An amazing positive view of the future based on a reality based point of view.


  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    “An amazing positive view of the future based on a reality based point of view.” /// No sense of the oxymoronic at all huh?

    Damn….another 73 min out of my day when I’m trying to watch “A History of Disbelief: Atheism Documentary Episode 1 “. (Jonathan Miller)
    Anti-theism===cuts thru so much BS. What is god but a tyrant, well meaning or not?

    You Know….. there is a whole education on Youtube……if you missed it the first time, there is still time left.

    I don’t know why it rankles me so but the same word should rarely be used twice in the same sentence…. or even paragraph. Sound thinking is not a repeatable mantra.

    “An amazing positive view of the future based on realistic assumptions and projections.” Much better.

    Let me project my own realism: “A BS fantasy view of the future based on half thought through happy thoughts.” Now…thats my first draft. HORRORS!!!–i SEE double thoughts going on even though the repetition is definitionally distinct and therefore appropriate. But its the form of the expression.

    Draft No 2: “A BS fantasy view of the future based on selective happy thoughts.”

    I look forward to viewing it as time permits.

    • Double-You (W) says:

      You want to go on an anti religion campaign then I’m (partly) with you on that. And here’s a perfect video you should probably include in every one of your postings from now on (assuming you haven’t seen it, which I’m sure you probably have):

      It’s just under 10 minutes total. But try paying attention right around 0:50 if you want some REAL enlightenment.

      It’s also sure to upset some extreme “wrong-wingers” who choose to believe in pure bullshit like an all seeing, all knowing invisible man (who can’t seem to speak to us directly). Just don’t be so sure about which side (left of right) is always so WRONG since even POLITICS can be full of just as much bullshit (and where there’s always been a push to substitute religion and play “god” themselves).

      And if you want to know why such crap exists in the world, I can boil it down for you in one word: POWER!

      So you see? It isn’t necessarily all about religion. What it’s about is the ability to control things like your body and/or your mind! Problem (for “them”) is, the choice is (still) yours: you can choose to believe it or not.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        That is a perfect routine.

        Money is the main motivator for TV Evangelicals trying to sheer the sheep…but surely, for many if not most believers, true believers, doubters “of the faith” money has little to nothing to do about it.

        There is not a single hooman related issue that is single issue driven. so, immediately Money was only one issue, maybe the most important issue depending on the more specific issue of interest, but never the only issue.

        Many issues all interacting with one another.

        “Only One”===is a religious/dogmatic way of understanding things.

        Really a sin.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

          —-or power.

          ….same deal.

  2. I should mention that as far as I’m concerned Singularity, Singularity University and the whole Kurzweil weirdness is ANYTHING but reality based. But always entertaining.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Really – would you like to give up using all the devices and technologies he invented?

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

        What he invented:

        Lots of good work for various handicaps….but I would welcome voice recognition technology never being developed. I could save 20 minutes a week not waiting for the automated front end of the tech desk going thru its algorithm before reaching a sometimes not as useless hooman.

  3. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    “The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology is a 2005 book about artificial intelligence and the future of humanity by inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil.

    This is his first book to embrace the Singularity as a term, but the ideas contained within are derived from his previous books, the The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999) and The Age of Intelligent Machines”

    Seems to me, inventing today has about zero to do with predicting tomorrow. Two different skill sets.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Requested data points for those who (finally) watch the video:

    What is the first thing said that you agree with?

    What is the first thing said that you disagree with?

    Compare and Contrast??????

    ……..but I dither.

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    I apologize….but with only one topic posted every two days…..

    “Abundance” reminds me of my FANTASTIC HYPOTHETICAL that I still have not heard close enough on point in our cultural debate re energy and the future:

    Imagine a magical spigot that produced as much clean oil as was called for. What would be the relevant issue?

    ……………and the answer is EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH NOW: how to get off Carbon based fuels.

    Ha, ha. I wager the same tragic challenge lurks fairly obviously in the OP.

    Only another 30 minutes with Jonathan Miller. Probably take me 2-3 hours to finish it.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior culture critic says:

    Intro….just rehashed “Power of Positive Thinking”==old stuff.

    2:35–Whatever you want to do, you can do. BS. The “real” world is about limits. Progress comes from learning how to maximize progress within those limits. EG–Energy. Civilization is based on consuming energy. Limitation: we are poisoning ourselves in our own shit. Solution: Green Energy.

    4:00–Crowdsourcing Genius/Having Super Friends help you/Small Teams of Entrepreneurs setting the stage for success.

    4:30–Re Abundance==if you believe something is impossible, it is for you. While that is true, and we need to reach for the stars, our feet should always remain on the ground. We have to test what is possible but to “believe” that anything is possible takes a good idea into irrationality. I think Peter Diamandis actually believes the former while pimping the gullible public with the later.

    Hmmmmm…..good intial ideas….leading to an abundance of BS. Typical Marketer.

  7. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    This guy is a hack version of Steven Covey, and stole his ideas.


  8. kerpow says:

    20 minutes in and this guy hasn’t said a damn thing other than computers are getting faster. Oh no shit?!

  9. MikeN says:

    Reality based view of the world? So no ObamaCare will reduce the deficit and lower your premiums then?

  10. Academics can be interesting and insightful or they can be clueless and long winded – or as John Dvorak points out the Microsoft Word “spell check” can add in or throw in filler words like “Moreover”
    As my grandmother and girlfriend used to remind “You talk too much”
    Perhaps a vacation to Cancun or at least Laredo might clear the air


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