President Obama should give in. Yes, this mess is all the Republicans’ fault. Yes, it’s outrageous that they can hold the government hostage in order to reargue a law that’s been voted on, signed, enacted, and upheld by the Supreme Court. Yes, it’s a terrible precedent. Nevertheless, he should give in.

He should speak to the nation and say, “I cannot in good conscience put you and this country through the traumatic consequences of a default. The Republicans apparently don’t feel that way. They don’t care whether veterans and seniors get the benefits they have earned. They don’t care whether they destroy the full faith and credit of the United States, which has never before defaulted on its debts and made the dollar the world’s safest currency. They don’t care if their irresponsibility drives us into a new recession or worse. They don’t even seem to care if the families of soldiers dying in defense of our freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq get a proper opportunity to grieve and honor them.

“The sad truth is that if you don’t care about any of that, it gives you tremendous power over those who do.

  1. Tim says:

    No. That button does not really do anything anymore that is not defined by software or ordered to turn back on through 3G wireless secret protocol intrusions.

    What he should do is pour hydroflouric acid down his gullet to try and do something about those sickly chompers and gums of his and leave the machine on the curb for somebody else to pick up and scavenge parts out of it for the rest of the world. IDK, maybe China or the meth cook down the street looking to redeem aluminum cans for a little fertilizer.

  2. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Excellent example of short term vs long term thinking. The pros and cons. Add them up, compare and contrast. Make a judgement.

    Obama compromised before and just got the same extortion tune this time.

    I would personally agree to ANY short term extension of the Debt Limit that is “clean.” I would then reiterate the treason and stupidity of the VNPWHNRSOTFTTYAAY.

    The Dumbos were exhibiting too much of the same stupidity by making demands for increased funding for their favored programs. A clean Debt Ceiling Bill is just that: clean.

    A pox on both parties. Course, given the situation and long history, that would amount to a double pox.

    Silly Hoomans.


    • Bob73 says:

      I agree. Kick the bums out and start over. The only thing I would add is to cancel their government pensions while at it. They should have to pay US for all the misery they’ve created.

      • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

        To our editors: may I have that avatar when it is next available? I really dislike the ambivalent sexuality of my own. It wears on me.

        YES. The benefit package above and beyond their payments, skimming, arbitrage, conflict of interest, insider trading, is quite lopsided.

        Its like we elect “kings” or something.

  3. Chris Mac says:

    wrong.. drive the wedge into the ground so non shall pass.. ever

  4. Dallas says:

    I would generally agree that Obama should rescue Boehner from his hostages. He would, but I think Obama knows he (1) has the upper hand in the negotiations and (2) he’s observing the destruction of the GOP.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Thats why accepting short term clean extensions is the better play. It KEEPS the VNPWHNRSOTFTTYAAY looking completely inept and foolish. Got to have the issue “live” or present in the memory of the electorate or it won’t have the benefit of a Dumbo takeover in 2014.

      Crazy does eventually spin out of control. Just don’t be standing nearby.

  5. MikeN says:

    That’s what Reagan did, even signing some tax increases as the ransom.

    In Obama’s case, it would make him look better as ObamaCare would not be implemented. ObamaCare=CRAP.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Lyin’ Mike never tired of serial fecal projectile vomiting offers up the same bile and says:

      That’s what Reagan did, even signing some tax increases as the ransom. /// What program did the Dumbo’s of the day want repealed? aka===stop yer lyin’.

      In Obama’s case, it would make him look better as ObamaCare would not be implemented. /// The Great Majority of people want and need Obama Care. Just re-label it for what it is: The Rebpublican Counter Offer to Clinton Care from 16 years ago. aks===stop yer lyin’.

      ObamaCare=CRAP. /// Compromise Republican Appropriation Proposal. aka===FLERP.

      • MikeN says:

        > The Great Majority of people want and need Obama Care.

        ObamaCare=CRAP. /// Compromise Republican Appropriation Proposal. aka===FLERP.

