Fill in the blank: The War on Terror is ____________.

After seven years of litigation, two trips to a federal appeals court and $3.8 million worth of lawyer time, the public has finally learned why a wheelchair-bound Stanford University scholar was cuffed, detained and denied a flight from San Francisco to Hawaii: FBI human error.

FBI agent Kevin Kelley was investigating Muslims in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2004 when he checked the wrong box on a terrorism form, erroneously placing Rahinah Ibrahim on the no-fly list.

What happened next was the real shame. Instead of admitting to the error, high-ranking President Barack Obama administration officials spent years covering it up.

  1. noname says:

    What do expect from our government, honesty, justice, fairness, truth or common sense?

    The fear climate GWB started is now too pervasive and spinning further out of control beyond its naive original intent of easily manipulating the masses and surreptitiously usurping forbidden constitutional powers; no one dare admit any errors, least the masses learn how bogus our United States of NSA/FBI/DoD/CIA/HLS…. The courts are chicken hearted and determined to keep the public in the dark and support America’s fear climate charade!

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive, indeed!!!!

    Say good bye to our republic/democracy, Americans only think they have a say in their government!

    What do you expect when Low Information able Americans only know what to think after watching a 30 sec negative ad!

  2. Kiwini says:

    What do expect from our government, honesty, justice, fairness, truth or common sense?

    The fear climate that Barack Obama has perpetuated is now too pervasive and spinning further out of control beyond its naive original intent of easily manipulating the masses and surreptitiously usurping forbidden constitutional powers; no one dare admit any errors, least the masses learn how bogus our United States of NSA/FBI/DoD/CIA/HLS…. The courts are chicken hearted and determined to keep the public in the dark and support America’s fear climate charade!

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive, indeed!!!!

    Say good bye to our republic/democracy, Americans only think they have a say in their government!

    What do you expect when Low Information able Americans only know what to think after watching a 30 sec negative ad!

    Adjusted to reflect reality. 🙂

    • noname says:

      Fair enough, Obama did promise hope and change. That was a lie too (excepting he did keep his New Health Initiatives promise).

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

    gubment = people

    people = silly hoomans.

    Look to this very forum for all too many who will not admit to “honest” error…or at least the chance to get smarter?

    You CAN’T expect more from Gubment than you expect from people….or from yourself.

    Just look.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

    Glanced at tv on Fake News just a bit ago and thought “That guy looks like a snake that just swallowed a mouse. What a sleazy used car dealer…or some lobbyist.”

    He fooled me….wearing those thick black glasses. ….. Its Rick Perry!!!!!

    Once again, I have slandered good lobbyists every where.

    Ha, ha.

    Yep–Big Character is often revealed by the smallest of issues. Big Ego’s can’t stand to admit to anything. Look at Christy right now. He coulda been a contender. Instead, he was just found out.

    Silly Hoomans.

  5. deowll says:

    Normal behavior for this admin. Most previous admins would have done better in dealing with a case like this.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

      do-ill, you have provided the people = silly hoomans part of the equation.

      Do you work for the Gubment too?

      They BOTH do it. They ALL do it. Power Corrupts. Its a slippery slope. Evil happens when good men do nothing. First they came for…. Freedom is under constant attack. Evil is found in the banal….

      etc, but I begin to dither.

  6. Tim says:

    “”Information Transit got the wrong man. I got the *right* man. The wrong one was delivered to me as the right man, I accepted him on good faith as the right man. Was I wrong?

    “”It’s not my fault that Buttle’s heart condition didn’t appear in Tuttle’s file.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

      Ahhhhhh, not to split tangents with you but the minion in Brazil tried to correct the mistake when he found out about it. Just the opposite of the OP.

      What is the term for “opposite tangent?”…..Error??

      More like the Circumlocution Office in Little Dorrit…although this as most of modern times is several degrees worse?

      You know though…. seriously …. when a flagrant perjurer like Clapper is PROMOTED instead of JAILED… can’t think too well of our country.


