A look at major U.S. military strikes as ordered by the last five U.S. presidents and the degree of international support behind the actions.


—Beirut (1982-83): U.S. troops deployed to Lebanon as part of a three-nation peacekeeping force. Reagan ordered limited airstrikes, with France…

—Grenada (1983): Invasion by an estimated 7,000 U.S. troops and 300 OAS troops…

—Libya (1986): Airstrikes to punish leader Moammar Gadhafi’s regime for a Berlin disco explosion…


—Panama (1989): Invasion by more than 26,000 troops…

—Iraq (1991): Invasion of Iraq with troops from 33 other countries…

—Somalia (1992): Deployed troops for peacekeeping and humanitarian aid…


—Iraq (1993): Launched cruise missiles into Baghdad…

—Somalia (1993): Increased troop deployment…

—Haiti (1994) Deployed troops for peacekeeping and nation-building…

—Bosnia (1994-96): Launched airstrikes with NATO allies over 18 months…

—Iraq (1996): Launched cruise missiles at targets in southern Iraq…

—Sudan, Afghanistan (1998): Launched cruise missiles at terrorist training camps in Sudan and Afghanistan…

—Iraq (1998): Launched cruise missiles and airstrikes on a number of Baghdad targets…

—Kosovo: (1999): Launched airstrikes and cruise missiles over more than three months…


—Afghanistan (2001): Invaded as part of NATO mission…

—Iraq (2003): Invaded with ‘‘coalition of the willing’’…


—Libya (2011): Launched cruise missiles and commanded initial international military operation…

—Osama bin Laden (2011): While not an attack on a foreign nation, the raid that killed the al-Qaida leader is considered one of the Obama administration’s top military and intelligence successes…


Hundreds of deadly drone strikes have been carried out on al-Qaida targets during the Obama and the George W. Bush presidencies. The vast majority of them have been in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen…

Imagine how many people we might kill if we weren’t a peace-loving nation, eh?

  1. bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

    Naill Furgesen is currently touting his book “?” that shows that since WW2 we have been living in the most peaceful epoch of human history ever. If my housemates druggie friends don’t kill me to get their drugs, this will be good news!

    • Dallas says:

      We (Americans) are living in relative peaceful times. At least since Vietnam. NATO, along with a clear US superiority and resolve is responsible .

      Thank you, Pres Obama for keeping us safe, out of terrible new wars and terminating past wars in order to focus our resources on domestic issues. Much love .

      The real, non military war is taking place inside our borders against corporate greed and corruption. Sadly, the corporate enemies of the people are holding key territory inside Congress and the Supreme Court. The way to fight this is through sustained voting in of liberal, younger candidates.

      • Bobbo's Big Brother says:

        Dallas clearly doesn’t consider them foreign blacks and brown skins worthy of mention.
        ‘mericans safe, that’s all that matters bro…’part from them volks who have slightly more money than us, let’s lynch ’em.

    • MikeN says:

      Maybe you should consider not holding on to their drugs then.

      • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

        Cops don’t care and probably would arrest me for stealing her property. Hell of a situation for a King of his Castle to be faced with.

        ………..but so it goes.

        • MikeN says:

          So why are you trying to evict her?

          • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

            Loud Music, drug dealing “friends”, dog shits in house, breaks every thing she touches, fills house/yard up with her collected trash, leaves food and dirty dishes every where.

            Shes a total mess. Should be warehoused in a half way house, but Regan let her out on the streets with all the rights and protections of you and me.

            Pros and Cons to all we do.

          • MikeN says:

            Is she paying her rent? How are utilities being paid for?

          • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

            Well, Mickey…. you are showing a lot of interest in a totally tangential subject of interest to no one but myself? …… unless you or anyone else has an interest in the consequences of bad public policing on which I could go on for hours.

            She has two virtues or high moral values: she pays her rent on time $350/month for one bedroom and shared bath with cooking privileges and a shelf in the frig (sic). Utilities included. She doesn’t watch tv–spends all day on her cell phone to whom I don’t know and listening to CD’s.

