
  1. noname says:

    Art that is accurate and true!

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

    I’d say “From Bad” ====”To Worse”

    …..then its up to you as to which direction you walk.

    A partisan viewpoint of little to no worth if not actually most of the problem to begin with.

    Sadly, both are good and bad to different degrees on different issues.

    • dusanmal says:

      In a way it IS partisan, but not Left/Right but Progressive/Libertarian. There is not much difference between Rep/Dem establishments, Obama or Bush. They all slid down Progressive control and spend slide.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

        dusanmal===LET US AGREE, for sake of analysis, that the D’s and R’s agree with one another/take the same positions/vote the same on 75% of the issues: are the “the same” or “different”?

        Now, they vote the same on 90% of the issues: are they the same or different?

        Now, they vote the same on 99% of the issues: are they the same or different?

        Ask yourself, then tell us dusanmal: on the Progressive Slide towards a functioning society, how much the same are D’s and R’s?

        How much?

        Now: how much are they different?

        /////////////////// Can you spot the issue?

        • Info Dave says:

          If you’re blaming one party or the other, you’re avoiding half the problem.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

            Hey Dave, slightly more sophisticated than dusanmal, but I ask you the same question. ie==rarely is one party half of any party. Yes, it varies depending on the issue …. and how its framed.

            Simple dogma doesn’t actually help.

            What else is both parties share half the blame except they are the same?

            Put on your smart pants.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

            “rarely is one party half of any party.” /// SHOULD BE: rarely is one party half of any ISSUE.===Thats not even a typo. I’m thinking one thing, and my fingers type something else.

            I bet there is a very cool word for that besides: going senile.

            F*ck Me.

        • Info Dave says:

          Not sure how to interpret, “What else is both parties share half the blame except they are the same?”

          I’ll try to add a bit to my snarky comment. Both parties are far more the same, than different. Today, neither party is capable of raising taxes, or cutting spending. Any great idea from one party is automatically rejected by the the other. Not because it’s a bad idea, but because it came from the other party. Their goal is to make the other party look bad. We the people continue to get f*cked.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

            I agree my statement lacked a few words that did not make it all the way from my brain to my fingers….but I think you got it.

            YES–the two parties ARE more the same than they are different.

            BUT THEN–you and too many others then go on to opine, think, and VOTE as if there where no differences which EVEN YOU know is not correct==if you are honest enough to pay attention to what your own brain tells you.


            ……..Any great idea from one party is automatically rejected by the the other. Not because it’s a bad idea, but because it came from the other party. Their goal is to make the other party look bad. We the people continue to get f*cked. //// and that is not “quite” true. Each side may fairly be seen as desiring their own traditional programs and rejecting opposing programs from the other. TODAY however, we the people are f*cked because it is SINGULARLY THE PUKES that reject their own traditional positions if it would help the Demoncrats. Currently, we see that with so many “traditionally Republican or Bipartisan issues” like debt ceiling, unemployment extension, food programs. Obama Care itself was/IS a Republican Program–((thats why its not working!!)). The opposite is not true. If the Pukes would introduce/support a traditional Dumbo program, the Dumbos would accept it.

            The parties are more the same than different. But they are different.

            Just look.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Bobbo, these days I’m not sure what to believe.

      I have to give props to both George W. and Obama — while not being able to exactly describe what I disagree with and find unlikeable.

      So I will say something that most people wouldn’t be willing to say.

      The president is a human being, has to work with not only the system we have — which is the worst possible system except for all the other systems — and deal with circumstances far beyond control.

      Complex world, stark realities have to be dealt with and there are no easy answers in this messy world.

      The USA has become a bit of police state, a bit of a nanny state and a bit of a welfare state and a bit of a plutocracy — but has managed to most of the freedoms intact, while taking away a few that seem unconstitutional.

      At the same time, the country is secure, the food and water are safe and we enjoy many luxuries and fewer people are falling out of the safety net in this “new economy”.

