50 years ago president Kennedy was killed and to this day we still don’t know who did it. The official story that Oswald shot him from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository defies the laws of physics. There are a lot of conspiracy theories but we don’t yet have any way to determine if any of them are true. All we really know from the Zapruder film is that Kennedy was shot from the Grassy Knoll. Maybe someday we will know the truth.

(Hillary did it!)

  1. Yawn says:

    And your point is…?

  2. DanC says:

    Was General Walker shot from the grassy knoll, too?

  3. DanC says:

    Was Officer Tippit shot from the grassy knoll, too?

    • STFU says:


      Oswald escaped detection and was even allowed to leave the school book building from where he took those shots at JFK. Oswald went home and got his hand gun but then decided to walk around town. So in comes Officer Tippit who stopped Oswald to question him (presumably) about his poorly concealed hand gun. Oswald then shot Tippit and finished him off with a shot to the head once the officer was down. Oswald did it in front of witnesses and was then somehow tracked to a movie theater where Oswald was arrested. It’s important to know that all this happened before anyone in law enforcement even knew who Oswald was or that he had only hours before taken shots at the President.

      No grassy knoll. But then you’d know this if you bothered to watch educational TV (as I’m pretty sure you have no idea what history books are).

    • Just_AC says:

      There are some who believe Tippit was ties up in the assassination – I haven’t delved into this, but:

      A witness says there was a police officer on the grassy knoll with a gun

      Tippit’s nickname with the force? Jack or JFK cuz he looked so much like the president

      Why did he go up to Oswald? Different part of the City, Oswald had changed his clothes, etc

      Tippit used to work for the movie house where Oswald was caught

      There was a witness that said that Oswald, Ruby and Tippit used to have breakfast together

      Remember that autopsy picture of JFK staring up? Umm, didn’t he have an eye shot out and other noticeable damage to the skull?

      Lot’s of questions and we’ll never have answers

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Oswald did it alone.

    Just look. If there had been a conspiracy, it would have come out by now…

    Oswald just happened to work in that building and had the gun for a long time. If Bobby and Jacqueline accepted the obvious (regardless of why), then I am happy to spend my time collecting loose tin foil for more important projects.

    Read Vincents Bugliosi’s book on the matter. Its dispositive of the issue.

    • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

      I agree.

      Only a crackpot allows himself to be drawn into implausible arguments that are not supported by any facts.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Say what: I notice how intelligent you sound when supporting my posts with your complimentary analysis.

        Do you think that is a coincidence or what?


    • dusanmal says:

      Two new facts. One placing reasonable doubt as we do not have sound recording of how many shots were actually fired (audio believed until now to be from the scene turns out to be from 2.5 miles away and totally unrelated). Second is to anyone scientifically minded a proof positive Oswald haven’t done it: bullet disk shown on recently released original Kennedy head x-rays. It is of wrong caliber vs. Oswald’s gun. Bullet that left that disk in Kennedy’s head couldn’t have been fired from Oswald’s gun. Not speculative, perfectly documented and measurable. Fact.
      Was Oswald part of it? Definitely. Did he shoot at the Kennedy? Other evidence sez’ – yes, his bullet hit president in right shoulder and continued on perfectly straight and plausible trajectory to hit front panel of the car. But new evidence sez’ that he did not fire the killing shot and that there was at least one more shooter.

  5. Thomas J. Devine says:

    Take my word for it, George H. W. Bush was not in Dallas on 11/22/63.

  6. McCullough says:


    The United States House of Representatives Select “Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was established in 1976 to investigate the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. The Committee investigated until 1978 and issued its final report, and concluded that Kennedy was very likely assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.”


    Plus E Howard Hunt told you who was involved. If you don’t want to believe, that’s your issue.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      MAN!!!!!—Thats the lamest piece of crap I’ve read in a long time:

      “The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee was unable to identify the other gunmen or the extent of the conspiracy.” /// In other words, they maintain a belief without any other supporting evidence except (maybe) an analysis of acoustic evidence?


      Committees. Even more worthless than the individuals who serve on them. Pablum for those who like pablum.

      Yea, verily.

      I’m compelled by the Power of Satan to add that even assuming such a conspiracy was true, to Quote My Bitch Hilliary: “What matter does it make?”

      Ha, ha.

      ………………………………….time management.

      • McCullough says:

        Relax man, go make yourself a Peanut Butter sammich, you’ll feel better.

