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Is it funny because the guy is fat and his shirt doesn’t match?
Let’s negotiate :
How about restarting the government and pay the bills.
* No mucking with ObamaCare (the law of the land since 2010)
* Limit abortions : one each 3 yrs (two mandatory vagina probes)
* No gay marriages on wednesdays
Hear, hear! ^^ That actually sounds reasonable. You should run for offi………… Huthton, we have a throblem.
I’m not sure how far off the deep end you wade but I’m glad you already found an immediate opportunity for compromise!
When you say ‘compromize’, do you really mean ?? Otherwise, I don’t understand your banter.
You’re more weird than I give you credit for.
How about we deport all the illegal aliens. How about Holder bust all the pot shops. It’s the law of the land a lot long then ObamaCare.
Aliens? When did the flying saucers land!?!?
Do you support the President’s refusal to enforce provisions of the law as he sees fit, for example just declaring a one year delay in the employer mandate, not passed by Congress?
>No mucking with ObamaCare (the law of the land since 2010)
How about no mucking with voter ID laws, which have been confirmed by the Supreme Court, and passed legislatively?
Constitution: Representatives serve their electorate, not the party or the system. 54-56% of The People by every poll do not want Obamacare. 70-80% want individual mandate delayed. 80+% want Congress to eat their own food and not have any subsidy or exemption. Republicans in Congress started with offer satisfying more than 50%. They COMPROMISED with the offer containing the other two items demanded by 70+% of The People who they serve. Hence, “extortion” cartoon is not a joke but abuse by elites in power and in media.
No exemptions? – Offer on the table is also to remove all and any exemptions stapled over the law by the Emperor Obama. (More than 50% of The People support for that too). Emperors can alter laws as they see fit. President does not have that right in the above mentioned Constitution.
-President is shredding Constitution.
-Democrats are NOT serving The People but Party/Ideology interest and their own power interest.
-Democrats refuse talks. No bill/law in history remained unchanged for ever. Other side used their leverage and made compromise with those who did not want change… They are holding country hostage.
As soon as you say “Emperor Obama,” we immediately know you are a wingnut.
“As soon as you say “Emperor Obama,” we immediately know you are a wingnut.”
Translation: In my panic I looked for a way out, “emperor obama” was the best I could find so used that as the excuse for not having to answer.
How…HOW is the President “shredding” the Constitution? What has he done, specifically, that has damaged it? Patriot Act? Yeah, I don’t like that either, but that started under Bush…as did warrantless wiretaps. Bush also started two wars, one without Congressional approval. And torture, that goes against international law.
What rights is Obama taking away?
Let me get this straight. If “it” started under Bush Obama cannot be blamed for any part of it?
For some odd reason the President is actually expected actually enforce the laws the way they are written. If you think Obama does that you are not living in the real world.
Of course, “Emperor Obama” won the election that was suppose to be about healthcare. (An emperor being elected… kind of an oxymoron, wouldn’t you say?)
But I didn’t realize that we passed laws based solely on their popularity. When are Repubs going to submit their single-payer bill, which a majority of people support?
If you have to explain the joke, then it’s not funny.
I’ve seen a lot of movies. It always turns out badly when you take hostages without a plan.
If you are into “plans” you need to watch “Black Adder.”
“I have a plan, so cleaver, even a weasel could not figure it out.” /// or something somewhat close. All I know is every time I hear “weasel” I wet myself.
See Monty Python for the Weasel Brothers in Court.
Total Crack Up.
Close, but no linearly-configured flamming neti pot for you —
“I’ve got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasle.”
It would be interesting if WE could take a poll. How about it DU? Here’s the question:
1.) Does anyone WANT Obama-care as it is written in it’s entirety?
2.) Only want certain parts of Obama-care (like the new rules that ban exclusion from treatment because of a preexisting condition)?
3.) Or do you want none of it because you believe it’s essentially a private tax on our very citizenry (and irregardless of what the US Supreme Court says, unconstitutional)?
Once we settle that question, maybe we can then discuss WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT!
Once we settle that question, maybe we can then discuss WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT! /// The healthy youth of America who can’t afford it and don’t need it.
Its called insurance: spreading the risk among a wider relevant base.
Over time, much cheaper than rip off for profit medicine.
“The ACA keeps the Insurance Industry in business.” /// Yea Verily. Who speaks for health care?
They want to bleed younger and healthier people.
No Thank You! Seniors and fat people get enough handouts as it is.
I’ll pay the fine even when it goes up to $695 per year in 2016.
