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Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything.

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  1. ECA says:

    2 things..
    ALL the stocks are going to be PUSHED as end of year comes, and DROP at the end..
    No new tech has come out..

    Food is interesting dave.
    That over 60% of our EATING should be BULK food.. but its not.
    Bulk food does little except to make us FEEL full.
    Also the thought that MOSt weatern food is laced with Many types of sugars dosent help much.
    Fructose is NOT a good thing in the body. FRUIT contains very little of it, but we JUICE it and drink TONS.. a 6-8oz glass is about all you should drink per day.
    I wont even mention artificial sugars.. WHICH are stupid. for all the NATURAL sugars we can make and get..Artificial ones are just STUPID.
    BUT THEY ARE CHEAPER to make and process.

  2. ECA says:

    Think about a major corp, about ready to loose a Copyright..
    Why not MAKE a B’ company to make the product as a generic?
    WHICH could give you abit of control over the pricing.

    And if another company TRIES to get into it, you can either buy them out, or take them to COURT…JUST the idea of being a small comapny and going to court(for nothing) for 5 years is NOT a good thing..

  3. Publius says:

    Today I learned that an apparently official PATRIOT DAY on September 11 was added to all my wall calendars. (I have a store-bought calendar in the kitchen and a municipality-provided calendar in the bathroom.)

    I don’t know when the “holiday” got there. I don’t have a day off from work on the 11th and I don’t know anyone else that is off either. I do know the name strongly resembles the name of the USA PATRIOT ACT (of 2001), one of the most abusive to citizens legislation that was ever put into law on amazingly short notice in the dark of night, quite literally.

    What a strange coincidence. We in America now apparently have an official holiday slipped in by President Obama (presumably?) which commemorates over 2000 Americans getting bombed by foreigners mainly from Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The rest of the us Americans who surved the bombing soon got fucked by the abusive USA PATRIOT ACT legislation. And to top it off, the shit heads in our government name September 11 “Patriot Day” so we cannot talk about what went wrong in our government with one another clearly, just like the effect of naming the abusive USA PATRIOT ACT legislation as something which it most definitely is not, patriotic*.

    * Many Americans have the nerve to define “Patriotic” as that which is defending and protecting the US CONSTITUTION, which the USA PATRIOT ACT most notably IS SO VERY FAR FROM PROTECTING that it is utterly ridiculous.

  4. Publius says:

    Remember the Alamo. Remember the Maine. Remember September 11.

    The first popular American “REMEMBER” slogan was targeted at the Native Americans (“savages”) who resisted the taking of control of the land which they had thought they owned or at least were free to live on. How did they behave toward the settlers? Did they fix the settlers a nice Thanksgiving Dinner with turkey and mashed potatoes? What made them behave that way?

    The second popular “REMEMBER” slogan was targeted at the Spanish government’s imperial forces who, along with many other European governments, had tried to compete for ownership of land in the southern sections of North America. The USS Maine had been sunk off the coast, perhaps because of a mine laid by Spanish forces, perhaps.

    The third and current popular “REMEMBER” slogan was actually targeted at the Egyptians and Saudi Arabians, today known as “middle eastern terrorists,” who would have been called “savages” in an earlier day, but few ever thought about it that much. Why did they do it? It’s a hot topic, we are not supposed to remember why they did it, just that they did it, ironically.

    On September 11 — what we now call Patriot Day — please do take this opportunity to actually remember, compare, and contrast, the three famous American “REMEMBER” slogans. It’s touchy material, and few will dare to remember them, despite all three feeling perhaps like old history by now.

  5. Publius says:

    Woops these two comments were meant for NO AGENDA, not DH UNPLUGGED.

    My bad.


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