            If she didn’t pay rent, that would have been first on my list, not for any special aggravation, but because that is so universally accepted as good cause to be upset with someone. I took her in as a charity, not as a $$ maker.

          • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

            ….. and the second value is she takes care of her dog, a chihauhau, as best as she can. She fails on certain levels at both. Those levels that require any insight and ability to learn.

            Sad really. My direct supervision was moving her twoards reasonable and then with a few calls to the cops informing her that she had “rights” and the relationship rotated off center.

            Hard to give rights to someone who can’t recognize those same rights apply to everyone else as well.


          • MikeN says:

            Cut off the power to her room.

          • MikeN says:

            Better yet, just raise the rent to $700.

          • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

            I hesitate to the point of “fear” to evict her as she has too many boy friends who would seek her favor by confronting me.

            That said, I’m trying to finesse the situation by being “mean” to her to get her to move on her own. Won’t do away with bad feelings, but hopefully will reduce them to the point I don’t get attacked. REALITY: already been threatened on unrelated issues by a firearm and a baseball bat. Cops said I wasn’t dead yet, so they couldn’t do anything.

            It seems to be working on odd days, and not working on even days. Then it flip flops just as she does.

            The law is on my side–I should be able to have her arrested for trespass but the cops won’t do that and require civil eviction proceedings regardless.

            On this issue….. I’m getting the shaft.

          • Tim says:

            *trying to be mean*

            Hmm, unscrew the lightbulb, prime the base with ground up pencils (graphite) held in the threads very loosly with a thin strip of gum wrapper or tinfoil so when she screws them back in they flash very brightly in her face and kicks the breaker. This un-nerves the victim — The reason for doing this in advance is to conceal the plunger you left in the toilet.

            Port out the back of your microwave by cutting a slit so that two cassette tape cases will fit. fill one of the 5 1/4″” cassette cases with parafine ( this is your nearly 180 phase-shifter for half the escaped irradiance) — When the wavefront passes through the two aperatures, the part going through the wax is shifted and essentially nulled out around the box like reverse-phased subwoofers. But the energy is still there, it is just *dark* but as it reflects off other preferrential objects (like antennas) they re-shift and you have psuedo 4-beam interferance thus rendering the cell phone obnoxious to use and sometimes very broken.

          • Tim says:

            Better, yet; Love her up and hide her in the closet with the jews — You might need the extra protein when sheltering in place due to the war and all.

        • MikeN says:

          So you can’t really go through eviction either or do anything because you are afraid. Assuming you did decide to do it, if the cops won’t throw her out, then why would they throw out after you go through an eviction process?

          Can you just change the locks when she is out?

          • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

            Mike–there is civil eviction for holding over that takes 3-8 weeks that cops will enforce, and there is criminal trespass for staying in a Landlords own Home after the rental period has been terminated that takes 5 minutes.

            Both procedures create hard feelings but the former allows them to fester, grow, and bring in friends and family for growing confrontations. The later is quick and done with any unpermitted visitors to be charged with trespass.

            Most jurisdictions in Ca will not recognize/enforce the criminal trespass of a Lodger who is overstaying. So, the cops are willing to throw her out but only under the longer stay scenario that I want to avoid if possible.

            Cops can charge ME with violating her rights ((failure to follow a cops order, breach of peace, assault, etc)) should I prevent a renter from having access to her rental area. I would be willing to be arrested and test the issue in court as the law is plainly written and the cops are enforcing it BACKWARDS but I can’t leave my house un supervised while I am at the police station drawing bail. Nothing might happen, or I could return to an emptied out house.

            Odds are in all of this… nothing would happen. But the risk or worse case happening is real…. and I’m just trying to manage it. Main conflict: I recognize the risk and care not to kill someone or go to jail for it. The numbnuts I am dealing with don’t.

            I think its called class divide or something like that.

    • USA is a killer nation! Nazi I’d say!

  2. noname says:

    America has to “defend” itself and it’s prestige against the worlds jealous people that so hate us!

    We Americans are such peace loving, admirable people going about our business just as George Washington told us so:

    “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy to be useful must be impartial; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

    The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.”

    • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

      Wonder what GW would have thought of WWI?

      Seems WWI was the gateway drug for the war addiction.

      • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

        Actually, the first Government we “took down” (with regards to General of the United States Army Wesley Kanne Clark) was Spain, apparently.

      • msbpodcast says:

        Seems WWI was the gateway drug for the war addiction.

        WWI started and was fought over the German Junkers trying to coerce the other kingdoms around Europe into accepting their pig marketing rights in Silesia.

        The “Great War” was primarily the result of a system of interlocking alliances.

        Everybody piled into the argument until it became a real oligarch cluster-fuck and it got away from the 1%ers who were supposed to administer it all.

        Is was a continuation of the wars in the 1800’s and before but it was fought with much better weaponry (created by some inventive military type 99%ers for killing other military type 99%ers, and anybody who was standing near them.)

        But, when all is said and done, war is just the continuation of minor family squabbles among the over-entitled.

        • msbpodcast says:

          One of the results of WWI was the redrawing of the Ottoman Empire* by the Western victors who set territories north-south across tribal territories which had traditionally run east-west.

          That shit is still haunting us.

          *) You don’t want to know what kind of fucked-up familial alliances led up to drawing the Ottoman Empire into WWI, but I can sum up the end in a single name: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

          • jpfitz says:

            A paramount decision with far-reaching implications. The cartographers of the day created the middle east problems of today. I couldn’t agree with you more msbpod.

          • Tim says:

            Yes, jpfitz. I wholeheartedly believe that, like Waco, we should have scraped ‘the holy land’ three feet below the bedrock and spread it, along with the jews, upon Arizona. But, what do I know??

          • jpfitz says:

            Didn’t a lot of Jews move to Arizona anyway?

            Maybe I misread your comment, but I believe the Brits drawing lines in the sand where they had no understanding of the movements and cultures of the native middle easterners is the snake that has come back to bite us in the ass.

            Waco was a 20th century FBI massacre. What does Waco have to do with WWI?

          • Tim says:

            They scraped Mt. Carmel three feet below the bedrock and maintain armed guard on the dumpsite. To hide the crimes — I believe BZ nerve agent was used on them, as well.

          • jpfitz says:

            Video of Stewart yesterday on this very subject. Pedro would make a great Sir Archibald Mapsalot IV.


    • bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

      Kinda stilted language: “Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.” ////

      All to the point:


      Even G Wash knew it. Nothing in the human dynamic has changed since we became homo.

  3. moss says:

    B-b-but it’s called the Department of Defense.

  4. Cgpnz says:

    This business about going to congress to satisfy consitutional requirements is pure BS. If they had any thoughts about the possiblity of passing war over someone’s civil war, they would not bother. All who request such except blocking.

    It’s such a pity you have a POTUS who cannot lead because the outcome will be vastly worse than hands off remote firepower.
    Once the Islamists get their hands on the sarin we all will know about it as they take revenge on 2/3rds their population being pesticisized. It took two to do the death march, the monsters and the pacifists who have no mind to stop them without a boot on he ground.

    • What? The moth is always drawn to the flame? says:

      So, you’re volunteering to be the first one off the boat when we come ashore? Yay!

      • Cgpnz says:

        I thought you guys paid staff to play really realistic video games for that.

        It’s a pity the US used to be the main player in the use of force. Now it’s the use of farce.

        • noname says:

          You’re not another blowhard chicken hawk, fomenting others deaths for your comfort …. Are you volunteering your children or yourself to be the first one off the boat when we come ashore?

          • Cgpnz says:

            Yeah my comfort and the lives of 2/3rds of Syrians. Looks like there is no nation left to protect the innonent.

            I bet the sec of state will resign when congress declines.

    • Cgpnz says:

      The article writer is perfectly correct. When there is a war to be fought has there EVER been a power figure who went to the people? the people and their representatives always will decline. Those who blow off ‘so you are volunteering …’ are just stating the obvious as always as paying the price of freedom who most now think is Ill spent. I wish my lot would spend proportionally on force to protect the worlds innocent. It looks like the world is now totally pacifist. Will we have universal freedom for all?

