1. dcphill says:

    Looks like a major driver distraction, following a car in a chase, and monitoring a computer face and firing a projectile at the same time. If I tried that in my car, I’d get arrested.

  2. AdmFubar says:

    enough dirt and grime on a car should render such sticky technology useless.

    next up…. my new car wax… with teflon!

  3. Hugo Smedlap says:

    I guess it breaks on contact, that’s why it can’t be used again.

  4. Brian G says:

    So they stop chasing the car and then go find it abandoned later?

  5. Mextli says:

    What do they shoot them at in St. Petersburg, wheelchairs?

  6. MWD78 says:

    should i worry when the police start taking tips from Batman comics?

  7. AlanB says:

    The cops are gonna have to drive twice as fast to get the suspect vehicle within range. This may not turn out so well for the innocent bystander.

  8. Enemy_of_the_State says:

    One word, drones.

  9. The Watcher says:

    Seems like a low-speed chase, with lack of direct contact (i.e., sight) of the subject vehicle, would give the bad guy a little time to either ditch the car and take off on foot, run around the back and toss the bug….

    There probably are objections to using a bug that hits the car hard enough to make it non-removable, but a bag of “bank theft” dye might be a useful part of the device, or a pretty good marker itself.

    (Especially if you’ve got helos or drones available….)

    Finally, you don’t need the GPS links…. Lojack already has a non-GPS tracking solution available (the car’s equipment is a tad more significant) where the but might cost less that $25 rather than $250….

    The target vehicle needs to advertise “I’m here!” and the rest of the system can find it. Not as sexy as GPS, but pretty simple overall.

  10. Drone Clown says:

    You mean to say that GOOGLE hasn’t already solved this problem?! After all, Google is more invasive than the NSA and probably already knows who’s driving — EVERYTHING!

    Forget about M$. The cops are already using Windows which probably explains why they can’t aim.

    So why go with Apple? I mean, isn’t it clear that Apple is the developer with those iffy $250 GPS projectiles (less the extra bumper mounted harpoon cannons)? They probably even call it an “iDIOT” device – (i) (D)art (I)t (O)ut (T)agger!

    … I can just hear the Siri command, “shoot the idiot!”

  11. Judge Hooker says:

    Does anyone else find “video-only” news posts really annoying?

  12. Tim says:

    That little door opening like that really reminded me of this —

  13. jim g says:

    gee, wonder what happens when a pedestrian accidentally gets shot and killed by one?

  14. Deckster says:

    Stop the chases before they happen. Bait cars that lock the doors, roll up the windows and pump the car full of pure nitrogen. No harmful gases released when the doors are opened later, and the
    facial expressions would finally make “Bait Car” worth watching.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    They sticky GPS devices literally cost $250 “a pop”. And they’ve only managed to make one of four fired at a park car, stick. I can imagine that with a moving vehicle, swerving around, and all the air currents, that batting average will be much worse. So the Taxpayers better hope that whatever was stolen, was worth way more than a couple thousand dollars. And here’s the other thing.

    Any serious robbery types, aren’t going to use their own car. So if the police don’t keep up with them, in a chase. The thieves will eventually abandon the stolen car. And then what good was this “new technology”? The thieves might even be smart enough to jump out, remove the GPS device, and stick it on something else. And then get away.

    So I can’t ever see the police truthfully giving up the high speed chase. But the politicians might manage to get the GPS device maker a juice contract, on the taxpayers’ back, for a while. That ought to be good for some campaign kickback donations.


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