1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    One of my favorite songs. From memory, the singer died…suicide I think from drugs…so it could have been a simple overdose?

    You gotta be really depressed to be talented, rich, artistic with a hit record and still off yourself. Hell..!..look at the rest of us, and we’re still here.

    So…….what exactly makes the sound here? My FDD doesn’t make any such noises and it doesn’t have any black activator in the middle either.

    there’s some explainin to do?

    • Tim says:

      That *black activator* is the sled; It holds the laser\magnetic heads.

      The noise is the stepper motor moving the sled into position — I guess they have it stopping on certain interleaves to make the different tones with farther travel for duration.

    • Just Dave says:

      “Tainted Love” cover by Soft Cell in the early ’80s. No suicides that I know of, but then I stopped following them long ago. Great song, and an even better video!

  2. Peppeddu says:

    It’s only a few hard/optical drives spinning, but it’s freaking amazing to see how complex has become the business of entertaining a human being.

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    They had me until HDD #10 went flat around the 20th bar. He really screwed it up at the end when he came down on the downbeat when he was supposed to stay on the upbeat.
    Just kidding. I really liked it. Even if it was “Arts and Crafts”. (That one’s for you my bob-headed friend ;-)).

    • Schnook says:

      Hard drive #10 had a virus that day!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

      Thats a good one ML—thanks.

      There are good arguments either way…….I’m open.

      I’m leaning towards “art”… for its originality: there is no “model” for them to be mindlessly copying. Even a verisimilitude to the chosen song takes more skill than I have of a musical nature (art!). Now… the second team to do the same thing? Starts getting crafty.


  4. agp says:

    “what exactly makes the sound here? My FDD doesn’t make any such noises”

    Looks like there’s a micro-controller in the middle. I don’t see any ribbon cables so I think they’ve bypassed the drive on-board electronics to directly control the stepper motors. This gives them the ability to control the speed of the motor hence the tone.

  5. Traaxx says:

    So this is where my hard drives go when I send them off to be destroyed????….



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