      • noname says:

        Let’s see, which is worse, 1 or 2?

        1.) Markets & Banks that are trusted to self-regulate, grow too big to fail, socialize their loss with tax payer bailout packages and ironically threaten to collapse the global economy if they can’t privatize profits, meanwhile hiding assets from the hand that feeds them to reduce their tax liability.
        2.) A government that no longer represents the “common citizen”, kowtows to corporate lobbyist, distrusts and spies on its own citizens, manipulates and gerrymanders elections and twists the people’s voice.

        I can’t choose, they are both bad and we the common folks are screwed!

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

          Well, if we are voting…I’ll pick No 1 as worse. I follow the $Money$ all the time. Money is in fact FREEEEEEEEEDOM. Its like stored up kinetic energy, allowing movement as its holder may wish.

          The evils of No2 allow for the evils of No1 but invasion of privacy is a very personal issues. I don’t too much care myself…but steal a buck from me and I do moan and piss and groan and whine about it. And yet I don’t mind paying taxes.

          Weird huh?

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and part time laid psychiatrist says:

    Fill in the blank: The War on Terror is ____________.

    1. Security Theater.
    2. All show and no blow.
    3. An excuse to restrict our Freeeeeeeedoms.
    4. a program that has spent billions with almost nothing to show for it. (sic)

    What I posted years ago is still true: the best response we could have made would have been to reinforce the cockpit door, arm the pilots, and continue on exactly the same as on 9-10.

    But the Gubment over reacted for multiple reasons, all bad.

    A definite lack of judgment shines through as in almost all our gubment programs. Damn!! Why doesn’t everyone think like me??

    Ha, ha. Silly Hoomans.

    • Tim says:

      “”Fill in the blank: The War on Terror is ____________.

      5. Redacted.

      “”Sam Lowry: Excuse me, Dawson, can you put me through to Mr. Helpmann’s office?

      Dawson: I’m afraid I can’t sir. You have to go through the proper channels.

      Sam Lowry: And you can’t tell me what the proper channels are, because that’s classified information?

      Dawson: I’m glad to see the Ministry’s continuing its tradition of recruiting the brightest and best, sir.

      Sam Lowry: Thank you, Dawson.

      • noname says:

        1.) Fill in the blank: The War on Terror is ____________.

        NSA sponsored and
        good for Wall Steet!

        2.) Fill in the blank: The War on Terror has ____________.

        intensified the US spy war on American citizens.

  8. Traaxx says:

    War on Crime = War on Drugs = War on Terror = War on Extremism = War on Any Stupid Enough To Criticize the Party in Power = Soviet North American Union

    What did you expect when President Hussein followed the same policies as King George Bush?


  9. MikeN says:

    Eric Holder committed perjury in telling the court that revealing information about her placement on the nofly list would harm national security.

  10. Nobody (is PERFECT) says:

    It’s almost getting to the point where I’d almost welcome another 9/11 just to see what kind of spin these assholes will put on their own buffoonery! (I said, ALMOST!)

    Safe? In AMERICA?! Are you f–ing kidding me?!!! Just look at the drunk driving statistics. Or how about domestic crimes BY FAMILIES! Or how about any REAL CRIME by committed by our own CITIZENS! People who almost always get a “get out of jail free” card! (OH! But we can’t let them bad ol drug USERS out! NO! That’s somehow WORSE!)

    Who needs a bunch of foreign backwards thinking stone age throwing rag heads stirring things up? WE HAVE OUR OWN TERRORISTS!!! Just take a look at the “bible belt” if you doubt it.

    But if none of that means anything to you then just find any local U.S. metropolitan city somewhere and take a drive on one of it’s highways during rush hour!!!

    It seems the ONLY times anyone takes notice of the “unsafe” security we have is when mass numbers of people (sheep) are all slaughtered at the same time – not one by one!

  11. Heathkit says:

    I’m shocked that Obama would cover up his screwups. Hope that didn’t happen in thousands of other semi delibrate mistates that this predatory President has made.


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