After beating Hillary in 2008 because she voted for the war, Obama is now asking Democrats to vote for a war. And he wants to strike before the UN inspectors finish their report and he has even less international support than Bush did.
Does anyone see the irony in Obama asking Dems to vote for war?
By Marc Perkel Saturday September 7, 2013
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Hippie girls with glasses. Mmmmmmmm.
Not irony. Not if you have grown in Communism. I see Orwell prophecy in flesh. He just haven’t yet perfected profession of history adjusters, for now he does it himself (“World draw the red line…”). And the sheeple without real life experience with the evil of BigGovernment ate his lies. The voters who put him in power (twice!) should be exclusively on front lines. Particularly the young ones, the Lenin’s useful idiots.
They are on the front lines. Who do you think is getting the big premium hikes in ObamaCare, and the cut in hours at restaurants?
I’m not sure dusanmal doesn’t have a point. Let the Obama VOTERS support him when it comes time to put “boots on the ground.” Because only an IDIOT would hope for something without actually taking an active role. Right?
So let them be activists! Enlist their little asses in Blackwater if you can’t do it legally. This shit should get real funny but last about 5 seconds. Very unlike the much more tolerant 1968 Chicago scene.
(I don’t really want to say “told you so,” but I did!)
It is unusual, since last time he just started the war without asking.
REASONS for war?
Old days..
NOW days?
we want OTHER nations to be LOWER then us..its a CLASS/HIERARCHY/… THING.. we can have things made CHEAPER if there are other nations in Lower living conditions..
We can even SHIP manufacturing over there and POISON them, rather then OURSELVES….
There is a reason for WAR NOW..
WHO is in charge, that we can take advantage of…(we have been doing this for years)
What the hell do you have between your ears? Try using a 44-caliber Q-TIP to clean it out!
LightScribe, you are doing it wrongly. Just sayin’
I put this on one of DU’s other posts. I think it is appropriate here, too.
I just find it funny that the Obamessiah is wanting to be a warlord just like his daddy, Bush II.
He must have been too stoned during the Bush years because he seems to have forgotten that Al-Quaida is the bad guy.
I just saw a report that the calls coming into Congress’s switchboard are phenomenally high. 99.9% of them are NO BOMBING.
I guess he was believing his own propaganda when he said he would bomb Syria. The people don’t really want this and they aren’t going to support him on blind faith anymore.
The guy’s a douche. He should step down. Only Biden could make his presidency look good at this point.
Are you kidding?! Biden is just the Democrat version of Dick Cheney. And he isn’t even very smart either!
That’s what I meant.
Biden would be so much worse than Obama that people would think Obama was good.
The votes Obama counts on are every Republican’s favorite Democrat – the Reagan Democrats. The idjit vote is alive and well in Amerika. It never went away.
Southern Baptists, Catholics will be asked today to support our President’s holy crusade – just as they were asked to support Bushies.
The truly stupid will rely on leftover Cold War arguments, rationales, bigotries, xenophobia.
We’re asked to believe that children gassed to death have been treated worse than those blown apart by hellfire missiles or the military hardware used by all seventeen heroic sides in this civil war. And cruise missiles are benevolent.
Idjits all.
… Dead is still DEAD!
Well, they could be only *mostly dead* —
Here’s some hellfire dead for your viewing. Nice and crispy. So either bury some toast or bury a wrapped in white corpse still resembling a human. Personally I’d rather be hell-fired.
To be rational…………Obama should know that Syria is irrelevant except as a pawn in our game against Iran. To that end, yes, surgical strikes against Syria to test our tactics/weapons that will be used against Iran.
anything else would be a folly and waste of resources.
Hmmmm….. long range strategic thinking? I’ll give my analysis about a 30% chance of being relevant.
But to the question: is there any irony? The answer is always…. no. Each issue stands on its own. The Peace Prize was not an award but rather a bribe. No irony there either.
I pity we the people of this world. Hobbled by our governments, religions, history, and stupidity.
Silly Hoomans.
What a pile of shit you are. You’ll say ANYTHING that supports your BAD DECISION. Won’t you?
Care to take a good look at drug users who say pretty much the same thing? Care to look at most any religious zealot who does pretty much the same thing? Neither them nor you will ever consider reason. And you certainly won’t admit your ADDICTION!