      All in all, things could be very very bad. But they aren’t. And we get uneven progress every day — it just isn’t as simple and hippie freedom as some would like.

      Welcome to a more complicated world.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

        HMyers–I recognize and applaud your feelings of bonhomie but the subject upon which you lavish your goodwill “demands” a bit more from you. You have openned the door, let me nudge you just a little bit:

        Don’t stop at the seeming complexity of the issues, IDENTIFY the conflicting elements at play. Weight them, sort them. Balance Them. Make a conclusion. Collect the criticisms.


        Often its good to identify what standards are being applied, what ballpark/playground the tussle is taking place in. Personal Experience, desires, History, Philosophy, Perfection, –what allows a circumstance to be judged as it is?

        My own standard most often is: what is reasonably best obtainable at what cost to what is chosen against? Using that standard, I have to say most of what you say is ….. worthy of some more thoughts?

        Et viola:

        Bobbo, these days I’m not sure what to believe. /// …and yet what follows is exactly what you believe. How dat happen?

        I have to give props to both George W. and Obama — /// Yes, starting with the positive is a good start. but to be fair, even to yourself, using the SAME VALUES you find as prop worthy, surely you glimpsed some Boners? Just go thru your own analysis paying more attention to what you consciously speed over?

        while not being able to exactly describe what I disagree with and find unlikeable. /// Why the heightened standard? You didn’t exactly describe the props either. Go for it!

        So I will say something that most people wouldn’t be willing to say.

        The president is a human being, has to work with not only the system we have — which is the worst possible system except for all the other systems — and deal with circumstances far beyond control. /// That is true from Jesus to Hitler so really must fall out of the analysis.

        Complex world, stark realities have to be dealt with and there are no easy answers in this messy world. /// ahhh—some answers are easy. We have our own lists. I for one think it is easy to agree that no one in America should starve to death, or even be very hungry. This includes the poor, the kiddies, the jailed, the illegals. “no one.” USA is too rich to allow such a basic value to go unmet. Much of it is in the phrasing no? Phrase enough, and many complicated issues can be “deconstructed” to simple issues. The fact that some complaint may niggle away in your reptilian brain stem does not mean the issue and answers are not simple. It just means you have a reptile at the base of your emotions.

        The USA has become a bit of police state, a bit of a nanny state and a bit of a welfare state and a bit of a plutocracy — but has managed to most of the freedoms intact, while taking away a few that seem unconstitutional. /// Yep. I could only quibble. Quibbling IS warranted. But this response is already too long.

        At the same time, the country is secure, the food and water are safe and we enjoy many luxuries and fewer people are falling out of the safety net in this “new economy”. /// “The trouble with Quibbles.”

        All in all, things could be very very bad. But they aren’t. /// Evidently, you aren’t writing from Jail? or unemployed with checks just terminated? Or 2 months into retirement and your retirement fund was just made Bankrupt? Things like that? Evaluations about YOURSELF need to be held at arm’s length from your assessment of society.

        And we get uneven progress every day — it just isn’t as simple and hippie freedom as some would like. /// Again, you say one thing, but then conclude just the opposite. That is grounds/motivation for some further, more clear, thinking.

        Welcome to a more complicated world. /// No welcome. Its always been like this: the water we swim in.

        OTOH===ha, ha. Chop that sucker off. Seems to me…… the Duty/Highest Calling of having the privilege of thinking and growing old is to figure some of these things out? To make such musing express and logically consistent???


  3. Suomynona (READ from the RIGHT) says:

    Last time I looked, HONG KONG was part of CHINA (formerly a British colony).

    So, if those “red” Chinese don’t like our Presidents then there must be SOMETHING they (Bush Obama) did that was right. Problem is, even I can’t think of what that might be…

    All I’m saying is that it seems funny how you never see any of those Chinese leaders portrayed like that — in CHINA! But don’t you libs worry, we’re getting there.

