WIPP at night

Federal officials Thursday confirmed a leak of nuclear waste at a southeastern New Mexico repository, but it could be weeks before workers can safely access the underground dump to determine what happened…

The DOE on Saturday announced that it had shuttered operations in response to an underground radiation sensor. But it wasn’t until Wednesday night that DOE confirmed that radiation had also been released above ground, about a half mile from the plant. And it wasn’t until a Thursday press conference that Jose Franco, manager of the DOE’s Carlsbad Field Office, confirmed publicly that readings from the monitors matched materials from the waste that is stored there, indicating a leak…

Environment Secretary Ryan Flynn said…”We will demand that federal officials share information with the public in real time. That’s the reason we are here…”

Flynn…said, “Events like this should never occur. From the state’s perspective, one event is far too many. Our primary concern continues to be public safety.”

“Even though the levels detected are very low,” he said, “radiation is simply not supposed to be released outside the building.”

The DOE is calmly issuing updates containing soothing noises. Thursday night they said they’d soon be able to identify the source of the leak of plutonium and americium — in about three weeks when they believe they’ll be able to re-enter the facility.


  1. dusanmal says:

    That is why you place such sites in some isolated places. If done properly, absolutely of no concern – neither people can go there nor can radiation walk away from the site (again, if done properly). This is not a cloud of radioactive debris, this is not a leak into aquifer, local irrelevant damage as intended.

    • Dumbed Down (for your comprehension)... says:

      Thankfully you’re not in charge of anything.

      It’s MORONIC thinking like that which empowers these CRIMINALS! And it’s barely conscious MONKEYS (or should I say OSTRICHES) like YOU who keep them in business.

      … As if burying nuclear waste with a radioactive half life measured in the THOUSANDS OF YEARS in some remote part of the planet like NEW MEXICO is any kind of solution. GET REAL!

      Want proof how stupid you are? Check out what a THORIUM reactor is (assuming you don’t think a FREE source like the SUN is any kind of “solution”). I could give you some links to this nuclear conspiracy but let’s see if you’re BARELY smart enough to use a search engine like the very corrupt GOOGLE and find the EVIDENCE on your own!

      (My bet is your answer will be “no” – the SAME answer of any average TWO-YEAR OLD!)

    • So What? says:

      I think the pertinent term regarding an aquifer is, yet.

  2. JudgeHooker says:

    Thanks, I feel alot better.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Douche being an idiot…. as usual. See those Skulls and Crossed Bones? THATS POISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Half life of 250K years. Gets into the Ground Water.

    Just another RAPE of common sense and good economic policy to favor the RICH over everyone else.

    Just read that Solar Panels are now cost competitive with “the grid” without any gubment support at all. Yes…what could be better than non polluting non poisonous non venomous GREEN energy that is decentralized and highly resilient to natural or man attack and………………………wait for it………………….creates lots of JOBS.

    On a tangent, over at New Scientist, I’m waiting for the question to be answered: why can’t we use the energy that is in Nuc waste pools that need to be cooled for a few years before being stored long term and it is still “hot” then? Whats the matter????==Not enough tax write offs for the RICH?????

    Nuke Fuel.

    Idiot’s Delight.

    • Dumbed Down (for your comprehension)... says:

      Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that the POISON doesn’t get into the ground water since that’s what the (irresponsible, powerful, and arrogantly ignorant) monkeys want to think.


      Where’s your money THEN?! Care to take a wild guess how many HUMANS there will be? If there’s anything to predict here, the answer will be ZERO!

      Want my advice? Don’t fight it. Let them annihilate themselves. Sit back and WATCH as these MONKEYS fling their deadly poo. It’s not like very many of them have any COMMON SENSE or anything. Even YOU are proof of THAT FACT!

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:


        Thats what I said.

        I don’t have any money.

        Zero, or a whole bunch real sick.

        Yes, but you haven’t shown yourself skilled at formulating anything beyond spittle.

        I disagree. Sense of the Common Man is what I extrude, unless you are making an irrelevant existential point?

