Just noticed this on the drink I was having with lunch. The offer is from something called Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA.

  1. spsffan says:

    Offer good only in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and of course, Florida and Texas.

    • Nobody says:

      I’m not too sure I agree.

      Despite the fact that nearly all of our popular soft drinks do emanate from former Confederate States and contain that very popular poisonous substance known as refined sugar, I’m not so sure you didn’t miss a state.

      Let’s not forget that Dvorak is in California, a.k.a. “The Land of Fruits and Nuts“! Please try to recall that California is yet another state that likes (to continue) to experiment with social engineering and impose progressive laws that allow authoritarian restructuring of fundamental things like families. Probably not quite to the degree that former “slave states” did – or even Utah! But it’s still pretty “out there.”

      Therefore, my guess is that it has something to do with either California’s “social services” branch of government or some other similar private entity which is bent on “helping” (at the hindrance of others).

      • Nobody says:

        Oh ya!

        Uncle Dave!

        If you think that any can of “diet” soda is somehow going to help you loose weight or is better for you or something… STOP! It’s pretty clear that you’ve already surrendered anthing resembling reason when you believe what “they” tell you (or try and bullshit us by telling us you think it tastes better).

      • The Loner says:

        Aspartame is much worse than sugar.

        • Robb the putz says:

          How about all the people, my self included, that aspartame makes nauseous!

          • spsffan says:

            Well, they shouldn’t drink it. Funny how that works, ain’t it?

            As for me, it tastes fine and has no side effects. Non-alcoholic beverages shouldn’t be huge sources of calories. And, I drink a lot of diet Mt. Dew. And I’m not fat. Actually, I’m 5’11” and 155 lbs. Not that switching sodas was entirely responsible, as I do a lot more exercise than I used to, but when I drank “sugared*” soda, I was more like 200 lbs. Oh, and I don’t use sugar or cream or milk or any of that bs in my coffee. I like coffee in my coffee.

            Yes, there are indeed lots of fat people who drink diet soda all day long. They tend to use it to wash down Cheetos and Doritos and Twinkies and so forth. Oh, and they put “stuff” in their coffee.

            *Of course it would be one thing if they used actual sugar in soft drinks, but, mostly, they don’t. They use high fructose corn syrup.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Prominent child molester, “I don’t want to freedom kiss my wife, I want to french kiss her.” Well celebrated in California, and very interested in free children.

  2. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:

    noun: child; plural noun: children

    a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.

    Not so much a “joke” as abysmal ignornace. Sad when a science oriented institution does that THEN complains about a science illiterate public.

    The same stupidity fuels the abortion debate, right to life debate, end of life decision etc….except the Bible Thumpers in fact don’t know better.

    Silly Hoomans.

    • Nobody says:


      Maybe this will make you feel better.

      • noname says:

        Let’s not forget the bloodiest ever century with state-imposed atheism of Nazism, Stalinism and Pol Pot-ery following their dogma about their ideal society with peace, happiness and harmony by committing the most mass murders ever!

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:

          If you believe the DOGMA of the Nazis, Stalin, PolPot, or the Teaparty then the “restrictions” placed on those who didn’t want to go along were all quite appropriate. Atheism doesn’t have any DOGMA.

          See what kills?

          • noname says:

            You really “believe” and blather on about: “Atheism doesn’t have any DOGMA.”!

            The lack of belief in deities is a DOGMA itself and historically has been an enforced DOGMA & belief system (exemplified by Soviet Communism and Pol Pot-ery)!

            Practiced communism is a theocracy itself; with one official state approved point of view, imposed on everybody, despite what individuals may actually think!

            Practiced communism intentionally and forcefully suppressed ideas other than approved communist orthodoxy, such as religion, democracy …; precisely because they demanded people be entirely dependent upon the Communist Party point of view, a communist theocracy!

            If people believe there are other more beneficial forms of government or thought they are more likely to revolt against communism! Look what happened with the 1980 formation “Solidarity” (“Solidarność”) that became a political force, eroding the dominance of the Communist Party; that by 1989, resulted in Poland’s first partially free and democratic parliamentary elections!

            Historically, communist has killed and mass murdered millions and millions of people who disagree with them!

            Nazism, Stalinism and Pol Pot-ery following their dogma about their ideal society with peace, happiness and harmony have committed the most mass murders by far!

            Atheism fulfills a central identity role in philosophy. Just as the digit 0 is the absence of something; it’s still counts as a whole “number”, just as Atheism is a man centered belief system!

