I think that clears things up…any questions?

  1. Tim says:

    If it’s a governemt agency that has three letters in the name then it is not legitimate and needs to go away; All of them. It’s a bit like you only know someone’s middle name when they successfully bag a POTUS or a republic.

  2. MikeN says:

    Every so often Stewart cuts through the liberal groupthink. Like when he correctly eviscerated the talking points about how the trick to hide the decline was just a term for a clever way to … trick you… into not knowing about the decline.

    The short version of what Stewart said:
    ObamaCare = CRAP.

    • bobbo, we do not accept what we can see for ourselves says:

      Lyin’ Mike, the evil reverse Dallas doppelganger:

      NAME the groupthink that Stewart is cutting thru.

      Otherwise, you will be awarded one FLERP turd to add to your collection.


      • Average Dum Dum says:

        NAME the groupthink that Stewart is cutting thru.

        Answer: Uh. WASHINGTON! You know. That mass conglomeration of (mostly) LAWYERS?!

        Stewart is always trying to “cut through”the latest line of bullshit that comes from our latest line of elected bullshit slingers – LAWYERS!

        Left or right, it doesn’t matter since they’re all full of crap! And John Stewart makes a pretty good living out of exposing them for what they are – and do!

        It’s rather unfortunate that you happen to think those lawyers are all PRIESTS! Because clearly, you BELIEVE the left leaning ones. And yet, you have the arrogance to criticize anyone who happens to lean right. (I’m sure you don’t even see the hypocrisy either.)

        “None is so blind as he who won’t see”! — THAT’S YOU BOOB! STFU!!!

        • bobbo, we do not accept what we can see for ourselves says:

          Below Average on reading/comprehension skills too I see.

          Ha, ha.

          Answer the question posed, not the one you made up.

          Lyin’ Mike can’t do it cause its not on his talking points.

          Prove me wrong.

      • MikeN says:

        It’s quite simple. The groupthink is that ObamaCare is not crap. The reality is that ObamaCare=CRAP. Perhaps you don’t think it is groupthink because you don’t think it.

    • IG says:

      Stewart is a true blue Liberal believer. But he is a “smart” liberal. He understands that for Liberal’s to “win” they must govern well. He takes it personally that his man Obama is trying to be the Liberal they all want him to be, but is failing miserably. If Obama the Liberal continues to fail as badly as he is, then Liberalism will be tossed back onto the ash heap for another 30 years.

      The problem that Stewart and all his Ilk have is that Liberalism never works.

      • Winston Smith says:

        Nope. Obama has liberals fooled into thinking he is a liberal. But Obama is a conservative, a Wall $t Whore, and a corporatist.

        Just when I thought Bush would be the worst Pres ever, along comes Obama with a serious challenge.

        You guys gotta stop thinking in terms of Red and Blue. Both these parties are your enemy unless you a 1% Rich scumbag. Their one goal is to further rig the system against you.

  3. Mextli says:

    Obamacare looks better and better all the time for the insurance companies. Not so much for the poor schmuck that HAS to sign up.

    Obviously the crazies he was talking about were the brain dead that actually want single payer.

  4. Tom says:

    Gee, I wish I knew as much about the ACA as the idiots posting here think they do…

    • bobbo, fraud, rot, and the evil of the RICH for all to see says:

      Gee, the only substantive thing said above is that the ACA was written by the Ins Co. And that is the simply truth if you can read at the 8th grade level.

      Tom, just how irrelevant are you trying to be?

  5. Linda says:

    The individual mandate is critical so that everyone obtains healthcare, not just those that are currently ill and in need of healthcare. Otherwise, the cost of care will far outweigh the premiums paid and the entire system will implode….. Many critics of the ACA understand this and therefore keep asking for the individual mandate to be waived… “why not? it’s such a simple and fair thing to do…..” No, it’s not. It is one of the key issues to making the ACA work.

    • Tim says:

      I suppose, it wouldn’t be more prudent to just allow people to bring in their own aspirin or even cannabis instead of being billed $150 for each tylenol that proceeds to box your liver anyways.

    • Mextli says:

      Thank you tovarishch.