        Do you have a point you are trying to advance??

  4. JudgeHooker says:

    Oh jeez – Bobbo again. I almost forgot why I quit coming here. Sorry for the interruption.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:



      Variety is the spice of life…..not every commentator should be an idiot or skimming without content?


  5. noname says:

    It’s good; the DOE says the event poses no public health. Also good is NM being very concerned about the “lag in getting information about the incident”. Hopefully the DOE is being totally honest when they say “levels detected are very low” … “released outside the building.” How much the levels are is what is essential to know!

    It’s hard to get too outraged without knowing more upfront about the quantitative details. Ignorant people are getting worked up over qualitative statements like “radiation levels have been detected” without knowing how relatively elevated those levels are! Typical background radiation level is anywhere from 5 to 60 CPM. And detectors today are extremely sensitive!

    It is wise for the State and public to hold the line at “one event is far too many”. In this case, DOE deserves public scrutiny for not keeping the public completely and promptly informed with an abundance of facts.

    How the DOE is managing the time line of disclosed facts is what’s disturbing for me, not so much the fact of a hopefully minor leak: “The DOE on Saturday announced that it had shuttered operations in response to an underground radiation sensor. But it wasn’t until Wednesday night that DOE confirmed that radiation had also been released above ground, about a half mile from the plant. And it wasn’t until Thursday … DOE… confirmed publicly that readings from the monitors matched materials from the waste that is stored there, indicating a leak.”

    Are we or are we not a public Democracy/republic? It’s about time our government realizes its duty is to inform the public with an abundance of truth so that people can be informed citizens and voters!! We pay taxes to a government because we can confidently trust it works for U.S. to keep U.S. informed, educated and safe.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Why are you “satisfied” with an abundance of facts when the RELEVANT issue is that there should be NO WASTE AT ALL as in no nuke power (until/unless a breeder reactor will burn its own waste?).

      The Folly of Man. The World will end in a whimper–killed by our own pollution.

    • Dumbed Down (for your comprehension)... says:

      You might like to investigate what GAMMA radiation in before speaking. You say “radiation” as if it’s some kind of camp fire. Clearly you have no idea what different TYPES of radiation there are.

      Seriously! When you say crap like:

      We pay taxes to a government because we can confidently trust it works for U.S. to keep U.S. informed, educated and safe.

      It just goes to show how pathetically foolish you are with your moronic BELIEFS!

      Nevertheless, I AGREE with the sentiment.

      • Tim says:

        It’s the *hot particles*, the alpha emitters, that are of the greatest concern. The alpha particle (typically, a helium nucleus) will not penetrate through a sheet of paper {likewise, it will not be detected by most home radiometers} but, once inside the body, that stopping thin sheet is inevitably a cell wall getting dosed again and again — which is just fine as long as one is *happy*.

      • noname says:

        Really, so much rampant stupidity; you obviously have never worked with ionizing radiation!

        Really: “You say “radiation” as if it’s some kind of camp fire.”

        You and bobbo are so laughably ignorant; not even your feigning protests can hide the obvious!

        Where is your outrage about areas of concentrated airborne radioisotopes that pose far larger, REAL and ever-present public risks the government has kindly tried to warn, inform and educate ignoramus like you and bobbo about; like cigarettes, …, radon, ….

        And you are worried about radiation levels in southeastern New Mexico well below accepted safe levels!

        So concerned about gamma radiation, what protection are you taking to protect yourself from natural air born sources and other radiation types from Ingestion of food & water (K-40, C-14, etc.), terrestrial (soil/ground/building material) and cosmic/gamma radiation from space when you fly?

        Save your protest for someone who cares!!

        • Tim says:

          I think that radon may be a little bit too besmirched, here. Radon is a noble gas which does not react with anything (at body temps) so that it is not incorporated into our cells. It can, however, trigger an immune response that just may mitigate other ailments —


          This is just an anecdotal, but I was told as a child that if I went on a caving trip with the scouts that it would kill me. I went anyways and was breathing easy within six hours over what was a lifelong respiratory battle before. I’ve noticed this effect with everyone I novice spelunk with though the dust, mold, cold, and moisture is terrible and the radon levels off the charts.

