Americans who associate with them by email. So if you even got a spam from Nigeria then you are a terrorist collaborator suspect. /// Over wrought and too argumentative. There is no such cast system. Your earlier constitutional review should have covered the different rights afforded to citizens, voters, and individual people….corporations.

    I will talk about another cast system of the watchers and the watched. /// You overuse the notion of cast. It really is evil. So is the power of those “in charge.” In the end…everyone is watched.

    Should government be watching us – or should we be watching the government. /// Both. Its about when, how, methods, ends…etc.

    What does “We the People” really mean. /// Yep. Not “we the Int’l Corps, or We the Political Elite” and that is getting lost.

    I’m going to talk about how the NSA has broken security for the good guys creating new opportunities for the bad guys to hurt us. If you hack the NSA you hack the world. How someone could push code like the Stuxnet virus into the operating systems of Apple, Microsoft, and Google and take out the Internet. What does it take to hack the NSA? Will it be some 14 year old kid bullied at school who takes out the power grid to get even? or will it be any one of the thousands of NSA workers who could be bribed or blackmailed into working for foreign spy agencies from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, or Israel. /// Too technical for the audience? But if your review here is chronological as opposed to in reverse order of importance, it won’t get addressed in any detail until about 345 hours into your lecture.

    I’m going to talk about how politicians or political dissidents or the press can be blackmailed. /// HAVE BEEN/ARE blackmailed. A repeat on the evil that is the NSA/Secret Courts you already have covered?

    That Obama was spied upon by the NSA before he was elected and it raises the question about why he might have changed his mind. He is a constitutional lawyer so he does know how wrong it is. Yet he does it anyway. /// Lawyers know there is an argument for just about any position desired, deemed necessary.

    I’m going to talk about the fact that the NSA has created the infrastructure for an Orwellian society and imagine if Hitler had the technology of the NSA there would be no Jews hiding in the attic. /// You mean said Jews would not be using the internet? Seems a bit extreme but always a big hit with East Coast audiences. I see you are warming to your subject?

    I’m thinking of starting out with 2 videos – both Obama. One is from 2007 and the other is now. Which Obama do you believe? /// All candidates sound about the same on these issues, then all Presidents act about the same. I do wonder what happens to these men of the people as they get their first few security briefings as enforced by the daily briefings. Thats some powerful conditioning.

    Quite frankly – I don’t know how I can do this in an hour when I need to leave 20 minutes for questions. //// Ha, ha. Listen to yourself? Give it a dry run?

    But I hope to have a state of the art Youtube presentation that will become a major reference point in the war to take back the Constitution. /// Good luck.


  2. noname says:

    Yes best of luck Marc, hope to see a link in a latter update.

    I like the perspective: the political equivalent of the scientific principle – Truth is purified through scrutiny. That as citizens, we need to continually engage and be our own freedom watchdogs and challenge (not just the press) our government to keep it on the straight and narrow (same as parents with their children).

    “Why the Constitution requires us to distrust government.” Because we govern by our consent and we self-govern, it is our responsibility and requirement to provide our government constant feedback by our collective voice and voting and this is being undermined by the state of our press (layoffs, press/media ownership focus on profits at the expense of social good, lack of forth-wright information sharing if not outright government lying, gerrymandering, ….).

    Also the time people have to fulfill their self-government responsibility and requirement is being economically undermined. Two income families, mortgage, tuition cost …, all don’t leave much time in the day to consider what our government is doing to us. “I don’t have the time and it’s better to leave it to the experts”.

    There was a time when American’s had the time and a healthy distrust of the Expert; because we as individuals had the self-confidence and independence that we could do whatever better ourselves. Now we just don’t have time, focus and energy and we are lulled into complacency by trusting supposed experts that are experts in name only!

    To prevent diluting your message (you only have one hr.) I would stay away from “accusations” with useless hyperbole: “if you even got a spam from Nigeria then you are a terrorist collaborator suspect.” As you review and pare down your presentation to fit a hr. (rule of thumb 2 min per slide), eliminate any hyperbole and focus on substantiating evidence!

    I’ve had the same thought you noted: did the Praetorian Guard (NSA) blackmail Obama to get him to go along. “That Obama was spied upon by the NSA before he was elected and it raises the question about why he might have changed his mind.” It’s a reasonable and interesting thought and at best all you can do is leave it as an open question and not hype or harp on it without substantiating evidence.