      • Cgpnz says:

        Those that have the the pacifier firmly stuck in their mouths still think we are war mongrels when we seek to halt a civil war that is about to go to the gas phase. Assad has called for the extermination of the terrorists. When the last standing jahdists eventually get their hands on sarin who will be their vengeance targets when most of their enemies have been wiped out?

  5. Stinger says:


    You discover a growing colony of ground killer bees on a vacant neighborhood lot next to your house.

    Do you:

    1. Suit up and set fire to the hive?
    2. Squirt the colony with a hose and hope they’ll disband and move somewhere else?
    3. Screen in your back deck so you can still go outside?
    4. Wait until the first bee tries to get into your house, then swat it and any others that follow?
    5. Keep an eye on the colony and act once it grows to a certain size or crosses your property line?
    6. Pretend you didn’t see the colony and hope the bees won’t bother you?
    7. Call “Billy the Exterminator” and tell him to handle it anyway he wants?
    8. Ask the neighbor the lives 2 blocks away what he would do and when?
    9. Continue to think about it and promise to make a decision tomorrow?

    Two weeks later, what will the neighbors say about your decision? Do you care?

    • noname says:

      That’s easy:

      Your thinking too small.

      Use a nuke with a timer and get out of town! No more bees, no more pesky neighbors a land available and ready to build to suit!

      It worked before!

    • Tim says:

      10. Install a smartmeter and put a little monsanto in yur garden.

    • Cgpnz says:

      You make a gesture invoking some ‘red line’ and then go back into the crowd when the bees take no notice. Hopefully someone else gets stung.

    • bobbo, how do you know what you know, and how do you change your mind says:

      we get hornets and their nests here all the time. There is a spray poison in a can that will squirt 10 feet or so then foams as it hits. Good stuff. forget the name of the stuff, but I call it: “Spray and Run”

      Should work on any neighbor that complains too, but so far everyone seems to hate hornets. Too bad they don’t feel the same way about the feral cats around here.

      • MikeN says:

        Bobbo, planning to poison his tenants. Or is he just going to open the window so that bees and hornets get in?

      • jpfitz says:

        I have lots of wasps, I screened off all but three posts covered with decorative caps. I don’t bother them and they don’t bother me. I too like bobbo used to use that spray and run, but every year the wasps return. Never been stung so I let nature be. I actually enjoy watching the nest above my shed door with the pupae being nurtured by wasps who don’t seem to be bothered by me.

        I could start an all out war on the insects or learn to live with them. Just don’t swat and you won’t be stung.

    • Mr Diesel - Bobbo who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn says:

      Funny, two weeks ago tonight I got stung 50-60 times by Hornets. They have no sense of humor.

      I spent three hours in a local hospital but I did learn something out of it. Dilaudid is my new painkiller of choice. Morphine is nice and I’ve had a lot in my life but Dilaudid is the cat’s ass.

      • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

        Ha, ha. Didn’t SouthPark have an episode regarding smelling cats ass’es to get high?

        Sorry…. of course that is your obvious reference.

        Well done!

        I’m allergic to bee stings myself. Once on a bike, I saw a crowd of people standing and looking but I saw nothing and kept going right into a swarm of bees. Got pelted about 50 times, but not a single sting. Animals have been very kind to me a number of occasions.

      • Cgpnz says:

        How come you ain’t dead?

        • bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

          Takes about 200 stings from an African Bee to kill an adult male. Don’t know about hornets. Assuming multiple stings from one Hornet, the actual amount of venom could be much reduced over what the amount of bee stings would deliver.

          Whatever….. fact is…. he lives, breathes, and posts.

        • Mr Diesel - Bobbo who thinks nothing is wrong with child porn says:

          I’m not allergic to much of anything. You get about 50 micro grams of acetylcholine per sting injected into your body from a Hornet (Yellow Jacket Wasp).

          If they were using Sarin I’d be dead.

          • noname says:

            Isn’t that the next step in bee evolution, Sarin venom?

            How else are the Bees going to mutate to survive mankind and colony collapse disorder!