          • noname says:

            Dangerously silly!! Yes Radon is chemically nonreactive!

            It’s not the chemistry that harms; it’s the statistics of the physics from prolonged exposure to radon’s intense radioactivity that damages lung cells and leads to lung cancer!

            I’ll take my guidance from the National Cancer Institute which reports: “Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and is associated with 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year.” and not some freak anecdote!!

            It goes to show, if there is a buck to be made, then radon quack cures like old soldiers, never die“.

          • Tim says:

            noname, that article is conflating radon with radium — radium is one of the most dangerous aforementioned alpha-emmitters.

            Besides, everyone knows the curative effects of the hot springs is due to the sulfur constituants —


          • noname says:

            Timmy, we are all so glad you feel so much better educated, experienced and smarter than the AMA and the National Cancer Institute!

            You really believe the National Cancer Institute is conflating radon with radium when good science says “Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and is associated with 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year.”?

            If only those 100s of 1000s of worldwide doctors, researchers and academics had your remarkable freak anecdote maybe they too, would not believe the truth of scientific evidence, like you.

            How sad!!

          • Tim says:

            Incidentally, concerning radium, perhaps someone who is better at search-engining than I am could find the docs on how the tons of military surplus watch-dial radium dye that was stored at Oak Ridge, TN was within a few hundreds of grams of critical mass for the volume of the storage facility?? That one is beyond my pay-grade to reveal.

          • Tim says:

            noname, I don’t believe a God-damned thing the NCI says; They say that *marijuana* will never be *medicine* because it is smoked — never mind the Jamaican studies that showed protection for and reversal of damage from tobacco by smoking cannabis. They are shills. Besides, I don’t really advocate people to get cancer. Ever wonder why they always ‘march for the cure’ and never the cause?? They put laws on the books that outlaw a *cure* for Christs’ sake!!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Don’t get me wrong….I’m as anti-Gubament as the next yokel but the NCI references that MJ has no known medical uses as per Gubament Dogma ….>>>BUT THEN…as any science based Institute should, goes ahead and lists all the known medical benefits and studies underway.

            Lets keep our hormones in check?


          • Tim says:

            Thx for the link, bobbo. I’d recommend the stuff for stage IV bone cancer if it wasn’t for the bloodshot eyes — nobody wants to see that shit in the workplace.

  6. Tim says:

    “Effects of radiation do not come to people that are happy… They come to people that are weak-spirited”


    Just smoke pot. Everybody in New Mexico {judging off the two I’ve met} are assholes anyways.

  7. Somebody_Else says:

    The DOE should hire the Curry-Dvorak consulting group to handle the media. We can’t have the slaves thinking NewClear energy isn’t perfectly safe.

    • noname says:

      I guess you never heard of, or care about those affected by black lung, mining accidents, explosions, Cave-ins … or coal ash radiation!

      Guess which has killed more people ever, coal or nuclear?

  8. Hmeyers says:

    Maybe it is good kind of radiation the good kind of radiation that will give people superpowers like Hulk or Spiderman.

    • Tim says:

      Now here ^^ is a happy optimist. Also, I suspect Hmeyers hails from NM.

      The optimist says, “The glass is half full”;

      The pessimist says, “The glass is half full but the jubilance over my new-found superpower is dampened by my newly discovered colon cancer”.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    noname–there is a big difference in naturally occurring radiation that the gubament warns us about versus MAN MADE radiation that the gubment and stooges like Doucheanus tells us is perfectly safe.

    try, Try, TRY, —-==TRY===to tell shit from shinola.

    Talk about having to dumb it down.

    • Tim says:

      “”Personally, I’d rather be in a room with an open 1 lb can of plutonium than in a trench full of mustard gas…

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        I got tired of googling how lethal plutonium radiation is. I assume it decreases by the square of the distance from the source etc because the set up here is that Mustard Gas is heavier than air and could be avoided by standing on a chair while the plutonium radiation could not be avoided…….