        You’re the one who told us ObamaCare=CRAP.
        Now you attack me for repeating the one intelligent thing you’ve said.

        • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

          Follow the dots Mickey. You are criticizing me for exactly what I am saying.

          Ha, ha.

  6. Mextli says:

    “Yes, it’s a terrible precedent.” This is supposedly the main reason Obama is standing fast and won’t negotiate.

    This article says that’s not the reason.

    “Meanwhile, will the Republicans really take the past couple of weeks as a precedent and push him around on every issue that comes up? Highly unlikely. They are already getting most of the blame. They surely don’t look forward to trying to convince voters it was such a swell experience that they’re going to put us through it again and again.”

    So why won’t he negotiate?

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      What “this” article are you referring to?

      The Republican demand looks like extortion plain and simple and that is what Obama is calling it.

      Regardless of what this article says: extortion should not be rewarded as Obama is trying to change the precedent of compromise he already experienced AND it should not be leveraged for the Dumbo’s priorities either.

      Simple stuff.

      • Mextli says:

        This article being the one at the top of this web page.

        • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

          Thanks Mextli==that would have been my guess, and the New Republic no less? I think their standards have slipped from being a right wing critical review to one of Teapublican Asstardness.

          Delay Obomacare for a year to get a one year debt limit increase? ….. Now, lets put our heads together and figure out what will happen one year from now?

          Ha, ha. I trust you Mextli to see the incredible horror of what the NR suggests: pay all terrorists.

          ARE WE MEN, or the sniveling remains of honor known as the editors at the NR?

  7. Danny Boy says:

    Reboot now or reboot later, the only difference it will make is who’s steering the ship at the time. The rest is inevitable BECAUSE of uncontrolled spending.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Obamacares appeal to the Dumbos was healthcare coverage to 40 Million uninsured and 4-5 benefits to everyone else in America like no more pre-existing conditions and a cap on Corporate Skimming.

      The appeal the the Republicans in agreeing to their Republican Healthcare Plan (aka Obomacare, aka The Heritage Right Wing Think Tank Plan) was its control over out of control healthcare spending. Lies on both sides, can’t tell if it is right now limiting such expenses or increasing them.

      Spending is NEVER out of control. Rather it is controlled by people who benefit that are anonymous and self serving while you and me get lied to.

      LIES ALL DAMN LIES: eg–spending is out of control. Thats what bank robbers say: cash withdrawals are out of control.

      Ha, ha. Bleating Sheep.

      • Tim says:

        “””I whistled under my breath as I went to work. This was by no means my first bank robbery, and I had no intention of making it my last. Of all the varied forms of crime, bank robbery is the most satisfactory to both the individual and to society. The individual of course gets a lot of money, that goes without saying, and he benefits society by putting large amounts of cash back into circulation. The economy is stimulated, small businessmen prosper, people read about the crime with great interest, and the police have a chance to exercise their various skills. Good for all. Though I have heard foolish people complain that it hurts the bank. This is arrant nonsense. All banks are insured, so they lose nothing, while the sums involved are minuscule in the overall operation of the insuring firm, where the most that might happen is that a microscopically smaller dividend will be paid at the end of the year. Little enough price to pay for all the good caused. It was as a benefactor of mankind, not a thief, that I passed the echo sounder over the wall. A large opening on the other side; the bank without a doubt.” — Harry Harrison, The Stainless Steel Rat

        • Mr Diesel - Bobbo, who thinks there is nothing wrong with child porn. says:

          The Stainless Steel Rat is an absolutely excellent series.

          • Tim says:

            I’m just rediscovering it now. I had read some of my dad’s books way back when but most of the details were forgotten and conflated with things like ‘The Cat Who Walked Through Walls’ and anything ‘Skeeve’ and the Mything Link series — {It’s also when I learned that smoking cheap pipes packed uncorrectly would make your tounge bleed}.

