Executive Producers: David

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Daniels, Arch Duke Sir David Foley, Sir Wire of the Hidden Jewel, Baron James Spitzer, Robert Randall Associate Executive Producers: Kickass Pixels, Jamie Lucca, John Dunn, Peter McConnell, Jeffrey Yerkey, Sir Joseph Frost, Berry Kroeger Art By: Comic Strip Blogger Listen to show by clicking ► Direct link to mp3 is here. Direct link to shownotes. Sign up for No Agenda Mailing List here. Sites to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records, No Agenda Stickers, and put a banner on your site! Click here!
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  1. noname says:

    It’s sadly hilarious watching politically “toothless” Karl Rove trying to deflect and equivocate Chris Christie Scandal with Benghazi, IRS!

    Can you imagine Chris Christie thundering his weight around after 2016, “it’s time for some traffic problems” in IRAQ, China…KaBOOM!!

    • Dallas says:


      red her·ring . noun
      1. a dried smoked herring, which is turned red by the smoke.
      2. something, a deflection that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.

      That turd is in a no chance limbo. The rightwing loons don’t like him because he’s left of Genghis Khan. The Teanderthals don’t like him because he’s nor Paul Ryan. Now this.

      Go Hillary ! –> Go Michele —> Go Chelsea

      • ± says:

        I just had an epiphany! You and bobbo are paid trolls.

        • noname says:

          Did I hurt mein fuhrer little feelings?

        • deowll says:

          Not really. They are just people living off the government that want more income redistribution.

          At the moment in the real world about 1/5th of working age adults don’t have a job. Many of them are being paid to not work. We aren’t even in the top 10 economically free countries any more.

          • noname says:

            You can blame Wall Street supply-side Reaganomics (corporate welfare economics by corporate lobbyist) for “We aren’t even in the top 10 economically free countries any more.”!

            Supply sliders believe if you make it people will by it. Too bad for everyone there is no demand, because people can’t afford it.

  2. What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

    “That’s Entertainment”, circa 1981 http://youtu.be/m-H0uIH5HHQ

  3. ECA says:

    When 1 in 3 people worked, it was a good thing..
    When 1 in 4 is working…its not so good..
    When most of this is CUT wages and hours…its really bad..
    Many companies are CUTTING AGAIN, as If a worker gets less then 26 hours, they dont get Obama care.. ANd then HIRe more people to cover the work times needed.
    MORE jobs, LESS PAY..

  4. ECA says:

    The CROPS are PUSHING communism..You will be paid by the gov..

  5. ECA says:

    Isnt it interesting,
    That a nation that can export over 80% of its food, can feed all of us CRAPPY food? At expensive prices?
    The only way to get better is to grow your OWN..

    and for you CITY dwellers, its REALLY bad, as you PAY threw the nose just to live, and still buy this stufff.
    90% of the corn stock in the USA is modified food..and its the major part of the USA economy..from corn starch, to plastics is made from it..

  6. Glenn E. says:

    Interesting artwork. It gets the point across. But we hope it’s not par for the course, in the future. One could at least clip real images of Hillary’s and Chris’ heads. If not the rest of their bodies.

    But the idea the art expresses is spot on. This could all be part of the political strategy to help Hillary win, in 2016. If Chris is the best the GOP can come up with. It’s like they really don’t want to win, again. And Christie had them a little bit worried, so they got his staff to screw him. While he didn’t pay much attention, and kept on downing the Krispy Kremes. Between Republican self-sabotage like this. And Maria Schriver’s “The Schriver Report”, promoting Women’s Rule, on NBC. Hillary is gone have little problem winning in 2016.

  7. ECA says:

    how do they SHOW which flu it is???
    Years ago it cost you MONEY to identify it..YOU, it cost…not the hospital..

  8. The next American president will come from the Democratic Party but it won’t be Hillary Clinton.



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