        ….but then I thought I’d rather be in a room filled with Nekkid women and a keg of beer and I lost interest in the exercise.

        This vision will also negate looking for glow in the dark stockpiles reaching critical mass…. no time for that.

        …..but I dither.

    • noname says:

      Oh bobbo such the classic and committed ignoramus. Good luck selling the educated your “fool’s myth”, “natural radiation is good”; “man-made radiation is bad”.

      Please educate us on those health differences between MAN MADE radiation and Natural radiation; and, which has killed more people MAN MADE radiation or Natural radiation?

      Oh bobbo the committed idiot and scientific illiterate, please tell us, these falsities your kind believes with such committed unreasoning it baffles all!

      Let me guess, you and Timmy want people to believe radiation from smoking cigarettes or radon is really healthy.

      From the American Lung Association, “there are about 48 million adult smokers in the U.S., and 4.8 million adolescent smokers. The U.S. population, directly exposed to radioactivity in cigarette smoke, is approximately 53 million.”

      “lead-210 and polonium-210 are present in tobacco smoke as it passes into the lung.”

      “polonium-210 (whose half-life is about 138 days) quickly grows in as the lead-210 (half-life = 22.3 years) decays and becomes the dominant radionuclide. Over time, the concentration of polonium-210 directly on tissues of the bronchioles grows very high, and intense localized radiation doses can occur at the bronchioles.”

      • Tim says:

        Yes. That’s as a result of potassium and phosphate fertilizer mining and production. It’s important to utilize the broncioldilator and expectorant action of cannabis to wash that crap out before it takes hold.

        Again, was it not you that mentioned spreading out the crap evenly?? That is where we get the healthy teeth now; Even though, it was first cited as *healthy* because of the large amounts of the stuff poisoning the populace around Oak Ridge where they cooked The Bomb and first used by Stalin and Hitler to keep the femacampers docile.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        noname==you really do come off much better looking when you try, Try…etc… to be a positive lad. Your attempts at playing the fool come off quite ineffective.

        focus, Focus, FOCUS…etc… Man Made vs Natural. Does such a clear demarcation require more explanation than its repetition?

        Three times the idiot and I will slow down and explain the difference to you…..but to prepare myself…..think I will prepare a Slushy Beer. I thank you for that.

        • noname says:

          Two clowns, bobbo and Timmy do make me laugh so 🙂 🙂

          Why be positive with such cancer promoting, death peddling clowns?

          No doubt, truth, Darwin and nature will happily takes its course with each puff Timmy takes, “It’s important to utilize the bronchodilator and expectorant action of cannabis to wash that crap out before it takes hold.” Good luck Timmy!

          Poor bobbo, if only it was me noting bobbo is such the classic and committed ignoramus!

          Good luck bobbo, selling the educated your “fool’s myth”, “natural radiation is good”; “man-made radiation is bad”!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            borrowing from Pedro:

            Well nobrain….PAY ATTENTION!!! The ONLY thing I have posted about other than Nuke Radiation is that the Gubament warns us AGAINST IT.

            How far up your ass must your head be to make up the shit that I recommend naturally occurring radiation much less coal dust.

            ………However, I do wish to report the Beer is Working. I don’t give a shit how stupid you choose to be.

          • noname says:

            Yes bobbo, I would recommend, as you say “focus” and “pay attention” to what I posted!

            Enjoy that beer you’re drinking as your dull mind becomes even duller!! Maybe you have sudden lucid moments!

            Be sure to imbibe plenty of Dihydrogen Monoxide. Like polonium-210, I recommend you don’t inhale potentially toxic Dihydrogen Monoxide (can cause hydrocephalus)!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            nobrain……I do pay attention. To words. To what is said, to what is meant, to what can be teased out of what is said, to typo’s that are obvious….etc.

            I said YOU should pay attention to what is clearly said by those who you contend with.