    Yes, it does seem people are starting to understand our government is creating an Orwellian like society through the “military–industrial complex” Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about.

    One of my pet peeves is how the oath of office is “to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”, and not to bypass it with Extra-Constitutional secrete courts, lies to congress (to get their voting support), lies to the public (to get their voting support) in the “good intention” of protecting the homeland and its interests abroad. Sorry but the oath of office is not to first “protect the homeland and its interests abroad.”, instead we get out protection by first protecting our constitution!

    Hyperbole is tempting but is weak (won’t stand the test of time and public scrutiny), just stick to the facts and raise legitimate questions without over harping your pet peeves!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Good Review as well. I could quibble with most points but it would take too long to develop…and still remain a quibble? Should we trust our government ab initio…or in a quibble trust but verify? It may make little to no difference in the vigilence of the people, and every difference in the attitude/spirit of those who run for/stay in office?….I don’t know.


      “Yes, it does seem people are starting to understand our government is creating an Orwellian like society through the “military–industrial complex” Eisenhower famously warned the U.S. about.” /// Eisenhower was speaking about bankrupting the USA and being bled dry in foreign escapades not in our best interests. The Orwellian State is being driven by other interests/issues/TECHNOLOGY..most of it not initially intended.

      Its good to keep our evils discrete.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        typo: “shoud we DISTRUST our gubment, or trust but verify.” Sorry.

      • noname says:

        Fair enough: Eisenhower was speaking about bankrupting the USA

        • noname says:

          I don’t always agree with Judge Napolitano, but at least he generally speaks from a position of knowledge.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Well, he’s an ex-judge, and speaks only about legal issues, so….he always speaks from a position of knowledge.

            Yes, I’m only quibbling. But…learn to quibble, and there will be fewer Elephants to deal with.

            I am pleasantly surprised every time Judge Nap gets it right…and as you infer, sometimes he even disagrees with and tries to school the Faux Spews reporter….like that imbecile he is talking to in your linked video.

            Judges. Even those that are bought or twisted by experience at least can spot the shinola. Whether or not they will use it to polish the Constitution, is a different issue.

          • noname says:

            A so classic B.S. line for someone not attentive to reality: “learn to quibble, and there will be fewer Elephants to deal with.”

            Unfortunately the all too common mistake for many people is to choke on nats but swallow the camel whole; or, in another way ignore their blindness from a huge plank their eye, while criticizing the small vision impairment of someone with a small speck in their eye.

            You would think you’re being so smart being busy minding the small stuff; only to be completely blind or wantonly ignorant of the elephant in the room.

            It’s the classic penny wise, pound foolish mistake that busybodies make; kind of like what the NSA is doing to “protect” us!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Perhaps so noname, but you should consider and ADD TO your understanding of identifying small issues. There are many many small issues, fewer elephants…so, how you gonna practice?

            Speaking of the Judge…Daily Show had him on Feb 24 (with Hooman Majd) criticizing Abraham Lincoln for not letting slavery die out naturally. Hah, ha. Would you call that an elephant or a needle? Whichever, I guess its more an historical inaccuracy than a legal one?

          • noname says:

            I much prefer to “pick my battles” and keeping ones powder dry by selecting a specific issue of importance rather than wasting ones resources on “distractions”. I’ve succumbed to that temptation too often, as my fellow bloggers will attest too!

            Long ago, bobbo I gave up the illusion of pursuing futile and costly perfection. There will always be imperfections that you can take issue with. Also, long ago I’ve noticed ones resources are limited (time, capital,…). So best be wise in using what you have to achieve the most and don’t expect or demand to have it all!

            I am surprised you haven’t learned this from your daily folly of fretting life’s small stuff!

            I have no doubt large elephants pass you unnoticed as you focus on life’s many annoyances!

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Thank you. Yes, in Eisenhowers experience, the tech was not there AND perhaps even more importantly for many other issues primarily, we had a Robust varied Press Corp that was not as Corporately concentrated and infotainment driven.

          USA–spends more on military than next 14 nations combined. Only now ending longest war ever fought for ZERO return/safety if not making it worse. And even now, Eisenhower aside, the Ds & Rs are trying to one up each other on how much MORE we should be spending.

          Seems to me, some INCUMBENTS should be voted out of office? But, we’ll argue about Homo’s getting Hamburgers instead.

          Off topic….but just “look.”

          Marc: more than 1-2-3 “issues” and the mind starts to lose distinctions. If you want to be more impactful, try to narrow your issues. Let your audience go home thinking one good (specific) thing rather than (a general) wasn’t that good?

