As usual, just when you think this crap can’t get any stupider…

TSA agents in St. Louis, Missouri, disarmed Rooster Monkburn, a cowboy sock money, of his two-inch toy gun after a woman brought the stuffed monkey through security. Agents said that it posed a threat because it could be confused for a real gun, according to local reports.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    Good for the TSA, that monkey looks like he was look’n to start some trouble…

  2. dcphill says:

    There needs to be a way to fly where you want without running into paranoid security twerps.

  3. ECA says:


    But its really STUPID, that a gun..
    Made of plastic
    1-2 inches long…
    is considered a weapon..

    what would it take to place it in a LOCK box and ship it witht he passenger, to be OPENED by ???? on the other end?

  4. Fake It says:

    As usual, just when you think this crap can’t get any stupider…

    Oh, come on! They’re just setting the bar on this one. I promise you. It will get even stupider. Watch!

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    The real reason is because liberals hate guns which are a check on the power of the state.

  6. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    All y’all are missing the point: “Agents said that it posed a threat because it could be confused for a real gun, according to local reports.” //// Just look. THERE it is. Sharp alert well trained security agents of the TSA removed this potential threat to safeguard the travels, wanderings, peregrinations of this happless interloper and those around here…..for surely there ARE other TSA agents who would be confused.

    Just look. NOT thru YOUR eyes….but of our overlords. Would you rather have them be STUPID and take your Monkey’s Plastic Gun away—-or be shot for having that gun????

    Empathy===seeing the world thru someone elses values.

    Ha, ha.

  7. Mark Friendster says:

    It might have been used to threaten a Sock Flight Attendant.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Same substance with slight update as the TSA doubles down on stupid. I do wonder what the story underneath this is… employees too stupid, or too cowed to exercise the judgment that I do assume they have? The toy IS NOT realistic replica of a real gun. When the TSA is afraid to allow their employees to exercise common sense, I assume they are being ZOMBIFIED to follow any other orders given as well.

    Awards, medals, commendations …. all around.

  9. orchidcup says:

    On Monday, the TSA issued a statement, saying “TSA officers are dedicated to keeping the nation’s transportation security systems safe and secure for the traveling public. Under longstanding aircraft security policy, and out of an abundance of caution, realistic replicas of firearms are prohibited in carry-on bags.”

    The key word here is realistic.

    Words matter.

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    TSA workers are sock puppets with guns.

  11. Bill Ockham says:

    Every time I read an article about how many tons of drugs are actually coming into the US each year, I say to myself, “Who could POSSIBLY be using THAT much drugs?”.

    Now we know.


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