President Obama doesn’t need to allow Congress to shut down the government if congress fails to pass a budget. The President has emergency powers he can use and he can keep America running but executive order and he should set a precedent and just do it.

What am I talking about? Obama has the power against an attack without the consent of Congress under the theory that as commander in chief he has to protect America from imminent danger. Likewise in the case of a hurricane or flood he can act immediately to avoid any kind of national crisis. A government shutdown is a national crisis. Obama could just order the equivalent of a continuing resolution rather that allow America to be help hostage because Congress failed to do their job in time.

Congress has a duty to pass a budget or pass a continuing resolution by October 1st. To deliberately shut down the government would be an act of treason against the American people. So since we are going to believe that no one would intentionally harm America by doing that then what we have is a temporary emergency and the President can constitutionally act in a temporary emergency just as he would in a natural disaster or an attack on America.

Additionally, when there is a government shutdown the whole government doesn’t shut down. The soldiers in Afghanistan don’t stop fighting, the post office continues to deliver mail, and the Federal Reserve continues to spend 85 billion a month to prop up Wall Street, and Congress and the President continue to get paid. Why the exceptions? Because the executive powers of the President allows the President to maintain vital services. So Obama is already using this constitutional power for Wall Street, just not the rest of us.

Besides – setting a precedent for government by blackmail and hostage taking (us) would be a crisis.

This use of emergency powers would not replace the budget process. Congress still has a duty to pass a budget. But it would allow the country to continue to run until Congress completes its job. Obama not only has the power to do it, he has a duty to do it.



  1. LibertyLover says:

    To deliberately shut down the government would be an act of treason against the American people.

    I have to disagree.

    When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, […]

    I believe that about covers it.

  2. NewformatSux says:

    So the NSA opposing Mark Perkel now thinks the Constitution is irrelevant and supports tyranny. Congress passes the budget, and the President executes it. Now because the Senate will not pass what the House will pass, the President should just spend without authorization?
    For that matter, the President didn’t submit his budget on time either.

    Even under your crisis theory, isn’t the correct course of action for the President to implement the budget bill that has passed one chamber of Congress?

  3. Guyver says:

    To deliberately shut down the government would be an act of treason against the American people.

    How so Tom Clancy?

    Additionally, when there is a government shutdown the whole government doesn’t shut down. The soldiers in Afghanistan don’t stop fighting, the post office continues to deliver mail, and the Federal Reserve continues to spend 85 billion a month to prop up Wall Street, and Congress and the President continue to get paid. Why the exceptions?

    Speaking of exemptions, the same Democrats responsible for shoving ObamaCare down the American people’s collective throats are exempt from ObamaCare. Why so? Why no melodramatics concerning this exemption?

    Regardless, the retired elderly will still get their social security checks and Medicare checks will also go out. Cry me a river.

  4. bobbo, we think with words.... but words can't describe how inadequate this is says:

    Indeed, Obama should just set the precedent as early as possible. The reason for this is to stop Congress from wasting time and perhaps turn its attention to something more worthwhile like installing vagina monitors in all women of child aborting age.

    Given the Speech Obama gave yesterday, I don’t know why he doesn’t talk up his superior position more than he does. Isolated from the consequences of inaction. Too intellectual, ethereal, removed. So like a college professor and so unlike a community organizer.

    It CORRELATES 100% with beating the FLERPs in the 2014/16 elections.

    Thats not proof of course.

    Here’s what a shutdown will do:

    • Tim says:

      “” All agencies with independent sources of funding remain open, including the U.S. Postal Service and the Federal Reserve.

      Do people still not realize that the ‘Federal Reserve’ is as much a part of gubment as ‘Federal Express?’ — It is a private, central bank, derps. Yet, these asshats still managed to slip the misnomer ‘agency’ in front of it for the true believers.

      I would dither further about how I don’t think I really needed the government to allow me to roam national parks or give me background/registration when purchasing firearms anyways but what would be the point??

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Of course YOU don’t need the gubment to do those things. Gubment is there for everyone else.

        Silly Rabbit.

