
Scary. Insane. Ridiculous. Invasive. Wrong. The Washington Post reports that the FBI has had the ability to secretly activate a computer’s camera “without triggering the light that lets users know it is recording” for years now. What in the hell is going on? What kind of world do we live in?

Marcus Thomas, the former assistant director of the FBI’s Operational Technology Division, told the Post that that sort of creepy spy laptop recording is “mainly” used in terrorism cases or the “most serious” of criminal investigations. That doesn’t really make it less crazy (or any better) since the very idea of the FBI being able to watch you through your computer is absolutely disturbing.

Take the advice of a dumb blonde, put a piece of tape over the LED and it never happened.

  1. Raintrees says:

    Isn’t it time that all authorities have audio and video surveillance of themselves posted publicly 24×7?

    We’ll know when they are sleeping, we’ll know when they’re awake, we’ll know when they been spying on us, so get ready to vote them away…

    (Sorry, not as catchy as the original, but it’s early yet where I live and I’ve only had one cup of stimulant beverage).

  2. agp says:

    I recall some school board getting busted for this using commercial software

  3. tg says:

    At college, way back in 1999, we used Back Orifice. Very effective.

  4. igeek says:

    Don’t you know that window on the cable box that you thought was for the remote control is really a camera. What about all those times you sat naked in front of the TV and materbated to Golden Girls.

  5. UncDon says:

    I thought only Santa used this method to double-check who was naughty or nice.

  6. Dallas says:

    This is the second Obama outrage since wednesday and explains alot why my sales are down.

    • McCullough says:

      Why do you always assume it’s Obama’s fault?

      • Tim says:

        It is because Obama is black. He is also the over-baked Son of Perdition, The Devil, and Miley before ‘the change.’ {Sorry, Larry; You weren’t what was really seen in the stain of the cards}

        I mean, how stupid does one sound if he dances and jesticulates and loudly points and says “Illuminati” when everyone already knows he was a puppet not even clued\looped in??

      • Dallas says:

        I really don’t.

        However, being the amazing President he is, Pres Obama has accepted the burden of fault for all those things that his haters. I support his generosity to help his haters overcome that feeling of helplessness during the holidays.

  7. deowll says:

    Crackers have been doing this as long as they’ve been sticking cameras on computers. Anybody with a working brain sticks tap over the camera as soon as they get a laptop. I suppose the computer makers deserve a groin kick for not hard wiring the light into the circuit.

  8. Packet Sniffer says:

    Why is this so surprising to everyone?

    The government (which includes the FBI and even the CIA) have thought of themselves as SANTA CLAUSE for years!

    Who else but Santa would benevolently redistribute the wealth, other than that fictions character Robin Hood?!

    But seriously… If anyone gave a damn, they wouldn’t be buying these Microsoft, Apple and pure Google Android devices (like Nexus) in such droves. And here’s just ONE reason why: Trusted Computer Modules which will make this kind of thing even EASIER!

  9. Jeffy says:

    Literally thanks to Crackpot John I have been covering my cams for the last 8 years. I feel vindicated for the ridicule I have taken for it all this time.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      The NSA recommends that you remove your built-in webcam from your computer. Or cover it.

      The big debate here is whether you use gaffers tape or duct tape.

  10. Comanche says:

    Waiting for my government issued XBOX ONE.

  11. AdmFubar says:

    but only on windows or macs..
    stay away from closed source software.. it will be yor undoing

    • Tim says:

      “”In other words:

      “Sorry” if you misunderstood the Terms and Conditions you were compelled to accept if you wanted to use your new purchase. “Sorry” these same terms and conditions nullified your preferences on sending data without your permission. Oh, and by the way, not our fault — the helpful people with the name tags at your local electronics store should have been intimately familiar with the Terms and Conditions of our entire product line and ensured that potential customers knew they were purchasing a SPY TV rather than a SMART TV.

      If you have any other questions about our intrusive data collections, please don’t hesitate to fuck off and die.

