The first call of “Hillary for President” came Saturday from her old Senate colleague. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer endorsed Hillary Clinton even before she announced her candidacy, insisting she was unquestionably the best person for the job.

“Run, Hillary, run,” Schumer declared at the Iowa Democratic Party’s annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner. “If you run, you’ll win and we’ll win.”

Check out the Ready for Hillary website.

  1. Tom says:

    All other considerations aside, she would likely make the best President we have had in quite some time…

  2. Hugo Smedlap says:

    Clinton/Clinton ’16
    Bring back the comedy!

  3. McCullough says:

    Read the article, then read the comments. In fact, read just about any political article from any news source. Then read the comments.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who once manuevered into office would rule like Machiavelli says:

      I read the link and the firts 10 of 47 comments. What is your point?… or was it just an exercise to get people to read more? I dont see the relevancy of the first point, and fully support the second, but without the meaningless reference.

  4. Remember she says:

    “What matter does it make?”

  5. LibertyLover says:

    She’s a murderous and traitorous bitch who should be buried in the lowest level of Hell.

    • Lucifer says:

      If she thinks she can forget Whitewater, she’s right! No one in the press will.

      If she thinks she can forget her lecherous husband… Well, didn’t she?!

      But if she thinks she can forget Libya, THINK AGAIN!

      The only problem is, none of that will matter. Because I’m sure the very same spin doctors who gave us President Barry Satoro will work just as diligently to get Hillary elected too.

      The only trick will be to demean anyone close to the faithful right as a bunch of inbred backwards morons – many of whom are! – while getting the very same left leaning believers who like chanting crap like “hope” and “change” to move in the opposite direction. Obviously, that’s not too hard to do when the majority of the voting public has no regard for facts, no sense of history and no feeling left in their collective assholes!

      Now, as far as relegating Hillary to the lowest level of hell goes, you’ll need to be a little more specific since I’m not so sure she isn’t already there and already in charge!

  6. MikeN says:

    Someone else who can win a Nobel Prize before Bill Clinton. He must have really irritated someone in that group with his campaigning attempts.

    People who have won Nobel Prizes since Bill Clinton started campaigning for one:

    Jimmy Carter, the previous Democratic President
    Barack Obama, the next Democratic President
    Al Gore, his Vice-President

    Who else will go on this list, Ken Starr?

    • ± says:

      Besides the people you mentioned, the ones below won the prize too. So now I SPIT on the Nobel Prize even though when I was young it was a hallowed conferral.

      Liars and/or evil all (except Jimmuh who was naive beyond comprehension).

      [partial list of evil and/or lying Nobel laureates to be sure] maybe others can help to make it a consummate list.

      Jimmy Carter
      Al Gore
      Barack Obama
      Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev
      Yasser Arafat
      United Nations Peacekeeping Forces
      Elie Wiesel
      United Nations (U.N.)
      Kofi Annan !!!!
      Henry A. Kissinger
      Le Duc Tho

    • The Other Tim says:

      Let’s be a little more specific. This is the Nobel Peace Prize, an award from a wholly different organization than the one awarding achievements in science.

      And yeah, do you just buy one these days?

  7. MikeN says:

    But does Bill want her to win? He’s probably still seething over her humiliating him after the Senate win in 2000.

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who once manuevered into office would rule like Machiavelli says:

    Hillary is a worthless self promoter who accomplished nothing as Sect of State (few ever do, so thats a wash).

    MWD78 stole my acute analysis by saying:
    11/3/2013 at 1:47 pm

    sure, if your standard for “best” is a corporatist, war-hawking shill. /// with which, I can only agree.

    VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE. ((yes, this totally includes Hillary))

    Sadly—she will, like Obama, stand heads and shoulders above any Republican who can get thru their primary process, and most likely, in heels, stand above anyone that labels themselves as Puke and can’t get into the debates.

    Third Party?????? Perhaps better motivated, but having about the same effect as the other TP that is au current: The Teabaggers. Thats your “throw your vote away” TP movement right now.


    • I.Dohno says:

      But Chelsea will only be about a month shy of 35 in Jan. 2015. We could let that slide, Right?

    • ± says:

      We all need to check with bobbo first before voting to see whether we are “throwing our vote away”. Maybe you could set up an automatic website where people could visit and type the name of the candidate they want to vote for and they would get an automatic response whether this is a “thrown away vote”. This would save you a lot of time.

      • MikeN says:

        No need. Bobbo will declare throw all incumbents out of office until election time when he will say vote Dem. He recognizes this, and foreshadows it here. However, he should have just gone for the point that Hillary is not an incumbent.