  5. dusanmal says:

    Two thing where Mr Perkel misses:
    1) President can take actions in case of National crisis. Not any actions. He has no power of any kind to appropriate money or set the budget. Even in crisis he has what he has, he can’t write himself a check. President can order people in Government service to work for free for example but if Congress haven’t passed budget he can’t make executive order to pay them from what he doesn’t have or control.
    2) In case of “treason” for not passing the budget – which side Mr Perkel? House passed one bill, Senate (will) another. If they can’t re-conciliate which side (or all) do we accuse? Do we punish the house which passed bill satisfying more than 50% of Americans (pass the rest of the budget, defund Obamacare) or do we punish elite Senat who (apparently) will fund Obamacare AGAINST wishes of The People who they should represent. I see the latter as a treason. (There is not a single polling that shows support for Obamacare greater than 40%-range; opposition always range in over 50%…).
    Finally, ask yourself why is Mr Reid obstructing general voting principles in the Senate and forcing “one amendment and one amendment only” (by him of course), denying all representatives proper and standard interaction with the bill. He can. But is that tyrannical or democratic…?

    • bobbo, we think with words.... but words can't describe how inadequate this is says:

      Nice cherry picking (really==no sarcasm). But what about the rice grains in the dog poop? (sarc/back on).

  6. Just_AC says:

    Off topic, but Vital – the MOST important news item is not being publicized! Fukushima nuclear power plant could blow up in November to the tune of 15000 Hiroshimas!

    If it does, goodbye Northern Hemisphere population. And another scary part is we would all know that everyone was going to die a week before the radiation blew over here. Civilization will disintegrate in that week.

  7. Mextli says:

    There is a crisis in Washington right now, and Dan Pfeiffer said the president shares no blame, saying 100% of the blame belongs on the other side of the aisle.

    “I believe the House Republicans are entirely responsible,” said Dan Pfeiffer.

    Dan Pfeiffer = Democrat Slug

  8. Porky Rottenham says:

    Jeez, Marc, you could really use an editor. I am surprised Dvorak allows you to publish stuff like this.

    • Sean M says:

      I was surprised i had to scroll down this far to find another comment/commenter who found the editing to be atrocious.

      Pathetic piece of writing, agree with porky above.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    dusanmal said, in part:

    “There is not a single polling that shows support for Obamacare greater than 40%-range….”

    On the other hand, surveys show the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act getting 53% approval.

    One person, looking over the rates on the exchange set up by Kentucky Connect, was heard to say, “This is a heck of a lot better than Obamacare!”

  10. Dallas says:

    Teatards going to cost taxpayers billions in credit hit alone. Time to parse NSA files for Teatards. Send them the bill and publish their names and addresses for bounty hunters to collect.

    • Tim says:

      Cool. I did all my torrenting/spoofing charter across your husband’s U-verse account; Carry on.

  11. Jim says:

    maybe technically he could do it, but realisticly, the moment he does do it, congress will have their grounds for impeachment, and the possibility to make things real ugly to maybe even be able to swing enough people to get a conviction. And who knows what the supreme court would do. this would make things quite unstable, and your 401k’s, they’re all but vaporized at that point as all the derivatives on the US bonds get cashed in and the whole system collapses.

    • Dallas says:

      Nobody is going to impeach the negro. Stop thinking about that !! Let the click run out , I tell ya!!!

  12. NOT Yours! says:

    How stupid can can any one reporter get?

    Answer: Marc Perkel might be trying to show us just how stupid since he doesn’t seem to understand one damned thing he is writing/talking about.

    The government shutdown, in case you were still crapping in your pants the last time it happened, will most definitely affect our every day American lives. Inconvenient, yes. But here’s the thing: IT’S NOT >>REALLY<>ACTUALLY<< HARMFUL! Running out of money to continue the pork barrel spending is NOT harmful. That is, unless you're on the receiving end or something. You can't show one single case where an absence of money is actually going to kill anyone (key word here is "actually").

    And it's also something completely different when someone looses his/her property in some kind of disaster or even unjustly through war or even simple crime too.

    Now, I'm sure you liberals will say that government handouts do protect people's lives. But do they? Answer is NO! And here's why: Life STYLE is not life!