  6. MikeN says:

    Shouldn’t presidents have to get credit for continuing their predecessors’ actions? So Bush and Obama should have Kosovo and Bosnia listed. For that matter, North Korea should be there too.

  7. dcphill says:

    Why do we think that killing people is OK.
    Can the war mongers and try peace for a change.

  8. bobbo, make Reality your friend. It only hurts the first few times. Something masochistic there, unwrapping one's self from the comfortable illusions of Dogma says:

    War does secure and maintain an Empire though.

    Good to look at once a month:

    Anyone know how they calculated the “relative power?” That is expressly what the x axis represents, but no telling of how it was judged. Somehow though, it strikes me as accurate–or meaningless, depending on my mood.


  9. Greg Allen says:

    It still amazes me when people claim that Muslims love violence but we Christian Americans love peace.

  10. deowll says:

    All of the Reagan operations were very short deployments of American forces and succeeded in achieving there objectives.

    The last two Presidents have vastly extended the scope and frequency of military interventions with rather questionable outcomes. I will note that in many cases they had the express legal authority to do what they did. After 911 Congress went into a complete funk and it shows little or no evidence of recovering from it.

    I will also note that Adam Curry picked up on a speech made in the EU by H. Clinton when she was Secretory of State to a bunch of bright young techies that suggests to me that much of the Arab Spring and the subsequent complete destabilization of the middle east was the end product of US government programs intended to bring western style progressive governments into power in North Africa and the Middle East. If so this has to be one of the biggest disasters in international political real politic ever.

  11. Supreme Ultrahuman (I see the comment system is still designed for retards.) says:

    If it doesn’t increase urban sprawl and help more middle class Americans drive 4x4s and live in big houses many miles from where they work it’s irrelevant. Most of the rest of the world is savages fighting other savages. Let ’em exterminate each other.

    Fuck it. Half of America is city dwelling savages – let them exterminate each other too.

    • jpfitz says:

      Here’s a list of Civil Wars since 1945. How many of these Civil Wars did the U.S. become involved in? Why is Syria at such a boiling point for the U.S. to care. The sarin gas is a misdirection in my opinion. And we all know about opinions. Sarin kill in one minute, not like the bullcrap vids being show constantly to the sheeple.


      From Wikipedia.
      Post-WWII (1945 to present)

      Greek Civil War, 1946–1949
      Paraguayan Civil War, 1947
      Palestinian Civil War, 1947–48
      Costa Rican Civil War, 1948
      La Violencia (Colombia), 1948–1958
      Laotian Secret War 1953-1975
      First Sudanese Civil War, 1955-1972
      Vietnam War, 1955-1975
      Guatemalan Civil War, 1960–1996
      Congo Crisis, 1960-1966
      North Yemen Civil War 1962-1970
      Dominican Civil War, 1965
      Rhodesian Bush War, 1965–1980
      Cypriot Civil War, 1963-1967
      Nigerian Civil War, 1967–1970
      The Troubles (Northern Ireland), 1969–1998, considered ongoing by extremist minority groups
      Dirty War (Argentina), 1969-1979
      Cambodian Civil War 1970-1975
      Bangladesh Liberation War (Pakistan), 1971
      Lebanese Civil War, 1975–1990
      Mozambican Civil War, 1975–1992
      Angolan Civil War, 1975-2002
      Afghan Civil War, 1978-present
      Nicaraguan Civil War, 1979–1990
      Salvadoran Civil War (El Salvador), 1979–1991
      Second Sudanese Civil War, 1983-2005
      Sri Lankan Civil War, 1983–2009
      First Liberian Civil War, 1989-1996
      Rwandan Civil War, 1990–1993
      Casamance Conflict (Senegal), 1990–2006
      Yugoslav Wars, 1991-1995
      Georgian Civil War, 1991-1993
      Sierra Leone Civil War, 1991–2002
      Algerian Civil War, 1991–2002, conflicts persist
      Civil war in Tajikistan, 1992-1997
      Burundi Civil War, 1993–2005
      1994 civil war in Yemen, 1994
      First Chechen War, 1994-1996
      Iraqi Kurdish Civil War, 1994–1997
      First Congo War, 1996–1997
      Clashes in Cambodia, 1997
      Nepalese Civil War, 1996–2006
      Rebellion in Albania, 1997
      Republic of the Congo Civil War, 1997-1999
      Guinea-Bissau Civil War, 1998–1999
      Kosovo War (Yugoslavia), 1998–1999
      Second Congo War, 1998-2003
      Second Liberian Civil War, 1999-2003
      Second Chechen War, 1999-2009
      Albanian rebellion in Macedonia, 2001
      Ivorian Civil War, 2002-2007
      War in Darfur, 2003-2009
      Fourth Chadian Civil War, 2005-2010
      Fatah–Hamas conflict (Palestine), 2006–2007, tensions ongoing
      Mexican Drug War, 2006-present
      Second Ivorian Civil War, 2011
      Libyan civil war, 2011
      Syrian civil war, 2011-present
      Azawadi War of Independence, 2012