            Atheist too often shows a common lack of critical thinking. They “believe” they are rational, but; by far most of their arguments and comments ignore their impossibility to prove a negative and offer no real proof or evidence that atheism is true and correct.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:

            noname……..seriously……..you are being Pedro stupid.

            A lack of Dogma is not a belief in such lack. It is a lack. A zero, a nullity==like your understanding of the meaning of basic terminology.


          • So What? says:

            To make it as simple as possible.


          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:

            Excellent Homily.

            I think of it as a very powerful common sense argument that should bring the religiously infirmed around, but they never drink from the water. They understand why they DON’T believe in all the other gods, sociological obviousness and all, but refuse to apply the same rules of probability to their own state of mind.

            “If the religious were rational, there would be no religion.”

            Yea, verily.

            Oh….in nonames defense, it is one nanowavelength more complicated to understand that the absence of something is not proof of whatever BS you are selling. The other good example: not believing in Unicorns is not making a religion out of not believing in Unicorns, or dogma, or faith and all the other “things” that are NOT CALLED INTO PLAY when “nothing” is the starting point.

            Some good Youtube on the atheist forefront trying to explain this to religious leaders. They are……. simply that blind.

          • noname says:

            Yea, “So What” link using the word “believe” says it all.

            Can you believe it; Bobbo childish insistence that “non believe” is not a believe, then as only a moron he is; uses his classic dull brained circular logic to agree with what “So What” believes!

            Does bobbo even know what atheist dogma he believes? Maybe bobbo should move to a country that thinks like him, Russia!

          • So What? says:

            You really are the most literal idiot I have seen in some time.

          • noname says:

            So What: “You really are the most literal idiot I have seen in some time.”

            Wow, simple honest logic must really have flummoxed you, now you’re best is name calling; what a dumb come back! A 2 yr. old is smarter then you!

            I hope you didn’t pay for the lack of education!

          • So What? says:

            Obviously they subtlety of both posts went way over your head. I did try and find something simple enough for you to understand. It just wasn’t simple enough. I will have to find something simpler for you (that may take some time).

          • noname says:

            There is nothing subtle of your post. You’re not even an eloquent atheist!

            Simply put, you don’t understand the murderous history of those who believe as you do, Soviets militant atheism!

            As a typical atheist, you blather on how you believe in nothing, yet still insisting the all too typical desire to impose your brand of atheistic ideological unbelief “package” on others.

            Historically, there has been nothing peaceful about atheist leaders!

          • So What? says:

            I see that it will take quite a bit longer than I imagined to find something that will be equal to your level of understanding and comprehension.

            You might want to pray for divine intervention maybe a fatwa.

          • noname says:

            What a hoot, “You might want to pray for divine intervention maybe a fatwa.”

            Not only are you a proud irrational atheist, you’re militantly illogical in the face of logic!

            I sure hope you didn’t pay for your lack of education!

          • So What? says:

            I do have trouble keeping those Judeo/Christian/Islamic religions apart. The all profess to be religions of peace, love, and tolerance and are quite willing to slit the throat of those who disagree.

            You really should think before you post.

            You state that Stalin, Hilter, and Pol Pot were atheists. Both Stalin and Hitler were raised in religious households (Russian Orthodox and Catholic), Pol Pot was a Buddhist. All three were quite content to use religion whenever it suited their whims and needs. Which reminds me of most of the “religious” people I meet. Many of Stalin, Hitler, and Pots inner circles were “religious”. There is historic documentation in their own hands that they did believe in “god”. They cite gods will as a prime motivating factor in supporting their actions.

            Blaming atheism for their actions is equal to blaming Christianity for the inquisition and the crusades. Is the “belief” system to blame? Do you blame Christianity for those how about the Mormon wars, or the Bosnian genocide? Do you blame Islam for the action of its most extreme followers? Put the blame where it lies on the individuals and their actions. To do otherwise is at best disingenuous at worst the mark of an imbecile.

            They did believe in god, they believed themselves to be god, something else I find in common with most “religious” people. After all, if god is on our side who can stand against us?

            “To the believers it is true.
            To the wise it is false.
            To the leaders it is useful.”

            –Senaca, on religion

          • noname says:

            Yes, you really should think before posting.

            Wow, utterly droll, moronic, dogmatic and irrational; again your obvious militant effort to say an atheist could never have sung in choir or went to church or reared in religious household!

            Again as a rational atheist you fail to meet the burden to “prove a negative” and prove falsifiability; instead you bather on about murdering atheist who enslaved their populations and their childhood attendance in “church” because it suits your illogical moral relativism, whims and needs!

