Executive Producers: Grand Duke of Belgium & France Sir Steven Pelsmaekers, David Julian, VP Live Vape Team
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Andrew Harms, Edward Sheats, Kristina Caldwell
Art By: Rob Lyttle

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  1. Kent says:

    Lets just make it perfectly clear…33 is entirely a freemason thing. At least, an illuminati infiltrated freemason code.

  2. Kent says:

    …and freemasons DID write the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Just go look. The “God” stuff she ranted was just self-protection like Adam engages in.

  3. HMeyers says:

    Obamacare web site is down.

    When it comes time to pay the penalty, I’ll just insist “I did signup!”

  4. Chris Mac says:

    If I can change your mind. I don’t want to you


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