Executive Producer: Dame Astrid Klein – Viscountess of Tokyo
Associate Executive Producers: Josh Dietrich, Sir Paul Simon, In The Morning, Jon Helmer, Sir Rocketman Ed LeBouthillier, Sir Michael Levin
Art By: Nick the Rat
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  1. ECA says:

    Nuke power plants arent REALLY bad.
    What is BAD..
    60+ year old,
    NEVER updated,
    HARDLY fixed,
    Only tested when first installed..(worse thing about Valves, is NOT USING THEM, ask a plumber)
    Then come to find out that the Contractor, used BAD cement or not enough Metal, and FAILEd quality controls..

    And CORPS love DAMS, as they dont own them and dont need to FIX them..but if THEY OWN it, they expect it to LAST forever and never Fix anything.

  2. ECA says:

    the problem..
    was the AMOUNTS we used.
    look at the OLD videos.
    they SPRAYED EVERYTHING, and anything, HEAD to TOE..

    Want an Easy way to kill mosquitoes?? SOUP on the water..break surface tension..they cant get OUT..

  3. Uncle Patso says:

    Um, SOAP maybe?

  4. Kent says:

    As the father of an autistic child, I have been looking at the idea of using some tracking device to find her if she should go missing. It is not at all uncommon for autistic kids to wonder off with deadly consequences. I would look to a device that is completely in my wife and my hands, not anyone from the govt.

    Adam really needs to better inform himself about autism.

    • ECA says:

      WHAT YOU NEED is a pendant, with GSM/GPS..
      and an emergency button..
      Make it look nice and no one will notice.

      I suggested this awhile back to a company and they DIDNt get the hint.
      For older people, that ARNT near their homes. this would be wonderful.
      HOME based emergency buttons, dont go very far.

      ALSO there is something that USES this already.
      CELLPHONES that arent hooked to a system…CAN be used to call 911..

    • Tim says:

      “”completely in my wife and my hands

      I guess, a shock collar and invisible boundary wire is in your future?? It kinda depends on how much your wife likes to experiment.

  5. B. Dog says:

    If it wasn’t for the best podcast in the universe, how could I have predicted Miss Universe would be on last weekend? Yeah, the winner was beautiful, but I woulda voted for Miss Hungary. I figured there was a war on blonds or something, but scrimping on the translator budget makes sense the way J.C.D explained it.

  6. ECA says:

    Either you had a bad news day or you 2 like talking to each other.

    what are the odds someone is trying to bankrupt our cities and towns..COPS are doing REAL stupid things..AGAIN.


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