            I found the series on audiobook read by one, Phil Gigante. I usually hate those things and the voice changes trying to interpret the character {especially botched, wimpy woman voice} but this guy seems to pull it all off quite nicely — An acceptable interpretation effectively communicated to others, if you will.

          • Tim says:

            “” After much study, and some great advice from female narrator friends, I realized it is much more important to concentrate on the character’s attitude and life circumstances, rather than let the pitch of her voice be a stumbling block. Heck, some women have lower voices than I do…well, ok, maybe if they drink a lot and chain smoke cigars. The joke is: Male narrators must try not to sound like drag queens when they do female characters—and female narrators doing males must try not to sound like angry lesbians.

            “”…I actively campaigned for, The Stainless Steel Rat series by Harry Harrison. The Rat series is a pulp sci-fi comedy-action series I loved since childhood, and I think my joy in doing them is apparent on the discs!


      • Guyver says:

        This disabled mother on a fixed income with a special needs child is definitely feeling the hopey changing thing now:

        Gotta love liberals and their love for the little person.

  8. MikeN says:

    Don’t know what you mean about seniors’ benefits, but Obama is the one who has blocked war memorials, and stopped the payout of benefits for war dead. He is the one threatening to default on the debt.

    • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

      Very much like Jesus walking on water showed he couldn’t swim.


      • Guyver says:

        Very much like Jesus walking on water showed he couldn’t swim.

        Could be worse. You could demonstrate your fear of Muslims by not making abrasive comments about Muhammad. 🙂

        • Tim says:

          I don’t know anything about Muhummad, but I’m pretty sure he was a hamster-packing fag.

        • Chris Mac says:

          all deities should b mocked equally

        • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

          I don’t know anything about Muslims either. Made me think of my 300 count French linen though.

          Thats ONE THING we should keep away from poor people. They got color tvs and free cheese. That should be enough.

  9. dusanmal says:

    “Yes, this mess is all the Republicans’ fault.” – Reality – Republicans are the only ones open to conflict resolution by concessions – they have CHANGED their position toward the center. Democrats – not a change.
    “Yes, it’s outrageous that they can hold the government hostage in order to reargue a law that’s been voted on, signed, enacted, and upheld by the Supreme Court.” – Law that the President Obama subsequently CHANGED using Imperial, not Presidential powers. Republicans demand EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW – either give exemptions to all or no one. Currently, President gave illegal exemption orders to his cronies. Placed whole burden on general public. If you use this argument, please demand ALL exemptions removed (some of which are simply not in the law and some, like exemption for Congress are EXPLICITLY BANNED by the law).
    “The Republicans apparently don’t feel that way. They don’t care whether veterans and seniors get the benefits they have earned.” – check who those Veterans hold responsible by their own actions… Republicans WHO HAVE PASSED MEASURES to fund related issues or Democrats WHO REFUSED TO EVEN PUT THEM TO A VOTE? – Although “hidden” by mainstream media, yesterday Vet’s moved barriers TO White House and protested THERE (not in front of Republicans). President? – fled by helicopter…
    “don’t care whether they destroy the full faith and credit of the United States, which has never before defaulted on its debts” – By EXISTING Supreme Court decision, USA simply CAN’T default on it’s debts legally. As long as tax collected money is greater than debt payments due (currently well satisfied) – USA Constitution guarantees default can’t happen. CAN’T. Not, MAY. CAN’T. Whatever Government shutdown or debt ceiling limit. CAN’T happen. Impossible, by definition and law and Supreme Court. Already decided long ago.

    Now why should President give in: because USA Government is intentionally designed to make COMPROMISE. One side and one side only so far proposed and did compromise: Republicans. Name one compromise by Democrats? Democrats are the ones to whom COMPROMISE now waits for. Trivial compromise: EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW AND LIMITS TO PRESIDENTIAL POWERS – their choice, either remove all illegal Presidential exemptions in Obamacare or give the same to all. Trivial and they even have 2 choices.

    • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

      My following reply was to you as well, so let me just add:

      Equal treatment to be equal must be applied to similarly situated/circumstanced people. If you apply equal treatment to those not in the same circumstances/status/situation then what you get is UNEQUAL treatment.

      Its Math.

      …… ain’t that a bitch?

      • Guyver says:

        My following reply was to you as well, so let me just add:

        Equal treatment to be equal must be applied to similarly situated/circumstanced people. If you apply equal treatment to those not in the same circumstances/status/situation then what you get is UNEQUAL treatment.

        Its Math.

        …… ain’t that a bitch?

        Said the liberal defending President Obama’s exemption from ObamaCare as well as Big Businesses’ 1 year extension.

        Liberals… always looking out for the little guy. 😉

        • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

          Hey McGuyver: up on your Stadium Waves yet?

          …. but yea verily: refusing to exempt the entire audience of Obamacare participants does exactly look out for the little guy.

          Thank you for pointing that out. Completely assbackwards and wrong, but still pointing it out.

          Ha, ha.

          • Guyver says:

            Just sent you a mother who’s had her costs tripled. She’s having to decide whether health care is more important than feeding her family after the skyrocketing costs. Change you can believe in.

            Nice to know that Chairman Obama has a Cadillac plan while the masses suffer under his rule. 🙂

          • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

            Power always does McGuyver.

            I don’t doubt there are cases like (whose) mother. An anomoly, a corruption, a wrinkle–who knows. Add them up.

            There are pros and cons to all we do and each and every alternative.

            Add them up. Compare and Constrast. DO SOMETHING. revaluate and do something again.

            What was going to happen to mother absent Obamacare? Too many unaddressed variables for your anecdotal hearsay to be anything but a derp…. for now. Lets all play it forward, correct what is wrong, and grow as a species?

            You do agree we are a species that can improve right McGuff?

    • Mextli says:

      Obama’s idea of compromise is “I won, fuck you”.
      He is a arrogant social engineering pig.

      You have to be a democrat = Donkey = ASS to vote for him.

      • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

        I hate Obama too. Not black enough if you ask me.

        Still head and shoulders against the entire Republican field.

        Thats gotta burn.

        • Mextli says:

          The last republican I sort of liked was Jon Huntsman but he faded from view.

          I don’t think politics was this bad during the Vietnam era but that’s probably perspective.

        • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

          I was going to say that. Would have been a very interesting contest. Let me amend my statement then since you caught me anyway: Oboma as weak and ineffectual and two faced and aimless as he is, is still head and shoulders above the entire field of Republican possibilities that could ever get nominated.

          Put a nice hair cut in there somewhere. And red ties.

  10. bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

    Look!!!!!====>There goes JESUS not swimming again. So lazy, he chooses to walk on the water rather than make an honest effort like the rest of us. Damn Hippy.

    Compromise: not shooting infected vermin on sight.

    • Tim says:

      You’ve got one huge blind spot, where historical figures are concerned — Have you not ever heard of, or are just trying to actively discount, the incontrovertible 2000 year history and existence of *skis*??

      • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

        Well Timmmay: that is a tangent once removed.

        Walk on water, water ski on water, snow ski.

        Check me on this, but I think you need a power boat too.

  11. JimD says:

    No ! Obama should declare all the TeaPublicans TERRORISTS, have DHS round them up, and send them to Gitmo !!! In the mean time, he should be compiling lists of all the TeaPublican Congressional Districts and earmark for CLOSURE ALL FEDERAL INSTALLATIONS in those districts !!!

    • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:


      Nice set of balls right in your face! High Five dukes ready to rain down the pain.

      Yea Verily: Teaparty Repukes are from tax dependent states. Sad that hypocrisy never gets appreciated by the voters in those states.

      States of Denial.

  12. ECA says:

    Im a large corp..
    Im diversified, into MANY markets and control at least 1/3 of the sales in the USA..(yes its true)
    I say to the GOV. I dont want something to happen or I will DUMP all my employees into the POOR FARM..
    (this has been happening for years)

    HOW do you fight back?
    Our country has given to much power to the corps. EVEN NOW, many laws and regulations are being REMOVED to give them more power..
    Laws and regulations that were placed there BECAUSE THE CORPS were not doing the right thing..

