The U.S. Air Force has spent years developing so-called “Agent Defeat Weapons” designed to target and destroy stockpiles of chemical or biological weapons without dispersing or releasing them to surrounding areas, service officials said.

“The U.S. Air Force has Agent Defeat Weapons designed to limit collateral damage and effects,” Air Force spokeswoman Jennifer Cassidy told Military​.com. “The munitions are PAW (Passive Attack Weapon) and Crash Pad.”
Could these weapons be used if a strike on Syria is ordered? Air Force officials would not comment upon whether the Agent Defeat Weapons were part of the discussion or strategic calculus regarding Syria.
The weapon is a 420-pound, high-heat incendiary weapon with what’s called a “blast-fragmentation” warhead. The Crash Pad is built from an existing standard MK 84 bomb body. The “PAD” in CrashPad stands for “Prompt Agent Defeat,” referring to the weapon’s ability to destroy chemical and biological agents without causing contamination, official documents describe.

  1. Tim says:

    Such a thing would have the color of sanity about it. So, no. No they won’t — not enough collateral damage.

    However, if someone went rouge and slipped one in by mistake then they may want to test it here first —

    “”In its early years, the arsenal produced and stockpiled chemical weapons such as phosgene, Lewisite, and mustard gas. The use of toxic gases in warfare was banned under the Geneva Protocol of 1925, but the U.S. signed with the reservation that it be allowed to use chemical weapons against aggressors who used them.

  2. Dallas says:

    I hope it works as well as stated in the users manual. Let her rip!!

    • The Pirate says:

      Free speech is absolutely a necessary human right. Unfortunately intelligence doesn’t always accompany everything that is said.

      • Dallas says:

        If that was suppose to be an intellectually sounding attempt at an insult, you suck at it and it made me giggle .

        • The Pirate says:

          Free speech is absolutely a necessary human right. Unfortunately intelligence doesn’t always accompany everything that is said.

          • Dallas says:

            Yo mamma is so fat she sat on an iPhone and turned it into an iPad.

    • jpfitz says:

      Free speech is absolutely a necessary human right. Unfortunately intelligence doesn’t always accompany everything that is said.

  3. jasontheodd says:

    That’s all a very technical way of saying the combustion is hot enough to vaporize the majority of chemicals in the air near the detonation point. The army has a gift for turning the phrase “blows up real hot” into a mysterious sounding super weapon. For the record, it would defeat the purpose to do this on a high yield explosive as the shock-wave would push more of the air away before it could be superheated. So these will be medium yield high thermal output warheads that could be fitted to nearly any delivery system.

  4. Hugo Smedlap says:


    Science and Technology At Play

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential student of History who knows what rolls says:

    So, relatively small warhead regardless of how hot they get.

    However, if someone went bleu and put more chemicals in the building next door, what would happen there outside the “hot” zone?

    All is vanity.

  6. noname says:

    Obviously the U.S. needs and wants a realistic “Agent Defeat Weapons” live testing ground and Syria is the current preferred choice.

    On a side and related note:

    I saw a good documentary again today about the Vietnam Pentagon Papers and how every Presidents from Harry Truman to Nixon blatantly lied to the American people and how this perpetuated and lead U.S. to war in Vietnam.

    The Playbook Washington is using today really not that different they it was in the 60’s except Obama has the means and the total diabolical impulse to eliminate leakers!

    • Dallas says:

      Well , There is no relationship between Vietnam, the 60’s nor Harry Truman with today’s issues. In addition, there is no question that chemical weapons were used on human beings.
      The question is do we do something about it or nothing about it.

      • noname says:


        “In addition, there is no question that chemical weapons were used on human beings” yes but by whom and where is the proof.

        Don’t give me speculation about who must of done it, give me evidence! I don’t trust anyone’s word, not even Colin Powell!

        There is some objective evidence, from an intercepted phone conversations confirming the whom who did it, but where is that recording and can it and it’s details (meta data) be scrutinized in public court?

        If the NSA says no, because we have to protect our sources/methods and that a Patriotic American should just trust us; then, the American people should say no bombing and we don’t trust known liars.

        Regarding “There is no relationship between Vietnam, the 60′s … with today’s issues.”, that maybe true if applied to a narrow definition you have closed in your mind, however; I am referring to how Americans believe things based on a personality or word of mouth and not objective facts.

        For example: To win his election, Johnson intentionally lied to Americans when he said “We still seek no wider war.” in Vietnam. Johnson had every intention of escalating the war, but only after he won the election!

        Americans where committed to a wider war by a President saying one thing and knowing he intended to do something altogether different after the election. The playbook used was the generic, “trust me, I ‘ve seen the evidence and as your President we must go to war”.

        American’s never learns does she? We think, this will be a short simple war with no unintended-consequences.

        Both Obama and Johnson sound alike in this regard; “trust me, I ‘ve seen the evidence and as your President we must go to war”!

        Nixon too did the same thing before his election, then he escalated Vietnam after being elected. The War only ended when he left office in disgrace!

        • Uncle Dave says:

          EDITOR’S NOTE: Many of pedro and noname’s comments were removed because we are all tired of their childish insults at each other.

          • noname says:

            I too thank you.

            I think we ALL look forward to the improved quality of comments and quietness this affords everyone!

          • Tim says:

            Ahh, the gleamingly alluring slippery slope of censoring beautifully-constructed, unique, and insightful discourse — Carry on.

          • jpfitz says:

            A few of my comments were removed, I did break one rule about slinging names but every comment gone from a totally different subject? Live and learn.