  9. Dallas says:

    Hillary running is the TeaPublican’s worst nightmare, and for good reason. She’s unstoppable.

    She’s loved, admired, respected, smart, rational and experienced. She will win by a landslide regardless of whatever sliming the Teatard Koch money will bring.

    I’m going to Washington DC when this happens and celebrate with Hillary, Bill and the gang. Excited to have them back in the Whitehouse! Also want to visit the national monuments and maybe a few gay bars for a beverage.

    • The Pirate says:

      Yeah you’re right. Self-serving, inept leadership, with a twist of deceit, zero responsibility and more lies is what this country needs to move into the future.

      Remember if Hillary says it, it must be true even if she changes her mind later and says the exact opposite which would be true also. You see Hillary doesn’t tell the truth, she is the truth.

      Maybe she can halve the deficit by tripling it again. What Difference Does It Make? Hillary for 2016!

    • McCullough says:

      I believe you’re correct. But not for any of the reasons you mentioned. Even if she is trying to put as much distance as she can between herself and the slimeball in charge.

      With the Libs it is and will always be about entitlements. It’s simply a numbers game.

      • Dallas says:

        The important thing is you agree that the outcome is unavoidable. Think about what you can do with all that free time on Election Day .

        • McCullough says:

          Yes, I do agree the outcome is inevitable. And thanks for agreeing that the reason is bribery. But it may not be Hillary. Even if they ran a slug like “Rev” Al Sharpton, the lowlifes would still vote for him.

          • LibertyLover says:

            The country has reached the tipping point.

            There are far too many people getting far to much free stuff to elect anyone who says they are going to take away that free stuff.

          • Dallas says:

            Nope. The reason isn’t bribery when a politician supports government assistance to those suffering from the current economic shit hole that the GOP created and you enabled with your vote.

            The issue is NOT Americans seeking government assistance during bad times.

            The REAL ISSUE is the concentration of wealth in America to the 1% and lack of that 1% to pay there fair share of the tax associated with that wealth.

            Your bitching and moaning that more Americans are needing assistance is a RESULT of the above, not the cause ot it.

            Shame on you for ridiculing Americans (many are white babies with blue eyes) that are suffering because of your shit vote years ago.

          • LibertyLover says:

            I always crack up when I hear someone spouting Fair Share.

            Who determines Fair Share?

            Get a new excuse, please.

          • Dallas says:

            One’s ‘fair share’ is that measured in the percentage of income/wealth paid in taxes.

            Does that help?

            I paid 22% last year – which is more than the boring Mormon you picked to lead 53% of America.

          • LibertyLover says:

            One’s ‘fair share’ is that measured in the percentage of income/wealth paid in taxes.

            Does that help?


            I asked WHO decides fair share?

            I paid 22% last year – which is more than the boring Mormon you picked to lead 53% of America.

            You still don’t get it, do you?

            I’m a Libertarian. Romney is Republican. I didn’t vote for him.

            You really are stuck in this D/R rut, aren’t you?

          • Dallas says:

            You. You decide fair share. What should it be?

            Tax INDIVIDUALS to pay $xxx each for access to the same government services?

            Tax WEALTH / INCOME at the same rate?

            No Tax. Pay for everything?


          • LibertyLover says:

            You. You decide fair share. What should it be?

            Don’t change the subject. If you are going to start claiming “Fair Share” to support your argument, I want to know who determines that.

            Fair Share has been the rallying cry for liberals and progressives since people found out they could vote themselves money.

            Who determines this “Fair Share” you so adamantly feel everyone should pay?

          • Dallas says:

            The fair share is written into the tax tables. That’s the fair share .

          • LibertyLover says:

            Dallas, are you in grade school? Do you not know the difference between WHO and WHAT?

            The question is:

            WHO determines the Fair Share?

            Not, what lists the Fair Share.

          • Dallas says:

            Legislators decide Fair Share. That’s who.

            A legislator is lawmaker (writes and passes laws). They are usually elected by the sheeple by and for corporations.

            How’s that? I have given you what and who.

            Why are you so fucking dense? I usually charge for this training.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Dallas wrote:

            A legislator is lawmaker (writes and passes laws). They are usually elected by the sheeple by and for corporations.

            Woah, hoss! Now I’m confused!

            Are these the same legislators that passed Obamacare?

            You mean those who passed Obamacare were elected by sheeple and for the corporations?

            Holy Shit! Did you just call Obamacare a sheeple-enabled corporate boondoggle?

          • Dallas says:

            BUSTED. Don;t change the subject.

            You wanted to know what and who determines a fair share taxing system. I gave it to you.

            Don’t come back with some other shit comment.

          • Dallas says:

            Quit stalking me, you confused homo!

            Leave this blog now.

