Executive Producers: Gary Ownes Sir Garddog of Sin City, Josh Hastings Sir Face of Fema 5, Francis Sheehy, Sir Daniel Miller, Scott Reynolds
Associate Executive Producers: Sir James Briscoe, Cary Washimoto
Art By: Rob Lyttle
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  1. Bobbo's Big Brother says:

    switched off after the opening 20 minute Yahoo.com ad, they should put the advertisements in the middle or at the end in my opinion.

  2. ivan says:

    Bobbo – Why so serious?

  3. Glenn E. says:

    “Pogue has written or co-written seven books in the For Dummies series, covering a variety of Macintosh and Windows operating systems and applications. And a tech correspondent for CBS News.” – according to Wikipedia.

    And after reading one of his books on Windows XP. I realized that this guy don’t know jack. He totally got an emailing tip wrong. Calling “BCC” a tool of spammers. So we should never use it, because ISPs filter out any email using it. Total BS! He should be ashamed of this, and publicly retract this mistake. Does he even do his own emails?

    BCC or Blind Carbon Copy, causes one one email address to appear in a received message. Even though multiple addresses are input, by the sender. It keep the receiver from seeing scores of addresses in the message header. If their email client doesn’t filter them out. And so using BCC keeps your list of mass emailing addresses, from being shared to everyone. And trust me, there are wackos that collect other people’s addresses, from “joke of the day” junk emails. Like they’re some kind of Chain Letter thing. To pass on. It’s “CC” that should be avoided, for personal email. Leave it only for office use. If even then.

    BCC is not a tool of spammers. Pogue was wrong. And if he’s that far off about one simple technical thing. Might he just be pretending to know what he’s talking about, on plenty of other subjects? Perhaps he’s just a “ghost writer”, fronting for other entities. And one of them doesn’t like BCC. Like the NSA, perhaps. So just take Pogue’s “expert” advice with caution.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    What is the “special relationship” between the US and Israel? It has been reported on American television, that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is one the largest (if not thee largest) lobbyists, in the US Congress. And nationally highly influential lobbyist, tend to get their way. When they’ve got tons of money to spread around between members of Congress. And where do they get all that money. Well, the US Government sends them billions of dollars in aid. So just maybe Israel, launders some percentage of that, and brings it back in payoffs to Congress.

    When you think about, much of what the US Congress does, functions as money laundering. The channel tax dollars into some corporate coffers. And then said corporation turns around and returns a portion of that, as lobbying favors and campaign funding. If it were drug dealers or mobsters, it would be labeled what it is. Money laundering. But politicians get the term, sanitized for their protection. So it becomes “business as usual”.

    And apparently, AIPAC does this business as usual, better than most other lobbyists. So it money, at the heart of it. And maybe some religious allegiance, as a secondary concern. And not just with Jews. I’ve even heard so-called Christian organizations, talking pro-Israel aid and defense. Even if it leads to war. They don’t seem to care. Armageddon is their friend. At least one religious whack job, claims Global Warming is our punishment for not supporting Israel [enough?]. I guess $3.1 billion in aid, isn’t consider support. Not counting all the US intelligence support they’re also getting for free. Or are they returning the favor?


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