Special Executive Producer: Sir John Harrison
Executive Producers:Sir John Harrison, James Von Achen, Sir Andrew Harms
Associate Executive Producers: Jim Lavin, Sir Chris Wolf, Thomas Claassen, Dominic Adamson
Art By:Sir Nussbaum
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  1. Kent says:

    Re: Pussy Riot JCD comment “find a problem and focus on it rather than just bitch”. Tell that one to Marc Emery.

  2. SPOCK says:

    is it just me, or is a certain segment in the radio
    sphere becoming just a bit too crowded? i like
    you guys and the formula you use. you spare us
    the commercials and advertising, plus you only
    do two shows a week. could the listeners go for
    more? yes, but you have to produce the show
    to your standards, while avoiding psychosis and
    burn-out. i put you guys in a slightly different
    category, but you got lewis, wells, jones, noory,
    and bell down the road. everyone jockeying for
    ears, money, and prestige. the same topics are
    covered, and the same guests interviewed. so it
    comes down to the finer details and ultimately,
    personal preference. as simple as that. i could
    say i think you guys run circles around the rest
    of the pack, but what matters is exposure, and
    the size of the crowd you are appealing to. there
    are moments i find stern hilarious in a childish
    and raunchy sort of way, but think the guy can
    be a total prick. that is what his audience wants,
    and comes to expect. so he gives it to them, and
    is ridiculously paid for it. not sure what any of
    this means, but time for some coffee. take care.


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