          • LibertyLover says:

            You wanted to know what and who determines a fair share taxing system. I gave it to you.

            Don’t come back with some other shit comment.

            No, I didn’t ask what. I asked who. Look back through my comments.

            But let’s move on past that for now.

            I really wanted to know because you were praising Congress for passing Obamacare.

            And then you were lambasting those who chose what constituted Fair Share.

            I was curious as to who you thought did it.

            It seems you have a conundrum. You can accept the fact that Congress is screwed up and Obamacare is part of the screw up. Or you can admit that Romney is entitled to pay a lower percentage than you because the same Congress that passed Obamacare set his tax rate.

          • Dallas says:

            What a putz. You ignore the fact that tax loopholes undermine the tax rates.

            Fail. You’d lose on the O’really no spin zone.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Loopholes left in place by the same Congress that approved Obamacare.

            Congress wants those loopholes. That’s why they are never closed.

            If they can ram a $100T boondoggle like Obamacare down America’s throat, they could damn sure have plugged a couple of billion dollar loopholes — they had control of 2/3 of the government at the time.

            Generate all the excuses you want, you are just a tool spouting the party line, “Obamacare good!”

          • Dallas says:

            Now you’re rambling.

            At least you unwittingly acknowledge that they are not in fact paying their fair share of a tax table because of loopholes.


          • LibertyLover says:

            LOL! I’ve acknowledged no such thing! Actually, I find that you paid too much. You have my sympathies.

            I guess my conclusion was correct, however. You feel the Congress that passed Obamacare was either incompetent or corrupt. Thanks for the confirmation.

    • LibertyLover says:

      How can you call yourself an American and let her get away with the murder of American soldiers?

      I hope someday all who support her get to experience the joy of having their country abandon them to a broomstick rape because it’s convenient.

      • Dallas says:

        I don’t see her as having committed murder nor did I see any charges pending . The Benghazi horse died 15 crisis ago and buried alongside Vince Foster.

        I sense that you too have come to the realization of Madam President. Good !

        • LibertyLover says:

          You don’t see it because you are blind.

          It has not died. They are just trying to hide it.

          And yes, she is just as responsible for those deaths as if she had pulled the trigger and shoved the broom handle up their asses herself.

          Her actions will never be forgotten. The military and the veterans of this country will never forget it.

          • Dallas says:

            Wrapping yourself with the military, veterans, a flag and an eagle is not going to get you anywhere.

        • LibertyLover says:

          Wrapping yourself with the military, veterans, a flag and an eagle is not going to get you anywhere.

          You’re absolutely correct.

          But murder is murder, whether you are wrapped in red, white, and blue OR a rainbow.

          Or at least it should.

  10. Mextli says:

    I wonder what she will do in the ovary office to top Ol’ Bill.

  11. deowll says:

    She’s accomplished what? North Africa and the middle east?

    How’s her health? Senior citizen who’s had at least one stroke?

    Any baggage? Other than slots of questions about money what on earth could you mean? Okay she is tied to the “I know nothing!” administration.

  12. John Andrews says:

    From Wikipedia…
    Vincent Foster

    White House Counsel

    died: 7/21/93
    Found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, DC, of a supposed suicide by gunshot. A suicide note was supposedly found a few days later, torn into several pieces, in his briefcase, after his office had been entered by white house staff and materials removed.

    The gun which he supposedly used to kill himself was reported to be still in his hand, but the person who first found the body reports that there was no gun at that time. Many irregularities surround the death and the investigation of it.

    Foster was also from Hope, Ark., like Clinton, and also worked for the Rose Law firm. Foster had intimate knowledge of the Clintons’ personal finances. Foster was involved in an investigation of their finances, and reportedly made a phone call to Hillary Clinton, in Los Angeles, just hours before his death.

    Recently, the signed report of M.E. Dr. Donald Haut was uncovered at the National Archives, proving that Foster had a previously unreported gunshot wound to his neck.

    Finally, an FBI memo has surfaced dated the day after the date of the official autopsy, in which the autopsist informs the FBI that there was NO exit wound.

    The “suicide” note, (leaked despite official efforts to keep it from view) has since been revealed to be a forgery.

    • deowll says:

      The Clinton’s have a huge amount of power inside the Democrat party. They have a huge war chest and they can raise a huge amount of money but they also have a huge amount of baggage if you want to look with the money issues being easiest to push. Where has all that money come from?

      The reality is most of the media won’t publish bad news about a Clinton. The other reality is H. Clinton is now getting elderly and nothing can change that.

  13. MikeN says:

    So if we are to believe that movie sequel if these walls could talk, she would be the second LGBT president after the current one.