    • jpfitz says:

      I’m in your camp Mc. Too many shootings of powerful men involved in racial equality and doves.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        How do you get from the fact of “too many shootings” to the speculation/claim of any conspiracy?

        america has too many shootings EVERY FRICKEN DAY OF THE YEAR. All conspiracies? ….. or too many idiots with guns? Place the emPHAsis where you may.

  7. MikeN says:

    He was shot by a Communist named Oswald recruited by the Soviets and Cubans as retaliation for Kennedy’s attempt to kill Castro.

    The conspiracy theories are because of the idiocy of that supreme idiot Arlen Specter, who invented the Single Bullet Theory.

  8. Dallas says:

    I’m convinced it was a conspiracy involving Castro. Sadly I’ll miss the remembrance in Dallas because I’m in Miami this week with relatives.

    The Cuban TV channels are covering this pretty exhaustively. FOX news is reporting on breaking news on Obamacare. Tough TV week for me but I have my iPhone to help me cope.

    • jpfitz says:

      I understand your sadness of not being in Dallas for the remembrance, BUT…your f’in phone is a consolation and helps you cope. Man, you have problems, a phone…do you read what you type before you submit. All hail the Apple. Holy Shit.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Well………..to me…….Dallas’ humor is obvious.


        It separates people.

        Can you guess into what groups?

        ((Seriously. …. and its not a “bad” thing. Just a thing.))

        • jpfitz says:

          Dallas’s humor is the antithisis of humor, I bet he sleeps with his ithingy under his pillow. Not that there is anything wrong with that but…HE IS F’IN SERIOUS. I think you underestimate the bond some i people have with their uberlord.

        • jpfitz says:

          Yeah, sorry, maybe a bit too righteous. That that torch is easy to hang onto. I’m gonna have a pb&j sandwich for dinner now. Treat myself with some soft white bread like the old days

      • Dallas says:

        Stop hating on me. I don’t care if you were violated with an iPhone. Let it go.

  9. jpfitz says:

    Sad day in history, the tears shed that day by the country and world would have filled a large pond. Jackie Kennedy would not remove her outfit with John’s blood on it, so all could see what “they” did to her husband.

    I was seven years old in 63′. All through grade school and through some of middle school when my name was announced for attendance at the beginning of the school year I was reminded of the murder of JFK, my first and last name was followed by some teachers with the added name of Kennedy. I was also asked if I am a relative of the fallen President. Then Bobby was slain, I do remember that morning when I awoke to get ready for school. Terrible terrible terrible memories.

    RIP, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Fifty years ago today.

  10. areyouready? says:

    Evidance of Revision parts 1-6

  11. Captain Obvious says:

    Wow, pedro has got the conspiracy side covered.

    At ease. Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

    • jpfitz says:

      Pedro has nothing to say but insults, liberal this liberal that. No substance or kind words. Why does he even post. He’s an enigma without purpose.

      Makes links to Websites nobody follows because the backspace or delete key on his “keyboard” is non functioning, Pedro when you do get a keyboard remember to remove the www. I did go out of my way to follow the idiot link, funny, but ask Santa for a new keyboard.

  12. B. Dog says:

    Ah, everyone knew at the time how fishy it was. I’ve got 3 words for you; “The Big D.”


  13. JimD says:

    It was H.W. Bush running the deal – with Oswald and the “Mystery Shooter” on the Grassy Knoll !!! So there was a CONSPIRACY but it was effectively covered up by Bush, who went on the head the CIA, America’s Dirty Tricks Agency !!!

    • Tim says:

      Don’t forget Dr. Mary’s Monkey

      “…a man who once taped an interview with Lee Harvey Oswald and was the executive director of the Information Council of the Americas. Alton Ochsner founded INCA in 1961 to “prevent Communist revolutions in Latin America by teaching the sordid truth about Communism to the Latin American masses … It was a right-wing propaganda mill loosely modeled on Radio Free Europe.”

      “”…and Lee Harvey Oswald’s secret lover; and a plot to kill Fidel Castro with cancer causing monkey cells orchestrated by a right wing marriage between Carlos Marcello and Alton Ochsner, Sr. – the stealth viruses were then dumped in Haiti where they simmered for almost two decades before erupting into a worldwide epidemic of various cancers and AIDS.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Ok. Let’s say there were two shooters. Two people = a conspiracy.

    So, there WAS a conspiracy (of Two People) to kill Kennedy.

    What changes?

  15. Tim says:

    I really, really think the government killed him.

