Executive Producers: Sir Roy Pearce, Sir Donald Silva, Ryan Beck, Thomas Ballard, Ioan Emrich
Associate Executive Producers: Kevin Anderson, Jeffrey Yerkey, Chuck Kohler, Misty Tallman, Dame Astrid Klein
Art By: TomeyTunks
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I’d love to have a backyard nuke. Or how ’bout a simple pebble-bed reactor for my little Kansas town of 3700 souls? Thorium, anyone? The reason we’re not moving in this direction is because the monolithic regional utility companies would have to change or die & they don’t want to do either. Am I right?
Has nothing do with Fukushima, which was an epic fuck-up just waiting to happen. The geniuses that thought it would be a good idea to put the generators in the basement doomed it from the start. Isn’t that how it went? The Japanese-style speak-no-evil coverup prolongs the agony by decades & the proposal for an “ice wall” to dam the stuff in is an uproariously unfunny joke.
hope you guys enjoyed the extended weekend.
i was wandering around as usual, and as i cut
through the park i entered some sort of hare
krishna celebration. stunning indian women in
colorful saris, exotic group dancing, and free
gourmet food. you can’t fight the hypnosis, or
the sounds of drums, finger cymbals, and the
chanting of the mantra. i also had a pleasant
conversation about the religion, reincarnation,
and vegetarianism. (recommended experience)
Well, now you know more than any logical persons should about 28 day menstrual cycles and how it doesn’t quite fit the circadian rythms of life on this Earth — Smoke pot with the Greys and ignore that thing with the probing.
For some reason the http://www.nagradio.com/listen/ webpage is now asking for Flash Player [plugin?] 10, in order to play the live talk streams. But that’s not the case with the two “music” streams. Which work just fine. So obviously, somebody screwed up the page code. I’ve been using Flash plugins 11.x for months now. WTF has “10” got to do with it?
And the WMP alternative play buttons, wants WMP11 installed. Which might not fix the problem anyway. So I’m not buying that.
Is there a link to the live podcast stream, that bypasses this webpage’s players, altogether? And will WMP10 work with it?
That kind of nag happens to me from time to time when I’ve accidentally stayed booted into Win7 — What works for me is to run this url through winamp in xp —
Hey thanks. Yeah, I disected the webpage’s source code, and found the same url. But I was thinking of trying VLC , instead of Winamp.
And believe it or not, I am using Win XP, not Win 7.
Transient memory.
If a fine
leaf appears
in the heart
of the country
I can see, near
a glimmer, a
delicate white
Francesco Sinibaldi