Executive Producers: Gregory Ball
Associate Executive Producers: The Pisan, Sir Chris Eisbach, Craig Mazzella
Art By: MartinJJ
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  1. Kent says:

    Is it just my end or is the audio awful this week?

  2. ECA says:

    Santa travels HOW FAST>>>
    WE can track him??? I dont think soooo..
    by the time you spotted him he would be GONE..
    JETS can fly with him?? 200-300kts? THAT AINT FAST..

    • Satan Clause {part b subsection 16-a} says:

      I get a head start and aim the tachion beam at the point in space that will be next Winter-Solstice-Deflorination-Festival (aka, Christmas).

      This way, the tachion particles will infect your parents to do my crime-out-of-time redistribution of filthy luker wealth for me — even if you don’t have a fire place; cheap bastards…

      • Tim says:

        Filthy, nasty time manipulator ^^

        Value for value?? I occupied yo momma and made Lincoln scream, so to speak. Pinching pennies by employing the immense heat of time-travel is much more satisfying than wrecking trains by letting them just lay around on the tracks. That, and nickels…

    • Elf Number ####9998 says:

      You think Santa Clause is REAL?! Maybe you think politicians don’t lie too. Or maybe you ARE one!

      …Sorry Virginia.

  3. My God, Feinstein is a total idiot.

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    It occurs to me that Adam’s constant interjections every two seconds while playing clips really is the most annoying part if the show.

  5. anonymous Coward says:

    In five years from now, both Adam and John will look like huge fools after having adamantly claimed in this episode that both delivery drones and driverless cars “will not happen in our lifetimes”.

    Oh and Adam ABSOLUTELY DID SAY last month that he will sell his bitcoins when it reaches $1,000, what a liar. He also lied when he told John that he has only a few bit coins. As of today he has 65.5616233 bitcoins, about $60k.


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