          • Tim says:

            jpfitz, every comment on the 7’th was memory-holed. Some of them at least twice. My lenghty reply to you on those seeming to push toward ‘the final conflict’ was one of them. The last batch was restored but out of order/not aligned with the intended recipient of the replies. It’s strange. It’s also telling that these comments are stored by ‘what day’. Fat fingers? It’s probably distributed servers — one for each day of the week. It would be comforting to hear those in the know satiate our curiosity, though.

        • Dallas says:

          I know where you’re coming from and your ilk 🙂

          (1) You have lost all confidence in government supplied
          – or-
          (2) You’ve made up your mind to do nothing about chemical and biological weapons proliferation and using (a) as your go to excuse.

          I get that! You’re the girl in the picture but not quite as pretty.

          I’ve seen and read all the “uncertainties” in doing nothing. They will NEVER be satisfied that there is enough justification because they don’t want justification. Period!

          This is a job for a leader, the president, as commander in chief to act. Not go through the joke of an organization that the Congress has become.

          Just say you oppose any involvement in Syria under any circumstances and they can do what they want inside their borders.

          THAT, would be a more honest answer than a weak laundry list of random historical data and feeding off the popular and hip school of thought that all of government is out to getcha and full of lies!

          • Tim says:

            You do know that Syria is in Virginia, don’t you Dallas? — It’s for lovers.


          • noname says:

            “This is a job for a leader, the president, as commander in chief to act. Not go through the joke of an organization that the Congress has become.

            Just say you oppose any involvement in Syria under any circumstances and they can do what they want inside their borders.”

            You don’t like our constitution, immigrate to CUBA or such places!

            -*Obviously you like being lied too!
            -*Obviously you don’t think Americans should have a say in their self-governance.

          • Dallas says:

            Gubmit gonna getcha!! GETCHA!!!

          • Tim says:

            That’s right, Dallas. They are going to get me. And when they do, at the first sight of the pliers, I will emphatically disclose that it was you whom initiated the wrongful thoughts in my head.

      • The Pirate says:

        Free speech is absolutely a necessary human right. Unfortunately intelligence doesn’t always accompany everything that is said.

        • Dallas says:

          Yo mamma is so fat she has mass whether the Higgs Boson exists or not

          • Tim says:

            “Yo mamma is so fat she exhibits mass whether interacting with the hypothetical Higgs field, or not.”

            There. Fixed it for ya.

  7. ECA says:

    Can I ask..
    What would the USA do if another nation sent a weapon over to destroy some military installation in the USA??

    Isnt this a declaration of war?

  8. MikeN says:

    Is that a picture of b obbo?

  9. ECA says:

    I hope you know, that we DO have a weapon that will destroy the EASIEST PART of making bombs/explosives/drugs/poison gas…

    1 problem is that is been declared INTERNATIONALLY BANNED..

    1 neutron bomb..Kills people NOT buildings/cars/materials/..

  10. Mr Diesel - Bobbo who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn says:

    I wonder how many people are prepared for an escalation of hostilities in the region when the bozo in chief starts bombing Syria?

    All it will take is one cruise missile going off course and hitting a Russian or Chinese warship and the game is on.

    If Obobbo wants to impress people he should admit he is a fucking dumbass and stand down from his pussy-assed saber rattling.

  11. Lucifer says:

    Wow! What bullshit won’t they try and make us believe? Seriously, passive attack weapons ?!

    Let me re post that in case any of you missed that little tidbit of info:

    ”Air Force spokeswoman Jennifer Cassidy told Military​.com. “The munitions are PAW (Passive Attack Weapon) and Crash Pad.”

    Maybe now is a good time to remind everyone of Obama’s spiritual leader Reverend Jeremiah Wright who said, “god damned America”? Or perhaps, maybe it’s time to abandon hope ?!

    • jpfitz says:

      Thank you Lucifer for showing the irony. I did miss that one, passive, holy cow chips. Now if the Navy cruises into the straight of Hormuz and runs into an Iranian mine then wwIII will be the price to pay for interfering in a middle east civil war.

      It appears Dallas and obomba will be the only happy war mongers when wwIII begins.

  12. jpfitz says:

    Thanks Tim, I didn’t think my comments were nasty or inappropriate. It’s weird feeling feelings thru some electrons flowing along fiber optic lines.

    • Tim says:

      It pissed me the fuck off. It was a 4:00 am post (2:00 am blog time).

    • Tim says:

      It may be ‘wrong’ but it is not ‘weird’ as, I believe, it is the norm now.

      If we no longer hold information in our heads but simply know where to find and ‘link’ to it then, among sinners, I am chief. As a fart in a wind of relevance it was, I was pissed that I couldn’t find a link to reference for one of my perhaps trivial original posts. Imagine that.

      This, I believe is important though. It is one reason I declare the internet an extension of my body and wish the government would stop fingering it.

      • jpfitz says:

        I do the same thing. Use my comments and links for reminders to go back to. I worry that in the future everyone will no longer remember the knowledge but instead solely rely on the inter-webs.

        • Tim says:

          Ohh lordy-loo; It’s already too late, isn’t it? If somebody parking-lotted that Utah data center then we’ll all be mindless Today Show watchers just with less tounge lolling and slobber.

    • Uncle Dave says:

      I just checked the spam folder and and found a bunch of posts from both of you. No idea why. The spam filter is a set of cranky plugins, each with their own settings. Took a long time years ago to get them sorted out, but a lot is now getting through and some non-spam getting tagged.

      Anyway, I restored all of your deleted posts.

      Now if only pedro and noname’s comments would get “accidentally” caught.

      • Tim says:

        Ohh, thx??? {some of mine should stay gone.} I was taling about the blanket deletions has happened several times over these past few weeks — everybody’s comments.

        There are some who call me… Tim?

      • jpfitz says:

        “Now if only pedro and noname’s comments would get “accidentally” caught.”

        I gotta pee and almost pissed my pants.


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