Executive Producers: Sir Robert Alter, Sir Random Hillbilly
Associate Executive Producer: Jeffrey Fitch
Art By: Patrick Buijs
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  1. D says:

    Pretty tasteless photo, folks.

    • Gwad his own self says:

      We don’t want news with good taste, we want news that tastes good!!!

  2. Tim says:

    I guess they are about to announce the neccessity of arming of the animated security jokes. They need secret Q-Labs gadgetry– A nice twirly, squirty flower on the lapel could aid the clandestine BDO and aid keeping track of the faces under scrutiny with incrimental-colored, sticky dye.

  3. Tim says:

    4.7 million is approximately six, i.e. 4,700,000 ~ 6 ;But, one must be able to supply an answer explaining *why* you, personally, believe the statement to be true — ObamaCore Field Instruction Battery.

    “”Critics of Common Core say it “dumbs down” education by replacing traditional English literature with “informational texts”. So students will read such inspiring materials as studies by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the EPA’s “Recommended Levels of Insulation,” and “Invasive Plant Inventory” by California’s Invasive Plant Council. It is doubtful that reading federal reports will teach students the habits of critical thinking and skepticism of government that the Founders considered essential to maintaining a free republic.


  4. t0llyb0ng says:

    Condi encountered Brando in Orlando
    & bumped into Ivanhoe in Idaho

    Condi wrestled with memory issues
    & hemorrhoidal tissues in Toulouse

    Condi suffered from ischemia in Bohemia
    & had a bout of bulimia in Fukushimia

  5. t0llyb0ng says:

    Condi et a taco in Morocco
    A hot dog in Hauppauge
    Refried beans in Queens
    & pesto in Modesto

  6. t0llyb0ng says:

    Stop watching us (masturbate).  & stop sucking my photons.

    So how ’bout a November progress report.

    Is the Patriot Act still in full force & effect?  Why has it not been “vitiated”?

    Has the Special Prosecutor been named yet?  Can we find one lawyer among us that’s not compromised & not a tech know-nothing?

    Is the NSA still stinkin’ up the place?  Are they still hoovering every photon out of every fatpipe on the planet?  They’re not interested in stopping, are they.  Not in the slightest.  Not gonna happen.

    Hey look, it’s time for the Nightly News.  Will they fill us in on this stuff?

  7. SPOCK says:

    now that the holiday months are upon us, have you guys
    been sampling any seasonals? i’m sure adam has some
    options in austin, and i know john does in the berkeley
    area. i’ve been enjoying the local stuff, but the ninkasi
    brewery down in eugene has been on my list. and not
    just the winter ale (sleighr), but most of the menu. give
    it a shot if you find it. and as always, the shows are great.

    • Tim says:

      I’m like mostly completely down with that in a non-Dallas type of way {He does not want to be bullied on the internet, so I’m playing as nice as I care to — I hope his husband gets jealous and beats the crap out of his hampster}. Though, I’m not sure I’ve got *that much* pull with the local beer store but they do carry lots of continental micro-brew teasers here in the Armpit of the South.

  8. Tim says:

    You newfag spammers just don’t get it yet. If you were to insult the ED with flippant tripe such as ‘fucking commentary sux’ then, just perhaps, I would consider purchasing some of your knock-off shoes and go ahead and adopt that worm to email Dallas or some other municipal office to. I might even consider giving y’alls my numbers for the laminated loyalty card — just in case I am tempted to want to save on one of your purses at a defcon conference or something.


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