Looking back to 2008:

Sounds reasonable to me…..

  1. bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

    Darn, another 40 min to go before I can listen to sound.

    Regardless–raising the debt ceiling does NOT RAISE THE DEBT. The debt has already been accrued. The ceiling is all about whether or not Congress is going to pay for what it is already buying on credit. DEBT is what we owe to other parties. The Debt Ceiling is how we make love to ourselves, in an auto-asphyxiation kind of way except now, the strap is offered to Obama.

    So… what did he say when running for the office? My Spidey Sense says probably just the opposite?

    Oh….. the horror!!!

    • dusanmal says:

      Partly correct. Debt is indeed what have already happened. Not raising debt ceiling however forces those who have recklessly increased Government spending to cut it down, not to buy on credit anymore. It is about FUTURE debt.
      In everyday life example – if you spent 40% more than your paycheck for years and maxed out your credit cards the solution is NOT to force and demand credit card companies to raise your limits. Solution is not to stop paying debt payments. Solution is to stop other planned spending, in other words – change plans. Liberal/Obama claim is – if we made plans to spend, we must. That is absolute fallacy. Planned spending that requires borrowing must be stopped and can be stopped. De-politicizing it is also possible: cut everything for the same percentage until income is greater than spending. Trivial.
      Oh, yes, you also must explain to the People that your past promises were unreasonable, utopian and impossible. That you lied. And that the lies caught on. Otherwise – we all head to Detroit conditions where they kept their heads in the sand and did Liberal thing.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who eschews the bumper sticker in favor of the didactic says:

        Duce—everything you say is twisted and sick. Imagine that? I’d detail the response but you never have more than one shot in you. Another failed dolt action I assume.

        In short–its our Military Adventurism that is bleeding the pig dry==>not the social programs that every other civilized country has twice of at half the cost.

        FERPS: “I’ve got mine, screw you.”

        ….. You didn’t build that.

        Ha, ha.

    • Tim says:

      on autoerotic asphyxiation — I’m pretty sure you are doing it wrong. Try nitrous oxide and leave the straps to the FLERPs.

    • Jack A$$ says:

      Hey STUPID!

      Try not paying your credit card bill and see just how fast that debt goes up.

      FYI: A debt ceiling is simply a maximum limit of money that is promised to not go beyond. For common idiots with credit cards, this limit is exactly the same thing as a “credit limit”. But if you think for one second that the INTEREST on any debt isn’t also being included in the bill then clearly you are crazy.

      What you also fail to realize is that Congress is and always has been the consolidated idiot with our nations figurative credit card. And for the vast majority of our nations modern national debt, this credit card has been used mostly by DEMOCRATS! The only time you hear about the idiot Congress running up the bill is when they want to use that same credit card to finance our military or any other EXISTING financial obligation such as foreign aid (which is often the result of some dumb ass DEMOCRAT President making negotiations somewhere). You also hear about it when some group of Congressmen finally decide they want to live within a BUDGET and not extend the debt limit – or whenever the poor slob in charge of writing the checks happens to be a Republican President.

      If anything, these 2 videos show classic Obama. He is simply doing his usual leaderless, lying, conniving LAWYER bullshit. And I have to hand it to him for convincing so many faithful idiots (who believe in his crap) that his bullshit isn’t bullshit. Even now, I bet you can’t BELIEVE what you are seeing (and hearing) even with the FACTS being so clearly obvious.

    • The debt issue is huge and we must solve it. It goes without saying! But how to do it painlessly I don’t know.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but then say incredibly stupid things by not listening, even to ourselves says:

        A 10 year honest budget that reaches balance.

        White collar criminals sent to jail rather than bonuses.

        Congress held to account by voters that can tell shit from shinola.

        HEY!!!–I just looked up and saw my sky was filled with rainbows? What planet AM I on?

        • Tim says:

          Can you provide more specific information?

          Could you provide a description of the relative luminosity of the bands, the relative width of the bands, your angle of centrus to the viewing thereof, and whether there are any gaps as opposed to the entire ROYGBIV spectrum?? Are there extra colors such as “ulfire” and “jale”??

          “Just as blue is delicate and mysterious, yellow clear and unsubtle, and red sanguine and passionate, so he felt ulfire to be wild and painful [and] jale [to be] dreamlike, feverish, and voluptuous.”

          Exoplanet xenobiologists are here to help you know where you be at.

