We want all 6-year-olds face down on the floor!

A Lodi Police SWAT officer had a Glock 35 with a flashlight in his thigh holster at a children’s reading event when a boy managed to pull the trigger and shoot the officer.

“It doesn’t have an external safety or anything like that,” said Lt. Sierra Brucia with the department. “The gun functioned how it was supposed to. When the trigger was pulled, the gun went off.”

The officer was showing off the department’s SWAT truck, vest and other gear at a children’s event called Reading Roundup on Aug. 24.

“A small child, witnesses tell us was 6 to 8 years old, was able to walk up to the officer and was able to pull the trigger.”

The bullet hit the officer’s leg. He was taken to the hospital for a minor injury and released…

“Hopefully, speaking to the child and the child’s parents to find out how they were able to get access to the officer’s gun, what the child’s intent may have been—we don’t know if it was accidental or unintentional.”

Police say because the gun was in a holster to accommodate the attached flashlight, the trigger was more accessible.

Shows you how safe you really are if you’re armed and hanging out with schoolchildren.

  1. Mr Diesel - Bobbo, who thinks there is nothing wrong with child porn. says:

    Yes, it shows how some stupid fucker was careless around kids.

    The Glock has a SAFE Action, no safety lever of any kind.

    It is what I carry, pull the trigger it goes bang just like it is supposed to do.

    • Andy Taylor says:

      So what do you do with an IRRESPONSIBLE officer like that? Give him a desk job? Repremand him? Or fire his ass?! (Pun intended.)

      • deowll says:

        I think he’s going to take steps to make sure that doesn’t happen again without anybody having to tell him jack. It’s call pain aversion.

      • Ted says:

        No you promote him!

  2. Hyph3n says:

    So, to everyone who said the way to solve school violence by arming teachers.. are we hoping they are smarter than a SWAT team members, or should all teachers keep a bullet in the barrel of a cocked gun?

    • Andy Taylor says:

      You have a point. But I still disagree since most (not all) teachers are usually MORE responsible!

    • deegee says:

      It is called training.

      Anyone, even teachers, can get sufficient training on how to properly store and use firearms.

      • Hyph3n says:

        The point is accidents can and do happen. The question is : are the accidents more dangerous and numerous than the situation it is suppose to prevent?

        It’s one thing to have a gun in your home with your children that you have taught to never to touch and always respect. But for a lot of kids never have seen a real gun up close but think they are cool.

    • spsffan says:

      Um, a Glock isn’t cocked until you pull the trigger. But, I see your point. If it weren’t for all those damned children, we could have safe schools!

      • Hyph3n says:

        Uh… Do you not have to pull the slide back to chamber a bullet? Is that not cocking the gun? Got to admit, I’ve never fired a Glock, but I don’t think the bullet magically jumps into the chamber when you put in a new clip.

        • drjenkins says:

          A bullet in the chamber means the gun is loaded, not cocked. Cocked means that the hammer is pulled back and ready to drop with slight pressure on the trigger. With the hammer down, or uncocked, you must apply significantly more pressure on the trigger to pull back the hammer.

          • Hyph3n says:

            So I hear it kind of a pain in the ass to get the round out of the chamber once it’s in there. If a 6 to 8 year old can pull the trigger, it doesn’t take that much pressure.

          • Hyph3n says:

            I don’t fear them, unless they are pointed at me. It’s been an interesting read on the Glock though. Call me old fashion, I thought they had a regular old safety.

  3. Andy Taylor says:

    Darn that Barney! We told him, “no bullets in your gun.” Now we have to make him carry it in his shirt pocket from now on.

    But seriously. What the hell were SWAP officers doing in a grade school show-and-tell event with loaded weapons in the first place? I mean, holly fuck! Is ANYONE using what little gray matter they have left? Or does some other rug rat have to blow someone’s brains out before it kick starts the thinking process of those so called SAFETY EXPERTS? Jeez!

    • ECA says:

      loaded gun
      Even had 1 chambered..

      they TELL PARENTS WITH GUNS, to keep ammo in separate location..AT LEAST NOT LOADED…
      and this person has learned WHY..

      BE HAPPY:
      The KIDS were not hit..
      IT WAS HIS LEG(not the middle one)

      Disciplinary action:

    • jpfitz says:

      Just like this jerk. Always check your own weapon. Don’t take the word of anyone.