  6. Linda says:

    fyi – the insurance carriers hate the ACA and are totally concerned that their bottom line will be negatively impacted… So, no, this was not devised by the insurance industry….

    • bobbo, we do not accept what we can see for ourselves says:


      Detail on continuing BullSHIT!!!!!!!

      Maybe you are too lazy to read anything or too stupid to see what is right in front of you. Maybe this will help: what was Obama’s first desired healthcare reform that he gave up on before he even started negotiating with the FLERPS?

      Thats right.

    • Tim says:

      Yea. That probably explains why their share prices are tanking.

      • bobbo, we do not accept what we can see for ourselves says:

        Timmy—why are they using tanks when they already have Obama in their pockets?

        I don’t get it.

        Please provide a tangent. ((I already visualize it!))

  7. bobbo, we do not accept what we can see for ourselves says:

    On topic–wasn’t the question: “Why did businesses get a delay?” /// I don’t know at all but the answer is always money. So that they would STFU and not interfere satisfies me until some other theory/insider report is issued. I would be surprised if there was a technical organic reason.

    I hate politicians. Lying when the truth would do.

    • Average Dum Dum says:

      It’s funny how many LIES you continue to BELIEVE without one single fact to point to. It’s funny how you always resort to name calling whenever you feel threatened (by your own stupidity) too.

      I’m pretty sure you BELIEVE all the republicans have caused you all the pain in your life. WE GET IT! But you sound like a broken record.

      Any culprit here is indeed organic! And the culprit is a majority of non functioning brains – like yours!


      …And do try to stop masturbating with the slash key, dash key or any other non-alphabet key when you clearly have no idea what they are there for.

  8. JCD's Love Child says:

    F*ck Jon Stewart

  9. MikeN says:


    • bobbo, we do not accept what we can see for ourselves says:

      Where’s pedro when we need him.

      The repetitive post expert.

      • MikeN says:

        Repetitive because it sums up the facts nicely. Surely you don’t disagree with the substance?

  10. bobbo, we do not accept what we can see for ourselves says:

    Average Dum Dum says:
    10/8/2013 at 9:38 pm

    It’s funny how many LIES you continue to BELIEVE without one single fact to point to. //// Name one.

    It’s funny how you always resort to name calling whenever you feel threatened (by your own stupidity) too. /// I have never felt threatened here. I name call and word play mostly for amusement. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but there is a good lesson in it for those who can see it.

    I’m pretty sure you BELIEVE all the republicans have caused you all the pain in your life. /// None at all. I succeed in most situations regardless of the obstacles.

    WE GET IT! //// Get what? Can’t tell from the gibberish, nonsense, lies, and general stupidity you have posted so far.

    But you sound like a broken record. /// Long playing. No extra charge.

    Any culprit here is indeed organic! And the culprit is a majority of non functioning brains – like yours! /// Yawn.

    STFU! /// Say—are you trying to hurt my feelings……… or what?

    …And do try to stop masturbating with the slash key, dash key or any other non-alphabet key when you clearly have no idea what they are there for. ///// My pleasure. and don’t say short strokes.

  11. Tom says:

    I’m sorry but I fail to see how this “argument” is in any way relevant to the ACA… I am getting very tired of seeing people who clearly have not read it and who don’t even remotely understand it weigh in on the perceived ills of it… Does anyone even remotely think that health care in this country – routinely ridiculed and vilified by most of the rest of the 1st world order – is actually working well?! If so, let me get that bridge out of storage! Is the ACA perfect? Of course not! But it is not a bad start…

    • bobbo, some people go way past dogma and eat their own stool says:

      Lets wrestle with reality? It is a bad start.

      But it was arguably the only start that Obama saw as possible with risk of no start at all if he had pushed for Single Payer, Extended MediCare, or all the other models that eventually we will achieve.

      Is the purpose of healthcare to keep Ins Co’s in business, or to provide healthcare?

      Its a puzzle.

  12. MikeN says:

    he told a number of media outlets that, as a supporter of the law, he was excited to purchase the plan he got even though it would cost him a substantial amount. Later in the week, Henderson’s father revealed that he was unaware of his son’s enrollment, eventually forcing the younger Henderson to clarify that he did not, in fact, enroll. It was also discovered that Henderson was an Obama for America supporter and volunteer.