    Where corps RAN away..and left things un-done..

  13. George W. Shrub says:

    SEAL Team 6 needs to sent in to clean house.

  14. Both political parties spend WAY TOO MUCH!

    The only fix is to amend the constitution with TERM LIMITS on the criminals in both houses.

    Then ban all Political Parties!!!

  15. MikeN says:

    Charles Krauthammer just argued that Republicans should give Obama everything he wants. Apparently the Senate Democrats and Obama himself are balking at that. They want to undo the sequester and increase spending.

    • Tim says:

      Every damn word of that infomercial promo is laughable.

      “This is such a lean site,” said Jon Booth, head of the web and new media group at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) —

      Mr. Booth, ask your doctor if death by autoerotic asphyxiation is right for you. Code Developed by the People and for the People, Released Back to the People —

      What did “The People” do? Pull a UBISoft and destroy their flagship with intrusive DRM? HA! The thing is a javascript (117 modules, last I checked) botched coat-hanger abortion that mostly runs client-side on the user’s device. Java. That which the public is repeatedly warned to “kill it with fire” because it’s got more holes than a #9 sponge.

      And now they say that giving up all your personal info before peeking at the goods is an intentional optimization feature —

      “”An HHS spokeswoman said the agency wanted to ensure that users were aware of their eligibility for subsidies that could help pay for coverage, before they started seeing the prices of policies.” (Emphasis added.)

      No thanks. I think I’ll stick with getting my healthcare off The Pirate Bay.

  16. Jd says:

    This government even at supposed shutdown spending levels is still running a deficit of 150 billion dollars a year, so if you hacked out another 150 billion somewhere, then we would be living within our means. What you see during our supposed government shutdown is what we can actually afford.

  17. Shep says:

    That is one way to go. I prefer the other extreme.

    He should speak before the nation and say “Congress, if you don’t pass a full year of debt limit extension and a clean long-term CR then I will have no choice but to irrevocably kill the keystone pipeline, with other choice projects to follow. You have 48 hours.”

    The short term (1 year) strategy is to undermine the tea party. The longer term (3 year) strategy is to prepare to fight Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. The “no drama Obama” tactics won’t work for Hillary, it is time to try something new.

    • MikeN says:

      He has already killed the keystone pipeline, so that is not much of a threat.

  18. Dallas says:

    Obama needs to send in the military and arrest the terrorists. If this is not evidence for conspiracy towards sedition, I don’t know what is.

    Sedition is a punishable offense.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    From the last paragraph of the original story:

    “Meanwhile, will the Republicans really take the past couple of weeks as a precedent and push him around on every issue that comes up? Highly unlikely.”

    I disagree. I think this method will be their go-to tool, their first choice in all interactions. Like all bullies, they will throw their weight around as much as possible.

    “They are already getting most of the blame. They surely don’t look forward to trying to convince voters it was such a swell experience that they’re going to put us through it again and again.”

    Haven’t you seen or heard Cruz, Bachmann et al crowing about how great this all has been? They think they’re winning and that the country is solidly behind them. They think they’ll sweep the House, Senate, White House, plus state governorships and legislatures in the next election because of their actions in this. I think they’re all going to pull a Karl Rove when the returns start coming in.

    • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

      Yep, the nutbags think “they” are “winning.” Same way they thought RMoney was going to win. They seriously thought that, as they seriously think this now.

      Its called: living within your own bubble and eating your own dogma.

      I’ve gotten hooked on the coverage. Like years ago on 911 and the buildings went down. Even more destruction about to go on here, just not as visual. More nuanced as the ripples thru the credit structure of the world gets run into by a fully loaded Teapublican Assault.

      Forgive them oh Lord for they know not what they do.

      Silly, self deluded, anti-science nut bags.