          • bobbo, we think with words, some better than others says:

            Give me a nychthemeron to consider the options, and I’ll get back to you.

  2. dusanmal says:

    Two examples that are hard to digest by Americans because you have had no practical experience with Marxists in power. Even on the date of older Obama speech I somehow knew that it is not what he really thinks. Am I clairvoyant? No. I just lived under very similar people for long time and learned that you look at the core ideology FIRST and trust inevitable consequences of it vs. surface claims by the candidate.
    Underlying ideology Obama clearly and openly and staunchly subscribed to way before the first elections. Ideology that is in perfect sync with his publishing, associates even the Church he attended for 20 years. Ideology that applied everywhere else led to growing Government, growing debt, decreased individual rights, greater corruption, destabilization of the legal system, stalling of the economic system…. on longer time ending in inflation, substantial decrease of wealth and power, conflicts and armed conflicts…
    Only people who haven’t had experience with Marxism could even imagine that claims of candidate Obama could ever coexist with the ideology of candidate Obama once elected.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist who eschews the bumper sticker in favor of the didactic says:

      Duce!!–Whats up? You home sick or the local roads have flooded out?

      Two examples that are hard to digest by Americans because you have had no practical experience with Marxists in power. Even on the date of older Obama speech I somehow knew that it is not what he really thinks. Am I clairvoyant? No. I just lived under very similar people for long time and learned that you look at the core ideology FIRST and trust inevitable consequences of it vs. surface claims by the candidate. /// I wouldn’t “trust” looking at their core ideology either unless you mean the soul of most men most of the time? All Id. “I” am the center of the Universe, and all should bow before me! THAT kind of core ideology, or are you still stuck on “politics?” Ha, ha. Well, regardless, you have obviously taken a few steps on that thousand mile trip.

      Underlying ideology Obama clearly and openly and staunchly subscribed to way before the first elections. Ideology that is in perfect sync with his publishing, associates even the Church he attended for 20 years. Ideology that applied everywhere else led to growing Government, growing debt, decreased individual rights, greater corruption, destabilization of the legal system, stalling of the economic system…. on longer time ending in inflation, substantial decrease of wealth and power, conflicts and armed conflicts…/// Honestly and Sincerely===you are babbling incoherently. Did Obama cause all what you list or was he just a continuation of what all our leaders have done? Do you blame Obama, our leaders,or some disfavored philosophy for all the ills of your druthers or do yor when do you recognize simple reality is a Tiger we poor suffering humans have only half caught by the tail. EG–who or what is responsible for the ills of globalization, energy needs, growing overpopulation, the conflict of religion and so forth? True or False: the basic condition of mankind is to suffer? ((G-Damn it, I’m only doing 5 things on my computer right now and my quad cores are maxed out. Ram as always stuck at 53%…holy cow!–its up to 60%. Never seen that before. Regardless, I’m typing 3 lines ahead before the type appears))

      Only people who haven’t had experience with Marxism could even imagine that claims of candidate Obama could ever coexist with the ideology of candidate Obama once elected. /// Only one truth huh? YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!!!!

      DOGMA. The unthinking persons only constant companion.

  3. bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

    Well Pedro, you made me pause my recording job. CPU cores have dropped back. I guess two encoding jobs does max out an econo build system like mine.

    First Video was about Debt Ceiling. Over simplified but mostly accurate until you go the Duce long range view analysis of what the Debt Ceiling is “supposed to do” but never has.

    Second Video was about the National Deficit. Related but different issue.


    The more appropriate point I’ve heard Obama make is that Debt Ceiling negotiations should not be used to kill specific programs that have already been approved. Add in without any alternatives suggested to replace said programs and I’d say Obama is right and as always the FERPS have crap ZERO to offer by way of rational social policy. Note: getting re-elected is not an item of rational social policy.

    Sure are a lot of dumb shits in America.

    • ± says:

      ***** sayeth bobbo **************
      Sure are a lot of dumb shits in America.

      Coming from an R/D voter, this really means something.

      • bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

        blah, blah, blah

        Meaning your think throwing your vote away resulting in the worst case scenario is smart.

        Just the type of dope I identify as “not rational.” Driven by??????

        ………………………..any guesses?????????????

        Unthinking Dogma???

        Why yes. Give the dog a bone.

        • ± says:

          Typical response of every D/R voter I have ever encountered (and they are everywhere). You all collectively refuse to take responsibility for what your vote has created.