    Oops. Too soon? {damn you, social anxiety!}


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Would that be the same gubment that put explosives into the Twin Towers waiting for planes to run into them so they could set them off? Film on that too. what firmer proof can there be?

      Daaaaymum!!! Thats one clever bunch of people. …… Too bad they don’t use that expertise to…… well…. to run the gubment?

      What a feat that would be.

      • Tim says:

        What we need there is one of them good ol’ New Pearl Harbors. That’ll learn ’em.

        Project for a New American Century

        “”The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one — Absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor.

        He a slinker-pee weasel.

      • Tim says:

        Kennedy and rejection of Operation Northwoods.

        “”Operation Northwoods was a series of false flag proposals that originated within the United States government in 1962, but were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[2] The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit perceived acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.[3] One part of Operation Northwoods was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington”.

        “”Operation Northwoods proposals included hijackings and bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government. It stated:

        “”The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.


        More people would know about these kinds of things if he touched Elvis’ dick, or something, before snuffing out.

        • John B says:

          Next thing you’ll tell me is Todd Beamer and a bunch of passengers stormed the cockpit and took down an airliner.

          Or Buiding 7 came down demolition style from a trash can fire.


          • Flt. 93 BB says:

            “They’re getting antsy, Roll it.”
            “i mean, let’s *roll*??
            “is this thing even on?
            “are we allowed to try and use cell phones up here now?? Anybody? Bhueler?”

        • John B says:

          Or the North Vietnamese really did attack our ship in the Gulf of Tonkin, and 57,000 servicemen and million(s) of N Vietnamese dies to protect FREEDOM!

          Lyndon don’t be lyin’ man.

          Some idiots just trust the government, I mean look at this abortion called Gov’t…JUST LOOK!

  16. MikeN says:

    Kennedys killed by Palestinians and Communists. Modern Democratic party sympathizes with Palestinians and Communists.

    • Tim says:

      Do you want Palestinians in your back yard because of global warming MikeN?? No? Between them and the flooded out jews, you’d probably get sand kicked all over your kabasha cabasa.

  17. Tim says:

    knock knock.

    ouch, my toenail.

    I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Dots. DOTS!!! EVERYWHERE I look … there are dots. Big Dots, small dots. Connected dots and free floating dots.

    What to do with all those dots?

    Why—–connect them all up and call it a “Theory.” Can’t be disproved. All my dots are connected.

    Just like God wanted.

    • Tim says:

      Purple MicroDots
      inept use of Theremin

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Was there a theremin in there? It might have gotten lost in a hole. dotholes. Purple Micro Dots.

        Acid always connects all the dots…. even to dots that aren’t even there.


        • Gassy Knoll says:

          Hey you can keep your plan if’n you like it. yo.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            My plan was to rely on fantasy and the Emergency Room. I AM part of the 1.5% who are getting screwed by ObamaCare.

            all you 98.5%’ers who are bitching about a core benefit helping you and yours are incredibly …….. whats the right word?…… stupid? Not quite the right word, but its in the ballpark.

            ……….but if everybody gets healthcare…. who can I feel superior to? THAT is what America is all about!!!

            ….. was it the E/R…or a cyanide capsule? I forget.

          • Tim says:

            What was that about hats, again?

          • Tim says:

            sssqrunch. One Adam Twelve. Adam twelve, we have {I’m feeling better…. (whack)} Adam twelve; I’m baked. I forgot the synopsys. advise?

          • Tim says:

            Rampart? Anybody? Beuhler? This van feels really sluggish. I think I need to put flaps or something. Oh god. I’m so high right now. Towlie? is that you? Pedro? Tower? <– those are a tight group of gayfags, I tell ya what. Ground?? Ohh, it spins. 601. have a nice day.

  19. B. Dog says:

    There are people who aren’t talking about a conspiracy (anymore):


  20. Gordon says:

    Really?!? Is this an intentional troll? Physics says that the shots HAD to come from the 6th floor book repository. Three shots were fired by Oswald. The first missed, the second hit Kennedy in the throat and continued on to hit Connelly, and the third was a hit to Kennedy’s head.

    Case Closed. (Which happens to be the title of a book by Gerald Posner… I recommend it).

    • B. Dog says:

      Have you ever picked up the kind of rifle that Oswald supposedly used? I have. A gun store had one, so I picked it up and checked out how long it took to cycle the bolt a couple times. It does not have a slick action. As a matter of fact, it took about 40 years of trying after the death of J.FK. for anyone on the planet to shoot 3 shots out of that type of rifle in 6 seconds, which is the time the stuck microphone on a cop’s motorcycle provided as the time for the 3 shots.