Actually, me too. Isn’t being a vet my insurance policy?
If not, why not? Every $$ counts….. + ……. my entire self image is built on the false expectation that I am a superhooman impervious to either bullets or disease.
My kryptonite is beer.
Next you’ll say people with good credit should subsidize people with bad credit.
Or that people with good driving records should subsidize people with bad driving records.
The plus with Obama care, let’s say I end up with a medical condition that is expensive — insurers can’t deny such a person coverage.
Win, win!
So why buy insurance if you are healthy and take care of yourself! You always can after discovery of an expensive medical condition!
Oh … you’ll be bled. Count on it. Those that wish to control you under the guise of “care” have many avenues funding their agenda. If you can see the tip of an iceberg rest assured there is more to it than you think.
You don’t have to pay the fine. Just pay you taxes very carefully, so you don’t get any refunds.
My friends, the situation is dire. I fear, we may have reached the point where the only thing that can save us from Obama is Zombo.
www . zombo . com
I hope its enough for all our sakes.
My daughter is on her second kidney transplant. At the time she was young enough that the costs (100s of thousands) were covered under my insurance. She’s older now but not healthy enough to work. The meds needed to maintain her kidney and underlying illness are 10’s of thousands annually. Fortunately, even though she’s older than 26 I’ve been able to keep her insured under an “incapacitated child” clause. Thing is, the insurance company makes us prove her incapacitation annually because if she’s every deemed otherwise they will drop her like a stone. Even if we keep her covered for the for the near future I’m only a couple years from retirement. If that happens she’ll have no coverage. Without meds she loses the kidney. Dang right I want some guarantee of insurance for her, Obamacare or otherwise. I don’t care.
Healthy people are shortsighted or something.
Then I hope things work out for you. I have a friend who has 5 stints and her husband is a diabetic. Their bill was going to be over 15,000 a year which was a huge hunk of what he makes so they are going the uninsured route.
My father who’s retirement age has sad stories of friends who committed suicide after being diagnosed with cancer because they didn’t want to bankrupt their family. Our healthcare system is shit. And in those 37 times that the House voted to repeal Obamacare, did they ever vote to replace it with something better?
Why can’t you keep your insurance after you retire?
Forward thinking companies offer to either pay a portion of or the entire cost of health insurance as an incentive to keep employees from leaving. Once you retire or quit why would they pay? Your gone already.
COBRA allows you to continue the coverage your employer provided BUT you have to pay the full cost which is usually over a grand per month AND it’s only allowed for a limited amount of time like 18 or 36 months.
The idea of COBRA is to keep a person from losing coverage when their between jobs but without a job few could afford it.
I feel sorry for Boehner. He really needs a Republican SWAT team to take out the 33 terrorists in the House.
Name calling isn’t clever and solves nothing.
Are you twelve?
Bash asked, “If you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?”
Harry Reid responded, “Why would we want to do that?”
The full exchange:
DANA BASH: You all talked about children with cancer unable to go to clinical trials. The House is presumably going to pass a bill that funds at least the NIH. Given what you’ve said, will you at least pass that? And if not, aren’t you playing the same political games that Republicans are?
HARRY REID: Listen, Sen. Durbin explained that very well, and he did it here, did it on the floor earlier, as did Sen. Schumer. What right did they have to pick and choose what part of government is going to be funded? It’s obvious what’s going on here. You talk about reckless and irresponsible. Wow. What this is all about is Obamacare. They are obsessed. I don’t know what other word I can use. They’re obsessed with this Obamacare thing. It’s working now and it will continue to work and people will love it more than they do now by far. So they have no right to pick and choose.
BASH: But if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?
CHUCK SCHUMER: Why put one against the other?
REID: Why would we want to do that? I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own. This is — to have someone of your intelligence to suggest such a thing maybe means you’re irresponsible and reckless —
BASH: I’m just asking a question.
They then proceeded to pass a bill for the military. So Reid chose one over the other.
Yes. And there is enough bipartisan support for a clean funding bill to pass in the House, but Boehner won’t put it up. What’s your point? Reid should let the House pick and choose what to fund?
Well yes, according to the Constitution all funding bills originate from the House. He is holding hostage funding that is agreed on by all sides for things that are not agreed on.
It is actually a dangerous game for him. What if the House goes further, and demands more cuts than ObamaCare?
Plus traditionally, the budget is passed by a series of spending bills, not one big bill. The Senate didn’t do its job this year or any of the last 5 years. Obama was months late presenting his budget. The House passed several appropriations bills over the summer, while the Senate didn’t do anything until the end of August, and then trying to reverse the sequester cuts.
