Executive Producers: Sir Mark Beckwith, Sir David Foley Arch Duke of Silicon Valley, John Sextro, Sir Baronette Bill Baughman
Associate Executive Producers: Sorrell Family, Sir Sean Connelly, David Steiner, Michael DeCock
Art By: Joshua Pettigrew
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  1. dusanmal says:

    “Google is using its popular Gmail service to build profiles on the hundreds of millions of people who use it.” – is not a new revelation to anyone with any brains. Google’s business model is based on it and Google have shown that they’ll do anything they physically can if not stopped (even vs. large corporations with big lawyers, just remember all hoopla with publishers).
    As tech’ improved, critical mass have been reached. In my opinion during the Summer of 2011. Hence, I stopped using Google “cold turkey” 8/2011, leaving placeholder accounts with them but never, ever using any of services. Also, all browsers I use actively block any Google bots, cookies,… So, no thank you even to passive tracking. Yes, “passive, passive” tracking may be happening (through various tertiary tracking possibilities) but that’s of little use to them.
    I treat Facebook similarly. Them I check from remote locations now and than (Google I try not to touch with a 10ft poll)… Interesting tidbit there – ads I get on Facebook after such treatment are mainly for law enforcement positions, “Join NSA”, “FBI is hiring”,…

  2. deowll says:

    A two year old with stick absolutely anything in their mouths. They will attempt to eat things that taste awful including Drano. Health and Human Services is not an organization you may be acquainted with and based on what little I know you want to keep it that way.


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