      OR===we could just blame Boner. In fact I do.

      Old hypo from the Air Force: what do you do when you are over the mountains, no landing areas, and you lose both engines? Lots of guys couldn’t figure this one out. the Answer is: you crash and die. Some things you can’t avoid.

      Application: Boner needs to admit his leadership has just lost both engines. He can still choose which mountain to crash on. Into the one with the Bright Shining City—or the one with his vaunted House Leadership.

      I haven’t understood him for over a year now. The job is nothing but a headache and all he wants to do is play golf. Give it to Cantor or Ryan and enjoy life. Do the right thing for America and put the issue to vote for the whole house.

      Next year—the Dumbos can pull their heads out of their asses as well and re-install majority rule instead of anarchy by pro forma filibusters.

      Stupid Humans.

  20. Winston Smith says:

    The Reptards are on a Mission from Gawd

    Or at least they think they are.

    House Republicans sang “Amazing Grace” at a closed-door meeting this morning [meeting to discuss their plan on the shutdown and debt ceiling].

    Can I get a “Hallelujah” Brother?

    • Dallas says:

      It’s probably their “Allah Akbar” before they suit up to blow up the economy.

  21. bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

    I’ll start with an “ugggg” and work up to an Hallelujah” ((Although that is a very nice song.)

    “…♫ Is it science or religion…” (Different song from Fifth Element–also excellent.”

  22. LibertyLover says:

    The whole purpose of putting the purse strings in the House was to prevent from happening exactly what the Democrats and Obama are attempting to do. They passed a law while in control of 2/3 of the government.

    The founders wanted it to work this way.

    Blame the Republicans if you wish, but they did make an offer to keep everything — everything — running except for Obamacare.

    Technically, because the Democrats wanted to fund Obamacare, they shut the government down.

    Personally, I’m glad the Republicans found the balls to do it.

    And just note, the Democrats have done similar things in the past – i.e., failing to appropriate funds for authorized programs.

    Maybe next time one of the two major parties plans to run roughshod over the other major party, they’ll think twice.

    • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

      …yes, yes…and you think Jesus walking on water was proof he could not swim.

      ….or that if you hit someone it was really them attacking your fist with their face.

      The Taliban Tea Party is the source and cause of our looming default. Don’t confuse the POWER to be stupid, with the intelligence not to be.

      The solution if you don’t like Obamacare is to issue a balanced budget with Obamacare not included. THAT would be responsible government. Terrorist extortion holding the world economy hostage is not.

      Silly not to understand the difference.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Thank you for worshipping me, minion.

        Now please go buy something that my company produced so I may pay for my healthcare.

      • MikeN says:

        Bobbo, it’s clear you do not even understand the issues at stake. The debt ceiling and the budget/CR are two different things. Obama and the Senate Democrats will not accept a balanced budget without ObamaCare either. The House has passed a budget without ObamaCare, as well as several separate appropriation bills, those are things that the Hosue and Senate are supposed to pass every year instead of combining things into a continuing resolution.

        I can assure you, a clean debt ceiling increase combined with any budget without ObamaCare would be eagerly approved by the House.

        There is no real threat to default except what Obama is saying. The government takes in enough money to pay interest on debt.

        • Hyph3n says:

          I can guarantee you a clean CR bill and debt ceiling increase with no mention of Obamacare would pass the House with bipartisan support. It’s Boehner’s insistents that it needs to pass with only Republican support. Is that what the Founder had in mind, too?

          • LibertyLover says:

            You’re saying the Democrats would approve a budget that defunded Obamacare?

          • Hyph3n says:

            No, I’m saying that a CR and debt limit with no strings attached would pass the House with Repub and Demo support.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Ah, but there are strings attached.

            You don’t push a $4t budget through without there being strings.

            Clean CR is a nice sounding term, but there is no such thing.

          • Hyph3n says:

            A CR that does not defund Obamacare would pass with bipartisan support. Which part of this do you not understand?