          The truly amazing and unfathomable thing tho is that you are going to fuck yourself and your loved ones and even other people you don’t give a shit about AGAIN at the next national election (assuming you are a voter).

      • bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

        To your point, not great, but a few smiles: http://buzzfeed.com/bennyjohnson/21-reasons-obama-is-just-like-bush

        I like Nader’s characterization more: D’s and R’s being two sides to the same Corporatist Bought Coin.

        ….. But with all those similarities, it makes the differences all that more important.

        ………………You Know: Not just “one thing.”

        • Tim says:

          And smile, I did; I grabbed a couple of those animated .gifs and now I feel dirty.

      • Jack A$$ says:


        There sure are a lot of dumb shits on PLANET EARTH! What other species shits where it lives?

        American’s just happen to be full of more SHIT!

    • Tim says:

      “”social policy

      Fuck the children. They are being social-workered, make-make worked, drugged, and slave-trained, and leveraged to death; And they are being heart-string {I guess, that tissue will grow back} pulled to fuck everyone else. If you really love the children, then fuck them up their fucking asses.

      • bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

        Are you responding to the correct post?

        Funny thing about tangents….. if you go far enough along, perhaps jump a few contact points, you arrive at a relevant point.

        YES—the childrens. That is what EVERYTHING is about: our obligations to them to make the best world for them we can. I don’t identify the tangent that demonstrates f*cking them in the ass is the right thing to do, but I think assuring they have food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and an education, then a job as much as we possibly can IS the right social policy. Aka==not cutting food stamp programs as the FLERP’s are off beating their chests as the thing to do.

        F *cking
        L ying
        E vil
        R etarded
        P ukes

        “I hate them….. I hate them so much…..” (M Python)

        • bobbo, we think with words, but often get bogged down and stuck says:

          Sorry—Dear Eds: Please add this to the above post:

          (Ftn #1: … who smell bicycle seats.)

          …with thanks and regards to (?) who reminded me of this Urban Dictionary entry. Its a footnote as it will not often apply, but there is a context where it does…. so for completeness.

          • McCullough says:

            “Sorry—Dear Eds: Please add this to the above post:”

            Sure no problem, I just need an address so I can send you an invoice.

        • Tim says:


          But, the childrens aren’t at liberty to persue an education — especially during the formative years; Instead, they must be schooled in the ways of obediant, subserviant slaves.

          This kid gets it —

          “”If Everybody In The World Dropped Out Of School We Would Have A Much More Intelligent Society . . . Everybody Get Off Your Phones And Go Do What You Actually Wanna Do.”


  4. ECA says:

    A difficulty..
    Over the years BIG business has passed around a comment..

    the Government is to big.
    the government is takeing to much TAXES..

    we the people picked up on this..and repeated it.
    So, over time the GOV. has cut back, and CUT back…but the money didnt go back into our pockets..

    Before 1970 the Corp tax rate was???? over 70%
    AFTEr 1970 it went DOWN to 35%
    and has DROPPED since..

    Did prices go down?? NOPE..not much.
    DID you get better wages?? NOT REALLY..

    In the gov. the money went to OTHER THINGS, after cutting almost ALL DEPARTMENTS..except the top..and the military..
    For all the CONTROLS that the government had…its mostly GONE. USDA can only inspect about 8% of facilities to make SURE you have GOOD FOOD.. the corps can do it with 3rd parties and WRITE IT OFF, now.

    the BIG corps? they KEPT the money, and took EVEN MORE.
    They cut jobs, SHIPPED jobs out, and kept the money..
    NOW, yo might have 100 people in a corp, IN the USA and 2000 workers overseas/outside the USA…
    because if yo work over 32 hours, you get medical coverage/matching taxes/medicare..and regulations to cover you IF’ you get hurt.. Under 32 hours…you get SQUAT.
    WHO here knows what happens to Social sec. in the last 10 years of work?
    BASIC WAGE even at 40 hours in last 10 years, gets you a Check at 50% of your income.. If you were making about $1600 per month..you will be getting about $800..
    I suggest you ASK social sec…what happens, or look it up..because at LESS THAN 32 hours…you WONT get 1/2..

  5. LibertyLover says:

    If you voted for him, you have no right to bitch.

    You were told he was pumping smoke up your ass, yet you voted for him anyway.

    You weren’t warned. You were told.

    And here we are, right where you were told we would be.

    • bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

      What a load of childish nonsense.