      Cute. But they would never really write without legaleze like that because it would be an affront to the Retarded Lawyers With Disablilities Act. They would have disabled, retarded lawyers wandering around all depressed and bugging the guys on the line to let them help with putting the LG-SMART stickers on the front {a task for which they are, naturally, mentally and physically ill-equipped}.

  12. dcphill says:

    If I’m not using the camera, I cover it.

  13. Packet Sniffer says:

    Seriously! Doesn’t anyone remember that story a few years ago where some school gave away free laptops that had spyware installed? Spyware that allowed them to peep in on students?!

    This is all I could quickly find:

    It’s amazing how fast we forget history. That’s probably because most of us choose to be ignorant. After all, a government of the people, by the people and for the people who allow themselves to forget facts and wishfully hand over power to a group of elite rich asshole lawyers can only be blamed on — ta da! The People who voted them in!

    …And if you think I’m wrong about the ignorant thing then consider this: why is college the one thing most people want to pay more for and get less of?

    • Packet Sniffer says:

      … And why do the idiots seem to think that paying more to the government will result in a better government?!

      My guess is that these idiots either never paid attention in class or had a horrible curriculum which never taught them subjects like American history, mathematics or any of the sciences which encourage critical thinking.

      Remember: when you are ignorant, you have nothing but “beliefs” to guide you. And when all you do is “hope” that things will “change,” they will! So welcome to Obama’s Nation. (Perhaps now would be a good time to remind you of another word: “abomination.” Look it up!)

  14. dadeo says:

    The surprise to me is that this isn’t a Snowden leaked document.. Next revelation to be surprised by (or not) is that this same FBI policy applies to smartphone cams and mics.

    • Tim says:

      Since before 2002

      “”The U.S. Commerce Department’s security office warns that “a cellular telephone can be turned into a microphone and transmitter for the purpose of listening to conversations in the vicinity of the phone.” An article in the Financial Times last year said mobile providers can “remotely install a piece of software on to any handset, without the owner’s knowledge, which will activate the microphone even when its owner is not making a call.”

      “”The FBI’s “applications made a sufficient case for electronic surveillance,” Kaplan wrote. “They indicated that alternative methods of investigation either had failed or were unlikely to produce results, in part because the subjects deliberately avoided government surveillance.”

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        I was watching the banned Betty Boop cartoon from the Thirties. She said “Rock and Roll.” Always fun to see early references to computers from shows in the 50’s too.

        Yes, its all done in the lab 20 years before its done covertly in the field which is 20 years before its sold as a consumer product.

        And then, people blame their favorite boogeyman.

        Just look.

        ((Excellent call there Tim!))

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          They are racists. I did laugh at them though. Hard to completely free one’s self from how we were raised. And by that I mean: society I grew up in. Mommy and Daddy were completely unbiased and unpreachy. Maybe fat lips and watermelon ARE funny???

          • Tim says:

            Slow-Poke Rodriguous sounds like a good little starter mouse Dallas can get pedro for christmas.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            I think its racist to think gerbils and mice can be used for your political ends interchangeably. Rodriguez looked more like a rat to me……..but I’ve already admitted to my racism.

  15. Rocket science? says:

    I smell a little BS here. Help me out…

    Are the FBI guys the ONLY ones smart enough the turn on your web camera without you knowing it?

    Why hasn’t some smart good guy written a monitoring program that sounds an alarm and logs whenever the camera is receiving (and more importantly, transmitting)?

    Here’s an opportunity for any of the security application retailers. It’s a pop-up alarm I’d pay to see.

  16. Do we really believe that the hardware that comes from Apple etc has the ability to do this? Its really a hardware issue. Wouldn’t a hardware hacker be able to find out if this is true or not?

    Wayne Bienek

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Whats your issue? Isn’t the hardware controled by software and isn’t the hardware connected to the internet? Don’t you believe/trust the links Timmay provided above?

      Don’t you believe that hoomans will do “anything” just because they can?

      Just look. You know looking. You just open your eyes.

