
Obama himself spent President’s Day weekend on a three-day golf vacation in California. He attended two events focused on the drought before golfing at luxurious courses in Palm Springs. “Vacationing with DVDs of his favorite television shows and multiple golf outings with his buddies, the duffer in chief played at two of the most exclusive courses in the Palm Springs area,” according to Time.

I’m assuming these desert-based golf courses are on water restrictions in light of California’s

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“drought” crisis.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Turning our elected representatives into Sellebrity Personalities is one of the most corrosive aspects of our politics/culture.

    Hard to resist, I suppose.

    The OP–completely irrelevant.

    The Issue–what did Obama “do” about anything?

    Q–so what did he eat for lunch and does he wear boxers or briefs?

    ……. and so it goes.

  2. McCullough says:

    “The 124 golf courses in the Coachella Valley consume roughly 17% of all water there, and one-quarter of the water pumped out of the region’s at-risk groundwater aquifer, according to the Coachella Valley Water District.”


    That’s what makes it relevant. Of course, you will disagree.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    …..and if Obama had NOT gone to the desert to play golf, how much water would have been saved?

    …..or…. the review could have focused on the relevant issue of “Obama Missing Opportunity to Push his Global Warming Agenda while Golfing in the Desert.”

    Quite right, you are.

    Course–that is Colorado Water that is secured for use by contract. Still, I also wonder at what level of suffering will the 99% have to endure before the RICH give up the water for their golf courses so the rest of us can have basic food?


    Once again, it all comes down to ENERGY. We have all the water we will ever need. All it takes is clean non polluting CHEAP energy to turn salt/waste water into potable to be wasted as we choose. Its a wonderful thing really: ENERGY.

    Thats why Bill Gates should spend more of his $$ on developing cheap energy rather than more people on earth. How to benefit the most while hurting the fewest. It is his money though…….so to speak.

    • dusanmal says:

      It is about corruption and fascism.
      Obama pushes water restrictions through EPA to satisfy his world view of governmental control of people and resources.
      However, “some animals are more equal than others” as in any fascism. Grease-up Government and voila – some water for you (like a golf place). Otherwise just for smelt fish. And the fish, not the weather is the root cause of drought. Plenty of water for all if that restriction is lifted. But, than – how do you control people if they have all the water they need?
      Also all it takes is CHEAP ENERGY. Please leave other artificial limits for ideologs. Remove other controlling aspects of Progressive administration (environment is just an excuse, they could really care less as seen by Obama golfing and using water there and flying all over when Google or Skype would do fine) – and we have cheap energy and water to waste. Prosperous lives. But no control in Government hands. Local people want it cleaner? – leave those decisions to local people – if WV people want to dig and burn all the coal under their feet – fine for them. If CA people want water restrictions and “clean fuel” – let them pay through their noses locally if they love it so much.

  4. MikeN says:

    You think this is a critique, but in golf subpar is a good thing!

  5. spsffan says:

    I daresay we could solve the drought induced water shortages in California by letting the golf courses run dry.

    If that doesn’t work, cemeteries, being inhabited by those nearly (though not quite) as useless as golfers could be added to the list.

  6. jpfitz says:

    Palm Springs is one of my favorite vacation spots in the US. I don’t play golf, I enjoy hiking in the desert. Traveling along the main road in the valley the sprinklers are watering the golf courses, lawns and roads. I can’t see the importance of green lawns in the desert. While reading I came across this tidbit of info off topic.

    From Wikipedia: Coachella Valley.
    “Dr. June McCarroll, then a nurse with the Southern Pacific whose office fronted U.S. 99 in Indio, is credited with being the first person to delineate a divided highway by painting a stripe down the middle of the roadbed in response to frequent head-on collisions. The standard was refined and adopted worldwide. Doctor McCarroll is memorialized by a stretch of I-10 through Indio named in her honor.”

  7. Smug says:

    It’s funny how everyone somehow thinks that Obama is KING of America and not PRESIDENT!

    Even OBAMA apparently thinks he’s king when you watch (listen to) his last State of the Union speech (2014). So who’s going to argue this monarchy misconception or try and get Obama to actually DO something? The (clueless) press? Protesters? One-wing Bloggers?!!!

    I mean, who’s bothering to read things like the Constitution?!

    …Don’t make me laugh. I’m surprised no one is pointing out how Obama’s also NOT shoveling the SNOW on his own front walk! (Talk about taking a “retreat” when you can jet off anywhere you want on the taxpayers dime.)

  8. McCullough says:

    Golf course’s aside, a little public education on conserving water at home/work would help a lot. I have lived in tropical locations where the only water you had was what you collected from rain, and stored under your house in a cistern. You learn quickly not to waste water, or you end up paying for deliveries of desalinated water.

