Executive Producers: Sir Timothy Dickman, Ryan Merritt, Howard Kraut, Sir Joseph Sukhbir, Sir David Koss, Seacub
Associate Executive Producers: Michael Leary, Camilla Hanssen, Steven Cogswell, Lincoln Millwood
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. voltan says:

    Have an A1 day…

  2. B. Dog says:

    The otomatone is good, but how long will it be until someone screws up and dubs it an Obamatone?

  3. deowll says:

    Okay, the pod cast on the global warming scam is very good. BTW just hit a record on sea ice and I do mean a high.

    People in energy poverty get sick and die at a faster rate. You can’t heat your home you get pneumonia and die. Average life expectancy for people without electricity is 48.

    I haven’t been able to locate LEDs that meet my needs. I’ve read the reviews and they are fairly negative unless you need a hall light or something. Okay they now have some that might work. I’m going to give one a shot.

  4. MWD78 says:

    the biggest problem with fluorescent and LED lighting is that you’re still stepping the voltage up or down from 120v to whatever the “energy saving” light runs at. you’re still pissing away that energy as heat at the transformer/ballast.

    • Tim says:

      It’s not just a simple transformer, either. I’m looking a the guts of one that ‘blew’ now. They don’t last long if installed in fixtures where they get hot. This one died because a 10 ohm resistor cooked itself.

      But the really interesting thing is that I’m looking at one storage electrolytic and a whole bunch of tantalum capacitors suitable for radio work. There is a little ‘normal looking’ transformer but there is also a small toroidal one with three windings on it — two of three turns and one of four turns. there are two small-signal transistors and five rectifiers in this circuit. There is a two pronged something-or-other that looks like a cap but it is black (the others are redish brown) and I suspect it is an IC.

      Simple explanation — it’s just some kind of inverter circuit.
      Gut feeling — This thing is way too complicated for just driving a shitty lightbulb; I skeerd.


      The LED ones can be made to work good. A timed buck-boost chip can be used to vary the charge at constant voltage to them as the LED itself has a weird output/current curve. It ramps up but then rapidly back down at a given current and needs to be timed to keep them up at the top of that knee without all the extra power waste. Like a Harley having the pistons fire so patently silly with 45 degrees of ‘bump bump’ and the other 315 ‘finish rotation’ , I guess those manufacturers just like a wasteful led and obnoxious loud pipes.

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    What is the point in criticizing projections that are based on probability models for not having probability of 1 (i.e., certain fact)? It makes you look dumber than the scientists you are critical of.


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