            You make STRAW MAN arguments, if that is not too much dignity given to the fact that 4 times now you refuse to recognize your simple misapprehension: ALL I HAVE SAID is that Nuke Energy waste products are dangerous, so dangerous that Nuke Power should not be utilized–not when AS STATED the cost of solar is now competitive plus the other inherent advantages are factored in.

            VERY simple stuff noname.

            You sadly exemplify what happens too often to otherwise intelligent people: you get stuck enjoying your own BS. Take a lesson/caution/correction when it is so objectively set before you. We will still have lots to discuss and argue about otherwise. And I enjoy that …. THAT…process. NOT arguing with idiot who make up shit and won’t admit it.

            Stop it.

            Be better.

          • noname says:

            bobbo, don’t expect anyone to pay you any attention, respect or patients with such a high lack of understanding, bogus and defective reasoning you display over and over!

            At 7:53 pm you started the discussion regarding “big difference in naturally occurring radiation” … “versus MAN MADE”

            You really need to take your own advice and learn “to tell shit from shinola.”

            It’s obvious your lack of scientific literacy and misguided reasoning has misinformed you about what are the dangers from this particular leak of nuclear waste and the current lack thereof danger!

            Unlike you, the rest of us mature and educated adults here in the real world understand all technologies carry risks if mishandled!

            I have no doubt this leak (that pose no public threat) “sounds dangerous” to bobbo, the scientifically illiterate, poorly educated with a limited knowledge of high-school level physics who holds to an impossible ideal of a “nuclear-free” or “risk-free” life.

            grow-up and get educated!

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    nobrain carrying on as if he were Pedro says:

    “Unlike you, the rest of us mature and educated adults here in the real world understand all technologies carry risks if mishandled!” /// The point is….all technologies WILL BE mishandled. THAT IS THE POINT of this op. Yes–making a container that does not leak……so “high” tech? 3 Mile Island? Chernobyl?? Fukashima??? THE FREAKING NEXT ONE???????????

    So–weigh the risks. DO IT!!! Not the risk for you and me to get blown up or poisoned. The risk to FUTURE GENERATIONS. How do you mature and educated adults do that risk assessment other than….. BS yourselves??? And that is the point.

    You have gotten off a direct accusation that I support being poisoned by Radon, Medical Waste, Coal Dust and those “risk elements.” With great effort, your head can be pulled out of your ass and you can be coaxed to make the smallest of baby steps. Very mature.

    Risk Assessment/Risk Tolerance. I’m sorry—but when alternatives exist, I see NO REASON to accept ANY RISK AT ALL when it comes to poisoning future generations when we can’t even the freak construct a leak proof container that will last more than 5 years. Half life of Plutonium: from 14 to 376,000 years as there are many different isotopes of Plutonium.


    Check out Chernobyl and Fukushima with the Dead Zones that surround them. How many Dead Zones are reasonable to get Nuke Power? ………… I say: None. You are willing to accept such risks ….”as if” saying there is a risk factor means you don’t believe they will happen???? But risk factor MEANS THEY WILL HAPPEN!!!!!! Risk over time=Certainty.

    Freaking idiot.

    • noname says:

      Yes bobbo, “the point is….all technologies WILL BE mishandled.” and “I see NO REASON to accept ANY RISK AT ALL” you should go back to living in the stone age!

      Poor sad technophobia bobbo, scared by the 21nd century. There is just too much science and technologies for a backwards boy like bobbo to handle!

      There are plenty of low to no technology areas for you live and not fret about “3 Mile Island”, like Afghanistan!

      Ever the idiot, your mind is trapped in your self-hypnotic frenetic and self-manuring cycle of toxic rhetorical flourishes; you can’t rightly weigh any modern danger! It’s sad to see the toxic effects technophobia has had on bobbo’s brain, feasting again and again on his daily regurgitated diet of verbal diarrhea.

      Poor sad technophobia bobbo and his uncontrollable outbursts, raging against an event that is no danger to the public or the environment!

      Maybe it’s just hemorrhoid rage or bobbo if off his meds again?

      Some people find the early, prompt, planned and reasoned action by our government, reassuring; but not technophobe bobbo!