            So if you want to get technical, the Democrats are doing the peoples work. The Repubs are caving to 30 of their members.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Funding Obamacare is the string.

            It wouldn’t pass.

          • MikeN says:

            According to Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer and Barbara Boxer, such a clean CR is not acceptable to the Democrats. They want to undo the sequester cuts as well. I should say ‘cuts’.

          • MikeN says:

            If such a CR would pass, then why hasn’t it passed? Boehner cannot block a vote if 218 members sign a discharge petition, a Republican reform that allows such a vote. Democrats have been circulating the petition, where is this majority you speak of?

          • Hyph3n says:

            Because the House quietly changed the rules.


            “Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), presiding over the chamber, told Van Hollen that the rule he was asking to use had been “altered” and he did not have the privilege of bringing that vote to the floor. In the ensuing back and forth, Chaffetz said the recently passed House Resolution 368 trumped the standing rules. Where any member of the House previously could have brought the clean resolution to the floor under House Rule 22, House Resolution 368 — passed on the eve of the shutdown — gave that right exclusively to the House majority leader, Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia.”

          • Hyph3n says:

            Oh… and it very well might come down to the Democrats discharge petition… but for any Republican to risk the retribution on his party, things will have to get really bad.

            It’s one thing to vote on a bill brought up by the Republican speaker of the House. It’s quite another to join the Democrats and bypassing their leadership.

          • MikeN says:

            That rule change has nothing to do with discharge petitions. The associated articles are going overboard in how the House is ending democracy by suspending this rule, when it is clear that the House has been doing such things for ages. ObamaCare passed with far more decrees from the Rules Committee and Democratic leadership, not allowing votes.

          • Hyph3n says:

            I’m not associated articles. If the Republicans were doing something illegal, this would be a very different situation. And Obamacare did pass with many quiet changes to the rules… but it still pass with a majority in both Houses. Not with 20 Congressmen throwing a temper tantrum.

            This was your shot to defund it. According to reports, it’s pretty much over. So passed by Congress, signed by the Prez, declared Constitutional and survived a silly defunding attempt. Obamacare is here to stay for awhile. God bless you Ted Cruz and the Teaparty Republicans.

  23. Uncle Patso says:

    “Obama’s idea of compromise is “I won, fuck you”.
    He is a arrogant social engineering pig.”

    If so, he learned it from Shrub. Even the MSM commented on it during his term.

    (“I learned it from watching you, okay?”)

  24. sargasso_c says:

    A backdown by the White House would essentially relinquish representative power to a PAC run political minority. A handful of ruthless, relentless fanatics have effectively ambushed the representative office. It’s the Alamo.

    • LibertyLover says:

      What is your solution? Dictatorship?

      This is the House’s job.

      • Hyph3n says:

        Again a clean CR would pass the House with bipartisan support. After Obamacare passing the House and Senate, the Supreme Court and a Presidential election, the House job is doing their job.

        • LibertyLover says:

          It may have passed the House and the Senate the first time around, but there is a reason the Democrats lost the House.

          And why they lost some seats in the Senate.

          It’s not what The People wanted.

          • Hyph3n says:

            Yeah. The reason is gerrymandering by Republican state governors.

            Maybe. But the Demos picked up Senate seats in the last election that was all about heathcare and the evils of Obama. Bush picked up 2 seats in the 2008 election and the next day was talking about a political mandate.

          • LibertyLover says:

            It’s always easy to say, “They Cheated” when you lose.

            I stand corrected on the Senate.

          • MikeN says:

            Gerrymandering is a myth being foisted on you by various liberals. Take a look at the results in Illinois, Maryland, and other Democratic run states and see if you still think gerrymandering is the reason Republicans hold the House.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Very good point.

  25. LibertyLover says:

    The funny thing about this whole fiasco is that if/when the shrubs get into office, the program is going to be flushed down the shitter so fast, the vacuum caused will bring the roof of the Capitol down 10 feet.

    This problem everyone is complaining about should tell you something. This program is dead, law or not.