      • Tim says:

        “….jesusy stuff….And a little child shall lead them…”

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Children have never lead a thing. Look for the Adult standing stage left.

          What a bunch of religious crap.

          • Tim says:

            I’m most dreadfully embarrassed as that is one of the persons I accidentally shot while painting the 3-d printed reverse-thread coupler for my Mobil-1 DIY oil-filter silencer. And yet, that sad malady of a play marched right along.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    The deficit is _half_ what it was when President Obama took office. Economists have warned the U.S. “You’re bringing down the deficit _too_ fast — you’ll hurt the recovery!”

    If spending is the problem, the appropriate time to work on that is at budget-setting time. Instead, the Tea-publicans want to destroy the “full faith and credit” of the U.S.

    Why do right-wingers hate America?

    • bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

      Hi Unc–I almost posted that myself but each time Obama says that I do wonder just how the calculation is made. It all goes to what we think is important/relevant and why? Why should anyone who has their food stamps terminated care that the deficit is going down?

      I don’t get food stamps, but the issue can be parsed by us all for our relevant needs. Why should anyone care about the deficit when the divide between rich and poor is only widening. That gulf that is OBJECTIVELY MEASURABLE reflects the fractures in society that when not cured lead to its downfall. Why is there so much gun violence in america? In a “loose way” that is only 38 more times tighter than the shit Loser offered up, failure to provide minimum wage jobs has all kinds of consequences that NO ONE in society should want…regardless of how tall the fence is around your house or how many guards you employ.

      So much low hanging fruit, but we keep our heads down in the weeds. The grass really is….. over THERE!!!

    • MikeN says:

      Deficit is half, only if you take Obama’s stimulus package, and say that that spending was passed by George Bush.
      Another Obama lie.

      2000 $236.4 Billion Surplus $320.76 Billion Surplus D R R
      2001 $127.3 Billion Surplus $168.16 Billion Surplus R D R
      2002 $157.8 Billion Deficit $205.2 Billion Deficit R D R
      2003 $377.6 Billion Deficit $479.8 Billion Deficit R R R
      2004 $413 Billion Deficit $511.14 Billion Deficit R R R
      2005 $318 Billion Deficit $380.84 Billion Deficit R R R
      2006 $248 Billion Deficit $287.7 Billion Deficit R R R
      2007 $161 Billion Deficit $181.51 Billion Deficit R D D
      2008 $459 Billion Deficit $498.37 Billion Deficit R D D
      2009 $1413 Billion Deficit $1539.22 Billion Deficit D D D
      2010 $1294 Billion Deficit $1386.92 Billion Deficit D D D
      2011 $1299 Billion Deficit $1350.31 Billion Deficit D D R
      2012 $1100 Billion Deficit $1120.16 Billion Deficit D D R
      2013 $759 Billion Deficit $759 Billion Deficit D D R

      Source: Whitehouse.gov – Historical Tables (Table 1.1)

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Is that what he does Mickey?

        If so, that does sound like a Heinous Lie. HEY!!!===>you’ve found a soul brother with a another mother.

        On the other hand—a lot of that debt really should be put on BushtheRetards side of the ledger. I mean…. what was the alternative? And most experts I believe ((Yes, “I believe”…. I really do, because I do….)) the stimulus should have been even bigger. Thus speak Galbraith.

        Obama really does suffer from not beating his chest over his accomplishments. Peeples being too dumb to see it for themselves….. but I think the coming debt/ceiling crisis brought by the FLERP’s will re-set the political board for a generation to come.

        ………….and no, I’m not gleeful about it. BUT LOOK===>THERE’S THE ICEBURG!!!!!! Can’t we change course? ….. and the FLERP’s say what? I gots my Dogma on.

        Silly Hoomans.

  7. Kevin Baker says:

    So it was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” to drive up the national debt by $4 trillion over EIGHT years, but under HIS administration the debt has increased by more than $6 trillion in less than FIVE years, and there’s not a thing wrong with that.

    Got it.

    I am reminded of Henry Louis Mencken’s observation that:

    “A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man. In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker.”

    At least streetwalkers give decent value for the money you spend on them, and don’t take it at IRS-point.

    But I can’t get the image of Obama in fishnet stockings and 6″ spike heels out of my head. Where’d I put my brain-bleach?

    • bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I do balance my check book says:

      What should he have done?

      Be as specific as you wish/can/desire.