    Being butt ass broke and living on the street is a CHOICE! Of course, living on the streets could be life endangering and no one exactly wants to see dead bums lying in the gutters. But being a bum is still a CHOICE (usually as a result of years of bad choices) that is NOT FORCED on them. Being a bum because your legs were blown off while serving in the military or even due to some low life shooting them off may be a choice too but that's ENTIRELY DIFFERENT and you know it!

    Getting free money from the government so you can have a roof over your head, 3 squares in your stomach and a color TV is a CHOICE that we tax paying ENABLERS have allowed for far too long. And that choice of NO RESPONSIBILITY is about to hit home in the one way it should – a government shut down.

    Therefore, I agree with Mr. Perkel but for very different reasons. I agree that we should encourage Obama and the Congress shut down the bullshit side of the government. That way we can see just who has any American spirit left and actually gets down to WORK!

    • NOT Yours! says:

      … And one other little fact that Mr. Perkel seems to have gleamed over that somehow (also) irritated me: The Federal Reserve is NOT part of the U.S. government!!! That fact is pretty irrefutable. The Federal Reserve (not to be too repetitive) is about as “federal” as Federal Express or even Federal Arms is.

      Of course, it is true that the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is chosen by our U.S. President and then confirmed by Congress. But that’s IT! Just try and take a wild guess where the list of potential candidates come from. So you might as well have the Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan make the choice for Federal Reserve Chairman. But then that might not give the same appearance of legitimacy that it now has either.

      The only difference between the Federal Reserve and any other PRIVATE company is that the Federal Reserve has only one customer – WASHINGTON!

      And in case you don’t believe me then try answering this: when was the last complete audit of the Federal Reserve?!

      (If you’re so stupid as to even think about giving a date then I might suggest that you first figure out the difference between the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury.)

  13. deowll says:

    Sure Marc and while he’s at he should disband Congress, send the Supreme Court home and do away with habeas corpus then you and your friends can all be happy until they come and hall you hind end away just like you are government property or something and you stand condemned.

  14. CharlieJ says:

    The republicans are terrorists, economic terrorists. What they are saying is “give us what we want, or we will crash the economy”. We don’t negotiate with terrorists. We shoot terrorists. Republicans need to decide if they are Americans or if they wish to be treated as the terrorists that they are.

    • NewformatSux says:

      Weren’t we told that when the sequester went in to effect? The President tried to prove himself correct by shutting down White House tours and national parks and letting illegal alien criminals go, but overall the public doesn’t seem to have believed it. There was that one guy that decided to start shooting conservative groups. The judge gave him a lighter sentence, on the grounds that it is really just bad tactics to kill your political opponents.

  15. Bignumber says:

    There’s some shit, then there’s this stupid logic, fuck me sideways.

  16. NewformatSux says:

    So Mark Perkel was arrested because Nancy Pelosi wasn’t marching in lockstep with Mr Obama?

  17. jimbo says:

    It’s the “executive orders” that have made a mockery of the separation of powers, he just makes an end run around the Constitution to implement whatever whim he desires. It’d do some good to allow the symptoms to cut into the tax-and-spend rollercoaster before it’s too late.

  18. NewformatSux says:

    If a president refuses to enforce a law as written, is Congress obligated to fund the law?

  19. mark davila says:

    The people elected the president. , you can’t satify all the people all of the times . No matter what we have to respect him because like it or no he is the elected represenitive of our great nation the whole world is watching the great disrespect given to our office .some have taken the united out of UNITED STATE. I don’t like politicians they see themself as patriot. The thruth is they only care about themselves and their agenda . Prove me wrong and freeze your paychecks and perks and suffer the inconviniance you readily put on the american people , see how you like when others control your purse strings .

  20. mark davila says:

    The people elected the president. , you can’t satify all the people all of the times . No matter what we have to respect him because like it or no he is the elected represenitive of our great nation the whole world is watching the great disrespect given to our office .some have taken the united out of UNITED STATE. I don’t like politicians they see themself as patriot. The thruth is they only care about themselves and their agenda . Prove me wrong and freeze your paychecks and perks and suffer the inconviniance you readily put on the american people , see how you like when others control your purse strings .

  21. Judge Jewdy says:

    He’s merely driving nails in the coffin of the GOP.

  22. Just Joe says:

    I have always wanted a job where you essentially do nothing, yet you still get paid. I guess it’s time I ran for office. Slackerville, here I come!


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