Executive Producers: Phillip Smith, Sir Craig of Manama
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Steven Sevchuk, David Norman
Art By: Rob Lyttle

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  1. Uncle Patso says:

    The monarch will be crowned.

  2. t0llyb0ng says:

    Now that Congress is back in session, why isn’t the PATRIOT Act dead yet?  That should have been the first order of business.  Has the flow of hijacked photons to Utah been shut off?  Are secret courts & scary secret orders to shut up okay?  Where are the official inquiries into NSA wrongdoing & when do the televised hearings start?  NSA is still peein’ in the pool & we’re still swimmin’ in it.

    • Tim says:

      None of those things are going to happen because the government is inherently good and they kindly suggest you to ‘shut up, slave’.

      As far as pee in the pool goes, isn’t there some kind of dye or something that will follow them around after they do that?


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