    • bobbo, the One Great Liberal looking forward to America going Total Socialist says:

      How do you determine that LL?

      Taro Cards?
      Hate the Black man or poor people?
      TeaParty talking points?

      You would have .1 chance of repealing/negating the Republican Heritage think Tank Healthcare Program labeled Obamacare IF YOU HAD ANY ALTERNATIVES.

      But you don’t beyond chanting your dogma.

      Stupid dogma.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Thank you for worshipping me, minion.

        Now please go buy something that my company produced so I may pay for my healthcare.

  26. John Fox says:

    Just because a bill passes does not mean it gets funded. The representatives closest to the people by design by our founders, the House of Representatives, are to create a budget. We have a three parts system of government, without all power in any one part, executive, legislative, and judicial. This is simply politics where the parts are not agreeing. It is much better than armed conflict, which has been the norm over written history. Give and take and compromise has been what has kept our country together for so long (as nations, we are very old). At present we had an extreme bill passed completely by progressive democrats and completely opposed by the republican party. That party now has the purse strings for do all funding. Compromise must be made. Obama is not a dictator, nor was the senate created to create financial bills, that power was given to the House. The republican party is very much in the middle of the road in politics and position. Only the democratic party is extreme, and unbending. The leader of the Senate and the president have refused to negotiate. In a republic, give and take are vital and only kings or those who think they are kings don’t need to do so and refuse to do so. Thus, by implication, the problem here is the democrats which control the senate and the presidency.

    • Mextli says:

      “Only the democratic party is extreme, and unbending.”

      Are Democrats more extreme than GOP?

    • Hyph3n says:

      I’m amazed that Republicans can say that “refusing to negotiate” crap with a straight face. They didn’t vote 32 times to make it better, they voted 32 times to kill it. So now they are backed into a corner and whining about negotiation.

      • MikeN says:

        They voted to delay the individual mandate for a year. They voted to delay the business mandate, which Obama has already announced. Rather than accept the delay, he announced he was opposed and that it wasn’t necessary. Makes me wonder what he is planning to do after one year, maybe his announcement can’t be taken at face value. I am advising people to go ahead with their firings and switches to part-time, and don’t trust Obama not to enforce the penalty in 2015 for what happened in 2014.

      • Sam says:

        32 times? That’s because the POTUS has a thick, empty skull, combined with an arrogant attitude.

        He doesn’t think his poop stinks. And he never met a dollar he didn’t want to print and spend for votes from the great unwashed and uninformed.

        Thanks POTUS for flushing the nation down the toilet. Such a waste.

  27. MikeN says:

    It was because Congress never funded it, that the national health care registry and mandatory health care id card for all Americans has not been issued. This was passed when Bill Clinton was President.

  28. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, you need to head over to DailyKos and put this guy in his place. Another liberal hypocrite who is unwilling to pay for ObamaCare:

    My wife and I just got our updates from Kaiser telling us what our 2014 rates will be. Her monthly has been $168 this year, mine $150. We have a high deductible. We are generally healthy people who don’t go to the doctor often. I barely ever go. The insurance is in case of a major catastrophe.

    Well, now, because of Obamacare, my wife’s rate is gong to $302 per month and mine is jumping to $284.

    I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any fucking penalty. What the hell kind of reform is this?

    Oh, ok, if we qualify, we can get some government assistance. Great. So now I have to jump through another hoop to just chisel some of this off. And we don’t qualify, anyway, so what’s the point?

    I never felt too good about how this was passed and what it entailed, but I figured if it saved Americans money, I could go along with it. I don’t know what to think now. This appears, in my experience, to not be a reform for the people.

    What am I missing?

    • Hmeyers says:

      Great points about how the health care law is playing out very negatively in many situations.

    • Hyph3n says:

      That’s one persons opinion. But it wasn’t shared by a majority of Congressmen and the voters in the last election.

      Obamacare won’t kill innovation in healthcare. If anything it will spur it because now everyone has the chance to live.


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