Bombing Syria NOW is nothing less than a gang-land style (cryps vs bloods) kind of DRIVE BY! And I would EXPECT that kind of low class shit from a ghetto senator from Chicago too! Bit not you.
The only thing different here is that this drive by is on an international stage with a lot of unwilling participants you seem to be calling hoomans. I can only guess your intended insult is that these hoomans don’t want to kill or be killed. Yet somehow, YOU think you know better. BULLSHIT dude!!!
You are a complete failure as a human being and being called a “hooman” by a piece of shit like you is actually something of a compliment! (But then, I wouldn’t expect you to UNDERSTAND that either.)
I feel you may have misunderstood something; Probably because it was most likely buried in subtle nuance. But, then again, my reading comprehension has been labeled ‘unsatisfactory’ on numerous occasions.
bobbo Iran comes into play only if obomba strikes at Syria. This is not a test. This is about resources. Killing by any means is immoral. I have read that the killing going on in Syria is done by snipers from vantage points, killing villagers as they are shopping and doing everyday chores. This has been going on for a long while, and it may be militia forces trying to destabilize the country so the police of the world has to get involved.
No, we should not as a nation make a military statement. I don’t know what the answer is regarding the people of Syria, but our gloves should stay off.
“Hiiii. I’m Barry’s mom. It hurt at first but the rape was legitimate.”
I get it. Good one!
Cute, but Obama is not asking Congress to go to war.
Anyhoo….POTUS is in a tough spot because the marshmallows in Congress KNOW that Obama will strike even if there is no Congressional approval. Those pussies can just sit back, get mild applause from their sheeple clappers and watch what happens – which is what they wanted to do anyway.
If he successfully destroys the stockpiles, Assad crumbles and Iran publicly shuts down their chemical weapons programs, the pussies will ask Fox News to turn up the dial on Benghazi.
What IS ironic is there was never a military action Republicans didn’t like.
Free speech is absolutely a necessary human right. Unfortunately intelligence doesn’t always accompany everything that is said.
Yo mama is so ugly that… well… look at you!
We’re not worried about their chemical weapons programs. The editors of this site aren’t worried about their nuclear programs either, since they put up a post mocking the Bush Administration with news that the CIA concluded Iran is ten years away from developing a nuke. That was about 8 years ago.
I never thought I would see the day that you were in favor of nation building. I think you have finally shown your true colors here.
You’re a Neocon!
Next thing you know, you’re going to be supporting McCain. Then we’ll know western civilization has fallen for sure.
Cute, but Obama is not asking Congress to go to war.
Um, I hate to say it, but when you bomb someone in a non-self defensive gesture, you are committing an act of war.
And if he does this, then he should be tried for treason.
To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;
Article I, Section 8.
There is no enumerated power in Article II that gives him the authority to attack without the consent of the Legislature.
If you knew anything other than how to lick boots, you would know the reason the founding fathers wrote the Constitution that way was because they didn’t want a King sending the army around the world whenever somebody pissed him off. They wanted to people to make that decision.
Just remember, if you support him bombing Syria – to protect our enemies – then you have no reason to bad mouth Bush – ever.
It’s time you admitted you’ve been hoodwinked.
Devoid of empathy, psychotically crass McInsane sticks to the script —
Code cited for arresting and charging him with treason {18 u.s.c. chapter 2381} —
“”Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
“Well, sir. I look forward to you running for office. Nobody is preventing you from that, even in this TREASONOUS COUNTRY…”
You repukes just can’t look at nor solve issues unless you put them in neat little buckets. It’s true what they say that conservatives simply do not see shades of grey. It’s a black or white world.
Free speech is absolutely a necessary human right. Unfortunately intelligence doesn’t always accompany everything that is said.
There is no shade of grey here. The Constitution is very, very specific on what he can and cannot do.
If it isn’t listed, he cannot do it. It even says that.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people
BUT it does say that the Legislature has that power.
The Prez gets his marching orders from Congress and (theoretically) from us, not the other way around.
I know you want to act like you know what you are talking about, but trust me on this – you don’t.
Wrong. Use of chemical weapons poses a threat to U.S. national security and POTUS is authorized to respond as
chief exec.