    When the cisterns are full, you splurge a little, when its getting low you take “sea showers”, you don’t wash your car, you don’t let the water run while brushing teeth, etc. You don’t flush the toilet unless there are solids in it…It becomes second nature. Come to think of it, maybe the golf resorts should be mandated buy desalinated water, or build their own desal plants like the tropical resorts do.

    • jpfitz says:

      Good tie in to the absurdity of green golf courses in the desert.

      I like your conserve message. My added message would be forget recycling. Instead reduce, reuse and refill.

      Remember the days of bringing your empty glass soda bottles to the beverage store to be refilled. That’s the way to reuse and reduce the trash.


      • McCullough says:

        As a kid, we picked pop bottles up off the side of the road, and redeemed them at the local grocer for cash. First 3 cents then later, 10 cents per bottle, everybody wins. No plastic bottles, (a petroleum product), no waste. Sure we spent the money on candy and crap, but my parents didn’t complain.

        I guess though this is the kind of “work” Americans, not even the kids, can be bothered with anymore. Do kids even mow neighborhood lawns anymore, or is that deemed child labor and “too dangerous”?

        Sorry, but I digress…..Geez I feel old.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Hey!==the Three of us agree. I wonder what that means?

          Minimum wage for bottle pickers? I do wonder about that what with about every 6 months I read locally about a bottle picker getting attacked for the collection in his shopping cart. Its always teens looking for easy targets or other bottle pickers.

          What percentage of “jobs” should be for entry level workers?

          I need to find a “good” report on Charles Murrays suggestion that EVERYONE in America gets a minimum income. It has many positive results and impacts. The only “real” issue is affordability and I think I heard that it is in fact cheaper than all the similar programs used to provide such support. Interesting that. Course…the real stumbling block will be the almost poor and the fantacists refusing what is best for themselves under some claim of such poor not being “deserving.”

          Silly Hoomans.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    dusanmal coming out of his shell to lick my balls ever only once, but on approval, may go for a twofer says:
    2/19/2014 at 9:43 am

    It is about corruption and fascism. /// What “it?”

    Obama pushes water restrictions through EPA to satisfy his world view of governmental control of people and resources. /// You mean he is “effective” at this one subject alone?…or that he is managing a limited resource and by definition that means restrictions? Do you even know what you mean? When you refuse/CANT answer, we will assume “IT.”

    However, “some animals are more equal than others” as in any fascism. /// Yes, those animals on the verge of extinction are more equal than those over running the place. More likely though, the animal with competing interests are the RICH liking to Golf it Up in the Desert.

    Grease-up Government and voila – some water for you (like a golf place). Otherwise just for smelt fish. And the fish, not the weather is the root cause of drought. Plenty of water for all if that restriction is lifted. /// Well Duce, and this IS what makes you a DOUCHE so often: your facts are simply wrong. The West has always been about water shortages. Where ya been? And we are in 3-4-5 year of a continuuing draught. My local dam with 3 years water storage is not a dry ditch. NO snow in the mountains. Say DOUCH—are you going to complain when Obama issues a rule that says we have to drink our own urine during the drought rather than water the golf courses, rice fields, car washes etc? You do know–drinking your own urine is still better than drinking someone elses? ((Ha, ha. I do crack myself up.)

    But, than – how do you control people if they have all the water they need? /// On some other issue. What a silly rabbit.

    Also all it takes is CHEAP ENERGY. Please leave other artificial limits for ideologs. /// CHEAP is ideological. Morese it is dogma. ” Worse, it is moronically short sighted–your speciality. “The death of dogma is the birth of morality.”
    — Kant

    “No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.”
    — Mary Wollstonecraft

    Remove other controlling aspects of Progressive administration (environment is just an excuse, they could really care less as seen by Obama golfing and using water there and flying all over when Google or Skype would do fine) – /// ah, but nothing is more corercise/influential/impactful than the personal touch.

    and we have cheap energy and water to waste. /// Silly.

    Prosperous lives. But no control in Government hands. Local people want it cleaner? – leave those decisions to local people – if WV people want to dig and burn all the coal under their feet – fine for them. /// Air pollution: produced locally, effects are Global. Your pile is growing rapidly there DOUCHEANUS! Why can’t you learn to take your conservative leanings and mix in a little sanity???

    If CA people want water restrictions and “clean fuel” – let them pay through their noses locally if they love it so much. /// I think we are?

    Poor old Douche. What is a fantacist to do?

  10. Hole in the Head (NO! The OTHER one!!!) says:

    I’m not so sure that poster is pro or con!

    Sure, I think we can all agree that this presidential “tour” is indicative of some sub-performance. But to call it sub-par might indicate that he’s winning the game!

    … I don’t know about you. But my economic situation is a bit like that CUP! (It’s empty most of the time, and never full.)

  11. Porky Rottenham says:

    DVDs of his favorite television shows? Sounds like copyright infringement. Wait till Holder finds out.


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