  13. Mextli says:

    It’s not really changes to certain requirements like prior condition that is troubling about Obamacare. It’s the same thing William Kristol said about Clinton’s health care plan.

    “But passage of the Clinton health care plan in any form would be disastrous. It would guarantee an unprecedented federal intrusion into the American economy. Its success would signal the rebirth of centralized welfare-state policy at the very moment that such policy is being perceived as a failure in other areas.”


    It was true then and it’s true now.

    • Tim says:

      Is that the same little Billy that advocated drinking William (Billy) Bennet sperm because it was low in sodium and of zero nootropic value such that readers would condemn their kids for backtalking at piggy roadblocks when asked ‘where’s it at’? so that the latter billy could make 1/4 billion dollars selling piss tests??

      I don’t have to read no stinking agglutimated reports on you — your shit is acerbic and smells of rotten butter; I recommend ACA for you ASAP.

  14. bobbo, some people go way past dogma and eat their own stool says:

    Next Lie the dumbass FLERP posts the criticism of Bill Clintons plan and makes suggestions for what would be better.

    Anyone care to guess what his suggestions are?


    Thats right you F*cking Lying EVIL Retarded Pukes: Obamacare.

    So GD-Stupid, its gonna get pedro talkin’ bout Castro again.

    Wise up stoopids.

    God Damn I’m pissed. Gonna go start drinking by Beers labeled Friday RIGHT NOW.


    • Mextli says:

      bobbo you are such an ass.

      • bobbo, some people go way past dogma and eat their own stool says:

        I feel your pain Mextli. Which is worse though?

        YOU wanting to deny healthcare to millions that will save everyone involved a lot of money (thats a Fact Jack!)

        —-or—-Me pointing out that your argument speaks directly against what you post?

        How many times have you heard that ObamaCare is the health care program that came out of the Heritage Institute, the right wing think tank and author of Anti-Obama talking points:


        That why ObamaCare IS THE COMPROMISE.

        I may or may not be an ass. Far better than what you show everyone.

        Look deeper within yourself.

        • bobbo, some people go way past dogma and eat their own stool says:

          Crap====ObamaCare is NOT EVEN the compromise.

          Its the Freaking Republican Health Care Demand of 16 years ago.

          ………but the talking points have moved on, hostage to the American Taliban.

          Thats what happens when you deny science.

          Yea, verily.

        • McCullough says:

          “YOU wanting to deny healthcare to millions that will save everyone involved a lot of money (thats a Fact Jack!)”

          Bobbo, I’ll make you a deal…if you are wrong, I get to ban you from DU for life.

          Are you game, or just gamey?

          BTW, You need to back it off a notch. The insults are getting old.

          • bobbo, cops are alot like ex-wives in so many respects says:

            I’ve heard there is a Jewish expression that whenever offered a choice, to chose “both.” I’ll always be gamey, and of course, I’m up for just about any game.

            To that end: I agree.

            Each revolting comment is substantively accurate on its own. But add them all up?

            Accurate??? Obamacare will save everyone money?===>No. Hoisted on my own zeal. Or maybe not.

            Over a life time????? I’m willing to guess yes.

            And that is a real demarcation in how one approaches life’s challenges. Thinking for today vs the long term.

            Why not choose both?

          • Tim says:

            But, that would rob me of my flowery-language ‘told you so’ rubbing it in victory posting never ending moment such that I wouldn’t be able to double the pleasure over AGW stupitude.

            Besides, I wouldn’t want Dallas to be my only normalization baseline — He’s not very linguistically interesting.

  15. MikeN says:

    So are liberals going to sign up for health insurance. Doing so makes Obama’s law looks good. On the other hand, not doing so means you give money to the government and not to the insurance companies.

  16. LibertyLover says:


    In other words, perhaps Congress should have passed a law they knew wouldn’t be so controversial and easily left open to defunding.