  17. John E Quantum says:

    I’m sure that almost all of what is seen by surreptitious methods is either uninteresting or disgusting. Being required to watch it probably causes a lot of PTSD.

    • ± says:

      That’s why that if you care about your government, you will cover the camera with tape and physically disable the mic.

      Then go help rehire R/Ds next election to fuck yourself, your friends, loved ones, and everyone else, some more.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    My Luddite tendencies are affirmed:

    I have always kept a piece of paper or tape over my webcam when I’m not using it.

    I did this because I worried that I would accidenatlly accept a Skype call while in my underwear but I guess I was also protecting my privacy from my own damn government.

    • Cheeky Geek says:

      Think again!

      Yes, your government keeps tabs on you and may even be watching right this minute (assuming there’s a good enough reason). But that’s only half of the problem…

      If you use Google – even to search with – then you have already given up some (or all) of your privacy. Same goes with Microsoft who happens to own Skype and that horrible Bing thing too. And it’s not like Apple is all that innocent either since millions of fools still use iTunes — some of whom I’m sure use it to listen to Dvoraks’ weekly podcasts.

      [Want a better search engine that gives a damn about your privacy? This is just a suggestion (and I’m not getting paid or have any other reason to promote it) but you may want to try DuckDuckGo ( You might also want to ditch your crappy OS (Windows/OSX) too. Because this kind of spy crap just doesn’t happen in the Linux world – not even from Canonical.]

  19. noname says:

    The lite was only meant to give the gullible public a false since of security. Privacy is not a constitutional right and all Americans are employees of our government. Employers can track, record your activities and monitor all your communications!

    George Orwell 1984 my ass!

    • Captain Obvious says:

      I haven’t seen anyone get their ass 1984’d since college. Apparently you never get over it.

  20. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    In a dramatic and rare demonstration of rational thinking pedro says:
    12/8/2013 at 12:48 pm

    As misled as with the gun issue. Technology doesn’t break into your computer, the gubment does (as per this story goes) just as people kill people, not guns. ///// Thats a fair call Pedro. I was just trying to emphasize the non-political aspects of human proclivity for Douche.

    ….. but once again, without pc camera’s, the gubment/hackers/big biz would not be able to spy on us. As you recognize===just like guns.

    • Uncle Sam says:

      Looks like you never considered MICROPHONES!

      I bet you have no second thoughts using Google’s crap too. (Hello, Mr. Nixon? Can you hear me NOW?!)

      Clearly, it’s wrong (morally or legally) to spy on people without a damn good reason. However one possible reason to spy on someone or even a group of people would be if he/she/they have demonstrated some degree of IRRESPONSIBILITY! It’s a concept that I’m sure you don’t fully appreciate since your precious left already suspects everyone of being irresponsible right from the beginning.

      It’s pretty clear that you “believe” everyone – especially the “evil rich” – should pay more in taxes too. Just look at your own postings where you almost consistently say how we should impose more taxes as if it were some kind of punishment or something. At the very least you seem to be saying that the government needs more money. That is, until shit like this pops up!

      Without even THINKING where those “evil rich” will make up the difference or where they’ll spend it, you say tax, tax, tax! And yes, those “evil rich” should loosen their purse stings, I agree. But forcing anyone to give more money either in taxes to an already incompetent and corrupt government, or even to impose a forced spending on a bloated BIG BUSINESS like health insurance, is definitely NOT the answer. Just consider the money that they squander now. And you say you want them to have MORE of it?! Are you CRAZY?!!! (Don’t answer since I’m pretty sure President ZERO already did.)

      It’s pretty clear that you have no ideas on how to correct things. All you ever say is that you want more rules/laws/taxes and then try and use some sort of twisted old time religious fervor masquerading as some sort of political righteousness to do it. You unthinkingly promote the fear/uncertainty/doubt (FUD) just like an insane Kansas baptist church leader. And then you have the unthinking/unmitigated gall to say the party on the right is the one doing all the fear mongering. Do even HEAR yourself?!

      That’s not even the half of it!

