An identity theft service that sold Social Security and drivers license numbers — as well as bank account and credit card data on millions of Americans — purchased much of its data from Experian, one of the three major credit bureaus, according to a lengthy investigation by KrebsOnSecurity.
Why Worry About NSA When Credit Bureau Sells Info To Identity Thief
By Uncle Dave Tuesday October 22, 2013
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This is an outrage.
I can see the fury with the NSA, but sheeple always depended on the security and confidence of the credit bureaus.
Like there’s a choice.
“”sheeple always depended on the security and confidence of the credit bureaus.
Dude, you have needed to rotate that hampster since 1971 or so… Perhaps, you need it to do nitrogeonous fixation for your alien biology to metabolize dog shit, or something??
………………………………….and…………………….no one will go to jail.
Taa Daaaaaaaa!
Why should anyone be held accountable? It’s cruel to stress those who are logically and morally challenged.
Perhaps they need a reward (and training) that will encourage them to do better next time.
After all, mistakes happen.
Project Mayhem is sounding better and better,
So is Professor Chaos.
I’m pretty much paranoid about all of it.
Not sure if Obamacare covers paranoia.
Once the website national crisis is over you might be able to check.
Nah, the crisis is ObamaCare. The website failure is merely keeping people from seeing the real problem.
Where were you when the Website crisis started?
I was working on some family photos and saw the breaking news on TV. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing and it seemed surreal. I immediately prayed on my HTML handbook.
I bet you didn’t pray.
How do you prosecute your own information/money SOURCE?!
Too Big to Fail? HA! Try, “Can’t Fail When You’re Too Big and in Everyone’s POCKET!”
And don’t expect Obama nor anyone else in the Executive branch to do anything either. Never mind the fact that the Executive branch is primarily in charge of enforcing LAWS! Just where do you think “the buck stops” anyway? Obama still owes those same “big money” owners for his presidency. DUH!
Besides, Obama and every other mindless puppet is still at war with the Republicans and every other “terrorist” for interrupting and inconveniencing “the economy.” So there isn’t anyone left to even LOOK at any real crime like this.
All the same, thanks for the story. It’s nice to be reminded that we can’t do a damn thing about it other than cut up our credit cards and pay off any loans that we still owe. (No one here is either smart enough or tough enough to do that.)
For those that dont get it..
This CORP and 2 others CONTROL your credit and LIFE history for other corps and companies..
When someone ASKS for a credit check,, THEY GO HERE..this includes your RENT/LEASE companies..
That INFO includes 1 piece of info, important to YOU..
your SS#..
NONE of this info is supposed to be released OUTSIDE THE USA.
WHO can we ask?
better yet stop playing the credit game…..
iiiii’m.. gonna rock and roll all night
Oh Good. In the same week I receive a letter from Adobe saying that their database had been compromised and customer information stolen…and offering a free 12 month credit watch with…wait for it…Experian, this happens.
The boat has holes and all they talk about is better buckets.
What’s the BFD. Experian is in business to collect and sell data and that is what they did. Your best bet is to keep your credit score in the low 400’s and then nobody will bother to steal your identity.
Have to OUTLAW THIRD PARTY DATABASES !!! And also selling of data by those with whom you do business !!!
Dodd-Frank specifically exempts the CFPB from a bipartisan law enacted in the 1970s to protect Americans’ financial privacy.