Yes, it’s all the Democrats fault. The Republicans are an pathetically impotent little party that could barely raise their hands on the many filibuster closure votes in the Senate. How could you even associate yourself with something so immaculating?
“[Reid] is holding hostage funding that is agreed on by all sides for things that are not agreed on.”
Reid allowed his vote. You just don’t like the result. Boehner is not letting the entire House vote on a clean CR. Why?
Because he doesn’t want a clean CR, or to be more accurate, he would lose his speakership if he allowed such a vote. Getting concessions from Obama, who in all other instances seeks to do as he pleases even without a vote from Congress, requires using leverage that is available.
Democrats are now on record as holding various programs hostage unless the House signs on to Obama’s unconstitutional rewriting of ObamaCare.
Yeah, Reid for now has his whole party on board with Obamas strategy of holding the country hostage until they get what they want.
I wonder if this is a good strategy on their part. They are the party of government. Having less funding for the government hurts their own voters.
Well, the majority of the public believe the Repubs are in the wrong on this. Do you think that’s going to change the more this goes on? The Republicans are already divided. Stopping piecemeal fund is the only leverage Reid has. I think the public realizes that. You may say Reid is holding the country hostage, but you and your teaparty buds are the only ones.
The Repubs have painted themselves into a corner.
“”…and people will love it more than they do now by far.
Well, that’s a pretty fucking high reassuring bar to shut our eyes and dream about jumping up and grabbing without breaking our necks.
He confirms what is the simple truth: people LOVE OBAMA CARE NOW!
…………. and they will love it even more later.
Where is the bar?
Ha, ha. Slowing down Lyin’ Mickey??
Do you mean:
Why…. thats the smartest thing you have ever posted.
Loving ObamaCare and being *loved by* ObamaCare is an unrequited kind of situation I think most will learn to appreciate.
Blringg, Blringg — {zero – # – zero} Yeyas, I dit what that last navigator sais do and um is this confidential?? my ass hurts.
Timmmmay—seems you have a soul mate or is that wifey?…. or bbegf?
Shame on Shame on you..No shame on everyone..
Should the Park Service be putting up barricades at parks where they never spend any money or have any staff?
No, you’re right. We should just let people use the place. It’s a public park right? By the way, can I come over and crash at your house while you are at work? The place is just siting there empty. No one is there anyway. I promise I won’t be a nuisance, unless I trip and fall down those stairs you didn’t sweep. Then I’ll sue you.
Welcome, guest… just remember to take the dishes out of the sink before you pee in it, like a gentleman.
I do not think it is funny. If we think according to the Religious View, i can see Lord Ganesha in it.
Previously, the liberals on this site were complaining that the debt ceiling should not be negotiated because it is spending that was already agreed to. Now they are complaining when Republicans aren’t agreeing to the spending.
Aren’t you saying the same thing both times? Sounds like in both cases, the FLERPs are trying to destroy America.
What say you Great Satan?
Michele Bachmann says House Republicans are about the happiest they’ve been in a while.
TeaPublicans are enemies of the United States.
They are destroying the government piecemeal. What will fill the vacuum?
Do you really think it is likely to be better than what we have now?
They are destroying the government piecemeal.
Perhaps it should be. It hasn’t had our best interests at heart in a long time.
Or should I say, it has our best interests at heart and that’s the problem. This cradle to grave nanny state has got to end before we find ourselves permanently in a some chimeric version of Animal Farm and 1984.
What will fill the vacuum?
Hopefully, what it started out as — a Republic.
Ha, ha. Those pictorial novels that explain what a Republic is are too long for you aren’t they LL?
^^ FLERPy slink weasel consensuccubi clitographic ‘phile sojourn foucault swing daddy weasel weasel weasel #9 #9 weasel #9 weasel words. —
MK ULTRA Programming Film
I think I just made you pee.
You did say weasel 5 times. But I’m a real man. Maybe just a drip.
weasel pee pee slink slink slink slinking family of momma and baby weasels hump-slinking across the road — ba de ba du ba de ba du ba #9 be ba do ohh, I wettum.
It worked!!! Six weasel say was reported as five weasel word {he has no clue what happened during cognition of that sixth weasel!!} — It is time to take it to the next level after you guys fix the anal fissures in my ass from that coloboma care lady visit.
“Take Baldric off the spit..”
The whole series is perfect.
The Weasel Brothers in Court is more likely a Second City skit. Can’t find it.
Millions flee Obamacare.