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Steve Jobs said everyone needs a teacher who cares, as he did himself when he was young.
What isn’t explained to people is that during those years, when everyone is young, is that getting off on the right foot is key to long term success. Hiccups along the way are expected, but the individual’s goal to be productive and useful to her-, or him-, self must not be surrendered.
It is much harder to pull yourself up after languishing in a gully for years, it is much easier to maintain a slow and steady effort to improve oneself along the way, with each challenge teaching lessons that are less hard won then the climb from hell.
After languishing in a gully, everything soon looks insurmountable.
People who are convinced they are brilliant, wonderful, dreadful, stupid, talented, tasteless, coarse, refined, or any other extreme, are living in a gully. They have given up on the path to self development. People like this that refuse the advice of a teacher are doomed to suffer in perdition.
It would be nice if I could edit my grammatical mistakes.
Concern for grammatical mistakes is living in the gully. Set yourself free—-and fly. Slow and steady, or as an arrow… all as you may prefer.
You should know.
Yes, I do know…. just as I posted.
What is your point?
You’ve already fallen in one of those gully’s when you hold people like Steve Jobs as some kind of example of success. Yes, Steve Jobs made a lot of money but he did it by STEALING other people’s designs. ( About all Steve Jobs did was grow up in non-poor (some might even say “rich”) white suburbia learning how to crack the whip and control any real genius behind him — people like Steve Wozniak. And the gully you are in is that of money worship.
You have to understand that being homeless in America is a choice! It may not be any one choice that caused it and if you are homeless it may not even be entirely your choice either — especially if you don’t have the capacity to make good choices (which is a very big key here). But it is a choice to remain homeless when you decide to go down paths that clearly show a path to financial ruin. Living beyond one’s means is just one of those bad choices millions of Americans make every day (and especially during the Holidays) that shows the real problem — lack of discipline!
That’s not to say that this isn’t a heart warming story. In fact, I liked it very much since it shows the good side of humanity where someone took the time from his life to help someone else learn a new skill that also encourages (more) discipline. And with those two new skills, that homeless person now has more choices available to him that might help him make a better life for himself (assuming you think he has a bad one now).
But if all you saw was someone teaching another person how to make money then it’s clear that you have the wrong (most likely, liberal) mindset and probably don’t fully understand that well known Chinese proverb: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day – teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Confucious say:
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day – Teach a man to fish and he will drink beer for a lifetime.
Stop watching those old Charlie Chan films. Confucius may have said it too, but he is NOT credited with it. It is a Chinese proverb much like that other one (paraphrasing here): You will never reach your lofty heights if you don’t also raise the FLOOR!” Put it another way, no one moves forward if the powerful are always standing on the masses that do the moving. (Actually, that may have been Karl Marx, right next door.)
And one of my all time favorites from Ben Franklin, All mankind is divided into three classes: those who are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.
Again, NOT Confucius!
Whoops! I just caught it…
Very funny.
Build a man a fire and he will stay warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he will stay warm for the rest of his life.
There are three kinds of people in this world, those that can count and those that cannot.
Your view is tainted by the desire to prove other people wrong. How’s that working out for you?
Yeah OK, but can he make the string “HELLO WORLD” appear in random locations and in random colors on the screen?
Who CAN’T?!
Even an idiot can do that…
I can do it in Microsoft word with random formatting.
You must be a liberal.
Many people are to be commended.