  17. Guyver says:

    Much funnier video of a liberal reporter getting cornered and left defenseless: http://tinyurl.com/k7j8o64

    • bobbo, some people go way past dogma and eat their own stool says:

      Appearing on Andrea Mitchell’s MSNBC 1 p.m. ET hour show on Tuesday, Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy slammed the press for not doing its job in pointing out the hypocrisy of ObamaCare being delayed for certain groups but not for all Americans: “…the media won’t ask the question about why are you [the Obama administration] treating families different than big business…. //// Ummmm—because families are different than big business. Seems kinda obvious.

      That’s how pathetic news reporting has become, when they won’t ask tough questions to the administration.” /// “Why won’t you admit your were born in Kenya and raised in Somalia and step down from your stolen office?” That kind of tough question? Seems to me tough questions should be aimed at those who are ruining America, not those trying to save it.

      That response was prompted by Mitchell ranting that Republican calls for a one-year delay of the ObamaCare individual mandate was a “non-negotiable demand.” Moments later, after Duffy explained that the GOP has “been incredibly reasonable, making a small ask,” Mitchell was aghast: “You consider it a small ask he [Obama] gets rid of the central part of his health care plan that was upheld by the vote, a presidential election, and the United States Supreme Court.” Duffy replied: “Andrea, hold on. That’s your spin.” Mitchell laughably asserted: “That’s not spin.” //// McGuff: identify the spin.


      • Guyver says:

        Ummmm—because families are different than big business. Seems kinda obvious.

        Said the liberal defending Chairman Obama for stepping on the little guy while propping up the big guy.

        Whatever happened to the liberals who cried foul whenever a GOP politician did “the same”? Why the hypocrisy?

        “Why won’t you admit your were born in Kenya and raised in Somalia and step down from your stolen office?” That kind of tough question?

        Red Herring.

        Seems to me tough questions should be aimed at those who are ruining America, not those trying to save it.

        Said the liberal picking sides because the Constitution is an “extremist” publication for use by “terrorists” and “hostage takers”.

        The liberal media is shaping the argument that those who play the “Constitution Card” are a bunch of “terrorists” or “hostage takers”.

        Excusing how the President seems to take sides with terrorist groups overseas, how does our President feel being the Commander-in-Chief for a bunch of terrorists / hostage takers (aka U.S. Military) since every military person is required to take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States when joining?

        I never considered anyone taking that oath an “extremist”… where’s the news story on that?

        Mitchell laughably asserted: “That’s not spin.”

        I saw neither Mitchel nor Duffy laugh in this exchange. Why does your dogma compel you to lie?

        McGuff: identify the spin.

        Mitchell poses the question on whether it’s a “small ask” to get rid of the central part of ObamaCare (aka removing ObamaCare exemptions for President Obama, subsidies for Congress, and allowing individual Americans a one year extension like those granted to Big Business).

        Is it reasonable to expect all Americans to be treated equally under the law? Or are some Americans more equal than others which is why you seem to defend President Obama should be exempt from ObamaCare?

        Is shutting down down 15% of our government worth President Obama to keep his exemption from ObamaCare and forcing individuals to pay the mandates that Big Business is excluded from?

        I’m sure you’ll try to defend this, but you’ll just only reveal how much your dogma makes you intellectually dishonest.

        • bobbo, Oh LORD-----you have given us dictionaries but the HEATHENS refuse to read your good book says:

          laughing—a series of unarticulated certain sounds ….

          laughably—a statement made to elict laughing in the audience.

          You see the difference?

          Spin: Calling a business “an American.” Beats R-Money’s statement that they are people too by LAUGHABLE leaps and bounds.

          McGuff, I have to say it: you are a VNPWHNRSOTFTTYAY. Sorry, but sometimes it just has to be said.

          • Guyver says:

            Spin: Calling a business “an American.” Beats R-Money’s statement that they are people too by LAUGHABLE leaps and bounds.

            In other words, you are asserting that there are no individual Americans who don’t want ObamaCare that would have benefited from a one year delay?


            McGuff, I have to say it: you are a VNPWHNRSOTFTTYAY. Sorry, but sometimes it just has to be said.

            As Bobbo has his “Mitchell Moment”. 🙂

          • bobbo, Oh LORD-----you have given us dictionaries but the HEATHENS refuse to read your good book says:

            “in other words”–meaning a restatement of what was said to further an explanation.