      • Tim says:

        He must have been really tight with his spotter. All Micheal Westony and Fiona like.

  21. Gassy Knoll says:

    No moron, Physics says if you get shot in the front of the head, your friggin brains end up on the trunk of the car. If you get shot in the back of the head, you’re buying John Connolly a new suit.

    Ooooh another book, well I guess that settles it then.

    • Tim says:

      But, here he was shot in the side of the head but you can still see the front of the head…. What if he faked his death and is now living life as Chuck Schumer?

    • WmDE says:

      Physics says if you get shot in the front of the head, your friggin brains end up on the trunk of the car.

      Not exactly.

      Physics says that if the pressure in a container of an incompressible fluid increases the effect of that pressure will be exerted in all directions. If the container fails the contents will exit the container on the side that fails.

      The human skull is a container that is weaker in the front than the back. It is less likely to fail in a backward direction.

      A rifle shot increases the pressure inside of the skull. The contents of the skull will move in the direction of skull failure. The intact portion of the skull will move away from the failure point, even if that direction is toward the rifle.

      • X says:

        Well, all you children will have the chance to speak up next week when the new JFK assassination footage that shows the second shooter gets released:


      • Tim says:

        I sorta kinda concur. We were shooting a small-calibre, high velocity rifle at a target fixed to a sandy, red clay bank. Dude shot, I got hit by something. “Man, your brass ejects hard”, I say. I shoot. I get hit by something. “What the fuck”, I say.

        The projectile was entering the dirt and ejecting straight back at us. This was probably due to a nice seal with the clay components and absorbing the energy was also creating steam and pressure — The kinetic energy of the bullet used itself to kick back 180 degrees and pop us in the chest with mostly undamaged rounds.

  22. STFU says:

    Try watching PBS once in a while. NOVA and Frontline just did some excellent programs about JFK and his assassination. The (new) evidence is pretty clear.

    It is now nearly irrefutable that the fatal shot to JFK’s head came from the rear and from the same general direction that Oswald was in. It is curious why the same caliber of bullet didn’t do as much damage when JFK was shot through the neck. But once a second/third bullet hit JFK in the head we can see the unmistakeable fatal damage that occurred because of JFK’s own skull which had to violently fracture (although not completely) in order to dissipate the energy.

    JFK lunged back and to his left moments after the fatal bullet hit. And many doctors seem to agree that this lunge was due to muscle memory and/or a neurological response. It could also be due to Jackie trying to pull him out of danger too. Either that or she’s the one who shot him (not likely).

    Personally, I don’t think there was any real conspiracy to kill the President. Although I do tend to agree that some horrible work was done after the fact that might help explain things. Things like, where is the head shot bullet? Or even, where are the remains of JFK’s brain?! But consider who was/is in charge and you just might understand that any conspiracy was really just attempts to cover up mass buffoonery!

    But if there is any sort of conspiracy then try looking at the owners of the Federal Reserve — a private company that only services the government. In other words, FOLLOW THE MONEY! Try and recall that Kennedy was the one who tried reclaiming the money supply when he tried putting it back in the hands of the U.S. Treasury with things like silver certificates (bills that look just like Federal Reserve notes but with a little red ink instead of blue). Do you think that move didn’t make a few enemies out of some very powerful people?!

    Yes, JFK had many enemies back then. And yes, there were many people who wanted to see him run out of office (almost like Obama is today). But few people actually wanted the man dead. And almost no one wanted to martyr a guy who, at best was only a mediocre President. And JFK was mediocre when you look at his record objectively. He just didn’t deserve to die since that mistake has now caused many people to think he probably would have gone on to becoming a great President. However, I say think again.

    All in all, no President, no CITIZEN deserves to die like that. Especially when all they are trying to do is make the world a better place. If anything, this whole era might be a lesson in method that we are just now beginning to repeat! Because Isaac Newton said it best when he said, “for every action there is an equal and opposite REACTION.” So perhaps the Kennedy’s and his party forgot those laws (too).

  23. EdnRaleigh says:

    George Herbert Walker Bush and Nixon have given multiple, different accounts of “where they were”. EVERYONE alive that day knows “where they were”, EXCEPT GHW Bush and Nixon? I will go to my grave believing GHW Bush played a part in Kennedy’s assassination and GW Bush played a part in 911. The entire Bush clan is nothing more than disgusting elitist scum. I will sing and dance the jig when they die.

