Executive Producers: Grande Duke Steven Pelsmaekers, Andrew Blackburn, Thomas Borowski, Sir Mark Wilson
Associate Executive Producer: Liudmyla Bogush-Dhand
Art By: Sir Effigy
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  1. SPOCK says:

    hope you guys are keeping warm and toasty. i’m not much
    of a wine drinker, but i’ve been enjoying some of the sweet
    whites. john… moscato or riesling? or are both considered
    trash in the afficionado world? i’ve been boosting my talk
    radio / podcast intake. trying to see what else is out there
    for the sake of balance. but i still can’t find anything more
    enjoyable than no agenda. i don’t know why, i guess it just
    comes down to preference. it really does force you to think
    about what it is that draws listeners to various shows. some
    tune in for the content. some for the host(s). some for both.
    but in the end, either you have the recipe, or you don’t. keep
    up the good work, nobody can do it better (in my opinion).

  2. B. Dog says:

    Nice art. I’m thinking the *stans are not to be lightly dismissed.



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