
Back Story here…..

Thanks to Dave Skewes….I think.

  1. McCullough says:

    I’ll start it off. In Adam Curry’s most annoying voice:

    “Hi Kids, I’m Freddy the Furry Ballsack”

  2. LibertyLover says:

    I’m at a loss.

  3. Robert says:

    “Have you seen the rest of my ‘nose’?”

  4. Chris Christie? Is that you?

  5. McCullough says:

    Introducing Saksy! The Obamacare awareness mascot.

  6. Tim says:

    Beloved continent-wide, Mr. Balls holds a fundraiser for himself on World Food Day to fight Monsanto which has sued him for violating Monsanto BT Fuckup-Ready Talking Mountain-Oyster patents.

  7. the bogeyman says:

    A survivor of testicular cancer treatment provided under Obamacare.

  8. Tim says:

    “Maybe we should have just stayed with Lance Armstrong”

  9. Blurp Blop Eek Ooh says:

    “HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT Begins New Campaign”

    “Future Obama Library Unveils it’s New Mascot”

    “Sponge Bob Square Pants morphs into CANCER COCK!”

    “Doctor Dick says: Obamacare is Good for You”

    “See what Masturbating too much will do, little BOY?”

    “You’re NOT fooling anyone! That’s NOT a POTATO!”

  10. dadeo says:

    It takes real stones to wear a costume like that..

  11. dadeo says:


    “Grab him by the short hairs, son!”

  12. Danny Boy says:

    C’mon kid, give me some tongue.

  13. Marty says:

    “Damn, the petting zoo sure has changed since that PETA lawsuit.”

    • dadeo says:


      • Tim says:

        Why is that a ‘+’ ??

        Is it because that is a vote of confidence and solidarity that the change post i-like-turtles-guy is a good thing?


        Is it simply a vote of reaffirmation of the obviously true {I’m not very good with sarcasm. Sorry.}?

  14. Dallas says:

    “I’m Tony the Teabagger ! Join our cause ! “

  15. Skewes says:

    No one can resist my Schweddy Balls.

  16. rr59 says:

    Shake his hand and he turns and coughs.

  17. Mextli says:

    Whew, I thought it was a selfie of Dallas for a moment.

  18. Say Kai Lee says:

    Big balls ‘n Baby teeth.

  19. kerpow says:

    “…In other news, The Hair Club for Men rolled out their new mascot today…”

  20. Pinocchio says:

    You ain’t seen nothin’ kid. Watch what happens when your old man tells me lie!

  21. G H says:

    Wish my nut sac was that small.

  22. UncDon says:

    PedoBear’s Halloween costume.

  23. David Gillooly says:

    It’s Dvorak…

  24. AlanB says:

    I’m at a loss but I will say that gal has a pretty shit-eatin’ grin.

  25. Uncle Patso says:

    I stand in awe of the Brazilians. It would be fascinating to see a U.S. group try this.

    Some decades ago, a good friend had a testicular cancer scare. He was determined to, in his words, “eat his gun” if tests were positive. Luckily, he and both his “Senhor Testiculos” are retired somewhere in view of a lake. But if there had been a little more openness about how to cope with such a diagnosis, he might not have felt the necessity of considering such a drastic remedy.

    Long life to you, Chief!

    • Judge Hooker says:

      I think we’re still too stuck in the Victorian era here to know how to handle this. We’re baffled but the Brazilians seem to get it.

  26. Murphy says:

    Here it would probably considered a form of sexual harassment, bullying, or pedophilia by the Liberals.

  27. Gerry says:

    Native Americans, would you like to see my scrotum pole?

  28. Tim says:



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