      As wrong as Pedro may be (in your twisted mind, at least), he is correct about one thing you just can’t seem to beat down with your moronic diatribe, guns don’t kill! It’s a fact that only an insane person would argue because the facts are pretty clear. Gun’s don’t kill any more so than than an inanimate CAR kills people nor even your friendly neighborhood BAR. PEOPLE (and animals) DO THE KILLING!!!

      Blaming an inanimate object like a gun or even a table lamp for committing horrendous acts of violence makes absolutely no sense. So you may want to rethink your position if you claim to be a man of facts.

      Just for starters, try thinking about why a deranged/criminal who ILLEGALLY obtains a gun is even out in society in the first place. Try thinking about why making more laws for people who don’t violate them makes any kind of sense. Then you may want to reexamine your own clear attempts at doing the very thing you accuse others of doing which is to violate the Constitution by trying to dismantle it.

      You may want to look at what your leftist criminal justice system has accomplished too. You may want to ask why the overwhelmingly liberal legal system is so pathetically broken that someone like a convicted rapist or murderer will actually do less time in jail than someone who smokes dope! Oh! But there’s that same old LIE you probably want to point out right now of how it’s really the right-wing who’s doing it (and again, they’re not totally innocent), because that’s what you’ve been led to BELIEVE! You either can’t or don’t want to look at the very LAWS that were written by the liberal fools who had/have the power that tie our judges hands!

      So you may want to look at the values of those who are leading you — your OWNERS! You may want to reconsider spreading the FUD on things that neither they nor you understand nor WANT to understand. Because allowing one’s self to be selectively become ignorant is really just submitting to a RELIGION!

  21. haymoose says:

    Just wait until they release news that the NSA/FBI have a backdoor into Xbox Kinect and have been eavesdropping on the entire family from the game room, den or family room.

  22. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    In what appears to be an earnest and considered detailed response Uncle Sam says:
    12/9/2013 at 6:52 pm

    Looks like you never considered MICROPHONES! //// I’m aware they can be monitored as well, as well as speakers turned into microphones? Aren’t all the issues the same? What am I missing?

    I bet you have no second thoughts using Google’s crap too. (Hello, Mr. Nixon? Can you hear me NOW?!) /// I use their search engine and their maps. I enjoy both. Most people do. What am I missing?

    Clearly, it’s wrong (morally or legally) to spy on people without a damn good reason. /// I do assume a Court Order signed by a judge showing probable cause to suspect criminal activity. I know that has eroded since Bush and Obama…. but something more than a general damn good reason.

    However one possible reason to spy on someone or even a group of people would be if he/she/they have demonstrated some degree of IRRESPONSIBILITY! /// No, certainly more than that.

    It’s a concept that I’m sure you don’t fully appreciate since your precious left already suspects everyone of being irresponsible right from the beginning. /// No. Gee, is this just going to be another series of straw man, made up, exaggerations and lies from the extremely retarded right?….. I was hoping for more.

    It’s pretty clear that you “believe” everyone – especially the “evil rich” – should pay more in taxes too. /// Yes, progressive tax schedule with very little social engineering (sic).

    Just look at your own postings where you almost consistently say how we should impose more taxes as if it were some kind of punishment or something. /// No, just the source of the revenue. By definition, anyone with High taxes has high income. I can only wish I paid one million a year in taxes. …. Or would you opt for a life on welfare at $800/month?

    At the very least you seem to be saying that the government needs more money. That is, until shit like this pops up! /// Gubment/We the People need to balance the books. Shit like this should be STOPPED. Has little to do with dificit spending without long term budget year after year. Do do confuse one thing with another.

    Without even THINKING where those “evil rich” will make up the difference or where they’ll spend it, you say tax, tax, tax! And yes, those “evil rich” should loosen their purse stings, I agree. But forcing anyone to give more money either in taxes to an already incompetent and corrupt government, or even to impose a forced spending on a bloated BIG BUSINESS like health insurance, is definitely NOT the answer. //// We need a minimum of social safety net services and those services need to be paid for. The rich need to pay more because they get more from society AND they have it. Pretty simple and straight forward.