            But when a VNPWHNRSOTFTTYAY uses the term as you do, it is a tool of disassembly.

            OF COURSE–many people don’t want the law at all, don’t want insurance and so forth. Don’t want to wear seat belts, be prevented from killing salmon before they spawn, allow the sick to get healthcare.

            And all the rest. Sorry, your complaint is a hideous display of self involvement totally lacking in any analytic rigor at all.

          • Guyver says:

            many people don’t want the law at all, …

            Therefore you’ve conceded my original comment.

            I’m guessing you’re referring to auto-insurance… Not applicable in the context of health care since auto insurance is required to protect other drivers from yourself and your potential reckless driving.

            Don’t want to wear seat belts

            I wear mine because I think wearing one is a good idea; not because the government passed a law to compel me to wear one. Again, not relevant to the context of health care.

            be prevented from killing salmon before they spawn

            Fisherman who want to make a career of salmon fishing will realize they’d put themselves out of business. Again not relevant.

            <blockquote.allow the sick to get healthcare

            Liberal appeal to emotion when there’s no logical leg to stand on?

            Sorta like how Harry Reid would rather a child sick with cancer suffer through this government “shutdown” unless individual Americans are denied a 1-year extension from the mandate? Or an exception for Obama and subsidy for Congress from ObamaCare?

            Tragically liberals don’t really care as they allegedly claim. You talk the talk, but won’t walk the walk.

  18. Guyver says:

    Any mention of this by the mainstream media as one side seems to be getting all the blame (at least according to the MSM)?: http://tinyurl.com/lsmypsr

    • bobbo, some people go way past dogma and eat their own stool says:

      Polls? Chery Pick and ignore as the subject fits you???


      Why not SUBSTANCE of the issue that does not change based on the flavor of koolaid consumed.

      Polls are not invalid or stupid “in the main.” Only people who use them as a substitute for substantive analysis are stupid. More than stupid, they are for the most part FLERP!

      We don’t need no polls around here!

      • Guyver says:

        Why not SUBSTANCE of the issue that does not change based on the flavor of koolaid consumed.

        I’d love for just the issues to be discussed. Unfortunately we live in a culture where the vast majority are victims of government-run education and have a very weak foundation for critical thinking skills that the mainstream media who leans heavily towards your dogmatic view to exploit.

        Polls are not invalid or stupid “in the main.” Only people who use them as a substitute for substantive analysis are stupid. More than stupid, they are for the most part FLERP!

        I have no problem with what you’re saying… “in the main”. Just keep in mind the mainstream media loves to use the polls when it supports their dogmatic view. But ignore them when it doesn’t.

        When something comes out contrary to their view, they cherry pick to further manipulate the masses already victimized by a government-run education. You don’t seem to have a problem with this level of intellectual dishonesty or exploitation of the masses. Should anyone be surprised? 😀

        We don’t need no polls around here!

        Have you considered asking John Dvorak? Or are you blindly assuming you have his support? 🙂

        • bobbo, Oh LORD-----you have given us dictionaries but the HEATHENS refuse to read your good book says:

          McGuff—I don’t like it when you are reasonable and responsive. Hurts my neck to follow your jerking around like that.

  19. MikeN says:

    There is no individual mandate, just a tax penalty for not buying health insurance that meets government guidelines. If the penalty gets too high as to be extremely coercive, then it is unconstitutional.

    I think it is important that people not buy health insurance, as then the money would go to the government and not the insurance companies.

    • Tim says:

      I just want to cultivate my own herbs before I get sick, and cancer, and brain-dead D/R anyways — But this law makes informants out of doctors. Now I’ve gotta take steps… Fuck you, Oboma.

  20. Guyver says:

    IRS Collected $56 Billion In Taxes During 9 days Of ‘Government Shutdown’ : http://tinyurl.com/mlt8zf7

    The noteworthy part is this is $953 Million more than what they made last year during the same period when the government was OPENED. 😀

  21. Captain Obvious says:

    Classic Stewart. He’s been the only bright light on TV during the shutdown.


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