    • Tim says:

      The Eisenhower speach — “”The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist….”

      He was a nice man. He went far to fuck it up for us but told us how he did so.

  3. George, Tom, Abe, Alex, Andy and Ben (and Ulysses on the fifty) says:

    Take back the Constitution? Are you serious?!

    Do you really think we still have a Constitution when every damned self-interest group has made so many holes in it? Holes made by well aimed dollars?!

    One doesn’t need to look any further than the First or Second Amendment (whether you agree with it or not) to see some pretty big craters. But get to that Fourth one and it might as well read like some sort of crossed out shopping list. But then there are still others like the 16th which seems to go against the very soul of the Bill of Rights by adopting a new form of slavery – one based on wealth.

    It’s true that the pen is mighter than the sword. But nothing is more mightier than official looking dollars.

    I mean, do you think anyone – right or left – gives a damn about anything other than money? Don’t bullshit yourself! We all know what our politicians think but they aren’t the only ones, you know. It’s so bad that fewer and fewer of us know how to value a person based on anything else!

    Now, would you care to tell us what the admission to this “free speech” will be?

  4. dusanmal says:

    “I’m thinking of starting out with 2 videos – both Obama. One is from 2007 and the other is now. Which Obama do you believe?” – you can find dozens of other issues with same duplicity pre- and post- elections Obama. Hence, the one and only possible explanation is to trust that what he does represents what he actually thinks and believes in.
    One thing that is crucial in this issue you do not mention in your introduction whatsoever: WHY have founders wanted us to distrust Government so much and built-in so many protections and obstacles in the Constitution? – Answer: large and powerful Government inevitably abuses individuals. It is in its interest and it has ability to do so. Hence, inevitable. NSA = inevitable result of letting Government grow in size and scope. The one and only solution: make Government again small and weak sot that it can’t do this even if some bureaucrat imagines it.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      You know Douche—the Scandanavia/European countries have higher than we do tax rates AND higher than we do satisfaction with Gubment rates. You know why? They LIKE the services they are getting.

      Its not coded language of size but rather WHAT the gubment is actually DOING, or not doing. You are right on the “scope” notion.

      In point of fact, gubment is too small in many areas to effectively do their job. Think the Wall Street Anti-Fraud unit. But even that goes to what they (don’t) do.

      Simple Dogma, for Simple People. Most of it wrong.

  5. Do you actually compare real rates?

    Compare Norway, Switzerland and the USA.

    And when you consider the taxes upon taxes upon fees and more fees, we are not getting much for our money.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      The “tone” of your post is to imply that the USA has a higher tax rate than the Scandanavian countries? I looked at your link, to my biased eye, it confirms what I said. Those countries have taxes upon taxesupon fees and more fees as well AND my whole point was indeed that most USA citizens “feel” they don’t get much for tax burden.

      To your point: if those Scandanavians were paying less and getting Universal Health Coverage, extended family benefits, standard 6 weeks vacation, extensive disability Ins and what not, then it would even be worse than what I posted.

      WHAT I did find interesting is the VAT tax (mode of 25%) on top of their Federal and Municipal taxes. Thats HUGE. Compared to what I have seen proposed in the USA to replace income tax with a flat sales tax of 15%.


      But your language is not crystal clear as to what your position is. With our largest Corps paying zero corp tax or even getting rebates if not pure bail outs, …. I do not think the USA is over taxed.

      We are under serviced what with the Military Burden and subsidies/incentives to the already RICH so firmly ingrained in order to fund the corporate donations to our Elected Officials. Not even counting the Wall Street Skimming of the common man’s retirement funds.

      ……. We could be doing so much better……….

      • noname says:

        bobbo, nice & impressive reply and it was coherent even, WOW!

        Pls keep it up, or do the drugs just wear off?

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Well, thank you no name.

          Observe how when shown to be wrong JCD will simply not respond rather than descend into the ab hominem or foolishly and needlessly excuse dithering.


          They are niggling things. Not like emotions or opinions at all.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:


            I like to think I say “Thank You” and feel good having learned something.

            Maybe, I’m biased and don’t test myself as accurately as do my critics?

            PS–“ad litem” is almost complimentary. Is that what you meant as opposed to something like “loqui aliena”?

            I have avoided the latin as I disdain artificiality 🙂 of all sorts. Say it plain. Use English.