    Just consider the money that they squander now. And you say you want them to have MORE of it?! Are you CRAZY?!!! (Don’t answer since I’m pretty sure President ZERO already did.) /// Nobody is for wasted/squandered/fradulent/corporate welfare. Why can’t you find something more debatable?

    It’s pretty clear that you have no ideas on how to correct things. /// Hows that? Too general given the length already to pick the low fruit.

    All you ever say is that you want more rules/laws/taxes and then try and use some sort of twisted old time religious fervor masquerading as some sort of political righteousness to do it. /// I’m not too often religious. You got a quote?

    You unthinkingly promote the fear/uncertainty/doubt (FUD) just like an insane Kansas baptist church leader. And then you have the unthinking/unmitigated gall to say the party on the right is the one doing all the fear mongering. Do even HEAR yourself?! /// You Lie. I always say both sides do it, the Pukes only do more of it in a more odious way.

    That’s not even the half of it! /// Why use fractions when you have the whole truth?

    As wrong as Pedro may be (in your twisted mind, at least), he is correct about one thing you just can’t seem to beat down with your moronic diatribe, guns don’t kill! It’s a fact that only an insane person would argue because the facts are pretty clear. Gun’s don’t kill any more so than than an inanimate CAR kills people nor even your friendly neighborhood BAR. PEOPLE (and animals) DO THE KILLING!!! //// Loon.

    Blaming an inanimate object like a gun or even a table lamp for committing horrendous acts of violence makes absolutely no sense. So you may want to rethink your position if you claim to be a man of facts. //// No person has ever killed another person with a gun who didn’t use a gun. Simple fact. Remove the gun, death by guns is eliminated. Irrefutable.

    Just for starters, try thinking about why a deranged/criminal who ILLEGALLY obtains a gun is even out in society in the first place. /// Ummmm…. to provide the Righteous Right with Target Practice?????

    Try thinking about why making more laws for people who don’t violate them makes any kind of sense. /// The law applies to everybody and lets everybody know what the rules are. If there was not law against murder, then people would more often do so. Again… pretty simple.

    Then you may want to reexamine your own clear attempts at doing the very thing you accuse others of doing which is to violate the Constitution by trying to dismantle it. /// Boiler Plate. I say: follow the Court Rulings, like them or not.

    You may want to look at what your leftist criminal justice system has accomplished too. /// The worst aspects are the anti-Libertarian laws (drugs, sex, rock and roll) and the turn to for profit systems. Both are right leaning concepts.

    You may want to ask why the overwhelmingly liberal legal system is so pathetically broken that someone like a convicted rapist or murderer will actually do less time in jail than someone who smokes dope! /// I agree thats bad. Jails would be empty save for the two issues mentioned above though. Connect the dots–how is left theory involved in letting rapists and murderers serve less time? I assume you have some general theory of left theories other than anything aspect of life that you don’t like?……. ie….. surpise me.

    Oh! But there’s that same old LIE you probably want to point out right now of how it’s really the right-wing who’s doing it (and again, they’re not totally innocent), because that’s what you’ve been led to BELIEVE! You either can’t or don’t want to look at the very LAWS that were written by the liberal fools who had/have the power that tie our judges hands! /// Minimum sentencing and Three Strikes in the main is what “ties” judges hands. Aren’t both of those right wing ideas that the looney left goes along with because they are spineless weenies?

    So you may want to look at the values of those who are leading you — your OWNERS! You may want to reconsider spreading the FUD on things that neither they nor you understand nor WANT to understand. Because allowing one’s self to be selectively become ignorant is really just submitting to a RELIGION! /// I estimate your current rotational velocity at about 1.25 G’s. Do you know your escape velocity????

    Ha, ha. Say Uncle–way to much to respond, but I honor your effort with my own. If you choose to respond, please pick 1-2 (3?) of your strongest positions to flail. We need to respect our readers as well? Try to actually have a cogent fact based position rather than boiler plate?

    Good boy.


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