            Your illogical moral relativism, whims and needs are ever so self-contradicting; denying how Stalin’s atrocities were obviously influenced by his adherence to dogmatic Marxist‒Leninist atheism!

            bobbo & “So What?” always ever striving to be the “good atheist”, believes as Lenin said; “every religious idea and every idea of God “is unutterable vileness … of the most dangerous kind, ‘contagion’ of the most abominable kind. Millions of sins, filthy deeds, acts of violence and physical contagions … are far less dangerous that the subtle, spiritual idea of God!

            bobbo & “So What?” good luck with continuing the 1917 Revolution fight to systematically eradicate religion and promote their atheism!

            “So What?”, Mother Teresa you’re not; eventually your obvious ethos of moral relativism, whims and needs justifying “Millions of sins, filthy deeds, acts of violence and physical contagions” will catch you! When it does, you will likely say “So What?”

          • So What? says:

            Still not simple enough for you.

            Well they do say ignorance is bliss. Of course they also say don’t argue with idiots they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

            You are obviously more experienced than I.

          • noname says:

            How, utterly droll, moronic, dogmatic and irrational; like bobbo circular logic, you believe it’s “Still not simple enough” to “make no statement about god or no god”….

          • So What? says:

            Yes, infinitely more experienced.

          • noname says:


  3. Cap'n Kangaroo says:

    I thought this was settled like 150 years ago.

  4. noname says:

    GEESH, your parent never told you how The Pepsi Generation are made?

    If you want Pepsi to breed you have ensure the cans have no chance of any interruption to do what comes naturally. After a while, you should have a nice cute Pepsi Child, which you can sell or use to breed even better Pepsi Children.


  5. Uncle Patso says:


    Hey, Nobody, how did you get the www-included URL to work?

  6. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:

    noname says:
    2/1/2014 at 11:29 pm

    …………..Does bobbo even know what atheist dogma he believes? Maybe bobbo should move to a country that thinks like him, Russia! ///// For this discussion: “I believe” I have no beliefs. I make no statement about god or no god. Now: whoever wishes to make a statement must “prove it” or offer some evidence or at the pitiful least: make an argument. The mere recantation of dogmatic chanting does not meet the minimum requirement for an exchange.

    noname, please inform me. What do I believe that Russia believes? (sic!)

    • noname says:

      Refer to the original thread!

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:

        You amply demonstrate the issue when talking to idiots. You can’t make any argument in support of your position, you babble boilerplate irrelevancy if not outright lies, and because your lips moved, you are satisfied your have won the day.

        How are you going to make progress when you don’t even pay attention to what you experience yourself?===ie, come up with an argument or RECOGNIZE your “opinion” is BS. THEN===reassess the situation AND ACTUALLY THINK!

        ………….or is that too much to ask?

        • noname says:

          Wow, must of hit a nerve, with:

          “Refer to the original thread!”.

          Can’t wait to read your reply ….

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:


          • noname says:

            boo hoo, the atheist is so mean and hurtful!

            Congrats, I am sure your mommy and daddy are so proud how their progeny believes it’s arguments are so brilliant!!

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas. There is a lot of history, wisdom, science, and common sense in the DICTIONARY. Pick it up from time to time says:

            Heh, heh. My dumbass turned from drugs to Jesus sister just sent me this:

            An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned
            To her and said, “Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike
            Up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

            The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total
            … Stranger, “What would you want to talk about?”

            “Oh, I don’t know,” said the atheist. “How about why there is no God,
            Or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?” as he smiled smugly.

            “Okay,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask
            You a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same
            stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns
            out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?”

            The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence,
            thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.” To which
            the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss
            God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death, when you don’t know shit?”

            And then she went back to reading her book.

            xxxxThe trouble is, she thinks this joke is some kind of “proof” about her God.

            I do not argue with my sister…she is too stupid.

            YOU noname do show some insight with the construction of your argument with So What, you just don’t show any with me.

            Thats ok. But a shitty joke, is still a shitty joke.

            Know what I mean?

          • noname says:

            bobbo, as typical you ask for what you don’t offer, scientific proof. Instead, you offer bogus propositions used to “prove” themselves and not very persuasively!

            Your determined illogic only advances your continual ramblings and discussions you believe are intellectual! It’s obvious why your always DUs dedicated skunk at the party, another smug committed atheist seemingly “angry at everyone”!