    • Tim says:

      We can dig their skulls up and smoke pot out of them. And stow them right next to the meershums and the Regan 8-feed.

    • STFU says:

      Ya sure. Let’s blame it on the Stay Puft Marshmallow man too!

      Get your “scum” right before spouting off like that.

      Just for starters, do you know where you were when 911 happened? Or do you only remember where you were when you first heard about it?! If you gave 2 different answers then maybe now you can realize that you might not be listening very closely to the answers of other people regarding the assassination of JFK. Remember, in those days radio and newspapers were still the primary news sources.

      But then you want to bring up the Bush “clan” and how much you hate them. Are you really so sure they had something to do with JFK’s assassination? Where’s the proof? Their Yale Skull and Bones Society memberships? Or are you just giving into your left wing suspicion and RELIGION?

      Sure! The Bush family is no great example of purity or even of great American values when you only look at their screw ups – or even at their historical privileged class status either. Few people would sanely argue that George “W” was all that bright. In fact, “W” was/is a complete moron when it comes to economic issues. There’s just no arguing it. But is that any reason to hate the man, just because he comes from a rich family and was trying to do the right thing? Can you really say Obama is any better when he won’t even negotiate?!

      Of course, it is hard to overlook Prescott Bush’s Nazi ties that helped propel Adolf Hitler into power. But then it’s also hard to overlook Joe Kennedy Senior’s ties to prohibition mobsters, many of whom were guilty of gangland motivated murders (not all too unlike that of the dope dealers of today).

      There’s plenty to hate. But then there’s plenty to praise too like Prescott Bush’s contribution to helping the United Negro College Fund and acting as chairman of the Connecticut branch in 1951. Even JFK pulled some political favors against all advice in his political circles to get Martin Luther King released from jail when King was incarcerated unjustly.

      You really seem to be angry with the bankers and all the privileged upper class that seem to be selling this country to the dogs. And I would wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment too. However, are you at all sure you’re not in any small/large way a part of that problem?! For example, do you use credit cards or have an account at a large bank rather than do all your banking at a credit union? Or maybe you don’t think that your last Starbucks purchase didn’t hurt anyone. Or maybe you think the Democrats have all the answers. Think again!!!

      Sure, there are a lot of things to hate in Washington and probably even more things to hate in the world of big business. I’m with you on that. But when you allow party politics to tell you what to hate (let alone, what to do or not do) then you’re not really helping anything get any better. Bitching and moaning and trying to get others to BELIEVE the same crap you believe is really not helping. Because when you do that – without facts – you’re really just PREACHING!

      — Read my name again!

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        STFU? …. an “ok” name but rather off target in this land of the free and the First Amendment don’t ya think?


        (IF you are two stupid to balance conflicting evidence before leaping to conclusions and you rarely change your mind from first impressions, you really should stop voting as you are an incompetent citizen. === I grant you a perpetual license to use this Acronym for free.)

  24. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    Aliens had John Wilkes Booth shoot Lincoln then put him in suspended animation until they needed him again. They thawed him out in ’63 and he was the second shooter. They faked Oswalds death and both are now in suspended animation waiting for the next time the aliens feel they need to take out a President.


  25. dadeo says:

    Nice discussion! Here’s a great BBC documentary with many interviews and lots of additional info:

    Anthony Summers 1978 documentary on the Assassination of President Kennedy is one of the best films on the subject, even if you may not agree with the direction it takes towards the end.

    Contains many rare interviews with direct participants, including the first interview with Silvia Odio and interviews with Dallas police chief Jesse Curry, Carlos Bringuier, William Gaudet, Richard Schweiker, Richard Sprague, DA William Alexander, Warren Commission member John Cooper and Antonio Veciana.


  26. Dallas says:

    Where the shots came from is not important.

    The important question is who placed/hired Oswald to be in the school book depository and what was his getaway plan. He was apprehended with $6 in his pocket.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      The Texas School Book Depository was a private company that leased the building. The TSBD was in the process of moving from another building a few blocks away.

      During a social gathering, Oswald apparently overheard a neighbor or friend of a neighbor of the boarding house he was staying at say that there was an opening at the TSBD.

  27. Captain Obvious says:

    Meta conspiracy theories:

    Every conspiracy theory that you have heard that makes you think Lee Harvey Oswald was not the assassin was started by Democrats. Every one. – Rush Limbaugh

  28. Joe says:

    Would someone please tell me why it matters if there was or wasn’t a conspiracy?