      No worries poor Neanderthal bobbo, they didn’t detect another pregnancy!

      bobbo, go back to self-medicating and stay away from lapping up your daily bowl of regurgitated verbal diarrhea!

      Leave the science and technologies stuff to the scientist!

      • Freemantle A. Silverboard says:

        “Leave the science and technology stuff to the scientist”

        Obviously that wouldn’t be anyone posting on this website.

        • noname says:

          Yes, funny how that works, your obviously speaking for yourself!

          • Freemantle A. Silverboard says:

            Awww did that twist your knickers nogame. A question for you how do you keep a worthless troll in suspense?

          • noname says:

            Nice Silverboard, another dull “one tune” troll; asking over and over same thing, your shriveled mind forgot last time, 7/3/2013 at 4:56 am.

            How time flies as Freemantle’s dementia sets in! I guess these little chats will just keep covering the same ground, so hopeless.

            It seems you’re the essence of the answer you seek; look in the mirror if you dare!

            Anyway Silverboard, who is wearing those knickers that so interest you, your twisted wife?

          • So What? says:



            Granted in your case it’s probably a way of life.

          • Freemantle A. Silverboard says:

            Not the brightest tulip bulb in the garden is he.

            That’s a rhetorical question nogame.

          • noname says:

            Impressive grade school art there So What.

            Looks like those computer art classes really helped you!

          • noname says:

            silverboard is your twisted wife knickers bunched up again?

          • So What? says:

            You could probably stop but after reading your posts it’s obvious self control has never been one of your strong points. The troll is strong with you.


          • noname says:

            Please So What?, show me your full grade school computer art portfolio and presentation!

            With those skills, I might be able to get you employed again!

  11. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:


    What do you think “when alternatives exists? means?

    I am all for MAXIMUM tech. Even on the verge of saying: YES, create secure storage facilities and we can “risk” waiting for SCIENCE to figure out how to use it/make it safe before it poisons us……”if” we have to.

    I don’t know what air filters have to do with liquid leaks.

    noname. Please. Pay Attention.

    Be relevant….not stupid.

    • noname says:

      Exactly, why would a bonafide scientifically illiterate ignoramus know anything about something as common as every day evaporation of volatile radiochemical components or even air uptake of dust containing radionuclides salts or suspended particles, or … bobbo says: “I don’t know what air filters have to do with liquid leaks”.

      You obviously need to revisit you grade school science lessons describing liquids and evaporation, sources of air born dust….

      Have you ever worked in a Class 1 Cleanroom?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Spell it out for me no name. What does touting the benefits and capabilities of air born HEPA filters got to do with the threat presented by leaking plutonium waste water?


        • noname says:

          Dunce, I did already!

          I am not going to try and explain to a dimwit basic science of:

          how air moves and how dust gets in air

          how liquids evaporate and can leave behind particles

          All these concepts are obviously well beyond you grade level!

          And in the advance classes you need to understand the extreme sensitivity of commonly used ultralow background Ge detectors and how they easily detect well beyond the extremely low levels of radionuclides, many from natural environmental exposure!

          Once you understand that, you should then
          study how to calculate received radiation dose from exposure to indirect and direct ionizing radiation so you can understand what if any likely detrimental health effects are!

          Just as a good reference, a little understanding the health effects of daily received radiation dose would be a good start!

          Maybe then you might develop some simple understanding of what little to nonexistent health risks we are discussing here and how well it’s being managed!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Stuck on stupid.

            What you have said is indeed obvious. What does it have to do with preventing fluid leaks from storage tanks.

            Two strikes.

            Play Ball.

            ……….Oh………….Pay ATTENTION!!

            Q==Just how low do you score on the Benet Standford Intelligence Survey for Logical Thinking? You know… the series of questions regarding: “What is the subject of the following paragraph”?

            Must be a real bitch!

          • noname says:

            poor dimwitted bobbo!

            A living example of “a mind is a terrible thing to waste”!

            Hey dumbo, if you haven’t noticed; I don’t (nor most people here) play your childish “Pay ATTENTION” Ball game! How’s that for your logic test!