Kosovo, Korean War, etc all began without a congressional vote. This isn’t even a war. The last official declaration of war by Congress was WWII.
Constitution doesn’t stipulate the president to have any reason to attack.
Why do you mislead and hate America and the chemically attacked babies in Syria?
Use of chemical weapons poses a threat to U.S. national security and POTUS is authorized to respond as chief exec.
If they posed that much of a risk, then why didn’t we attack years ago?
Weak, Dallas. Real weak.
Using that logic, anybody with anything that can used to attack America poses a threat. We should be attacking everyone in the world.
Kosovo, Korean War, etc all began without a congressional vote.
Sigh. You need to read up on your history. When you do, then please stop posting such asinine comments.
Of course, they weren’t. That’s part of the problem. Quit being a wanna-be chicken-hawk. It doesn’t suit you.
>i>Constitution doesn’t stipulate the president to have any reason to attack.
BINGO! Now you get it. As it doesn’t say it, he can’t do it.
He can request permission to do so — and he better have a good reason — but he can’t take America to war without America’s permission.
The Constitution doesn’t stipulate that the president HAS to have any reason to attack another nation.
Poor Loser—even when reciting the key language, the noise is but that from a Parrot. Observe:
Cute, but Obama is not asking Congress to go to war. /// Exactly correct.
Um, I hate to say it, but when you bomb someone in a non-self defensive gesture, you are committing an act of war. /// Exactly correct.
And if he does this, then he should be tried for treason. /// The charge being what??
To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;
Article I, Section 8.
There is no enumerated power in Article II that gives him the authority to attack without the consent of the Legislature. //// Don’t you listen to or comprehend the NEWS for the last 20 years? The power to attack other nations comes not from being Presnedent, but rather from being CIC (Commander in Chief) of the Military. Does that cut the BS too finely for you?? Thats what the law is all about. I won’t look it up but there are several legislative actions that allow the Pres/CIC to attack in defense of USA and seek Congressional approval after 60 days.
This is BASIC STUFF loser. Too busy whacking off to colorized photos of Ayn Rand to deal with reality I suppose.
If you knew anything other than how to lick boots, you would know the reason the founding fathers wrote the Constitution that way was because they didn’t want a King sending the army around the world whenever somebody pissed him off. They wanted to people to make that decision. /// I agree. Lots of what the FF wanted and were concerned about have been torn asunder/negated by the march of time. THAT is the reality your retreat and fantasy life in the authority of the written word avoids, making you and your comments totally irrelevant…… outside a TeaParty Tea Party.
Just remember, if you support him bombing Syria – to protect our enemies – then you have no reason to bad mouth Bush – ever. /// If Obama did bomb Syria to protect our enemies, he would be just as retarded as BushtheRetard and open to the same critique. I fear to ask about the 156 other reasons that are necessarily present when any country bombs another…. you do know that throwing one ball in the air and catching it is not really juggling? OH!?!…. yes in deed. You dropped even that one ball. Sorry.
It’s time you admitted you’ve been hoodwinked. /// Hoodwinked???? No. I don’t think a simple minded reading of the Constitution in a vacuum of the 250 years of history, case law, and legislation that followed puts one in the position to know wink from a jab.
Silly Human.
Ahhhhh, average temperature of the solar system just went up a bit more.
Thanks for the worship, Minion B.
I said it before and it seems to need to be said again!
What a pile of shit you are DALLAS. You’ll say ANYTHING that supports your BAD DECISION. Won’t you?
Bombing Syria NOW is nothing less than a gang-land style (cryps vs bloods) kind of DRIVE-BY! And I would expect that kind of low class shit from a ghetto senator from Chicago too!
But not you. You will support any shitty decision this prick President does simply because you won’t admit your MISTAKE!
I was active in LA organizing antiwar protests. Some of them were huge. In 2007, when it became apparent Obama would be elected, the antiwar movement evaporated. Most indeed were anti-Bush not anti-war.
Huge??? Like Pedro’s two inch penis huge???
For Huge, you have to have a draft.
Without a draft, you have a tiny penis and a mercenary army made up of immigrants and criminals.
……….its true.
Just Look.
You, too, knock off the attacks on each other. Stick to only commenting on the post.