  14. Enemy_of_the_State says:

    If the queen had balls she would be king.

    Hill carries Bill’s balls in her handbag

  15. MikeN says:

    Without promising to repeal ObamaCare, she’s going to have trouble winning.

    • Dallas says:

      LOL. You better have a plan B.

      If I were the Teatard Party leader, I would exhume Ronald Reagan and market him to your base as off the charts right wing. As is, he’s left of center.

  16. Tim says:

    I’m sure Rush Limbaugh has a plan to put a stop to that Marauding Mass-mangler Mensch of Mena — He could try something original like spending another two years telling his listeners to vote for Hillary.

  17. MikeN says:

    As long as its not someone like Chris Christie running against her.
    Perhaps by then the liberals will have anointed another acceptable Republican that they are scared to run against like John Huntsman.

    • Dallas says:

      I would agree that John Huntsman was a good candidate and would have made a good president.

      Naturally, he was the first one booted by the Teanderthals

      • MikeN says:

        You think would make a good president someone who lied to your emperor?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who once manuevered into office would rule like Machiavelli says:

          What is lying except polite conversation with someone who doesn’t matter?

          • MikeN says:

            You have shown your vocabulary to be as poor as your reading comprehension, so I’m not interested in your definitions. Have you at least conceded that you were wrong about FTE and ObamaCare?

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who once manuevered into office would rule like Machiavelli says:

            Mickey—why has that issue got you so upset? Its not like child abuse after all.

            From memory–my intent was to make a conditional statement: “If” >> “Then” Such statements by construct cannot be wrong.

            Most regulations regarding FTE are written so that employers gains nothing by switching FTE to PT. For the VERY REASON you are complaining about: stop unscrupulous employers from screwing the employees to game the system.

            If>>then. Never wrong.

          • Tim says:

            If>>Then>>Else {nested elseif , if you can’t fuck up in less than three lines without bad management holding your hand} — lots of room for recursions and fleeting facepalmated passing-off paux-prudeness of poignant programming protocol practical wrongness.

          • MikeN says:

            So now you don’t know basic logic either. Why am I not surprised.

          • Tim says:

            Well, MikeN; I *think* bobbo’s logic is sound. It is just that I also feel it to be a weasely {haha! I made bobbo pee.} working definition of it.

            The evaluation, then, is worthless as it only imposes\edicts\enforces the terms of the *if* when true but what follows *then* may have been a condition pre-existing. No sale.

            You can play with a series of *ifs* and *notifs* all day long and still fail to change the state description of what follows *then* that provides any corelevant information that said state didn’t exist before the evaluation — Never wrong, just worthless.

            {p.s. pwnd.}

          • MikeN says:

            Tim, in bobboworld, if->then is never wrong.

            You have to go back to his threads where he lambasted everyone for not understanding ObamaCare, then eventually concluded ObamaCare=CRAP.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who once manuevered into office would rule like Machiavelli says:

    Timmy—as always, you raise good points, when they can be understood.

    MY POINT when using “If”/”Then logical constructs is that I don’t want to do the work to confirm the “ifs” as in not wanting to read the 3000 page (?) ObamaCare legislation just to confirm whether or not it contains an inducement for Employers to convert FTE into PT’s. “If” it does, THEN it is poorly written.

    I am right in EVERYTHING I post….because when a conclusion might be in error……. I dance like a weasel!…((Ooops==damn that hebephrenia!))

    Like This: RICH = CRIMINAL. See the no “ifs there? ((Now I’ve got Pedro peeing next to his donkey. So excitable.))

    • Tim says:

      My friend, you need to step away from the pool, for now.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who once manuevered into office would rule like Machiavelli says:

        Sounds serious…. if ….. we were on the same wave length? Then, I’d be concerned.

        Until then, I’ll just chuckle.

        • Tim says:

          I mean, you were standing at the edge of a very deep hole with no water in it — Unless, you find contraversational discourse with Dallas on how nine unlabeled toggle switches in series to turn on his vibrator is not really an effective treatment for premature ejaculation.

          • Tim says:

            I guess, that could be deep enough if you land in it just right


          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who once manuevered into office would rule like Machiavelli says:

            I mean, you were standing at the edge of a very deep hole with no water in it — /// No, I wasn’t. I was standing on iron clad logic of a conditional statement.

            Unless, you find contraversational discourse with Dallas /// Dallas and I rarely exchange compliments as mostly we agree.

            on how nine unlabeled toggle switches in series to turn on his vibrator is not really an effective treatment for premature ejaculation. /// Anyone with Dallas’ sense of humor does not have any chronic unwanted medical conditions. See Mickey for confirmation of this by way of opposites. One switch–no laughs.


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