      Why swat show and tell? Really, that is an important subject for children, or meant to just intimidate.
      ALL the cops who entered that class should have unchambered their weapons, and pulled out their clips. Stupid to interact with inquisitive children when guns are locked and loaded, just plain stupid.

      • jpfitz says:

        I shoulda said magazine, the live firearms that were brought into that school had magazines. Not the type to read but the type when in stupid hands kill people.

  4. MWD78 says:

    am i the only one with questions as to why a full SWAT team was even present at a school reading promotion in the first place? were they expecting the Sinaloa cartel to show up to steal Berenstain Bears and Dr. Suess books?

    • Tim says:

      Kid’s got back — The officer at the reading rainbow session was reciting ‘My Pet Gotse’ .

    • jpfitz says:

      I was hoping their mission was to put two to the head of Barney. That purple thing annoyed many a parent.

  5. MikeN says:

    Oakland isn’t looking so stupid anymore when they passed a resolution that all cops at schools should be unarmed. Oh wait they still do.

  6. Hyph3n says:

    Wait… the police want to talk to the parents to find out “what the child’s intent may have been—we don’t know if it was accidental or unintentional.”

    First of all, what’s the difference between accidental and unintentional?

    Second, the cop goes into a class surround by kids with a loaded gun, and it’s the kid’s fault? Nice.

  7. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with movie references says:

    “Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man”. ///

    This is all about keeping future sheep quiet about armed gubment fascists maintaining control. All goes to our gun fetish. ……..hmmm…. I feel a cross mania coming on with Mr D. Child porn never killed an innocent bystander……….

    Way to focus.

    • Tim says:

      ‘’Tis education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclined.’ –Alexander Pope, Epistle to Cobham, 1794

    • dusanmal says:

      You say “gun fetish” I say fundamental freedom and right for one to protect himself as he himself see fit. And for scientific proof that guns really, scientifically measured keep us safer check the recent Harvard (yes, Liberal Harvard) study


      even they couldn’t spin results Liberal way.

      • sho off says:

        Fact’s are neither Liberal or Conservative. Measurable outcomes are the truth. It is something both sides struggle with.

        How many of your friends or neighbors have died with a gun in there hand? I have had two die with guns in their hands.

        Another friend was shot in the neck and died 20 years later from paralysis related to that shooting.
        All three dead, all three gun owners.

        Guns give a false sense of security because raise the level of risk one is willing to take.

        • Mr Diesel - Bobbo who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn says:

          I guarantee you one thing, every gun owner dies.

          Well duh.

          • sho off says:

            True, but there is some false impression that if you are a gun owner or carrying a weapon you are safer.

            For all three of these guys, it led to shortened lives. Two had guns in their hands when they got murdered.

            The other had it in his bedside table, unfortunately he was shot in the neck while riding in the passenger seat.

        • Semantics says:

          You should have a better class of friend or ones smart enough to use the guns they own

        • LibertyLover says:

          Well, if we’re going to tell Man-Who stories, let me tell you one of mine.

          Wait a minute . . . I don’t know anyone who has died from a gun (except when I was in the Navy). And I am VERY active in the self-protection culture.

          So, your three deaths against the few hundred I know who have not died (plus the the rest of your friends who have not died) is a fairly insignificant percentage.

          • jpfitz says:

            I don’t want to be the harbinger of bad news, but if you have hundreds of friends with firearms at least one will be shot by his weapon, either accidently or you know.

            I hope I’m wrong but the chances are.

  8. Norm says:

    What does it matter what the kid was thinking? He was only 6 to 8 years old. What I want to know is what the cop was thinking.

    • spsffan says:

      Indeed! A good old fashioned “Get away from me kid, you bother me!” might have avoided the incident.

      But, neither cops nor schools are known for common sense these days.

  9. dusanmal says:

    “Shows you how safe you really are if you’re armed and hanging out with schoolchildren” – shows only that there is no end to human stupidity. Nothing to do with guns or kids. Plenty of passive and active measures exist to prevent accidents like this. None of them are effective vs. stupid individual with the gun. But same applies to cars, scissors, knives, hammers, power tools,… just banning those is not on a Liberal list of needs for oppression of the free people.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but get confused by BS says:

      Guns going off accidentally in a crowded room of kiddies has nothing to do with guns. //// Good one.