Not irony. Just standard political hypocrisy and deception.
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”
August 2012, Barry O
He is asking anyone and everyone to help him get out of the hole he dug with his big mouth. This is a true test of Obama’s leadership and he is performing miserably.
I guess he’s got a frog in in pocket.
We shall wrest that frog out of his pocket. Him, the ‘royal we’ with a bonus stick up his ass.
So, by asking Congress while in recess, it delays any action until it becomes meaningless. Let’s face it; military action lacks any sort of popular support (so the constituents should be texting their representatives) and Obama can waive his sword and then declare that he’s prohibited from acting based on those spineless congressmen and women.
However, should congress actually vote in favor, I’m sure you’ll find “new evidence” that the poisoning was a lone wolf action and not by order of Asad. Got to back off, since Putin’s threatening, China’s against it, France is wavering (gee, that’s new!) and GB punted the whole thing. We can buy some 3rd. world support for a coalition, but it’s going to be a very unpopular action world-wide.
So, by doing nothing, Obama stays teflon in his second demise (excuse me, “term”).
Pardon the spelling error: That should be ASSad, not Asad.
Barry was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because they knew he’d do this.
Oh, wait….
The Germans seem to think that Assad did not issue the order to use the stuff. I don’t know. I think France is willing to support the move and the British government won’t throw rocks. The
Saudi’s want Assad gone so they support an attack but the middle eastern countries are very unlikely to pick up the tab. If Obama was to busy playing golf to have put together a group that would support such a move because of international law violations he should have had a plan in place and blown the bleep out of them without any blather and just said, “Surprise!” I told you not to use poison gas. As long as you play nice and obey international law you guys can kill each other as much as you want but use poison gas and I will get your attention. Go to it guys.
What is the irony? Obama knows Democrats will do whatever he says.
Lucifer, fresh meat already gone stale says:
9/8/2013 at 9:33 am
What a pile of shit you are. You’ll say ANYTHING that supports your BAD DECISION. Won’t you? /// No, I said what supports the decision I would make. Looks about 50/50 Obama will get Congressional Approval. He’s not the type to go ahead against the will of his detractors without a new provocation.
Care to take a good look at drug users who say pretty much the same thing? //// Drug dealers say to bomb Syria as a proxy of Iran? That is some heavy smoke, Dude!
Care to look at most any religious zealot who does pretty much the same thing? Neither them nor you will ever consider reason. And you certainly won’t admit your ADDICTION! /// Name the addiction.
Bombing Syria NOW is nothing less than a gang-land style (cryps vs bloods) kind of DRIVE BY! And I would EXPECT that kind of low class shit from a ghetto senator from Chicago too! Bit not you. /// Domestic crime vs International Geo-Political Relationships, The supply of Oil, The Spread of Democracy, etc. I see a few differences.
The only thing different here is that this drive by is on an international stage with a lot of unwilling participants you seem to be calling hoomans. I can only guess your intended insult is that these hoomans don’t want to kill or be killed. Yet somehow, YOU think you know better. BULLSHIT dude!!! /// Hey, you’ve got some of the pieces. Understand the function of a metaphor and you will stop trying to use them. Indeed, humans don’t want to kill or be killed, but hoomans keep electing gubments that do. Work a metaphor on that one more detailed than my own.
You are a complete failure as a human being and being called a “hooman” by a piece of shit like you is actually something of a compliment! /// No, its not.
(But then, I wouldn’t expect you to UNDERSTAND that either.) /// You can disagree with being called unthinking or trapped by circumstances, but its not a compliment even with your low brow desire to insult and deconstruct.
Practice. With all the other skills, practice can help a bit.
HEY TIMMMMAAAYYY! Good one. Where I fault most of your positions, I think right and wrong barely enter into the equation. More an issue of value systems. Where I fault your reasoning, I think you only need to read the argument a few more times and plot the responses more than 2 deep. When I mock your word choice….. I’m just instructing myself and having a bit of fun in my own pedantic way.
Is it right or wrong to Bomb Syria?===what is your objective?
Lucy Fur. But I don’t want to rile Mr D.
….and to post more than one layer deep myself===when I say think more than 2 steps ahead, I think you do but you enjoy the tangent too much which is a departure from the extension. Much as I enjoy my pedantry. All slaves to our own druthers and dithers.