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Yes, that is abundantly clear. Your loss.

            I will no longer engage you as there is no substance. “If” you want engagement, please reply specifically to what I have said by copy and paste of my words followed by whatever response you have.

            Silly Hooman.

          • Tim says:

            A mind is, indeed, a terrible thing to taste — Stupid zombie virus.

          • noname says:

            Amazing, I got through, you finally understood something!

            Good luck with your growing illogic (dementia probably) and stupid game of playing a truly delusional off topic unfocused facilitator asking self-obvious questions you are forever clueless about!

            Engage yourself in some basic reading; even if it’s just grade school science! Maybe then you have something to contribute in discussion and you can then “engage” other people on topic!

  12. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Ready Kilowatt: from your postings, I infer you are pro Nuke Power?

    How would you present your risk analysis position? 1. That the risks are so minor that they are not of reasonable concern? or, 2. That the risks are there but we have no choice but to use Nukes?

    Whatever your answer is, how do you factor in the 3 Major Events I listed?

    How do you factor in the Safety Factor Nuke Power being a target for terrorism AND for being consolidated centralized government controlled rather than disbursed and highly resiliant when tech like solar panels are used?

    I think we “probably should” be paying twice as much for green solar energy and get rid of the Nuke Threat, the black lung disease, the degradation to our environment…etc. Will it cost more? At least initially, but that is the whole point after all==>what is the cost of our energy?

    Just curious.

    • Tim says:

      “”AND for being consolidated centralized government controlled rather than disbursed and highly resiliant when tech like solar panels are used?

      I certainly agree with that. Government will always de-empower the slaves to the point where small wood fires will earn a swatting and many will starve to fulfill the letter of the law. I do wish some would see the AGW scam for exactly that very thing because it is. Would it be surprizing that the centralized monopolies support the AGW?? Here in the southeast, the land was taken for hydroelectric and nuclear everywhere. Do we have *affordable power*? No, now we have niether land nor affordable power.

      Besides, the whole nuclear thing is so we have plenty of bombs —
      embrace the button, it is much more ergonomic to produce now than it was then.

      B61 controller

      • Tim says:


        Squirrells slip on the panels, falling into the gutters and suffering a horrible slow, trapped, constricted death. I’m all in.

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Tim says:
    2/23/2014 at 3:01 pm

    “”AND for being consolidated centralized government controlled rather than disbursed and highly resiliant when tech like solar panels are used?

    I certainly agree with that. /// Yep. You’d think that “National Security” would almost mandate it…especially right now what with those old Geezers that walked right into a Nuke Plant and had to wait an hour before the cops arrived to see what was up.

    Government will always de-empower the slaves to the point where small wood fires will earn a swatting and many will starve to fulfill the letter of the law. /// thats a mix of issues that oscillate back and forth. We the people are getting overly hosed right now though, IMO.

    I do wish some would see the AGW scam for exactly that very thing because it is. /// What “thing?” Your antecedent could be any number of ideas, some the opposite of others.

    Would it be surprizing that the centralized monopolies support the AGW?? /// Big Oil is against it which is why it is not genereally accepted.

    Here in the southeast, the land was taken for hydroelectric and nuclear everywhere. Do we have *affordable power*? No, now we have niether land nor affordable power. /// Compare it to the alternative. I think the USA is on the low side for “power” compared to many other countries….I’m guessing.

    Besides, the whole nuclear thing is so we have plenty of bombs. /// I don’t think that is true. I do prefer tangents to conflation. (smile!)

    embrace the button, it is much more ergonomic to produce now than it was then. /// huh?

    ///// Pros and Cons to all we do. If you have an issue that is all one way with no counterbalances, then you are operation on dogma.

    “The death of dogma is the birth of morality.”
    — Kant

    • Tim says:

      Besides, the whole nuclear thing is so we have plenty of bombs. /// I don’t think that is true. I do prefer tangents to conflation. (smile!)