      Your Harvard Link is disappointing. so long and tedious to go thru but even my too quick review showed that USA has 3-6 times the murder by gun rate of France to Denmark. (See pages 687 et seq from the actual report: http://law.harvard.edu/students/orgs/jlpp/Vol30_No2_KatesMauseronline.pdf)

      I wonder if England/UK is kept off the stats because their murder by guns rate dropped 75% after instituting strict gun controls?

      Still, I feel sorry for those seeking a sane society. Hard to argue against Giants like Harvard when they come out with this nonsense. They even did say guns don’t kill people….. people do. That is not a revealed bias by a slip of the tongue===THAT is wrapping one’s self in the flag of chosen stupidity.

      Would that we could all live in our chosen worlds?

      • spsffan says:

        The report seems to indicate that gun ownership and murder rate are completely unrelated.

        Do you really care if you are murdered by a gun or by other means? Perhaps a visit to Syria is in order.

        • LibertyLover says:

          I read it just the opposite. Low levels of gun ownership indicate an increase in murders.

          Do gun murders increase with more guns around? Of course. But the amount of that increase is small compared to the increase in murder rate by other means when guns are not around.

          So, yes, making all guns illegal would indeed reduce the percentage of gun deaths.

          But I for one am not willing to deal with the 10 fold increase of murders in general without them around.

      • Tim says:

        Remind me to push you off Big Ben if we’re ever at a gun-ban meetup in London.

        • spsffan says:

          A gun-ban meetup in London? Isn’t that rather like a snowball-ban meetup in hell?

          Push off yourself!

          • Tim says:

            Remind me to push you off Nessus’ ferry at the next gun-ban meetup in the 7’th Circle of hell.

      • MikeN says:

        I guess we can call you a science denier then. A Harvard science denier even.

    • Dallas says:

      You always like to include scissors and ladders in these rediculous arguments but fail to mention that unlike a gun, the ladder has other useful purposes.

  10. Dallas says:

    Children curiosity. This is why schoolkids need to have and carry their own handguns.

    • scandihoovian says:

      That kid was high on caffeine and hfcs when he pulled the trigger. Lab tests will show.

  11. sho off says:

    Several of my relatives are teachers. This is why the are opposed to forcing or allowing teachers to have guns in the classroom.

    How do you expect a 2nd grade teacher to keep track of all they must in a day and then at a handgun to the mix? If a SWAT officer (who we assume has advanced training) can’t prevent these accidents.

    Likewise in order for the gun to be effective it has to be quickly accessible, not locked in some closet.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but get confused by BS says:

      Yep. “I wanna testify…….”

      I’m going thru current “high threat” situation with a housemate who won’t move out and her druggie/ex-con friends visiting at 2-3-4 AM. Cops say I can’t stop them from being let into my house. (California Law says not true for a “Lodger” but cops treat her as a “Tenant.”)

      Anyway, I do feel threatened. I have thought about and rejected buying a small high quality had gun. …… HA!!!! Thank you Muse. “had gun.” Yes indeed, that was my concern. I’ll buy the gun and my Housmate will find it and use it against me. I also think I might be braver than I should be if I thought my gun was protecting me.

      Stats are hard to find and apply correctly. And of course—I’m smarter than everyone else, so even valid stats don’t apply to me. I would never fall asleep with the gun in my hand and wake up by shooting myself.

      If the cops would only follow the law……….

      • MikeN says:

        Why would you think about buying a gun, when you know those are for cops only?

      • jpfitz says:

        Do you know any underage kids? If so invite them over for some cookies and milk and play a board game. Or play a video game which I doubt you own. Or just watch some kid friendly tele.

        When you know the junkie and her friends are doing “their” thing call the police to complain about child endangerment perpetrated by your house mate. Take photos or video with the youngsters in the house the day of illicit drug use. Make sure your vid or pic is date and time stamped. Which most are automatically anyway.

        Happiness and joy wishes for you.

  12. Lord Buckley says:

    There’s a You Tube video that’s a few years old that you can find of a D.E.A. agent standing in front of a classroom lecturing a group of American schoolchildren about the hazards of firearms. The man winds up shooting himself in the thigh with his service pistol while he’s waving the gun around in the air. He made his point in spades – this person was not qualified to be handling a gun.