      • MikeN says:

        Switzerland isn’t in Scandinavia.

        • Tim says:

          No shit, moran; It’s in Burma.

          • IM75 says:

            No such word as moran. Did you mean moron? Please note that there is a spelling check that is active while you are entering text. If the word in your message is underlined in red, chances are pretty good that the word is misspelled.

          • Tim says:

            ^^ I rest my case.

  6. Liar Pantsonfire says:

    Supposedly lying to congress is punishable by a few years in your friendly neighborhood prison. What about lying to the American people? What are the consequences? Seems like it is something that is actually encouraged…

    Even lying to congress has no teeth anymore. The game is becoming increasingly convoluted with the system typically favoring the rich & powerful.

    We all knew this, but the 1% ers have become very openly brazen about how they should reap the benefits of that system to the detriment of the country and everyone else.

  7. deowll says:

    Obama can certainly give a great speech but in the end it’s all just hot air. He believes the ends justify the means and will do or say anything that will allow him to get his way. In the end what he is about is making the US into the next best thing to Cuba. He would disagree but his economic and political policies don’t leave the nation on any other tracks unless people wake up and kick him and his fellow travelers out the door.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      ….How does Obama get his way with Congress Creeps (you know who they are) have thrown up the largest number of filibusters IN HISTORY and vote against everything he proposes even when he proposes traditional Puke ideas/programs??

      How? Be specific.

      • MikeN says:

        Maybe he should have thought of that hen he was a Senator and voting for all those filibusters. Why did he vote against raising the debt ceiling?

        Oh, and if you look closely, those aren’t a record number of filibusters, but Harry Reid filing for cloture even if there was no filibuster.

  8. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    noname says:
    2/26/2014 at 5:08 pm

    I much prefer to “pick my battles” /// Noting quibbles is hardly a battle. More like a deep breathing exercise: clears the brain.

    and keeping ones powder dry by selecting a specific issue of importance rather than wasting ones resources on “distractions”. //// As I stated–you posted many things I could quibble with and I chose only one as you besmirched the last good Republican Presnedent and got your History 100% fubar. Not paying attention to quibbles will get you that.

    I’ve succumbed to that temptation too often, as my fellow bloggers will attest too! /// In this very thread.

    Long ago, bobbo I gave up the illusion of pursuing futile and costly perfection. /// Ha, ha. Its not an illusion. You just gave up. THAT is obvious.

    There will always be imperfections that you can take issue with. /// or not.

    Also, long ago I’ve noticed ones resources are limited (time, capital,…). So best be wise in using what you have to achieve the most and don’t expect or demand to have it all! /// Yep, imagine how much time could be saved if you knew your history instead of lumping it all in a miasma of BS.

    I am surprised you haven’t learned this from your daily folly of fretting life’s small stuff! /// There is no fret in the humor and education and good will in noting a quibble now and then.

    I have no doubt large elephants pass you unnoticed as you focus on life’s many annoyances! /// Some quibbles annoy, most do not. As stated: humor.///education.////good will. Is not applying the difference between the Orwellian State and the warning against military/industrial complex a large elephant, small elephant or an annoyance?

    Amusing. “Why” do you go after me so no name? Got a donkey wedged in your ass, or what?

  9. MikeN says:

    Reported that NSA is expanding its database.

    ‘I’m also going to talk about the Constitution as a moral contract that binds us together as a nation. How the checks and balance system works. ‘

    It’s not. It is rules constraining the government. But if you want to say Obama is breaking the moral contract, feel free.

  10. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    MikeN says:
    2/27/2014 at 3:42 pm

    Maybe he should have thought of that hen he was a Senator and voting for all those filibusters. /// Why? You think he got the RECORD HIGHEST number of filibusters because he voted for a lesser number earlier? Is THAT what you “think” Mickey?

    Why did he vote against raising the debt ceiling? /// Politics. Voting against the debt ceiling is NOT the issue. Can you identify what was? ……. Closely related, but not the same thing.

    Oh, and if you look closely, those aren’t a record number of filibusters, but Harry Reid filing for cloture even if there was no filibuster. //// You mean every chart and report I have ever seen is wrong huh? And I look closely at the numbers….how?
    The number of filibusters is reported separately from the number of clotures.

    Silly Hooman.

  11. LibertyLover says:

    You might want to consider the fourth branch of government when talking about checks and balances: the Technocracy.

    • Tim says:

      I don’t even *consider* giving a turn signal when I cut off those asshats.


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