      But it is true. You questioned it yourself as to why we don’t use the *hot* waste distributed for energy. It is because all the *goody* has been extracted for nuclear weapons so that what remains is much too poisonous for the delta T rendered.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Hah! I don’t know, but I think you are conflating a number of issues…all revolving around Nuclear Energy which I don’t know well enough to get on my high horse about. Just “logically” countries first refined uranium to make bombs, not power plants. And now many countries refine uranium to power electrical generation and not Bombs. Does seem like two discrete goals/functions regardless of how much overlap in the tech there might be?

        But since this is probably the last OP for the next 3 days, you commented once again on the fraud that is AGW?

        I don’t know. Again…. not a scientist. But again “LOGICALLY” seems to me that everyone agrees co2 is a greenhouse gas. Ergo: if you put co2 into the atmosphere, the atmosphere should heat up. Therefore: common sense says AGW should be the case. Therefore, anyone contesting this position should have science on their side. Not what we have today which is putting a burden on science to “prove” that AGW is the case?

        What too many people do is contest AGW because of other policy issues that flow from such conclusion, but such conflation should be avoided. I don’t think we should wreck our economy trying to avoid Climate Change, but I don’t think we should ignore it as if common sense was not our guiding principle?


        “No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.”
        — Mary Wollstonecraft ((Except the RICH!))

  14. t0llyb0ng says:


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      HEY!–the majority of those, are mine.

      Unintended Consequences: spell checkers change the formalities of written intercourse. Disruption in meaning: Zero.

      Spelling is totally artificial and non….ooh, you got me nervous now….nonconsequential. My spell checker says I got it wrong! Now, why would nonconsequential have a different spelling combo than nonpoisonous?

      Keep up the good work, or should that be goodwork, Tolly Bong!

      A worthy but im-possible goal.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Hmmm…..without googling……….am I making an error I actually DO care about?

        nonconsequential. Does spell checker catch this because it is NOT a word, as I have failed to use the actually correct form of “inconsequential”?

        Yes, I think so. Not a non sequitur. ….. oops….why isn’t that insequitur?

        We think with words, and flower with ideas. A highwater mark not affected by spelling most times. Just ask Sheekspare.

        • t0llyb0ng says:

          Once I became aware of creeping hyphenitis, I see it everywhere.  The British rule is, if in doubt, put a hyphen in it.  At least we’re not that bad—yet.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            I can see that happening to any man of letters. Hope I don’t come down with it….but I’m feeling the sniffles already.

  15. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Best Video I have seen in quite a while:

    AC/DC’s Thunderstruck on Cello’s.

    Reminds me of Getting an Accordionist in Vegas to Play In a Godda Davida from my call out request. He did a fantastic job too. These guys beat him out by a smidge. I can see Salieri’s face now.


  16. MikeN says:

    Isn’t all the waste supposed to be in Yucca mountain?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Most Nuke Waste is stored “on site” as no one will take it. A ticking time bomb for sure.

      “Why did they do this?” /// If they even ever know/remember the tech that was part of the termination/reset of civilization.

      • Tim says:

        And if it ever resets, will the future sentience recognize what the radioactive symbols mean as they bore into interesting *geological* formations, intentionally buried or not??

        “Look, kids; We found a holy relic!”

    • Tim says:

      on-site, open nuclear waste storage casks:


      At Brown’s Ferry, it’s right on the river. Dremmel tools can be useful.

  17. MikeN says:

    I wouldn’t rule out some deliberate sabotage by greenpeace. James Hansen just revealed that when he said something negative about one type of renewable energy, he was criticized, and was told that the push for renewables was about getting rid of nuclear power. Since wind and solar are intermittent, the rest of the time they require other energy, and nuclear is less competitive since it is most efficient when it is run constantly.

    • noname says:

      Makes more sense its sabotage is by Koch-funded activists trying to corner the energy market!

      Those evil criminals will do anything to destroy and enslave the middle class and America!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Somebody said something to James Hansen?

      Wow. That is serious.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Very short non threatening self graded subjective read here:


    Its good to be challenged or confirmed.


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