            Honestly, I or anyone can’t scientifically prove to you the existence or nonexistence of God, Jesus, Heaven or Hell, or life after death. If I could prove the existence or nonexistence, it wouldn’t be called faith or a belief.

            That kind of scientific proof would require me to be able to experimentally manipulate God by experimental command, which itself would disprove God.

            At the end of the day, it sounds like your sister has faith and you don’t.

            You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink! To be fair, don’t get angry at others when you’re still chronically thirsty!

          • Tim says:

            Adam to Eve — “”Stand back, honey; I don’t know how big this thing is going to get.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          >You can’t make any argument in support of your position, you babble boilerplate irrelevancy if not outright lies, and because your lips moved, you are satisfied your have won the day.

          How are you going to make progress when you don’t even pay attention to what you experience yourself?

          OH MY.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            ….but I do. Thats the whole point.

            Stupid boilerplate.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    How very odd.

    The first time I saw noname’s post citing the instructables.com page about how to breed rocks, the entire URL was printed in red and the link worked directly. That’s what I meant by a “www-included URL.”

    Today, the software running this blog has reverted to its earlier behavior and only the “http://www” part is in red and the link doesn’t work without a copy/paste operation.

    FWIW, I use Firefox to read this site. Ymmv.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    noname listing towards rationality says:
    2/2/2014 at 9:33 pm

    bobbo, as typical you ask for what you don’t offer, /// Nice phrase but not true. I make no claim about your ideology being the same as or similar to Russia, any political party or philosophy. So, I have no need/opportunity to “offer” anything. YOU however make several such claims. How is the burden not on you and not on me?

    scientific proof. /// Mostly the ballpark we are playing in is attitudes and belief. Not proof, Not scientific proof. Too much word salad in your diet.

    Instead, you offer bogus propositions used to “prove” themselves and not very persuasively! /// I offered no proposition and no proofs, but simply requested you offer up your analysis. Still not forthcoming.

    Your determined illogic only advances your continual ramblings and discussions /// I’ll cop to that.

    you believe are intellectual! /// No, just rambling and discussing.

    It’s obvious why your always DUs dedicated skunk at the party, another smug committed atheist seemingly “angry at everyone”! /// Word salad.

    Honestly, I or anyone can’t scientifically prove to you the existence or nonexistence of God, Jesus, Heaven or Hell, or life after death. If I could prove the existence or nonexistence, it wouldn’t be called faith or a belief. //// Correct.

    That kind of scientific proof would require me to be able to experimentally manipulate God by experimental command, which itself would disprove God. /// If you say so. What if God allowed you to command him in a Bruce Almighty sort of Rock too heavy to lift sort of way?

    At the end of the day, it sounds like your sister has faith and you don’t. /// Yes, rather obvious.

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink! /// Sure you can. Just get 15 guys to help hold his head underwater. He’ll drink eventually.

    To be fair, don’t get angry at others when you’re still chronically thirsty! /// That makes no sense. If I ask you to explain what you are thinking will you in essence just repost what I’m responding to now?…..the Generic non specific response to what was said earlier??

    To restate: you said: “Does bobbo even know what atheist dogma he believes? Maybe bobbo should move to a country that thinks like him, Russia!”

    and I requested: “noname, please inform me. What do I believe that Russia believes? (sic!)”

    To be fair–I see while totally ignoring the specific question put to you, you are fixated on my atheism. That isn’t quite correct: my nom de flame is “bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist”

    I try to focus on what does work and not what doesn’t work
    I think we live in a meaningless universe….requiring each of us to provide our own meaning.
    I don’t shrink from confronting those who need correcting.
    I am more than an atheist. If god did show himself with whatever virtues he would have I would say “thats fine… just leave me alone.” Being all knowing, powerful, kind, loving, and creating me doesn’t give him any right to control me. When he does…its an expression of his will and power, not mine.

    More than what I wanted to say. But you aren’t being so vapid anymore, so I done started rambling as I am so wont to do.

    I’m only hooman.

  9. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Hmmm….I see NOTHING NEW posted today. Sad. So many engaged intelligent readers of this blog left to go hungry.

    From my “Latest Headlines” tab in FireFox, I see the UK is interested in only two American Issues: Obamacare and the Beebs. Nothing on the Crater formerly known as the Christie Presidential Run. Ha, ha. Just as it should be: “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome town mayor?” …. and so it goes. Innocent of any charge. ((ok–slightly more than two, but not the same emPHAsis as we have in GOUSA)).

    Eds—always something to talk about. You guys not getting out much these days? The pain of psoriasis or what?

    Its actually……curious.


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