Executive Producers: Sir David Foley Duke of Silicon Valley, Grant Cynor, Sir Guy Boazy
Associate Executive Producers: Sean Connelly, Sir Tim Tillman, Kat & Rory Leander, anewdomain.net, Rolf Lehmann, Michael Siegenthaler
Art By: Thoren

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  1. sennheiser says:

    No one got the “Crossing of the Rubicon” reference in that logo? Makes sense in the entire America as the New Rome line of thinking.

  2. ECA says:

    Lets see…
    1 person pays for the livelihood of 4 others..
    1 person WORKS out of every 4 people..
    We have more people in Jail then any other nation..
    We have MORE in the military then any other country..

    IF you brought home the Military and released those in Jail for MINOR crimes…it would only Raise the number of unemployed..

    If we had FAMILY HOMES…not these SMALL HOUSES..we could/would share more.
    Some one could help those with mental problems.. at least HELP to get them help.
    To many are LEFt in the care of FAMILY that may have caused the problem.

    Employers LOVe cutting TIMe worked..it saves money.,..
    but do they HIRE MORE people to cover those hours? NOPE..they love the extra money..
    But, when a person has to have 2-3 jobs to fill in the Hours needed to get Full time pay…to pay for 3-4 others??

    Who has complained in the past that the Gov. is to large?
    WHY and how would the citizens know?
    Let the gov hire us..MORE in the government.. it needs all the help it can get.
    If the corps wont hire us, let the gov. And MAKE the corps PAY FOR IT..

    • Tim says:

      IDK, my first guess would derive along the lines of ‘because they are black’ but, upon total debunking closer scrutiny, … I’m drunk…. Was the answer “because they were black?”

  3. ECA says:

    you know how the gas stations have an ANTI COMPETITION LAW…


    this bill would impact your access to affordable vitamins, supplements and thousands of other natural health food products and drive up prices 7-10%.

    • Tim says:

      It’s why you never ever get the superduper, spammatastim, stupor-smart corteous card from thevitamineshoppe {Yes, 2 pp’s as they are pretentious French poser wannabees}.

      After the 1000’th visit or so saying “no, please”; Well then you stand in line behind a lady towing a poodle with duct-tape crossed across its butthole loudly proclaiming “yes, I would like one…”

      Well, I just lost it. “Yes, I would like one,” I boldly proclaim.
      “Here is my neighbors’ (fuck those guys) adress. Here is my neighbors’ email. Here is my neighbors’ phone number. I can’t wait until the 4-pm calls start to want to know if I want to purchase inositol to help drowned a kid in Kenya, and my email is spammed to death knowing if I want to save the planet by drowning a kid in Kenya. And my mailbox so stuffed with V’Shoppe glossy ads wanting to know if I’m a kid in Kenya that all the Bed, Bath, and Beyond fliers ungracefully plaster themselves all up and down the street and the neighbor with the butt-hole-taped poodle slips and sues.

  4. B. Dog says:

    The Miss World contest does indeed finish up this Saturday, but has been in progress for some time now (who knew?). As far as I’m concerned, beach fashion means bikini.


  5. B. Dog says:

    The Miss World contest does indeed finish up this Saturday, but has been in progress for some time now (who knew?). As far as I’m concerned, beach fashion means bikini.



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