      • MikeN says:

        Because almost all countries signed an international treaty outlawing chemical weapons. The only way such a treaty has any force is if you send a message to those who would think of using it, that the price is too great. Now if you have other civil wars that involved the use of chemical weapons after the signing of this treaty, then please list those.

        To let someone get away with using sarin, IF that’s what happened, tells other people, hey maybe I can get away with it too.

  12. MikeN says:

    “Where the stakes are the highest, in the war on terror, we cannot possibly succeed without extraordinary international cooperation. Effective international police actions require the highest degree of intelligence sharing, planning and collaborative enforcement.” (2004)

    “You know, if the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a U.N. mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it, do we have the coalition to make it work, and, you know, those are considerations that we have to take into account.” (2013)

    “I don’t want to just end the war, but I want to end the mindset that got us into war in the first place.” (2008)

    “It’s time to reject the counsel that says the American people would rather have someone who is strong and wrong than someone who is weak and right.” (2008)

    “That’s what I’m opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics.” (2002)

    “I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaeda.” (2002)

    “When we send our young men and women into harm’s way, we have a solemn obligation not to fudge the numbers or shade the truth about why they’re going, to care for their families while they’re gone, to tend to the soldiers upon their return, and to never ever go to war without enough troops to win the war, secure the peace, and earn the respect of the world.” (2004)

    The U.S. military has performed valiantly and brilliantly in Iraq. Our troops have done all that we have asked them to do and more. But no amount of American soldiers can solve the political differences at the heart of somebody else’s civil war, nor settle the grievances in the hearts of the combatants.” (2007).

    “The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action. As for the specific question about bombing suspected nuclear sites, I recently introduced S.J.Res.23, which states in part that “any offensive military action taken by the United States against Iran must be explicitly authorized by Congress.” In response to a question “In what circumstances would the president have constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress? … The notion that as a consequence of that [2002 Congressional] authorization, the president can continue down a failed path without any constraints from Congress whatsoever is wrong and is not warranted by our Constitution.” (2007)

  13. MikeN says:

    > you are showing a lot of interest in a totally tangential subject of interest to no one but myself?

    I agree it is strange for people to show interest in what you say.

  14. jpfitz says:

    War or shots over the bow are great for the military industrial complex. Yeah, I know you all have heard that phrase over and over.

    But, I have a disgusting example for you. While I was working at a machinery dealer as an application engineer in the early 90’s as George H. W. bombed Baghdad. I came to work the following day and the owner of the business literally jumped for joy knowing or hoping more destruction would bring in more sales of all types of machinery. That’s when I saw how spilling blood was good for business.

  15. mojo says:

    Is that pistol regulation, Sergeant?

  16. Captain Obvious says:

    The US has 650-700 military bases worldwide in 38 countries. By comparison Russia has a dozen and everyone else has a handful.

    OK, it’s way less Ron Paul quoted but it’s still ridiculous. The size of the US military will sink the country into the ground faster than any pork barrelling either party can dream up.

    • Captain Obvious says:

      Make that “foreign military bases”.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        Are those the ones in 38 countries?