    • Dallas says:

      Because if , say, Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin was complicit in this terrible murder, I want them executed immediately.

    • GTFOI says:

      It doesn’t. You would think after fifty years the bullshit mystique surrounding the image of Kennedy would have run its course. Not managing to bungle his way into a nuclear war (barely) and getting shot in the head are the only two accomplishments of his presidency. If he hadn’t gotten shot he would have been just another mediocre drugged up, lying, womanizing, office bugging, president. I guess we know why Bill Clinton looked up to him.

      • Joe says:

        Well said.

      • Dallas says:

        You piece of shit. What an awful disrespect on this occasion.

        • GTFOI says:

          Blow me.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

            Ha, ha. Good one Pedro. Blowing away the observation that even homophobia doesn’t have some humorous elements.

            In the main: The Kennedys–Form over substance. Inherited wealth is usually put to evil ends. If not evil, then self involved. The Kennedys are not near as evil as the Koch brothers, but they are on that side of the equilibrium point. Their wealth should be taxed/grabbed/returned to the society from which they stole it. Just like all the other RICH.

            RICH = CRIMINAL. ((For those still denying the math of this reality…RICH is defined and not exclusive to them while CRIMINAL does not mean all the time on every issue….. yes…. I know its hard.))

        • Joe says:

          What respect did JFK show when he was alive?

    • Gassy Knoll says:

      No it shouldn’t matter at all if there was a coup. It can and should be done anytime you dislike the Prez…..Are you people fucking stupid?

  29. deowll says:

    The President was the second person that Lee H O attempted to assassinate according to notes found after Oswald was killed and one of two people Oswald killed that day. Oswald shot a cop 4 times in the body and finished him of with a bullet to the head execution style using a small revolver after he killed JFK.

    The rifle he used was military surplus and cost all of $12.50 but tests show it is adequately accurate and that round happens to have a staggering ability to penetrate when using the old military style fmj pencil bullets. Oswald passed his marksmanship test for the military which means he hit the target 8 of ten times at 200 yards using iron sights. He used a scope to kill Kennedy. What ever you might say about Oswald there is no reason to think he lacked nerves of steel or was subject to buck fever.

    Oswald’s motives were made glaringly clear in his notes. He was a devote communist with the values that implies who hated conservatives and capitalism. Kennedy was anti-communist as they came, a devoted Catholic, a capitalist, etc.

    Seems odd to say it but Oswald’s values are more in line with current progressive Democrat values than JFK’s.

    You go on line and listen to what JFK had to say and what Obama has to say now and you won’t find much overlap.

    JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

    Obama has said and continues to say I’m here to redistribute the wealth.

    JFK created the peace core.

    Obama got the Noble peace prize and likes to drone people.

    JFK spoke about doing the hard thing and started a program to put man on the moon in ten yrs.

    Obama spent $600,000,000 to utterly fail at building a web site that should have cost less than a fraction of that and could have been built by 50 competent people according to competent people.

    JFK took responsibility for what his people did and acted as a leader. He was an includer.

    Obama says I heard about that on the news and it’s all their fault. He’s a divider.

    JFK was transparent.

    Obama talked about transparency.

    People knew were JFK was coming from and could trust him.

    Obama? Only if you are foolish.

    Nuff said. We lost a great leader. Wish we had one now.

    • GTFOI says:

      What exactly did Kennedy accomplish (actually do, sign or pass) again? He had good speech writers and the press didn’t talk about his little foibles. If they had he couldn’t have gotten elected dog catcher.

    • McCullough says:

      Marksman is the lowest of the three awards given after qualifying on the range. When I was a boot, you couldn’t even graduate unless you at least a qualified Marksman.


      “The U.S. Military’s and Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) Marksmanship Qualification Badges are awarded in three grades (highest to lowest): Expert, Sharpshooter, and Marksman”

      “Like all Marines, Oswald was trained and tested in shooting and he scored 212 in December 1956, slightly above the requirements for the designation of sharpshooter.[23] In May 1959 he scored 191, which reduced his rating to marksman.[23][38]”


      A mediocre shooter at best.

    • Joe says:

      You’re delusional. What he did in Vietnam would qualify him for the death penalty if he were judged by the Nuremberg principles.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        My memory fails me but didn’t Kennedy “say” he wanted an end to the War and the next week send in 50K more “advisors?” Very transparent move.

        Everything on its head.

  30. sargasso_c says:

    It is hard to find a more macabre example of America’s gun fixation.


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