    • Axl says:

      You forget the simple logic that people in Hong Kong and elsewhere for that matter, are people with their own minds and opinions and does not represent a country nor representatives of the “red”. You make a false statment.
      And yes – Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) under control of China, but the free mind is alive and thriving there, being autonomous and open for opinions.
      China is actually more capitalistic that the US in very, very many ways. Human rights are less complete for sure however it is starting to come close. Forget about the old “better dead than red” and you being the “Beacon of freedom”. Despite Adam having a hard-on for both Snowden and Greenwald, worthwhile studying what is revealed more that headlines and consider the cliff the US fell over after 911 and all the “terrorist” craziness thereafter.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

        You mean lack of regulation and the unrestrained greed it releases….right?

      • Suomynona (READ from the RIGHT) says:

        Funny how some people have no clue what they’re talking about.

        Spoken like a true clueless liberal, comments like Axl’s would surly get him DEAD in a totalitarian regime like CHINA. But don’t TELL him that. He HATES facts (probably because he knows none).

        Yet, Axl seems to be AGREEING with his favorite form of government – a Chinese government which happens to KILL it’s own citizens and others over silly little things like SPEECH! So I invite him/her to GO LIVE THERE! Maybe THAT will help educate a moron who clearly needs a “red” police baton upside the head to help open those eyes – and MIND!

        … And if you Axl, somehow think Hong Kong is as “free” as it once was under it’s former “DEMOCRACY”, think again! As if being a (arguably) better “capitalistic” society is somehow the only measurement of what “freedom” means or something — you IDIOT!

        Here’s a hint what you REALLY missed here Axl. Try looking up the word, CENSORSHIP!

        • Axl says:

          Thanks for being called out as an IDIOT! I wondered what is was. Now I know.

          Point was that it is pointed out countries/regions vs. individuals with opinions.

          But that is too difficult to understand?

          As to Hong Kong and China, I live here and has for soon 20 years so observe the development. That was the point. While old totalitarian regimes is on a liberalisation trend, the Old World is on a totalitarian trend. Just a fact.

  4. Hi,

    Anyone knows who did that ?


    • noname says:


      American’s are no longer smart enough to control our passions, instead; we never challenged a stubborn GWB and allowed his elk to spend our time and resources rationalizing and justifying the supreme correctness of GWB passions (out of a bogus sense of American patriotism and Iraq plotted to kill daddy Bush meanwhile Delta Force Blames Bush For allowing Bin Laden’s Tora Bora Escape) without any restraint of reason or thought.

      We gave up our Bill of Rights to HLS & NSA eternally because of our continuing fear (fed us by our political class to the benefit of big government and Wall-Street) of a now mostly defunct Al-Qaeda.

      • Greg Allen says:

        >>we never challenged a stubborn GWB

        Not you, maybe.

        I constantly challenged GWB. The Right Wingers called me a terrorist-lover and troop-hater for it.

        They screamed — “It’s treason to question a war-time president!”

        Ironically, many of those same conservatives oppose a war-time president.

      • MikeN says:

        So that’s why political officers are being sent to newsrooms? Is this blog important enough to merit an assigned person to enquire as to how i chooses topics?

  5. Wise Master says:

    Ancient Chinese Secret.

  6. Dallas says:

    The art is accurate in that it clearly depicts the total opposites between Obama and Bush as each image is on a different surface.

    Obama fixes issues , Bush creates them . Obama is loved and respected , Bush not so much. Obama is for the majority of Americans and Bush for a small minority.

    • pedro says:

      The sheeple showing his denial. Nothing new nor interesting.

      You know what would be interesting? You trying to get your Darwin Award

  7. Greg Allen says:

    >>Art that is accurate and true!

    How bad must ones poltiical judgement be to think Bush and Obama are the same?

    • MikeN says:

      Bush doubled the national debt, Obama doubled the national debt. Bush can’t talk right, Obama can’t talk right.
      Bush looked Putin in the eyes and saw he was someone he could work with. Putin saw Obama was someone he could roll over.

    • MikeN says:

      However, under Obama, the FCC is deciding to send observers to newspaper editorial boards to ‘study’ how news is made.

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