        • Captain Obvious says:

          As long as you don’t count the US as a country, then semantically knock yourself out. I’ll draw you a venn diagram if you’re still confused.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Semantically…. what do you think? Are domestic installations part of “World Wide” or are they by custom not included??

            It goes like this: “How many bases does the US have?”—Domestic or World Wide?===or Domestic plus World Wide?

            ….but I agree with you as far as what the word actually exactly means.

            Hmmmm…..dictionary vs common usage???

            Have I ever mentioned that we think with words…. with about the same precision?

  17. MikeN says:

    We veterans can only look with amazement on the fact that this country has been unable to see there is absolutely no difference between ground troops and an aircraft crew, and yet people have accepted a differentiation fed them by the Administration. No ground troops are proposed for Syria, so it is all right to kill Syrians by remote control.


    We are asking here in Washington for some action, action from the Congress of the United States of America, which has the power to raise and maintain armies, and which by the Constitution also has the power to declare war. We have come here, not to the President, because we believe that this body can be responsive to the will of the people…”

  18. bobbo, we think with words but rarely pick up the Dictionary says:

    tv poll: 21% of people think that Bombing Syria “is NOT an Act of War.”

    21%???????? Holy Shit. People really are dumb. That has to mean another 10% answered it was but weren’t that sure?

    Ha, ha. Does make it hard to care what the sheep think when they display such stupidity. I “HATE” feeling so superior on such a dictionary issue.

    But thems the facts.

    • MikeN says:

      Last time you felt so superior, you were talking about FTEs and were dead wrong, as even Richard Trumka could tell you. Now given your track record, perhaps I should believe the statement that this is a ‘kinetic military operation’.

    • MikeN says:

      Sounds like you are agreeing with the petitioner:

      We veterans can only look with amazement on the fact that this country has been unable to see there is absolutely no difference between ground troops and an aircraft crew, and yet people have accepted a differentiation fed them by the Administration. No ground troops are proposed for Syria, so it is all right to kill Syrians by remote control.


      We are asking here in Washington for some action, action from the Congress of the United States of America, which has the power to raise and maintain armies, and which by the Constitution also has the power to declare war. We have come here, not to the President, because we believe that this body can be responsive to the will of the people…”

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo says:

        Yeap, thats why we were called: “Steely Eyed Killers.” Paid to do the job.

  19. bobbo, we think with words but rarely pick up the Dictionary says:

    This is another simple question: “Is the USA the Worlds Policeman?”

    Yeap! Too percontational you say? …….. I would hope so but in the interest of time >>>>> “No!”

  20. MikeN says:

    Isn’t Chuck Hagel one of the anti-Iraq War Republicans? He’s of the reality-based community who would put it to those rascally neo-cons as Secretary of Defense. What does he have to say about war with Syria?

    • bobbo, we think with words but rarely pick up the Dictionary says:

      I did see him on the tube but when I politicians lips start moving, I stop listening. I accept I was too quick with Hagel. I’ll listen next time.

      Why doesn everyone who becomes Presnedent of the GOUSA become a war/national security nut? And why don’t any of them factor in consequences????

      You know—when the UN won’t support military action…. you stop unless there are OVER RIDING national security interests. You know—like when we invaded Grenada or Panama. Syria??????? I think we should arm BOTH SIDES. Ha, ha. “The enemy of my enemy—makes for a worthwhile clusterfuck.”

  21. MikeN says:

    Can Howard Dean donors get a refund now?

  22. MikeN says:

    Obama’s Red Line

  23. WILLIAM says:

    This is not really about being the policeman of the world and much more about creating an environment that supports a version of capitalism. Its about keeping supply lines open as well as enslaving other countries to produce products at wages under the most basic human needs.

    The problem for the US is the homeland depletion of resources. That made it necessary to invade the middle east and parts of Africa. Panama is a required shipping route that cannot afford to be shut down. Asia produces products at slave wages and should China refuse to supply cheap products it would be attacked.

    If you think it is not true one should realize that identical resources sold to any other country command a significant price increase. Careful following large sources of resources consistently include a discount of some sort.


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