    The D.E.A. agent in the You Tube video broke two cardinal rules about the safe handling of firearms: 1) Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, and 2) Always keep your finger off the trigger unless you intend to fire. An addendum in his instance would have been for the D.E.A. agent to keep the firearm unloaded until it was ready to be used (he was back on the street, out of the school).

    It is a mistake to think that police are well trained or judicious in safe handling of firearms and if you’ve ever been to a gun range that police frequent or taken firearms training courses where members of law enforcement were present you’ll be shocked at how badly some of these “professionals” perform. Trained civilian shooters are typically much better and safer shooters than the police.

    Teachers can safely carry firearms on campus if they are properly trained and have the will to defend themselves and their students. There are reports that in Israel they had a problem with terrorists attacking schools, but as soon as they armed the teachers that problem stopped – though in Israel everyone does time in their military so both men and women are trained in handling firearms. Criminals and psychopaths attack places where there is no likelihood of being confronted with an armed citizen, they choose victim disarmament centers, and that’s why schools are vulnerable.

    As an old fellow shooter at our gun club used to say, “If every Jew in Germany had owned a gun, there wouldn’t have been any ‘Kristalnacht,'” but instead they allowed themselves to be victims.

  13. n5yck says:

    more copes are kill with thre on dum 9mill thatn you can cont
    a realy bad gun to sart with

  14. MikeN says:

    There was a big press conference with all sorts of guns put on display the result of a gun buyback. They had all the guns pointed at the audience.

  15. TThor says:

    Shows a lot of intelligence bringing a loaded weapon to a children’s reading event. Only in America!

  16. bobbo, we think with words, but then Manage to BS ourselves says:

    spsffan says:
    9/5/2013 at 3:28 pm

    The report seems to indicate that gun ownership and murder rate are completely unrelated. ///Yea, that was my impression after 90 seconds…… in my own bias…… meaning the researches did crap NOTHING to control extraneous variables. Which indeed, just publishing various studies with all their different protocols and approaches is just a hodge pod. Harvard?==I thought they were a good school? I’ll bet a hodge podge of published reports will show that success and failure is unrelated to what school you go to? Hah, hah==of Course, Harvad would rank at the top because success for Harvard Grads has nothing to do with going to Harvard but rather everything to do with being in a family that could SEND you to Harvard. So close…. isn’t it???? WORD POWER!!!!

    Do you really care if you are murdered by a gun or by other means? Perhaps a visit to Syria is in order. /// I definitely care. I want as quick and painless as possible if life is not an alternative. And, using life as an alternative, I assume that is more likely the less guns there are…. but Harvard doesn’t back me up on that, with THIS (Odious) Study.

    If I had only picked richer/RICHer parents. I coulda been a contender!!!!!

    • MikeN says:

      Bobbo, the science denier strikes again. Control and extraneous were both done, which is why they got the results you don’t like and wish to deny.

  17. Publius says:

    This is why you don’t bring a gun to a knife fight.

    It’s a shame somebody got hurt. However I am glad it wasn’t the kid who shot himself in the foot. I am not surprised either.

  18. Publius says:

    Seems to me that several parents in Lodi, need to write a letter to their State Assembly representative, and ask them NOW, to explain to the public their decision to allow SWAT loaded guns into their child’s school, without even warning the parents in advance so they could keep their kids home that day.

    If god forbid some child actually gets hurt by one of these loaded guns, then the followup phone call to the State Assembly representative, along with several reporters from the largest newspapers in the given State, will be much more difficult, for everyone.

    Parents: Tell your State Legislators to warn you in advance. The phone call the state representatives will be receiving may be MUCH more difficult if the responsible elected officials fail to adequately warn the parents next time, if something goes wrong again.

  19. MikeN says:

    They should have sent George Zimmerman. He knows how to handle a gun. Unfortunately, the White Hispanic has been forced to choose his life of helping people over the one he loves.

  20. jpfitz says:

    I say good on the kid. This hopefully will teach that firearms and children don’t mix, especially firearms without a mechanical safety are not to be brought into schools. You want your child to learn to shoot make sure he/she is supervised at the range and the firearm has a mechanical safety.

  21. jpfitz says:


    This is my fear while at a range. Some nut deciding to send people to “heaven”.

  22. DVM says:

    Glock pistols are only supposed to be carried in holsters that completely enclose the trigger to prevent unintentional discharge. Oh, but the need to attach a cool flashlight supersedes common sense.


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