The market place of ideas is a rough and tumble place with too little coin.
“”Is it right or wrong to Bomb Syria?
Hmm. My persective is that of a child who is dragged kicking and screaming all the ten hour drive to the theme park to then stand in a moldy and sweat-smelling line with no turning back because the cattle-run is stuffed. And then, throughout the pointless-pleading and at the tunnel vision point of helpless buzzing anxiety and palpitating heart, to finally be strapped into the dreaded ride in which his never-ending night terrors reassures him that it is going to break very high up. And just as the thing starts to move, a madman is spotted on the tracks with some acid and a hacksaw and now even the laughing dad is pitifully blubbering his last blubber.
The U.S. is a very dirty policeman in the pocket of some very bad men. I wish it not to be writing me nor anybody else in the world any tickets.
So, the short answer is “Wrong.”
A most excellent exchange between Dallas and Tim above. The penultimate post where learning and shaping still has work to do:
Dallas says:
9/8/2013 at 2:29 pm
Oh , I see. Your making that leap of an extension. Got it. /// I think you do. Always good to see one’s error. Reflect on it. Know how you failed to see the extension. Your armamentarium will expand, thus more powerful you will be.
By that measure, I’m partly responsible for the chemical attacks too. I’ve long time own a stock fund with Monsanto holdings and my investment money contributed to the research that developed his. /// ….. and you take the lesson too far. You now have the “range” in front of you. Choose where to put your mark. Everything is connected to everything else, by one tangent or another, to some extent or another. See that and making your Mark is what thinking is all about. Thinking as opposed to following Dogma.
Damn you Fidelity!! /// Simply endorse all checks with the Statement: “This investment is for aggragated ROI only and is not to be used to Directly develop Military Kinetic or Biological Weapons.” …. It won’t work, but doing what makes you feel good often has that characteristic.
I know you know what I mean.
…. and life is good.
bobbo, why do you not discuss or banter with me anymore. Is it that one comment I made about your choosing the opposite view point that has you put off?
I miss your arguing with me.
Nothing intentional going on…didn’t even notice. In fact, when you said wifey had the face and attitude of a wart hog, I thought we had merged into a single being.
That said, a number of my posts that were heavy on word play and analysis (and NOT insulting in the manner that DU takes offense to) have not shown up or been retained. Maybe the Spice you are looking for was in them?
((Not to mislead, Wifey is a goddess I still can’t get enough of. Sad she still doesn’t get I can laugh at her being called a warthog….. but thats the way I roll.))
jp–sorry. I responded as if Timmaaayy had written.
Its true, I don’t “manufacture” dispute like some troll but I don’t disagree with everything I could either. Has to be substantive, of interest, and au currrent?
You know–disagreement is a two way street?
But for grins, I will review in reverse chronicological order for your posts to see if I missed a quibble,…. such is your own Spice?
Your most recent post:
jpfitz says:
9/8/2013 at 10:30 pm
Wrong. Do some research. You’re a liar. /// I thought that was “overly harsh” as I do believe that Dallas posts in good faith. I also think of Monsanto as mostly in the food and crop industry so I was only reminded of what I already knew by your rebuke. Overly harsh without the evidence of Dallas’ private mind, but in a sense, both sides added up==more helpful/informative than not.
Who am I to quibble?
A complete dither: I knew the son of the guy that created a seed company that Monsanto bought out on its way to International hegemony. Nice guy, married a gal as inherited rich as he was. Was it cruel to make him the butt of “How do you make a million dollars?”….Answer: Inherit six million.
I still laugh.
The big M is destroying the maize crops in Mexico and sending Indian farmers to suicide because of their having to by grow cotton with big M’s seed and pesticide. Do some reading. Below is a small snippet of the problems I have with Monsanto. Dallas puts a saintly halo atop of the big M without care for the destruction caused.
jp–your argument and link go to the issue of Monsanto’s stranglehold on seeds and crops. Just exactly what you called Dallas a liar for agreeing with.
Attention Deficit Disorder….. or some other malady?
Remember what your argument is as you wander off into the dark stroking your own hard on.
