Next up, credit card safety where we show a real credit card number with its CVN and PIN.

Bloomberg TV provided viewers with an important lesson in digital currency when one of its anchors had a gift card stolen while showing it during a live broadcast.

On Friday, December 20, Matt Miller surprised his two fellow anchors – Adam Johnson and Trish Regan – with bitcoin gift certificates during his “12 Days of Bitcoin” segment. Johnson then flashed his certificate on the screen for roughly 10 seconds – more than enough time for a Reddit user to scan the digital QR code with his phone and take the gift for himself.

  1. ECA says:


    I love people who dont know HOW THINGS WORK..
    SCAN CODES from UPC and many others…are whats used at EVERY REGISTER…

    ALL you need is the code.

    • Peter Morris says:

      and … oh yeah… be a total jerk. That helps.

      I have knives in my kitchen drawer. You could walk in my open front door, go to the drawer, pull out a nice long knife and stab me and my family to death.

      Just because you can, does not mean to have to prove it is possible.

      It’s a lovely society we live in…

  2. R_Lem says:

    THe reddit user that took the Bitcoins informed Matt Miller what had happened and was going to send them back when he set up a new address. Matt told him to keep them so they were donated to the charity Seans Outpost.

    The media is of course making the guy out as a hacker, mugger etc…

  3. deowll says:

    Our electronic funny money is not safe. Wish I knew how to fix the problem.

  4. Hmeyers says:

    The important thing is that this proves people watch Bloomberg TV.

  5. MasterCard credit cards are widely accepted around the world. They serve customers in over 210 countries, and process over 15 million transactions a day in over 180 currencies.


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