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Damned Yankees.
Déjà vu
A succinct gatekeeper — Pulitzer material. So humble, the author does not even include it’s name.
Oops; *its name*
I was browsing through some local newspapers from 1945-46 recently. Some things stuck out as quite different, like separate listings for jobs for men and jobs for women. It was a different time I guess.
But the most interesting sections were the “Personals” as they were titled. They were just random information about what people were doing like, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith visited town this weekend” or even “John Abhrams attended supper with his mother at her home in _____” These seemed very odd to me, until my sister pointed out they reminded her of Facebook or Twitter status updates.
Try to recall from what little history you may have learned, that in 1851 there were no cars, no phones and hardly any modern plumbing to speak of either. People actually socialized – believe it or not – in person! And when someone “called” on someone that actually meant two people were physically meeting at one person’s home or place of business.
Of course, Twitter is just a bunch of bored little twerps trying to communicate about nothing! So I guess, in that regard, you’re right.
OMG! This square just chastised my misplaced apostorphe!! #grammar dweeb
Being from Georgia, from a long line of descendants from the South, one wonders if this is a thinly veiled jibe at the South.
Not the first from John and his cronies I have been exposed to.
Some of the twit folks and Mr. D can kiss my cracker A$$ . I will continue to review the stories here but this type of bigotry sentiment is not humorous to some . Mr. D and Neal young can swill wine and boast of there superiority in Hades for all i care.
Well, I’m in the south — I’m in the armpit of the south, Alabama. I wish we won and kept the state’s rights thing and all but we did not and one thing that must still hold is that us bald-headed chicken fuckers never reveal our technique lest our over-bearing wives find out second-hand about it on FaceFuck and gets our brothers to not cut the weeds from grandpappy’s grave anymore.
Geez, get a grip. Once had to mail something, his address was Siler or Sivler Road. I asked if he meant Silver, and he answered back with a diatribe about how just because he’s from the South doesn’t mean he can’t spell.
Humm chicken sex wars … I see a new show on the history channel .
Guess you never heard of COCK FIGHTING!
Or maybe you thought is was some kind of perverted X-rated gay thing.
….nothing has changed in ~175 years
Am I supposed to conclude from your statement that communications like Internet & phone technologies haven’t changed? Maybe transportation with things like planes, trains or automobiles hasn’t changed? Or maybe you want me to buy into your concept that science, humanities, or even culture hasn’t advanced any.
Do you really think “NOTHING has changed in 175 years“?!
That’s pretty MORONIC!
I would hope you meant to say that PEOPLE haven’t changed much in 175 years. Because I might actually agree that people – Americans in particular – are still the same bunch of conceited, opinionated jerks they’ve always been. However, even in that regard I might have to still disagree since most people now have better toys and more time to annoy each other.
Seems a shame that you had to keep guessing at the meaning of the various comments while the rest of us didn’t have that problem. You might want to go back under your bridge until you can keep up.
Very cool. There were many postings then which ended with “the Irish need not apply”
Damned Barebone?? I thought I recognized you from somewhere. How ya been doin’? Still plannin’ on a fryin’ and poppin’? I’ll still be witholding those prime blessed’ Providence potatoes till ya hand over the little girl.
tinfoil sales department says:
9/23/2013 at 12:53 pm
Being from Georgia, from a long line of descendants from the South, one wonders if this is a thinly veiled jibe at the South. /// What makes you wonder?
Dvorak’s blog is up again.
No news of importance.