My original comment to Dallas was in regards to M not doing any harm or creating any chem weapons. Agent orange, the atomic bomb and napalm were all created by the big M. That’s my problem with the dishonest comment. In other words “liar”.
I will let you research for yourself. All of M’ business practices are abhorrent. Check out the film on YouTube about Monsanto. You will be disgusted.
Monsanto is in the patent and lawsuit industry. That’s where the money is. It’s immoral patenting (nature) seeds and battling 500 farms a year. How’s that poisoned corn tasting.
Oddly enough Jon Stewart did an excellent expose on the big M, satirically filled with truths.
To quote you.
Add that L to CRIMINA, plus a revolving door governmentally corrupt group of ABC agencies commiting crime against humanity poisoning nature with chemical weapons.
“”Monsanto is in the patent and lawsuit industry.
I’m afraid it’s probably much, much more sinister than that, jpfitz.
“”On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’
“”Today’s largest plant breeders are Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta and Dow Chemical, the global plant-patenting GMO giants. Since early in 2007 Monsanto holds world patent rights together with the United States Government for plant so-called ‘Terminator’ or Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURT). Terminator is an ominous technology by which a patented commercial seed commits ‘suicide’ after one harvest. Control by private seed companies is total. Such control and power over the food chain has never before in the history of mankind existed.
They have intentianally polluted the genetics of every living thing on earth with that shit– it is spreading cross-species. They had the billion dollars to preserve what they stole from humanity, Gia, whatever; Vandalizing what they missed. They will roll them back out as ‘patented’ because they saved them.
If we must have a global nuclear conflagration, then I pray to God that the ground zeros are every single God damned big M and affiliate piece of infrastructure on the planet.
Of wives, warthogs, and swordplay —
Connor apologizes for starting a duel.
Does anyone see the irony in Mark Perkel thinking Democrats are anti-war?
American politicians love a war. Always have, always will. That’s what happens when you have 1/2 the world’s military to play with.
It really doesn’t matter if you D or an R in your column.
Yup, though Obama has made it clear in his speech. The right loves military might, while the left cares about freedom and children, and maybe they should consider that words and condemnations aren’t enough.
Politicians say whatever they want to their base to get elected. One side is not better than the other. Bush and compassionate conservatism and family first or Obama promising to be a peacenik.
I meant his speech on Tuesday.
So if you use chemical weapons, you will be forced to hand over whatever you have remaining.
Help Kickstarter WWIII {because Obama}
“”A $25 donation will get you a piece of rubble from a war-torn middle eastern country– kissed by Lindsey Graham.
FYI – Half of the posts have disappeared.
I heard you were working on it so I won’t berate you about it 🙂
Where’s Uncle Dave to call out the bad grammar and spelling galore?
Does anyone see the irony in John Dvorak posting that his site doesn’t do porn or nudity, but then has a post with words strippers, exposed, and undressing
If you suspect voter or election fraud where you live, e-mail us at: .
Making an honest, naive, erstwhile, plangorous claim jpfitz says:
9/8/2013 at 8:31 pm
bobbo Iran comes into play only if obomba strikes at Syria. /// ADD again? No–Iran “is” Syria in this world of proxy stand ins.
This is not a test. This is about resources. Killing by any means is immoral. /// Well, its the basis of family, tribe, community, Nationa State. To the degree that you are “right” you establish that morality has little relevance to real politik.
I have read that the killing going on in Syria is done by snipers from vantage points, killing villagers as they are shopping and doing everyday chores. /// “The Killing” huh? I would think it would be more a combo plate. Bombs, Artillery, Tank, Poison Gas included? Snipers usually show up at “Peace Rallies” to disencourage such humanistic undertakings. Sure you don’t have myopic enlargement on this throw away issue?
This has been going on for a long while, and it may be militia forces trying to destabilize the country so the police of the world has to get involved. /// So, it may be Assad or the enemies of Assad? How about unrelated forces ginning up arms sales?? World Enders stoking for the Apocalypse??? How many more unsupported theories can we shoe horn into this?……… aka……..Idyll speculation is not analysis.
No, we should not as a nation make a military statement. /// NOT striking is also a military statement.
I don’t know what the answer is regarding the people of Syria, but our gloves should stay off. /// How is that not your answer??? …… aka ….. suffer your tyrant like good little sheep.