Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything.

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  1. Mark Brewer says:

    Hope you’re doing alright John, you didn’t seem too into today’s show. From what Andrew was saying, it sounded like he should do a guest spot on No Agenda.

    Great show as always, even if I don’t understand most of it. 🙂

  2. Dallas says:

    Good news is the Teapublicans are starting to cave …err, I mean…. come to their senses.

  3. deowll says:

    At least 18% of the net on everything made in this country goes to the Fed. Gov. 2% will service the interest on the National Debt. The only way we can go into default is if the President decides to go into default. That would be a deliberate policy choice by the President. At least for now there is no other way we can default.

    • Dallas says:

      Stop defending the Teanderthals taking the country to the brink.

      Good news: The Koch brother’s filthy money stream has just been stopped. Now what are you gonna do?

  4. Tim says:

    That lion-man looks to be befuddled about the newfangled pointing device that came bundled with his new pc.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    ” The only way we can go into default is if the President decides to go into default. “

    Where the hell did you get a stupid idea like that? What’s he going to do, hock his desk? If it were that easy every political and economic analyst on the spectrum would be screaming it from the rooftops.


  6. Uncle Patso says:

    “The Koch brother’s filthy money stream…”

    TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX MILLION DOLLARS that we know about so far.

    $ 236,000,000.00

    That sure buys a lot of “grass roots.”

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    The President should offer to negotiate on the ACA if Congress will offer to overturn Citizens United.

    • Dallas says:

      Hope he does not negotiate with terrorists. I don’t care if they now settle for a bottle of water in return.


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