      ….. bust as HL Mencken said: “I ain’t holdin my breath.”

      • Kevin Baker says:

        What should he have done? How about pressure the Senate to actually pass a budget that he would have to either sign or veto? And then follow or violate? How long has it been since that body has performed this Constitutionally-mandated function? 1600+ days? They didn’t seem to have a problem with it when there was a Republican in office.

        He’s “cut the deficit in half”? While spending $6T MORE money than the government’s taken in over the last five years? How does that work? “New math”? Or just “the largest tax increase in history” after promising not to raise taxes?

        How about being honest?

        Oh, right. Politician.

        Seriously, what color is the sky on your world? Because I’m fairly certain we’re not living on the same planet.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Well…. you got that right.

          So…. your answer is Obama should have pushed for a piece of paper that would have been negated in the House huh?


  8. sargasso_c says:

    “The successful ruler is the one who adapts to changing times,” Machiavelli.

  9. Captain Obvious says:

    14 out of the last 20 years Republicans have had the majority in Congress. And last time I looked Congress had something or other to do with the budget.

    I’m not exactly a huge fan of this two faced liar who would say anything to get elected, but everyone has a hand in this mess.

  10. Dallas says:

    I’ll watch the videos soon (busy) but I’m already outraged

  11. The Pirate says:

    Sometimes the puppet don’t work right. I suggest fixing string “L” and perhaps the leadership skillz will cycle through.

  12. astroturf says:

    Any bets on when bobbo’s post rate vs the rest of the entire blog reaches parity? When every other paragraph looks like:

    “But I can’t get the image of Obama in fishnet stockings and 6″ spike heels out of my head. Where’d I put my brain-bleach?”

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      All y’all will never reach parity with me. Timmmmay is tangents ahead, Alfie is busy on Romans 1-2-3, and Mickey is waiting for the next talking points.

      I do apologize for my omnipresence, but also note all the dead sparrows.

      I had nutting to do wid it.

    • Jack A$$ says:

      Bobbo is a clear example of a lazy FAT ASS with nothing better to do than blog. He thinks he is contributing with witty, funny, insightful comments. But really, he’s just a fat headed fat ass who can’t even function in regular society. Quite simply, he’s a troll!

      What a sorry existence he must be living to be such a loud mouthed fool on a blog that maybe 25 people read.

      And you know what they say about how a fool chatters while a wise man listens? How much proof do you need of Bobbo’s proven foolishness? You said it yourself: Bobbo goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on…

      • bobbo, we think with words, but then say incredibly stupid things by not listening, even to ourselves says:

        Here…… pull this.

      • MikeN says:

        Be nice to Bobbo. He is contemplating getting a gun, which he believes should be outlawed, to protect himself from his wife who he thinks of as a lodger that he wants to evict.

        • bobbo, we think with words, but then say incredibly stupid things by not listening, even to ourselves says:

          I post only for those who may be contemplating the same thing… needing personal protection because your local cops won’t enforce eviction proceedings against trespassing roommates: I decided NOT to get a gun as my readings on the subject matter say I am the person most likely to get shot by this gun.

          Yes…. I ignored my own fantasies of shooting it out with the bad guys. Come to think of it, I make it an even 50/50 bet I would be shot by my roommate finding the gun and asking me what I was intending to do with it… or the cops coming out to stop me from throwing her personal property (ie–drugs) into the trash.

          It ain’t pretty, but thats the way it is.

          • Tim says:

            bobbo dude, you are over-thinking it. Just pee in her breakfast Slim-Fast and you don’t only have the satisfaction of secretly pwning her, but, just perhaps, the majic will return after the stuff actually starts to work.

  13. counselor of the dickless says:

    Republicans don’t believe in paying their bills.

    • NewformatSux says:

      You think this is relevant for some reason?
      Obama has made health insurance more expensive, so I have every intention of taking advantage of the must cover rules for insurance, and get my coverage after I am sick. Until then I will go without insurance, and save the money. I would prefer to buy cheap insurance, but Obama has taken away that option.

  14. bobbo, we think with words, but then say incredibly stupid things by not listening, even to ourselves says:

    Hey, the html coding reappears. I can now note the many tunes running thru my head….♫….la, la, la.

    ((Number Lock-On, Alt, Key Pad 1-4))

    Creativity and communication grows exponentially.


    Where’s that pesky P/M that “throw your vote away” uses?

  15. Tim says:

    i like turtles.


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